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Professional Physical Therapy - October 2017

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Professional Physical Therapy - July 2017

plan to address the cause of the problem. THIS OFFER EXPIRES AUGUST 31, SO DON’T WAIT! www.ProPTinc.

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Professional Physical Therapy - August 2017

plan to address the cause of the problem. • Sciatica • Arthritis THIS OFFER EXPIRES AUGUST 31, SO DO

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Professional Physical Therapy - October 2021

Balance-Exercises for an easy visual guide or turn to a physical therapist for help. If you’re young

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Gilbert Physical Therapy October 2017

2 cups frozen bell pepper stir-fry • • • • 2 cups water DIRECTIONS 1. Heat a large saucepan

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OPTM Physical Therapy - October 2017

OPTM Physical Therapy - October 2017 Monthly Luchadores and Superheroes and Gene Simmons — Oh My! OP

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Elite Physical Therapy - October 2017

2 cups frozen bell pepper stir-fry • 1 cup coarsely chopped fresh baby spinach • 2 cups water Direct

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Advance Physical Therapy October 2017

Advance Physical Therapy October 2017 THE MONTHLY ADVANCE 9362 W. Overland Rd., Boise, Idaho 83709 O

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Professional Physical Therapy

animal-control-shelter. We chose Leah Snow as the patient of the month because she exemplifies what

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Professional October 2017

living wage. It seems increasingly evident large number of employers are failing – whether deliberat

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Professional Physical Therapy - February 2022

2 tsp paprika • Salt and pepper, to taste DIRECTIONS 1. Preheat oven to 365 F. 2. Cut a slit lengthw

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Professional Physical Therapy - October 2017


620 Old West Central Street, Franklin, MA 02038 • 508-528-6100 •

Apples, Leaves, and Football Fall in New England

AS YOU MAY KNOW, my summer vacation this year took me up to the wilds of Alaska. The trip was phenomenal. I’ll never forget the wildlife, whitewater rafting and exploring some of the most pristine, untouched land I’ve ever had the pleasure of seeing. Even from a train car on the Alaskan railroad, it’s hard not to have to catch your breath. Returning from Alaska felt like a fitting conclusion to a wonderful summer. With the air starting to cool, I feel fall approaching, and that always means a few things for me. First, it’s apple season. We love to go apple picking. Even though produce at the markets seems to be getting better every year, it still doesn’t compare to the feeling and taste of pulling an apple from a tree and biting into it. The crispness, the combination of sweet and tart … that to me is fall in New England encapsulated into one bite. Of course, some of those exceptional apples end up going into a variety of baked goods. As the temperatures cool off, baking is my favorite way to heat up the house. You can bet that we’ll have plenty of apple crisp, apple pie, and applesauce on hand during the coming months. Maybe I’ll also try my hand at some apple turnovers. It would be fitting, given that the leaves are turning over as well. Not everyone relishes the frigid New England winter, but I’ve never met anyone who isn’t captivated by the beauty of our region during the fall. The leaves transform into a palette of autumnal colors, and the air even begins to smell different. My daily walks with my husband are always a joy, but maybe never more so than when every day brings with it a new shade in nature. Learn how to win a $25 Gift Card inside this issue! PROFESSIONAL PT PATIENTS, ENTER TO WIN!

Now, I know you’re probably reading this thinking, what about the Pats? Don’t worry, we’re huge Patriots fans, and fall wouldn’t be the same without watching them every Sunday. It’s been a golden era since we won the Super Bowl after the 2001 season, but I can still remember the days when being a Pats fan wasn’t a never-ending string of glories. The old Foxboro Stadium — with its metal bleachers and middling teams — is fun to think about now, but I’m in no rush to get back to those days. Hopefully even after Brady and Belichick ride off into the sunset, we can continue our winning ways. Before I sign off this month, I want to wish everyone a happy Halloween and a wonderful start to the holiday season. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that we have

Getting ready to board the Alaskan railroad on a trip through Seward to Girdwood.

Me playing moose.

My husband, Ken, and me whitewater rafting in class 3-4 rapids in Denali National Park where the water was 33 degrees.

This is me holding a newborn puppy at Happy Trails Kennels. The owner Martin Busey won the Iditarod four times and raises sled dogs.

a long, mild autumn before the snow comes. If not, I’ll have to save some apples to bake as a reminder of one of my favorite times of year.

– Dr. Stacey Raybuck Schatz

Professional Physical Therapy | 508-528-6100 • 1

How to Help Your Kids Get Over Their Fear of the Dark

afraid of, whether by shining a light into the closet or taking a look under the bed — with the child looking too — to prove there’s nothing to worry about. Empower them to banish their fears themselves. If they get frightened and run into your bedroom, escort them back to their own bed and help them relax. Their own bedroom must become a safe space. Only give your child healthy snacks before sending them to bed. Sugars and processed foods activate brain activity, putting your kid on high alert. Try vegetables, nuts, or string cheese. Of course, adding more light is always an option as well. Get a lamp with a dimmer that goes on their night stand or plug in a few fun night lights. Over the period of a few months, steadily decrease the amount of light in the room. Eventually, they’ll be fully acclimated.

Success Stories Then, you need to ensure your child feels safe in the dark. Spend some time with them after the lights are off, calmly reassuring them that they’re safe in their bedroom. Show that there’s nothing to be For many kids, there’s nothing scarier than the unknown of a dark room. Luckily, there are ways to help your child overcome the terror they feel as soon as you turn out the light. You can chase the beasts away for good, just in time for the spooky Halloween season. The first step to curing a child’s fear of the dark is to find out exactly what they’re afraid of . Ask your child what scares them, using open- ended questions. Don’t belittle or dismiss their specific fears. As trivial as it may seem to you, it’s all too real to your kid. A simple statement like “I can see you’re really scared” can go a long way.


“After stupidly falling on ice on my cross-country skis, I could barely walk half a block without having to sit to relieve the pain in my right buttock. My PCP prescribed PT. At my initial evaluation, Dr. Patt diagnosed a sacroiliac misalignment,

“I found it very enjoyable to come

here due to the friendliness and

casual atmosphere. Initially, I was fearful of going hiking, but the therapists here gave me tools so that I was able to go on several

tweaked my spine, and set up twice-weekly PT sessions with Sue, Amber, and him. From those electric stimulation beginnings to the concluding spine checks, I loved coming to PT. Yes, I quickly became pain-free, but I also enjoyed the cheery environment and knowledgeable, personable staff. Who knew a medical procedure could be so positive?!”

hikes during my vacation without any problems. The exercises I learned here will help me become strong enough to continue an active lifestyle.”

–Jane Doucet

–Barbara Ligon

“‘Rehabilitation in the hands of caring professionals’ describes the Professional Physical Therapy team perfectly. Sue Koeller, Sue Fiske, and Amber have been amazing in their guidance and support to rectify the pain and discomfort in my bursa. They faithfully listen and

“I had a great experience at Professional Physical Therapy. I was suffering from core and hip pain

during exercise and numbness afterward.

Through the exercises I was taught at PT, my pain was significantly reduced and

address any difficulties that present themselves between therapy visits. They are true professionals, well-trained, personable, and always ready to share a story or a laugh. Upon arrival at therapy, standing up and walking after sitting was difficult and painful. I often walked with a limp. My progress was slow at first. Sue Koeller recommended strengthening exercises to support my core and stretching exercises twice each day. I am happy to report that her recommended exercises have made all the difference. My limp is gone! Thank you to a top-notch team!”

the numbness is almost completely gone. Through my work here, I feel stronger and more flexible. I also feel a reduction in the lower back pain I’ve suffered from for years. Sue Koeller and the other therapists are tremendously caring, thoughtful, and professional. The atmosphere at ProPT has been friendly and inviting. I would recommend Sue and the other therapists at ProPT to any of my friends.” –Kurt Marcinkiewicz

–Ellen Veelenturf

2 • | Professional Physical Therapy

of the Month


“The Ryan’s Hope Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c) (3) organization founded in 2003. My friend’s son, Ryan, was diagnosed with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, a lethal genetic disorder, at age 2.

The Ryan’s Hope Foundation is entirely staffed by volunteers. There are no paid employees. Family and friends who want to make a difference work tirelessly to raise money that goes exclusively toward research that will help to realize a cure for this deadly disease. Their goal is to develop, organize, and direct the energies of volunteers and friends to promote fundraising activities while serving as a resource of information and support for parents of children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. If you have ever been to the clinic when Ed was here, you can understand our decision to choose him for our patient of the month. More than his excellent recovery, it was his ability to hold a conversation with anybody and lift the entire mood of the clinic just by walking in. From the front to the back staff, we are all proud of Ed for graduating and we will all miss him. In honor of Ed, Professional Physical Therapy is going to donate $100 to Ryan’s Hope Foundation in his name.

“The foundation’s mission is to increase awareness of the disease and to raise funds for research that may find a cure so that these children will hopefully have a brighter tomorrow.” –Edward Ellis Pumpkin Carving Contest! Patients Vs. the Pro PT Therapists Submit a photo of your best pumpkin carving by October 30 to [email protected] for the chance to WIN a $25 gift card!

Congratulations, Ed!

• Cooking spray • 6 ounces turkey breakfast sausage • 2½ cups frozen bell pepper stir-fry • 2 cups water • 1 (14½-ounce) can Italian-style stewed tomatoes, undrained and chopped • ¼ cup uncooked quick-cooking barley • 1 cup coarsely chopped fresh baby spinach Ingredients Directions 1. Heat a large saucepan over medium-high heat. Coat pan with cooking spray. Add sausage; cook 3 minutes or until browned. Remove from heat. 2. While sausage cooks, place stir-fry and 2 cups water in a blender; process until smooth. 3. Add stir-fry puree, tomatoes, and barley to sausage in pan. Bring mixture to a boil over high heat; cover, reduce heat to low, and simmer 10 minutes. Stir in spinach; cook 1 minute or until spinach wilts. Recipe courtesy of Sausage and Barley Soup It’s a great time of year to warm up with a cup of soup, and this comforting, guilt-free dish comes together in a flash.

WIN a $25 Gift Card! Review us on Google, refer a friend, or like us on Facebook for a chance to WIN.

Professional Physical Therapy | 508-528-6100 • 3 508-528-6100


620 Old West Central Street Franklin, MA 02038


Apples, Leaves, and Football | Cure Kids of Being Afraid of the Dark | Ryan’s Hope Foundation | Sausage and Barley Soup

Thank you for being part of the Professional Physical Therapy family!

Essential Oils Use Diffusers to Reap the Benefits of

If you’ve stopped by a health store recently, you’ve no doubt seen a huge selection of essential oils. These liquids, which contain concentrated, natural aroma compounds found in plants, are the basis of aromatherapy, one of the most popular trends in holistic health. Aromatherapy involves applying these oils to the skin or spraying them into the air. Skin application requires that you use diluted oils, because aromatic compounds are strong and can cause irritation. As a result of these concerns, many essential oil acolytes have turned to diffusers to get the benefits of aromatherapy in a safe, wonderful- smelling manner. In addition to filling your house with an all-natural, appealing perfume, aromatherapy has been touted as a way to help with everything from stress

few essential oils and put your new toy to use. Lemon oil is antibacterial and antiseptic, and it will freshen your environment. Cinnamon oil can clear congestion and has a homey, autumnal scent. Eucalyptus oil is an air purifier, but its scent is strong and not for everybody. If you want to de-stress, try rosemary oil, which decreases your cortisol levels. Take note that you should alert your doctor before partaking in aromatherapy if you’re pregnant, nursing, or on any medication. While most essential oils are perfectly safe to diffuse, the compounds in certain oils can combine with medication and trigger adverse side effects. Once you begin diffusing, you’ll never go back to commercial, chemical scent sprays. The benefits are evident, and the results smell sweet.

and insomnia to cognitive function and mood enhancement. To receive these benefits, you’ll need to pick up a diffuser and some oils. With so many options, though, how do you know which one is right for you? There is no shortage of methods for diffusing essential oils. Nebulizing diffusers don’t require any heat source, instead atomizing the essential oils. They are extremely effective, but they are also large and expensive. Ultrasonic diffusers are similarly heatless, preserving the oils. This type of diffuser can also work as a humidifier, making it a valuable multitasker. Heat and evaporative diffusers are cheaper options, but they tend to alter oils or separate particles according to size. Once you decide on the best diffuser for your home, you need to select a

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