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Professional Liability Insurance Group Sep/Oct 2017

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Professional Liability Insurance Group September 2018

blog Done Is Better Than Perfect One Simple Concept Can Change Your Business Forever The Devil Is in

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Professional Liability Insurance Group, 1st quarter 2019

Professional Liability Insurance Group, 1st quarter 2019 The PLIG Professional’s PULSE 1st Quarter R

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Professional Liability Insurance Group March April 2018

Android app acts as a compliment to your current digital calendar, providing additional features and

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Professional Liability Insurance Group 3Q 2019

Professional Liability Insurance Group 3Q 2019 The PLIG Professional’s PULSE 3rd Quarter Managing Em

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Professional Liability Insurance Group May 2018

Professional Liability Insurance Group May 2018 The PLIG Professional’s PULSE Volume #23 The 1 Relat

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Professional Liability Insurance Group, 2nd quarter 2019

Professional Liability Insurance Group, 2nd quarter 2019 The PLIG Professional’s PULSE 2nd Quarter D

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Professional Liability Insurance Group July 2018

blog . 4 3 Professional Liability Insurance Group • Published byThe Newslett

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Professional Liability Insurance Group Volume #26 2018

Professional Liability Insurance Group Volume #26 2018 The PLIG Professional’s PULSE Volume #26 Grat

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Professional Liability Insurance Group - 4th Quarter

or processes. Look for a part of your business that costs you money and doesn’t add value. Eliminate

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Professional Liability Insurance Group - Volume 20

Professional Liability Insurance Group - Volume 20 The PLIG Professional’s PULSE Volume #20 SERVING

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Professional Liability Insurance Group Sep/Oct 2017

The PLIG Professional’s PULSE

Volume #19


Everyone has days when work just seems to fly by effortlessly.You feel laser-focused and hyper-productive. In short, you are “in the zone.” This proverbial zone, though, can feel elusive when distractions are plentiful and time is at a premium. Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (pronounced “Chick-zent-mee-hal-yi”) has spent his career investigating this state, which he calls “flow,” and his insights can help you harness your most productive self. Csikszentmihalyi’s seminal work,“Flow:The Psychology of Optimal Experience,” asserts that finding flow doesn’t just increase your ability to accomplish tasks, it also raises your happiness level.“Whenever the goal is to improve the quality of life, flow theory can point the way,” he writes. According to his research, a state of flow is reached when skill and challenge are balanced against one another.When the challenge is too low relative to skill, boredom follows.When it’s too high, anxiety overwhelms the ability to reach flow. Just the right proportion of challenge and skill, and your mind becomes totally engaged in the task at hand.“There’s this focus,” Csikszentmihalyi said in a recent talk,“that once it becomes intense, leads to a sense of ecstasy, a sense of clarity:You know exactly what you want to do from one moment to another.” So, how do you get yourself into flow state? The first step is to set clearly defined goals. Once you know what you are working toward, it becomes easier to maintain the focus required to reach optimal flow.The next step is to eliminate distractions that will divert your concentration. Flow is easier to maintain than it is to build up to, and you don’t want your flow broken by something that could’ve easily been put off.To this end, you shouldn’t perform menial tasks like checking email during larger projects. Use smaller activities as a way to break up larger ones, and you’ll find a more consistent work rate. Another important component of flow is what Csikszentmihalyi calls the “autotelic experience.” Autotelic means that you view what you’re doing as an end in itself and find the work intrinsically rewarding. If you find meaning in the activity at hand, rather than relying on external motivators, it’s easier to throw yourself into a project.The more you own your work, the more readily you’ll engage with full passion and attention.

The next time you find yourself going through the motions or watching the clock at work, don’t write it off as “one of those days.” Instead, take a step back, plan out your task list, and approach your assignments with vigor. Flow doesn’t strike you like a bolt of lightning; you have to work for it. Once you find a routine that puts you in the zone, stick to it. Great work will follow, and so will a better mood. - Shayne


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The Benefits Revolution


most successful benefits packages, you notice some trends.

Another burgeoning trend in the benefits revolution is an increased focus on employees’ families. Google is famous for their sleep pods, gourmet cooking, and access to fitness clubs. However, you might not know that if an employee passes away, their stock vests immediately and their spouse gets half the Googler’s salary for the next 10 years, as well as an additional $1,000 per month for each child. One employee reported that when he told his wife this, she cried. Campbell Soup Company offers on-site daycare and a full kindergarten program.Walt Disney Company offers free admission for their employees’ families, and Facebook dishes out a $4,000 bonus to employees with newborns. The overall trend is this: If you want to attract the best employees, offer incentives that touch their hearts, not blow their minds. Invest in health care, family support, and personal authenticity are going to be more important than getting it perfect right out of the gate. Don’t be afraid to experiment. It shows that your brand is “real” enough for the platform, and, as mentioned, it all disappears in 24 hours anyway. Because Snapchat can be used privately, you can also offer private deals or discounts. Additionally, you can reach out to individuals and build one-on-one relationships.You can also just goof around — or have an influencer goof around for you, letting them hijack your account for a few hours to have some fun.This approach has proved effective for brands like Adidas and Audi. Snapchat requires commitment. Since content disappears so quickly, it’s important to update Snapchat more often than other social media. The flip side is that you’ll see quick results from your marketing, and the standards of quality are considerably lower, because nobody expects you to churn out perfect content six times a day. Keep it real, and watch Snapchat work for you. development for your employees before you offer them break room snacks.

Startup companies are leading the benefits revolution in America. Netflix gives their employees a year of paid maternity leave. Google offers bottomless gourmet food and allows pets. And Airbnb gives employees $2,000 a year for travel. Those perks really jump off the page, don’t they? Well, they’re designed to. Major companies need to add a little sparkle to their benefits to attract the best talent. But which perks does the average employee desire most? When you study the

In a 2016 study, employee review platform Glassdoor found the most desired benefits are: 1. Health care insurance (including dental) 2. Vacation/paid time off 3. Performance bonuses 4. Paid sick days 5. 401(k), retirement plans, and/or pensions It comes as no surprise to see health care at the top. It’s a basic human need. After that, one of the biggest draws seems to be how easy the company makes it to not come to work.Take Lendio, a business funding corporation that was named by Forbes as the best place to work in Utah. They offer their employees unlimited PTO. No wonder they got the top slot. Writing for Quartz, social media expert Ian Kar highlights the benefits of Snapchat: the focus on content creation, a company dedicated to security, and a general air of authenticity.This makes Snapchat an ideal marketing platform for companies that value real relationships with their clients.“The result is content that seems more genuine than what you can find anywhere else,” Kar writes.“And if your content fails to meet even that bar, Snapchat’s designed so that your shame isn’t permanent.”What’s not to like about that? Snapchat can be a great way to cover a live event or product launch, or to give away temporary discounts and promo codes. If you’ve ever wanted to simulate the nail-biting, breath-holding suspense of a live unveiling event, Snapchat is the platform for you. But don’t think that you need a perfectly curated Snapchat account; quantity and

Show Clients the Real You Snapchat Marketing 101

Marketers haven’t jumped on Snapchat like other social media. Snapchat users send pictures, videos, and messages that quickly expire, usually in a matter of seconds.They can also create and follow public accounts, whose posts stay active for 24 hours in feeds called “Stories.” But impermanence makes advertisers leery. Why work on something that’s going to be completely unavailable in a few hours, if not sooner?

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We provide informative articles and topics that focus on information for businesses of all types. Recent blogs to check out: • Biggest Medical Innovations in 2017 • Grow Your Business With Online Payments • Know The Cost of Client Acquisition • Your Internet Can Make or Break Your Business

Take a look below to see a sneak peek of this month’s blog topic!

The Miracle of Modern Medicine Have You Heard About These Incredible Medical Innovations?

Artificial Retinas Over 1 million people are registered as legally blind in the U.S.Today, there is hope they could see again. A team from the Italian Institute of Technology developed a prosthesis which can be implanted into the eye to replace a damaged retina.The prosthesis absorbs photons when light enters the eye. Electricity stimulates retinal neurons, which fills in the gaps caused by damaged photoreceptors. Initial tests on rats have been successful, and the team hopes to begin clinical trials soon. Anti-Aging Drugs The idea of staying young has forever fascinated humanity. Stories of the Fountain of Youth and the Philosopher’s Stone have persisted for centuries. Now, many drug trials look like they could make the quest for eternal youth a reality. None of these medications will grant you immortality, but doctors involved with the trials suggest they could help the average human lifespan extend to 110–120 years.There are also ongoing trials for anti-Parkinson’s medication and Alzheimer’s medication. The future is closer than you think. Medical innovation is everywhere, and it can change how medical professionals assess, treat, and prevent health problems around the world.

Medicine and technology have always gone hand in hand. Health care is always changing to meet the demands of patients and to improve the care already provided by professionals. Let’s take a look at some of the best medical innovations from the recent past. The ‘StarTrek’ Tricorder In “Star Trek,” Dr.“Bones” McCoy used a tricorder, a small, hand- held device which could provide detailed analysis and information for medical diagnosis.The QualcommTricorder XPRIZE sought to bring the tricorder to life. Scientists were challenged to create an “automatic non-invasive health diagnostics system in a single portable package.” Last April, the United States company Final Frontier Medical Devices claimed first prize.While their hand-held diagnostic device, named DxtER (pronounced “Dexter”), isn’t an exact replica of Dr. McCoy’s tricorder, FFMD plans to continue developing the device. Robotic Nursing Assistant Last year, numerous robots were developed — not to replace human nurses, but to make their jobs safer and easier. Researchers at Duke University’s School of Engineering and School of Nursing developed a two-armed robot dubbed the Tele-Robotic Intelligent Nursing Assistant, or TRINA.TRINA was created to aid nurses in high-risk situations, such as cases of ebola outbreak, to treat patients while preventing the spread of infection.

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inside the platform’s search engine.To discover the best hashtags for your content, think of words or phrases that your clients would search in Google to get more information about your topics. One of the most useful additions to LinkedIn is the creation of enhanced reader analytics.With these reports, you can see exactly who has liked and commented on your posts, what company they work for, their job title, where they live, and exactly how they found your post.To use the feature, tap “Me” and you will find real-time information on the posts you’ve shared and the articles you have written. In today’s business world, it’s important to have a strong online presence. With these tips, you can begin to strengthen your LinkedIn profile, and in turn, win new business.

LinkedIn has over 467 million members, and seemingly infinite ways to connect. But if your profile isn’t strong or engaging, you’re missing out on many opportunities to be seen and heard. Just like any social network, the goal of LinkedIn is to connect like-minded individuals. In a professional space, the ability to network with people in your industry from the comfort of your own desk is invaluable to your potential reach. Last year, LinkedIn revealed new enhancements to their publishing platform that can help ensure your work gets you noticed by the right audience. One of these new enhancements was the addition of images. Everyone knows that an image is worth a thousand words, and LinkedIn revealed that articles including images generate 94 percent more total views. Given this, LinkedIn made it easier than ever to enhance publisher posts.All you have to do is click on the “Add Multimedia” icon and you can drag and drop images, videos, add links, and embed content inside your blog posts. Another new addition to LinkedIn is the use of hashtags. Hashtags are often misused and misunderstood, but when used correctly, they can help people discover your content. LinkedIn’s new enhancements make it necessary to get these right if you want the right people to view your content. LinkedIn has made it clear that posts including hashtags are easier to access and index

book review


Through these productivity experiments, there is one thing Bailey didn’t want to do: waste your time. Every chapter begins with a takeaway. Bailey tells you what you’ll get out of the chapter and how long the chapter will take to read. But Bailey challenges the reader, as well. Most chapters include a challenge for you to try. It’s all about relevancy to your life, personal and professional.At its core,“The Productivity Project” is a trove of ideas. When you want to master your productivity and live and work better, this book serves as a worthwhile starting point.

During that year, Bailey’s goal was to get more out of life by being more productive and working smarter, not harder.“The Productivity Project” takes that idea to the extreme. Much of the book recounts Bailey’s productivity experiments and what he learned along the way. Plus, he gives the reader tools and insights so they, too, can apply what he learned. One by one, Bailey works his way through a number of tasks to understand productivity and ultimately master it. He prepared by reading about the successes and failures of others with similar goals. He experimented with meditation, a modified sleep schedule, an altered diet, and even strategized his coffee consumption, among many other modifications — all with the goal of living and working better.

We all strive to be more productive.We are surrounded by advice, apps, and devices purported to boost our productivity, yet we don’t seem to be any better off.This challenge to achieve greater productivity is explored in “The Productivity Project: Accomplishing More by Managing Your Time, Attention, and Energy” by Chris Bailey.The author has a passion for productivity that most of us only dream of; he spent a full year attempting to be more productive.


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How it works All you have to do is tell a friend, a colleague, or any professional you know about us and make sure they tell us you sent them ... that’s it! Remember, protecting professionals is our specialty! You can refer any commercial business of any size, big or small, such as an accounting or law firm, a physician practice or health care facility, an architecture or engineering firm, or even your local restaurant or dry cleaner. What you win 1. For each referral, we will automatically send you a $10Wawa gift card! 2. Each referral automatically enters you into the quarterly drawing for a $50Visa gift card! 3. Each referral also enters you into the annual drawing for your choice of an iPad Mini or an Amazon Kindle Fire HD. 4. For each referral we receive, we will also donate $20 to a charity * of your choosing. *Charity must be a registered 501(c)(3). Remember, without your referrals and much appreciated testimonials, we would not be where we are today.Your words encourage us to do our best and help other professionals decide to do business with us.You can call 856-692-7702, fax 856-691-0059, or email your referrals and kind words to [email protected]. And, as always, we want to say “Thank you!” for the professional relationship we have with each of you!

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You don’t have to be a client to receive your freeWawa gift card.

There is absolutely no limit on how many times you can enter.

• Our contest is not in direct relation to any insurance sales.You’ll be rewarded simply for the lead. • You do not have to be present at the drawings to win. • Your referrals do not have to become our client for you to claim your prize. • We are not responsible if the law says you can’t win due to age or any other restriction.

Martin has one of the numbers 1, 2, or 3 in mind. Sophie is allowed to ask one question to Martin to find out which of these three numbers he has in mind. Martin will answer this question only with the answers “yes”,“no,” or “I don’t know.” Question: Which question should Sophie ask Martin to find out in just one turn which number he has in mind? FALL BRAIN TEASER

The PLIG P u z z l e Challenge At the Professional Liability Insurance Group, we know just how bright and intelligent our newsletter readers are, which is why we are happy to challenge you with this puzzle! All you have to do is answer the puzzle challenge correctly, take a picture of it, and send it to us. Email to info@Protect, fax to 856-691-0059, or call 856-692-7702 to read off your answers.The winner will be selected from a random drawing of all correct responses submitted prior to printing our next newsletter, and will win a $20Wawa gift card! Good luck!

Answer to last month’s brain teaser.

Richard is a strange liar. He lies on six days of the week, but on the seventh day, he always tells the truth. He made the following statements on three successive days: Day 1: “I lie on Monday and Tuesday.” Day 2: “Today, it’s Thursday, Saturday, or Sunday.” Day 3: “I lie on Wednesday and Friday.” Which day does Richard tell the truth?

The day on which Richard tells the truth isTuesday.


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FindYour Flow Which Perks Do Employees Desire Most? Snapchat Marketing 101 Check Out New Content on Our Blog! Incredible Medical Innovations You Need to Know About Maximizing New Media Book Review: ‘The Productivity Project’ The PLIG Puzzle Challenge Smarten UpYour Home 1 2 3 4

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devices to your phone.These devices can even “talk” to each other once they are part of your SmartThings system. If you want your coffee pot to turn on the moment you start running the shower, you can do it.You can also connect SmartThings to voice assistants like the Amazon Echo, which will allow you to turn on appliances with the sound of your voice. Interconnecting your home appliances will only grow easier in the coming years.Whether you want to dip your toe in the water or dive in fully, there’s a product out there for you.

We’ve all had those days when you leave the house, a cold chill runs down your spine, and your mind is flooded with doubt. Did I leave the stove on? Is the door unlocked? Luckily, like many common problems, the tech world is trying to make these worries a thing of the past.There are now a variety of apps that allow you to control nearly every aspect of your home from your phone, no matter where you are. At the simpler end of the spectrum are Belkin’s WeMo products.WeMo makes smart plugs that allow you to remotely operate any device that plugs into the wall.They’re great for products like hair straighteners that can pose a fire hazard if left on unattended. Another company at the forefront of household tech is Nest, best known for their thermostats. Nest thermostats are not only fully customizable based on time and weather conditions, but they can also program themselves through the Nest Learning System. Using the product is also energy efficient, saving you money on the electric bill.

If you want to your house to be fully teched out, then SmartThings is the best option.The SmartThings hub allows you to connect an infinite number of

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