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Progressive PT_Relieving Neck Pain

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Progressive: Live Without Neck Pain & Headaches

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Progressive: Don't Suffer With Pain

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Progressive PT: Helping Arthritis Pain

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Progressive PT_Relieving Neck Pain


You probably already know to make an appointment with a physical therapist when you sprain your ankle or develop tennis elbow. But what if you’ve felt a slight twinge in your knee during your daily walk or noticed that your posture has changed since you accepted a job that requires sitting for eight hours a day? Or maybe you’ve been thinking about joining a gym to get in shape. Are these reasons to see a physical therapist? Yes! Physical therapists are experts in injury prevention and are trained to spot small problems before they become big problems. When caught early, injuries—or the very beginning signs of an injury—are easier to treat and the recovery period is shorter, less expensive and less of a burden on everyday life. Here are a few things to look out for:

• Joint pain • Tenderness • Swelling • Reduced range of motion • Weakness • Numbness or tingling • Balance issues

If you’re experiencing any of these signs or symptoms, schedule an appointment with a physical therapist to rule out a potential problem or to nip one in the bud before it becomes more serious. Your PT can design an injury prevention exercise program to suit your specific needs and ensure your healthy participation in sports, recreational activities and everyday life.


AreYouHurtingyourneckWhileyousleep? NoReferralNeeded PatientSuccessSpotlights FREESciatica&BackPainWorkshop


“Share Great Moments Without Fear Of Pain!” RELIEVING NECK PAIN Neck pain can be a constant ache or sharp pain with movement, stopping you fromenjoying life’sactivities.Neckpain isverycommonaffectingapproximately 2/3 rds of the population at one point or another. People with neck pain suffer mainly from one of the following conditions:

Degenerative Disc Disease The discs are the fluid filled sacs between the bones of your neck.The normal agingprocessshrinks thediscsanddries themout.Repeatedstressandstrain also weakens the tissues that make up a disc. When this happens, the disc loses its ability to absorb shock. In turn, this causes rubbing and changes in the shape of the joints in your neck, which can be painful. Muscle Strain When there is an injury to the neck or you overuse the shoulder and neck muscles, a strain can occur. When this happens, the neck muscles may go into spasm to help support and protect the sore area. Mechanical Neck Pain Mechanical pain usually starts from changes in the neck joints. As discs start to collapse, the space between the neck bones narrows, and the joints may become inflamed.The pain is usually chronic and is typically felt in the middle part of the neck. However, it may spread from the neck into the upper back or to the outside of the shoulder in some cases. Radiculopathy Pressureor irritationonoraround thenervesof theneckcanaffect thenerves’ electrical signals. The pressure or irritation can be felt as numbness on the skin,weakness in themusclesorpainalong thepathof thenerve.Weakness in the spine muscles can cause abnormal pressure on the nerves and increased chance of radiculopathy. Ifyouaresufferingfromneckpain,ourSPINEProgram is ideal toquicklyrelieve yourpainandprevent itfromreturning.From long-termneckpain, torecovering from a complicated surgery, we can relieve your pain quickly, returning your natural mobility and strength. Our treatments are designed to help ease pain and to improve flexibility, strength, posture and function. We even teach you how toprotectyourneck in theyearsahead. Look inside to learn more about our SPINE Program and say good-bye to that aching neck!

Do you (or someone you know) suffer from pain, numbness or tingling in your legs, feet, buttocks or lower back? You are invited to our FREE Back Pain & Sciatica Workshop

January 23rd 11AM Seymour Clinic 321 W. Bruce St., Suite B Seymour, IN 47274 812-522-7887

January 31st 11AM Columbus Clinic 2475 NorthPark, Suite 20 Columbus, IN 47203 812-372-7800

You Should Only Attend These Workshops If: • You or a loved one suffer from back pain or sciatica. • You have suffered with pain for longer than you feel you should have. • You are currently seeing a doctor or thinking about it.

How Do I Register for These Workshops? Call the Progressive Physical Therapy Clinic you would like to attend the workshop at:

Seymour Clinic 812-522-7887

Columbus Clinic 812-372-7800

This workshop is completely FREE!

But, we only have 25 seats available for each event due to the interactive nature of the workshop. So be sure to register by Calling Now or registering on our website ARE YOU HURTING YOUR NECKWHILE YOU SLEEP?

We spend one third of our lives sleeping. Therefore, how you sleep and the bed you sleep on can have a dramatic effect on the support of your body. When you sleep you need to be aware of how your neck and spine are supported. There are many different types of beds on the market today which can be very confusing for consumers.The best type of bed is the one thatyou tryoutand feelmostcomfortableusing.Typically,abed that isfirm underneath, with a softer top helps to provide support as well as contour your body. If your mattress is old, then think about investing in a new one so that your neck and spine are supported well. The best positions to sleep in for your spine are on your back or sides. Avoid sleeping on your stomach since your spine ends up twisted, especially your neck.Over thehoursofrepetitivesleepingonyourstomach,youcandamage the joints of your spine and compress the nerves exiting your spine. Use a pillow to help support your body and take the weight of your legs off your spine. If you like to sleep on your back, place a pillow under the backs of your thighs and knees. This should place your knees in a slight, supported bend which takes pressure off your lower back. If you sleep on your side, be sure to put a pillow between your knees. This helps keep the alignment of your spine, and takes the pressure of your upper leg off the spine. Have 1-2 pillows under your head to keep your neck in proper alignment. If you need 2 pillows stagger them so that one pillow overlaps the other by one half. The lower half goes under the shoulders, while the upper half supports the neck.

Our physical therapists at Progressive Physical Therapy can show you exercises, stretches and techniques to relieve your pain and prevent it from returning. If you are suffering with neck or back pain, call us today to learn more about how we can relieve your pain, returning you to a more active, pain-free life!

Patient Success Spotlights

I amable to walk without pain!

“Before I came to Progressive Physical Therapy, I was having difficulty walking without pain in my left hip. Erin said it was my Sciatica and assured me she could help, but that it would take time. With physical therapy and specific exercises, I am able to walk without pain. Thank you Progressive Physical Therapy!” - Diann, Greensburg Clinic

No Referral Needed!

Can I see a Physical Therapist without a referral or prescription?

Helpedme get back to work in a timelymanner!

One of the most common questions we get is “Do I need a referral or prescription to come see you?” The answer to this question is “NO”!

“Due to a shoulder injury, I was blessed with the opportunity to receive treatment atProgressivePhysicalTherapy. Ireceived treatment both before and after surgery, which helped me get back to work in a timely manner. Most importantly, I can now care for my one year old son, whom I’ve had to care for from a distance. I can now enjoy his giggles and laughter as I toss him in the air, thanks to the staff at Progressive Physical Therapy. My family and I appreciate the care you have provided.” - Joseph, Seymour Clinic Maybe you’ve tweaked your back while out in the yard, trying to do too much too quickly so you could catch the end of the baseball game. Maybe you’ve pushed yourself a little too hard preparing for your next race and that ache in your knee won’t go away, even after a couple days off. Maybe you simply took a funny step off the curb and are feeling a little twinge in your ankle. Wouldn’t it be great if you could cut out a few steps (and save a few dollars) and head directly to your physical therapist? YOU CAN! Give us a call today for more information! Happy New Year!

I amprettymuch back to normal!

“I had almost no activity because of my back pain before I came to see Dawn. Now, I am pretty much back to my normal active self. Dawn has helped me learn the proper exercises and stretches to get back on track! Just bending was a problem. Today I feel so much better after my visits with Dawn! Thank you, Dawn! And I will definitely be back if my back goes out again!” - Beth, Columbus Clinic

All of us at Progressive PhysicalTherapy want to wish you a Happy New Year! We hope your 2018 is filled with happiness, love, and good health.Thank you for letting us serve you and our community for another year. We look forward to doing the same in 2018. Best wishes!