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Star: Live Without Neck Pain & Headaches

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Fritz: Live Without Neck Pain & Headaches

4 cups flour • 2 teaspoons baking soda • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract • 4 cups milk chocolate chips I

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Live Without Neck Pain & Headaches

Training • One-on-One Time with a Licensed Expert • Evidence-Based Treatment Approaches • Tailor-Mad

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Crabapple: Live Without Neck Pain & Headaches

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MPTS: Live Without Neck Pain & Headaches

or technique.Ouradvancedmanual therapy training allows us to apply a hands-on approach philosophy to

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Family: Live Without Neck Pain & Headaches

HEALTHTRAX P: (860) 698-6308 Refer a Friend Patient Success Spotlight If you know

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Live Without Neck Pain & Headaches

Live Without Neck Pain & Headaches Health &Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For

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Progressive: Live Without Neck Pain & Headaches

NEWSLETTER Getting To Know The Progressive PT Staff! ARYN ROCKEY

Taryn Rockey, MPT Staff Physical Therapist PRN, Seymour & Columbus Taryn is a graduate of the University of Evansville and earned her Master’s in Physical Therapy degree in 2001. She joined Progressive Physical Therapy in 2006 at the Seymour Clinic. Taryn’s goal is to assist patients in returning to their highest functional level through the provision of individualized, compassionate, and quality physical therapy services. She also believes in focusing on patient education to prevent re-injury. Taryn has clinical experience providing care for patients of all ages with orthopedic and neurological diagnoses.ShereceivedhercredentialsasaCertified KinesioTapingPractitioner in 2004. Furthermore, she has certifications as a provider of Astym® and DSI Work Solutions Functional Capacity Assessments and job site assessments. She has also received additional training in providing treatment for the low back and performing Mulligan’s joint mobilizations with movement. Taryn’s professional interests include general orthopedics. Taryn and her husband, Shawn, and children reside in Seymour, IN. In her free time, she enjoys playing volleyball, reading, and gardening.


GainReliefBySeekingPhysicalTherapy It’sYourChoice! HaveFun:WordSearch! NoReferralNeeded


“Get Rid Of That Nagging Headache!” LIVE WITHOUT NECK PAIN & HEADACHES

Do you suffer from frequent neck pain and headaches? People literally live on Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen for years because they constantly have a nagging headache, induced by muscle spasms in the neck. Many people who suffer from frequent headaches fear they have an underlying neck problem that may go undiagnosed or untreated. The Cause of Most Headaches Headaches can range fromminor nagging pains to full-blown migraines that knock you off your feet for a day or two. Any headache, whether tremendous pain or not, should be a warning sign that the muscles around your spine and neck may be too tight and tense. Prolonged muscle tension may cause you to feel stiff and achy. One may feel pain in the shoulders, neck, upper back and even radiating out to the upper arms. Most people who have headaches complain about having neck and shoulder pain. The most intense pain usually lies directly in the upper back sides of the neck. The pain then radiates into the shoulder area. This is why many people who have headaches treat themselves to seek frequent neck and shoulder massages. Relief That Works Physical therapy goes beyond massages to evaluate and treat the root cause of your pain. Muscular tightness may lead to poor joint movement and weakness. Our medical physical therapy experts are trained in specialized, hands-on treatments to quickly reduce your pain. and improved motion. We help to train you in gentle exercises and self- help techniques to relieve neck pain and headaches independently and prevent the problem from reoccurring. Physical therapy can help you to relieve the tightness and tension in your muscles, helping you live a happy, pain-free life.

It’s Your Choice!

Do you know who gets to decide where you go for physical therapy? The answer is: YOU! Youdecide. It’syourchoice. Do your research, ask a friend or family member, explore our website, or give us a call. Go to a facility with a proven track record that has a history of getting results. You deserve a

positive, friendly, highly-skilled environment where you will receive “one-on-one” care. Choose your physical therapy provider carefully. When you see your physician tell them you want to go to Progressive Physical Therapy.

“GAIN RELIEF BY SEEKING PHYSICAL THERAPY.” The neck can be a hidden and debilitating source of headaches. Very often neck pain and headaches go hand-in-hand, leading to a miserable time coping with everyday activities. According to the National Institute of Health Statistics neck pain and headaches are the second most common form of pain experienced by Americans, with 59% reporting it affected their enjoyment of life. Some headaches are often grouped under the term “cervicogenic headache” meaning that the primary source is from the neck.

There are well mapped out patterns of headaches that come from the different parts of the neck, shoulder and upper back areas. The discs between your bones (vertebrae) and joints in the upper neck often contribute to headaches. Even headaches located in the forehead or behind the eyes are often referred pains stemming from problem areas in the neck and base of the skull. The joints connecting the top three vertebral levels of the neck handle almost 50% of the total motion of the entire neck. This means they absorb a lot of repetitive strain. These joints bear the main load of the weight of the head (about that of a bowling ball). With fatigue, poor posture, injuries, disc problems, arthritis, muscular stress and even prior surgeries, the wear and tear on this critical region of your body can prove too much, resulting in pain. It is also possible that you may develop a narrowing of the spinal canal itself. Since the spinal cord runs through the spine, a narrowing of the canal or where the nerves exit, can lead to a condition called spinal stenosis. There is much that can be done to treat neck pain and headaches. Our expert physical therapists have years of experience helping people with neck pain and headaches. By finding the root cause of your neck pain and

headaches we can relieve your pain quickly, reduce the need for medication and get you back to the activities you enjoy.

Discover how our team of specialists at Progressive Physical Therapy can eliminate your neck pain and headaches allowing you to live a happy, active and pain-free life. Call today for more details!

Have FUN: Word Search!


INGREDIENTS • 1 (64 fluid ounce) bottle apple cider • 3 cinnamon sticks

• 1 teaspoon whole allspice • 1 teaspoon whole cloves • 1/3 cup brown sugar

DIRECTIONS In a slow cooker, combine apple cider and cinnamon sticks. Wrap allspice and cloves in a small piece of cheesecloth, and add to pot. Stir in brown sugar. Bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat, and keep warm.

Patient Success Spotlights

I could tell that I was going to get the help I needed!

“When Istarted therapy Iwashaving troubledoingdaily things likebendingand lifting. Icouldn’teven do my job. After I started coming here I could tell that I was going to get the help I needed. Now I amalmostcompletelyback tonormaland Ican’t thankyouallenough!” -Trisha, Greensburg Clinic

No Referral Needed!

Can I see a Physical Therapist without a referral or prescription?

One of the most common questions we get is “Do I need a referral or prescription to come see you?” The answer to this question is “NO”!

I could not have done it without them!

“Thankyou to thestaffofProgressivePhysical Therapy! They are wonderful to work with. I had a lot of pain and we worked through it together. I could not have done it without them. They answered all my questions and still smiled whether I was in a good mood or a lot of pain. When they say to do your exercises…….DO THEM! P.S. They love crescent rolls from Linzy B’s!” - Greg, Seymour Clinic

Maybe you’ve tweaked your back while out in the yard, trying to do too much too quickly so you could catch the end of the baseball game. Maybe you’ve pushed yourself a little too hard preparing for your next race and that ache in your knee won’t go away, even after a couple days off. Maybe you simply took a funny step off the curb and are feeling a little twinge in your ankle. Wouldn’t it be great if you could cut out a few steps (and save a few dollars) and head directly to your physical therapist? YOU CAN! Give us a call today for more information!


I can resumemost of my normal activities!

“At age 62 and really injured for the first time in my life, I did not know what to expect when I was advised to go to physical therapy. My first contact here was Ashley who helped me in explaining theprocessandmakingmyappointments. Oncehere, IbeganworkingwithDawnand Mark and they quickly put all my fears at rest and encouraged me through my recovery. Thanks to both of them, I feel now I can resume most of my normal activities. Hopefully I will not require future physical therapy needs but if I do, I will certainly know who I can count on during my recovery and will recommend Progressive Physical Therapy to others.” - Ron, Columbus Clinic

Monday: 8am-6pm Tuesday: 8am-4pm Wednesday: 8am-6pm Thursday: 8am-4pm Friday: 8am-5pm


2475 NorthPark, Suite 20 Columbus, IN 47203

Phone: (812) 372-7800 Fax: (812) 372-0706