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Professional Physical Therapy - February 2022

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Professional Physical Therapy - February 2021

PROPTINC That’s the question on everyone’s lips this month, as we continue to offer stellar content

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Professional Physical Therapy - January 2022

3 cup olive oil, garlic, salt, parsley, mint, pepper, and lemon zest and juice and blend ingredients

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early June. Getting married and having your first grandchildren are huge, exciting, and life-changin

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Professional Physical Therapy - June 2022

4 cup of the marinade. 3. Seal bag and massage marinade into the chicken. Chill in the fridge overni

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Professional Physical Therapy - March 2022

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Professional Physical Therapy Inc. - February 2020

2 tsp oregano Directions 1. In a skillet over medium heat, melt 2 tbsp of butter with 2 tbsp of oliv

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Professional Physical Therapy

animal-control-shelter. We chose Leah Snow as the patient of the month because she exemplifies what

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Professional Physical Therapy - FSI - February 2020

Professional Physical Therapy - FSI - February 2020 Attention, all shoulder and rotator cuff pain su

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Kaizen Physical Therapy - February 2022

2 tsp paprika • Salt and pepper, to taste MEDITERRANEAN STUFFED CHICKEN BREAST Inspired by DiabetesS

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Professional Physical Therapy - February 2022


February 2022

THERE’S A DAY FOR THAT! Prioritizing Not Giving Up

Many people don’t accomplish their goals or New Year’s resolutions, but it’s not too late to get back on track!

The second Friday in January is notoriously known as the day most people give up on their resolutions — it’s called Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day. We know it all too well: At the first of the year, gyms pile up with people setting out to become healthier, more active versions of themselves, and just a few short weeks later, the gym crowds dwindle back down. But, not to worry because Feb. 1 is National Get Up Day. It’s a day intended to remind us to persevere and get back up after we’ve been knocked down. No matter how many times we feel like giving up, it’s important to always try again. Have you already dropped your New Year’s resolutions? If so, I’m here to encourage you to step forward (even if it’s a small, baby step) and get back on track. Hop on that wagon and continue to accomplish what you set out to do. Every day, we face obstacles in our lives. But without aspirations and goals to overcome the challenges that life presents, we would never move forward. Perseverance means pushing through the clouds and the rain to find the silver lining. By pushing forward, despite difficult circumstances, we become stronger. The power of perseverance is displayed in our willingness to keep trying, no matter how difficult it is. We must always be optimistic about our future. February is also the month of love; after all, Valentine’s Day is this month! That being said, it’s important to practice self-love and care so you can get back up each time you get knocked down. We must accept where we are today, even if it’s at the bottom, and avoid focusing on where you think you should be. Thus, if you’re struggling with pain, inflammation, or mobility

issues and you feel stuck, or as if you’ve taken a step backward, don’t worry. There is always an opportunity to succeed — you just need to afford yourself the chance. This month, we are offering our monthly shoulder and rotator cuff workshops along with knee pain workshops to help you move forward on your wellness journey. We are also offering a few free consultations to discuss concerns and how physical therapy could be right for you. This year, don’t fall into the bunch who give up on their resolutions. Instead, love yourself and always give yourself a second chance. Get back on that wagon because you are always worth it!

–Dr. Stacey Raybuck Schatz • 508-528-6100 1


The Importance of a Good Night’s Rest

Cynthia Eames ST. JUDE


Sleep is an essential part of our lives, but it becomes even more important as we get older, as it’s a necessity for healthy aging and staying energized. Ideally, everyone should sleep between 7.5–9 hours a night, but as we get older, this becomes much harder to achieve. Health complaints, minor disturbances, and a decrease in melatonin levels make it difficult for seniors to get a full night of sleep, which can cause irritability and fatigue.

In order to combat these disturbances, here are a few things you can do to ensure you get enough sleep during the night.

Build an active daily routine. Outdoor exercise and general movement every day is good for your body, but being outside and absorbing sunlight can balance and optimize your melatonin levels, which can help you fall asleep easier. On top of exercise, try weaving protein-rich snacks and meals into your routine. Foods like light meat and nuts can improve sleep quality, and dairy foods contain tryptophan, which is a sleep- promoting chemical. Eliminate unhealthy substances. Limit your intake of caffeine and sugar throughout the day — especially right before bed — for better rest. It’s also best not to drink anything about an hour before bed, so you don’t wake up in the middle of the night to use the restroom and disrupt your sleep. Regulate your sleep schedule. Keeping the same schedule for sleeping can reap immediate benefits. You will notice increased alertness during waking hours as well as enhanced memory and attention span. You may also start to feel tired around the same time every day, ensuring that you will actually go to sleep right on schedule. It can take time and patience to adjust to new habits to improve sleep, especially for the elderly. It won’t happen overnight, but the benefits that come with a better night’s sleep will have you feeling younger and healthier than ever before. If anything, you will feel more engaged and happier throughout your daily life.

“I chose St. Jude. They help children and their families battling cancer, infectious disease, blood disorders, and tumors. Children are our future; we need to take care of them. 82 cents of every dollar support the treatment, research and future needs of St. Jude. They have been nominated for the Best Children’s Hospital, and they consistently rank as one of the best places to donate to.” –Cynthia Cindy came to ProPT after a significant injury and surgery. The first couple of weeks were tough. However, her positive attitude, compliance with her home exercises and physical therapy appointments, and motivation to get better helped her get to where she is today! She is now walking normally and has full range of motion. She is currently working on the last bit of strength she needs to be back at 100%. You’re a rock star, Cindy! Keep up the great work! You are almost there, and congrats on being patient of the month! We at Professional Physical Therapy would be honored to donate to the charity of your choice if you become our next Patient of the Month!

2 • 508-528-6100


Are you wondering how to tell if you’re hydrated enough? The color of your urine is a good thing to look at. If it’s light yellow or even colorless, your body is well hydrated. If your urine is amber or dark yellow, it is possible that you are dehydrated.

But what if staying hydrated is difficult for you? Here are some things you can do to get started.

Carry a water bottle with you throughout the day.

Add a slice of lemon or lime to your water, especially if you tend to get bored of the taste of plain water.

Some other signs that you are dehydrated include:

Urinating less frequently

Hydrate before, during, and after your workout.

Urinating in smaller amounts than normal

Drink water if you’re feeling hungry. Hunger is often confused with thirst, and according to some research, drinking water can help you feel full. If you are still thirsty, then you know your body is craving food. Plus, water consumption may contribute to weight loss. Set up a schedule to drink water. This helps you to remember and keep yourself accountable. For example, drink water when you first wake up, during meals, and when you go to bed. Drink water when dining out. It’s free and will keep you from overindulging during the meal! Water is important to every part of your body, so by drinking more water, you can improve your overall health. Drink up!

Having urine that is darker in color than usual

Suffering from dry mouth

Feeling fatigued or extremely thirsty

Suffering from confusion or frequent headaches

Feeling dizzy or lightheaded, especially when standing up

Lacking tears when crying

Water accounts for more than half of your body weight and you are constantly losing water when you sweat, go to the bathroom, and even breathe. When you are in extremely hot temperatures, have a fever, are sick, suffer from nausea or vomiting, have diarrhea, or when you are physically active, you lose water much faster than normal. In these situations, it is important to increase water intake to avoid becoming dehydrated.

On the Radar

Mediterranean Stuffed Chicken Breast

Upcoming Shoulder and KneeWorkshops!

Don’t let shoulder or knee pain keep you from enjoying the best things in life! We are excited to announce our upcoming shoulder/ rotator cuff and knee workshops along with 22 free consultations for 2022! Are you experiencing pain while partaking in your day- to-day activities? Is exercise uncomfortable at times? When reaching for objects or bending down, do you feel discomfort? If so, call today and book a free consultation to explore your options! Don’t forget to take advantage of our workshops — they’re a great place to gain some insight into your body and find some comfort and solutions. We look forward to seeing you! - Friday, Feb. 25, 2022 from 5:30–6:30 p.m. (Knee) - Friday, March 11, 2022 from 5:30–6:30 p.m. (Shoulder) - Saturday, March 26, 2022 from 8–9 a.m. (Knee)

Inspired by


• 2 chicken breasts • 2 oz mozzarella cheese, cubed • 2 canned artichoke hearts, chopped • 4 tsp sun-dried tomatoes, chopped • 10 large basil leaves, chopped

• 2 cloves garlic, chopped • 1/2 tsp curry powder • 1/2 tsp paprika • Salt and pepper, to taste


1. Preheat oven to 365 F. 2. Cut a slit lengthwise to create a pocket in the middle of each chicken breast. Place the breasts on a baking sheet. 3. In a medium bowl, combine the mozzarella cheese, artichoke hearts, tomatoes, basil, and garlic. 4. Divide the mixture in half and stuff each chicken breast pocket. Using toothpicks, seal the edges of the pockets. 5. Season the chicken with curry, paprika, salt, and pepper, then bake for 20 minutes or until the chicken reaches 165 F. 6. Remove the toothpicks and serve with rice, potatoes, salad, or roasted vegetables! • 508-528-6100 3

620 Old West Central St. Franklin, MA 02038 508-528-6100


Inside This Issue


National Get Up Day

Patient of the Month


Quality Sleep Can Promote Healthy Aging


Attend a Workshop

Mediterranean Stuffed Chicken Breast


Are You Drinking Enough Water?

Drink Up! THE IMPORTANCE OF H2O Your body needs it to thrive. In fact, it constitutes about 50%–70% of your body’s weight. We all depend on H2O to survive. In order to function properly, our cells, organs, and tissues rely on water. Water lubricates your joints, removes waste through urination, perspiration, and defecation, and maintains your body temperature. Water is also a vital component in your body’s digestion process. It helps break down the food you eat and makes sure your body absorbs the proper nutrients. Not only does it aid in digestion, but it also helps to avoid constipation. Water also gives your body the ability to fight off illnesses. It carries oxygen and nutrients, and staying hydrated improves your circulation, too! Thus, optimal health begins with staying hydrated. To stay hydrated, it is recommended that we drink 6–8 8-ounce glasses of water every day along with eating a variety of fruits and vegetables. Not drinking enough water could result in dehydration, meaning that your body doesn’t have enough fluids to operate properly.


4 • 508-528-6100