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PT 360 January 2018

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PT 360 - January 2021

cow pose. While improving your pelvic floor health, try to avoid doing other exercises that can stra

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PT 360 - January 2020

7 to assist passengers, while others host animal visits every represent coins, a sign of prosperity

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PT 360 February 2018

PT 360 February 2018 Getting you back to the life you want to live. 360 F ebruary 2018 In Touch

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PT 360 December 2018

2 cup heavy cream • 1 tablespoon unsalted butter • 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil • Salt and pe

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PT 360 June 2018

2 cup cilantro • 1 clove garlic • 2 tablespoons olive oil • Juice of 1 lime • 2 teaspoons honey FOR

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PT 360 August 2018

high-volume workouts stimulate muscle protein synthesis (the process by which muscle is built) more

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PT 360 October 2018

PT 360 October 2018 Getting you back to the life you want to live. 360 O ctober 2018 In Touch N ot J

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PT 360 September 2018

2 red onion, thinly sliced • 1 cucumber, sliced into rounds • 20 basil leaves, chopped • Salt, to ta

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PT 360 May 2018

8 at 6:00 pm L imited to first 20 registrants 3 PRST STD US POSTAGE PAID BOISE, ID PE

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PT 360 November 2018

2 cup dark brown sugar • 4 tablespoons unsalted butter • 1 tablespoon kosher salt Instructions sugar

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PT 360 January 2018

Getting you back to the life you want to live.


J anuary 2018

In Touch

T he N ew G roove

we’d like to change, or aspire to attain. It’s overcoming those hurdles, the deep grooves, formed after repeating poor choices, learned behaviors, the easy road, rather than the one requiring more effort and intention, that’s the hard part. It’s easy to want to be more fit, and to keep sitting on the couch watching “Game of Thrones.” Or to want to make better nutrition choices, but be derailed by foodie fanciness (damn you, Portland!), decadent desserts, and a bag of chips. Goals are easy things to come up with, but creating the map to the goal is hard. It’s bushwhacking away from the highly traveled path of ingrained behaviors into new terrain. It’s taking a single step repeatedly, often, and with intent, that lets you look back and see that, yes, you are somewhere totally new and amazing. For 2018, I wish you a new groove. Take on that big goal, and don’t expect to teleport. Keep a laser focus on your destination, bring a machete, a constant reminder about the why and the what of your intent, keep moving, and be prepared to feel lost in the woods. It’s then you’ll know you’re not in Kansas anymore. The rewiring is happening. Then, before you know it, covered in mud, sweat, and tears, there it is, no longer a goal, but an achievement. Now strap on those good hiking boots and groove away. You got this. Shelly Coffman

This fall, I went to a great PT course. Early in the day, the PT instructor mentioned grooving a new pattern, giving me an instant aha moment. We talk about this a lot with patients, how we give you frequent home exercise sessions not to create more work but to dig in to make new patterns. When you’re in pain, you mostly arrived there from a bad pattern (and sometimes some additional questionable choices). It took a lot of altered muscle tightness and imbalance and using muscles poorly to even get to that pain. Then it’s your new normal, the easy road. The weak link dictates the path. When the instructor mentioned the word ‘groove,’ my heavily visual brain thought instantly of a flat slippery slope and a marble. On a totally flat surface, that marble could go anywhere, depending on the force applied. But throw a groove in there — now there’s another force vector (I did mention I’m a nerd, right?). With a light force to start, that marble will grab on to a deeply grooved surface and change directions. But say we start a new groove, a lightly grooved surface. It takes more specific force, more specific direction to keep it there, rather than being more aimless and heading for the deep groove. With repeated work and intention into the new groove, it gets deeper, and easier to grab on to. My aha came when I realized this neurophysiology is, at its core, human behavior. We all have things

5 F itness T rends F rom 2017 ... And Where We're Headed Next

The words “trend” and “fad” are often used interchangeably in the fitness world (as well as everywhere else). But do we even know the difference? According to, a trend is “the general course or prevailing tendency,” whereas a fad is “a temporary fashion, notion, or manner of conduct.” Unlike fads, then, fitness trends show us where our workouts are headed and how to improve them. Each year, the American College of Sports and Medicine conducts a survey of worldwide fitness trends to help identify those that have a “perceived positive impact in the industry.” Based on feedback from thousands of fitness professionals from across the globe, here are the top five fitness trends of 2017. W earable T echnology Ranked No. 1 despite having emerged on the fitness scene only a few years ago, wearable technology — including activity trackers, GPS devices, and heart rate monitors — hasn’t so much changed the way we work out as it has provided enthusiasts motivation to keep moving. Activity trackers, like Fitbit wristbands, keep us accountable and show us our progress. Wearable technology in the form of smart fabrics and interactive textiles is only in its infancy. From light-up shorts (to help identify runners in low-light conditions) to fabrics that control muscle vibration (to improve athletic performance), designers are exploring the limits of our athletic wear. Rebeccah Pailes-Friedman, a professor at Pratt Institute, says, “What makes smart fabrics revolutionary is that they have the ability to do many things that traditional fabrics cannot, including communicate, transform, conduct energy, and even grow.”

–-Shelly Coffman

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What Does This Mean for You? This steady rise in popularity means developers will probably work out kinks, and apps and devices will run even smoother, all of which translates to better workouts! B ody W eight T raining After the economic downturn, people turned to cheaper workouts, and body weight training gradually rose in popularity. In fact, it’s been steadily gaining a following since 2013. Going beyond pushups and situps, this type of training uses minimal equipment to get maximum toning results. What Does This Mean for You? Not only do body weight classes usually cost less, but they can be done anywhere. Take the workout outdoors, meet up with your friend in the weight room and use a mat, or gather co-workers to attend a body Touted as a faster way to burn calories, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) has science on its side. In a bone-strength study, the International Journal of Epidemiology discovered that women who did intense activity for just 1–2 minutes per day reduced their risk of brittle bones. What Does This Mean for You? HIIT is a great option when time is tight. And, let’s face it, when isn’t it? Many classes are between 20 to 40 minutes, which is the perfect amount of time to get your blood pumping. But the high intensity also leaves your body exhausted and in need of recovery. Professionals recommend doing no more than three HIIT workouts per week and stretching in between. weight class at your nearby facility. H igh -I ntensity I nterval T raining

and available for iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and Windows 8. Once your photos are uploaded and saved, you can then browse, where you can order a variety of custom products, including magnets, canvas prints, and phone cases. S ocial P rint S tudio Functioning as both a website and a stand-alone app, Social Print Studio is a small company based in San Francisco that has been printing social media photos since 2010. While this company is capable of printing photos of your social media posts, they can do so much more with your digital memories. Social Print Studio’s products are divided into four categories: photobooks, the classics, wall art, and everything else. You can order your photos printed in soft, hard, or layflat book form. Their classic options include postcards, mighty prints, and photostrips. Or, turn your photos into beautiful wall art with metal prints, canvas prints, and wall calendars. You can even get greeting cards, stickers, and buttons. Pricing varies by item, but one thing remains constant: Social Print Studio is dedicated to offering the best products possible. The app is free and available for iPhone, iPad, and Android. While sharing photos on social media accounts is an easy way to store your memories, these apps will help you keep and display those memories for years to come. The next time you need to spiff up your walls or give an extra-special gift, pay them a visit! E ducated , C ertified , and E xperienced F itness P rofessionals Even with workouts at our fingertips, exercise-educated professionals remain a crucial part of the fitness scene. More and more degree programs have entered universities, and passionate people are seeking out advanced fitness training. The Department of Labor even predicted that fitness instructor employment will grow 8 percent in the next seven years. What Does This Mean for You? More education and experience means better fitness options for us, and competition for jobs will result in even stronger gym programs. Whether you want to up your game, break out of a workout rut, or seek physical therapy, fitness professionals can help. S trength T raining Strength training is important at all ages. In addition to bone benefits, strength training builds muscle, which keeps us burning calories throughout the day. What Does This Mean for You? If you haven’t incorporated strength training into your fitness program, there are many options out there. Most gyms have group exercise classes based on strength training, and a personal trainer can adapt a program so it’s just right for you. ACSM’s findings have a lot of potential for the future of fitness. As we start the new year, you’ll see these trends on an international and local level, so your gym might just incorporate more strength training and HIIT classes. Similarly, they might hire from the strong pool of certified trainers and fitness professionals. Look for these and other new trends in 2018 and continue striving to maintain your health!

F rom the W eb to the W all : Tools to Print Your Social Media Photos

According to Gizmodo, Facebook users upload 300 million photos per day. Similarly, 95 million photos and videos are shared on Instagram daily. Social media is a great

platform for sharing and storing, but what if you want to literally hold on to those memories? That’s where Free Prints and Social Print Studio come into play. F ree P rints

The most attractive aspect of the Free Prints app is right in the name. Users can download 85 free 4-by-6- inch photo prints a month (up to 1,000 a year). But you can only print one free copy of each photo. Additional prints will run you 9 cents each. Standard shipping costs $2.99, and your photos arrive within five to 13 days. Or, for an

additional dollar, they can arrive in four to six days. If you choose to print photos in sizes other than 4-by-6 inches, you will have to pay more for the service. The app is well-designed and easy to use; you can print photos from your device’s library or link your accounts to print directly from Facebook, Instagram, Dropbox, Flickr, and Picasa. The app is free


(503) 248-0360

H ave a T ickle in Y our T hroat ? 2 S trange C old R emedies for the W inter S eason

sitting, let a pair of socks rest in a bowl of ice water. Wring them out, then pull them over your warm feet. Immediately add another layer of dry socks and hop into bed! But Does It Work?

The cruel winds of winter swirl just outside your window as you stoke the fire and curl up in the armchair nearby, eager to finally start that Agatha Christie novel. But as you stir your tea and pull on a pair of socks, you feel a slight tickle in your throat. Frantic, you reach for your trusty onion necklace… Yes, it’s as strange as it sounds. Among the countless cold remedies in the world, there are some that involve onion necklaces and others that require powdered frog skin. But most of the time, these superstitions do little or nothing to combat your infections. Take these two sock remedies, for instance. A D irty L ard S carf Some home-remedy enthusiasts encourage infected friends to grease their necks with chicken fat. After their skin is sufficiently coated, the afflicted wrap their necks with dirty socks, and warm and a little sticky, sweat out their germs. But Does It Work? Probably not. This remedy surfaced in England before drugs and vaccines eliminated contagious illnesses like diphtheria. While sweating does help rid the body of unwanted bacteria and germs, the dirty sock adornment served more as a reminder for the healthy to steer clear of their feverish neighbors. Y ou ’ re H ot T hen Y ou ’ re C old This holistic approach supposedly clears nasal congestion for a restful night’s sleep. Simply soak your feet in warm water until they’re hot and pink. While you’re

Maybe! This approach is a standard practice in hydrotherapy. Your body is surprised by the sudden change in temperature

and increases its circulation rate. This could help clear your nasal passages and jump-start your immune system.

In the end, whether you’re experimenting with socks or just taking another dose of Nyquil, it’s important to fight your cold when it arrives. Get adequate sleep, drink plenty of fluids, and enjoy some chicken noodle soup. Your body will thank you!

T urkey R amen LEFTOVER

4 eggs 4 ounces bacon 4 portions fresh, not instant, ramen noodles 2 cups leftover turkey, shredded Whether your leftover turkey has been sitting in the freezer since the end of December or it’s from a more recent meal, take that bird and turn it into a warm bowl of ramen, perfect for the cold winter months. 3. Cook bacon until crisp. Drain, chop, and set aside. Chop remaining scallions. 4. Once the broth is done simmering, prepare the fresh noodles according to package directions. Divide noodles among 4 bowls and cover with broth. Add shredded turkey, chopped scallions, chopped bacon, and an egg to each bowl.


1 leftover turkey carcass 6 scallions, divided 8 slices ginger 6 dried shiitake mushrooms 16 cups water

T ake A B reak !


1. Remove most of the meat

from the turkey carcass, shred, and set aside. Put carcass in a large stockpot, along with 3 scallions, ginger, mushrooms, and water. Bring to a boil, then simmer for 3 hours. saucepan and cover with cold water. Bring to a boil, then immediately remove pot from heat and let sit for 4 minutes. Transfer eggs to an ice bath to cool.

2. Place eggs in a small



1215 SE 8th Ave., Ste. D Portland, OR 97214

The New Groove What Our Workouts Looked Like in 2017 Page 1 Hold On to Your Memories Page 2 Can Chicken Fat Cure Your Cold? Revive That Leftover Turkey! Page 3 Why Knee Pain Is So Common Page 4 I nside T his I ssue

W hat K nee P ain S ufferers N eed to K now And How They're Treated

The human leg is a delicate and incredible instrument, developed and slowly perfected over millions of years of evolution. But complication comes with a price: a heightened risk of injury. Our knees, especially, can succumb to any number of issues. Chief among them is patellofemoral pain syndrome, also known as runner’s knee. Normally, as you bend your knee, the patella, or kneecap, glides along the femoral groove, a track in our femur cushioned by cartilage. The muscles and ligaments of the leg work to keep the patella sliding normally along this groove. However, if something is amiss and the patella doesn’t ride normally through the track, it will begin to slide to the side. This forces the patella to rub and grind against the edges of the femur. As the problem worsens, it can irritate the joint, which results in kneecap pain and deterioration of the patellar surface. According to PhysioWorks, approximately 25 percent of the American population experiences aching kneecaps at one time in their lives, but it’s even higher in athletes. Often, pain will begin after a period of overuse, like after ramping up training or performing high- intensity training. This is usually the result of a muscle imbalance and

tightness in the quadriceps, hamstrings, and hip muscles. However, it can also arise from internal anatomical factors, such as naturally poor patellar tracking, improper foot posture, or weak hip control. Patellofemoral pain is localized in and behind the kneecap, but it can cause swelling and pain that may spread throughout the structure. This pain is usually the worst after climbing hills or stairs, squatting, running, hopping, or sitting for long periods of time. Patellofemoral pain is complicated and extremely common, and it can easily lead to more serious conditions such as patellar tendinitis or arthritis. Luckily, it’s usually treatable with careful exercise and physical therapy. Treatment often involves the initial mitigation of pain symptoms, followed by exercises that restore range of motion, a battery of stretches, and a muscle-strengthening regimen designed to even out any imbalances. After a few months of treatment, most patients are able to return to playing sports and living pain-free.


(503) 248-0360