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PT 360 May 2018

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PT 360 - May 2021

2 cup green peppers, diced • 1 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil • 3 cloves garlic, peeled and minced • 1

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PT 360 May 2019

2 medium onion, roughly chopped • 3 cloves garlic • 2 tablespoons chipotle peppers in adobo sauce •

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PT 360 - May 2022

3 cup raw, sliced almonds “A winner is a dreamer who never gives up.” Nelson Mandela DIRECTIONS 1. I

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PT 360 - May 2020

4 cup flour until mixture is crumbly. 7. Sprinkle mixture on top of cake batter and bake for 45 minu

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PT 360 February 2018

PT 360 February 2018 Getting you back to the life you want to live. 360 F ebruary 2018 In Touch

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PT 360 December 2018

2 cup heavy cream • 1 tablespoon unsalted butter • 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil • Salt and pe

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PT 360 June 2018

2 cup cilantro • 1 clove garlic • 2 tablespoons olive oil • Juice of 1 lime • 2 teaspoons honey FOR

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PT 360 January 2018

PT 360 January 2018 Getting you back to the life you want to live. 360 J anuary 2018 In Touch

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PT 360 August 2018

high-volume workouts stimulate muscle protein synthesis (the process by which muscle is built) more

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PT 360 October 2018

PT 360 October 2018 Getting you back to the life you want to live. 360 O ctober 2018 In Touch N ot J

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PT 360 May 2018

Getting you back to the life you want to live.


M ay 2018

In Touch

T he B uilding B locks of E very F itness P lan What Is Your Workout Made Of?

B oulder P ushing

Shelly Coffman

Happy May! First spring is upon us, and we’re (hopefully) escaping muddy season! (Then second spring, then fake summer, then third spring, followed by real summer!) I was reminded this month on one of our beautiful sunny days, when everyone seems to be in such a great mood, that not everything is as it seems. In my job as a Physical Therapist, I take very seriously the other part of my job. Of course, I take seriously the actual physical manual skills and strategic planning and guidance of the mechanics of recovery from injury and dysfunction. But there is another aspect of my job that is super important. That part lets you know that I hear your challenges, that I understand the struggle, and that I am here to support you where you are and help guide you from where you are to where you want to go, no matter where you are in starting the process. What I have learned repeatedly in my 20-plus years of having the most privileged and awesome job is that everyone is carrying a burden, even the folks who seem to have it all together. In the last few weeks, I have had many conversations with patients, staff, and friends. The thing that has come up repeatedly is that everyone is pushing their own boulder along, navigating a difficult thing, and also try to get through their usual functioning life well. Even

when I am out in the world and encounter a challenging experience (usually attached to a person), and I feel myself getting aggravated, I try to remind myself to have some grace. Whatever my experience is (usually bad customer service), and as a business owner, how mortifying I usually find it, I also remind myself that I don’t know what this person’s boulder is. When the boulder-pushing is not going well, neither is the interaction with the outside world. When I am part of that outside world, I can add to the burden, or I can try to not add, or I can even ease it. Especially as I get older, I find the easing of other’s burdens is the most gratifying choice to make and the one that carries the least strain to me, yet often it can still be a difficult choice that I need to make purposefully in the midst of some aggravation. It’s very easy to do while at work. I embrace that part of my job. When I am outside of work, however, I purposefully try to be more mindful and benefit from the intention. My wish for you is that your boulder is manageable and that others help you push it along and not try to knock that boulder back down the hill. And when you get a chance, lend a hand to someone else’s boulder. You’ll be glad you did. –-Shelly Coffman

Over the years, the paradigm of workout strategies has gradually changed. In the ‘70s, Arnold Schwarzenegger popularized the sport of bodybuilding, and weightlifting went mainstream. In the ‘80s, fitness was all about spandex, Jane Fonda aerobics videos, and ankle weights. Fitness trends blended in the ‘90s: Tae Bo — a hybrid of boxing and taekwondo — and Herschel Walker’s body-weight workouts were the rage. By the early 2000s, boundary-pushing fitness trends like CrossFit and spin classes became popular. Today, gritty old-school gyms battle for dominance on Instagram with aerobic workouts like Zumba and Prancercise. All good workouts boil down to the same general concepts, however. The exercises of the ‘70s and today apply the same principles to achieve their goals. These regimens haven’t become more involved — they just apply the same building blocks in a different pattern. As long as you understand the basics of fitness, you can choose a program or put together one of your own! A erobic E xercise The foundation of programs like Jazzercise and Zumba are based on the same idea as Jane Fonda’s famous tapes: With regular aerobic exercise, your cardiovascular

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phone’s app store and find one that best suits you. F ind S upport W ith S ocial M edia No, not by posting progress selfies every week. Look into joining a support group online. Support groups are a proven way to accomplish your goals and create better habits. The American Heart Association states, “Seeking out like-minded people will help you make progress and keep you motivated and accountable to your physical activity program.” Whether your goal is to lose weight, get back into running, or simply exercise on a regular basis, there are plenty of online communities full of people eager to share tips, support you through struggles, and celebrate the big wins. Working out can be difficult at first, but these resources can make it easier. What are you waiting for? Craft a workout plan that’s perfect for you, and start sweating! like a telephone switchboard. Most fitness programs encompass at least some of the fundamentals, so you can mix and match them to find a philosophy that works for you. The key is understanding that everyone’s body reacts differently to exercise, and different modalities achieve different results. Some people require static exercise to protect old injuries or build large quantities of muscle. Others prefer dynamic movements like cardio in order to build endurance or become leaner. No one fitness program will work for everyone, so there will always be a “new wave” in exercise programs. Finding out which modalities work for you takes time and effort. With these basic concepts laid out, you can better understand how workout programs are built. Investing in a personal trainer, even on a short-term basis, can be invaluable when trying to evaluate your needs. Once you’ve discovered what works best for your body and your goals, you can begin to reap the benefits of your personalized fitness plan.

workouts, such as stretching and heavy weightlifting.

endurance improves, allowing you to exercise for longer periods of time. This is cardiovascular training at its finest. Exercising aerobically is also one of the best ways to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease. A naerobic E xercise Powerlifting, sprinting, and other types of exercise that involve short bursts of high-intensity movement are defined as anaerobic. This translates to “without air,” and it’s the basis of the muscle-building workouts Schwarzenegger made famous. Unlike aerobics, these workouts rely more on muscle strength than cardiovascular endurance. S tatic vs . D ynamic M oves While the terms “aerobic” and “anaerobic” are used to differentiate the systems your body relies on, “static” and “dynamic” simply describe whether or not the exercise requires movement. Static stretches, in which you extend the muscle and either hold the position or relax slowly, are typically characteristic of anaerobic

It’s like those Jane Fonda videos from the ‘80s, only with far more options. Build muscle with the ScottHermanFitness channel, find a full-body workout on Blogilates, try a fun dance workout with REFITREV, or take a yoga class on Yoga With Adriene. Most of these workouts require little more than a yoga mat or hand weights, making them perfect for a living- room workout. A pps for Y our P ersonal B est Adding a fitness app to your phone is the best way to take your workout anywhere. There are apps for all workout types and experience levels. Get started with the popular Aaptiv, a personal trainer and playlist in your pocket. Or maybe you’re ready for an intense CrossFit workout. Download Keelo to feel the burn outside the gym. Zombies, Run! adds a little fun to your run by putting you in a “Walking Dead” episode, and Charity Miles donates to charity as you burn calories. Check your Dynamic exercises, which are characterized by more movement, are where we have seen the most significant change in the last 10 years. Where dynamic activities used to be almost exclusively for aerobic workouts, we’ve now seen a substantial increase in anaerobic activities being paired with dynamic movements. The most significant example of this is none other than CrossFit, which combines weightlifting with agility training and speed. D ifferent B odies R eact D ifferently to E xercise As information about these fitness modalities becomes more commonly accessible via research and social media, opinions on the “right” or “wrong” way to work out become more polarized. Exercise has been a constant game of Ping-Pong with the American public for the last 50 years. Perhaps it would be healthiest to view the topic as being more

Y our 21 st -C entury W orkout T echnology to G et B ack in S hape


is great! Going to the gym or paying for an expensive personal trainer? Not so much. Stop relying on old-school methods to get in shape. The internet is full of free resources to help you get a great workout without ever having to set foot in the gym again. G et R ipped W ith Y ou T ube Looking for a specific kind of workout? YouTube has you covered. Personal trainers in every field post videos online.


(503) 248-0360

3 C amping T ips F or Y our B est A dventure Y et

You may have to save fishing and hiking for another day, but there are still some activities you can enjoy in a sheltered area or a cozy tent. Bring along a few indoor

Camping season is upon us. We all like to enjoy the scenery and adventure of the great outdoors with our families, but sometimes “roughing it” can be, well, rough. Luckily, a little prep goes a long way and can make camping more enjoyable for everyone. These three simple tips will let you spend more time soaking in the natural beauty around you and less time stressing about who brought the trail mix. D o Y our R esearch

dogs roasted over the campfire are great options, and snacks such as trail mix and fruit are easy to store. Think about the meals you normally cook at home, then decide which are adaptable for the campsite. Once you’ve decided on the meals — which could be a fun opportunity for the kids to get involved in the preparation — make a list and head to the grocery store. As you pack, make sure you have proper storage options for perishable and nonperishable items. If bears are a concern, think ahead about how you’ll safely store your food. P lan A ctivities — A nd

activities, such as a deck of cards or games like Boggle, which require little equipment and can easily be stored in a backpack. To keep kids engaged outside, bring some picture books listing the plants and animals native to the area where you’re camping. You could even use the picture books to set up a nature scavenger hunt along a trail, which is a great way to motivate reluctant hikers. A few games can prevent the most dreaded words a parent will ever hear: “I’m bored.”

Triple-checking your packing list won’t do you much good if you arrive at your destination and find it’s lacking some of the necessities you were counting on, such as water or restrooms. Campsites offer different amenities, and some can be quite meager. With a little research, you can find a spot that fits your family’s needs. Don’t want to pack in all your water? Find a site that has a pump. Are you bringing your dog? Look for a site that’s pet-friendly. Prefer a cabin or yurt over pitching a tent? Plenty of locations have these options. Most U.S. Forest Service websites and state and national park resources include these details. By doing your homework, you can find and reserve the place that fits your priorities. P lan a S imple , T asty M enu Nothing ends a camping trip as quickly as realizing you didn’t bring enough food. To avoid this, plan your menu with a few ready-made meals and some nonperishable items. Dutch oven meals and hot

a F ew B ackups If it rains during the trip, don’t let the weather ruin your whole weekend.

Z ucchini and S quash W ith F eta SAUTEED

Zucchini and summer squash are arriving on grocery store shelves. Here is a great way to take these humble, delicious vegetables to the next level. This easy dish is perfect for early summer.

S houlder & R otator C uff W orkshop


• 1 zucchini • 1 summer squash • 1/2 medium red onion • 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

• 2 teaspoons fresh thyme • 1/4 cup crumbled feta cheese • Salt and pepper to taste

Problems reaching overhead? Reaching behind your back? Sleeping?

Learn about the most common shoulder, shoulder blade, and upper back issues to get a handle on your problem and get back to doing the things you love pain-free and without invasive procedures!


1. Cut zucchini into 1/4-inch-thick semicircles. Dice onion. 2. Heat a large skillet to medium high. Add olive oil, onion, and thyme. 3. Once onion is soft (about 2 minutes), add zucchini and squash. Season with salt and pepper; cook 4–5 minutes until squash barely begins to caramelize. 4. Place in serving bowl and top with feta.

C all us at 503-248-0360 or go online PT-360. com / workshops

T uesday 5/8 at 6:00 pm L imited to first 20 registrants



1215 SE 8th Ave., Ste. D Portland, OR 97214

Boulder Pushing A Complete Breakdown of Fitness Plans Page 1 Download Your Next Workout Page 2 Plan the Perfect Camping Trip Sauteed Zucchini and Squash With Feta Page 3 How to Handle a Common Injury Page 4 I nside T his I ssue

Have you ever injured your ankle by doing something simple, like stepping off a curb or kicking a soccer ball? Don’t be discouraged. Ankle sprains are among the most common injuries people face, and they can happen anytime and anywhere. There’s a good reason why ankle sprains are so common. You might not consciously think about something as simple as standing or walking — these motions are second nature to most of us. But when you really think about it, your ankle supports most of your weight, which is why injuring it is so commonplace. According to the American Physical Therapy Association, 23,000 people in the United States will suffer from a sprained ankle, and 45 percent of that number are sports-related injuries. What you might not realize is that once you’ve injured your ankle, there’s a good chance that you could injure yourself again. This is what physical therapists strive to help you prevent. Their goal is not only to work with your ankle after the injury to get it back to normal, but also to strengthen the muscles around it to avoid future injuries. S prained Y our A nkle ? P hysical T herapy C an H elp

beyond your physical capabilities. Your physical therapist will work with you to stretch and strengthen your ankle with a number of exercises, beginning with resistance exercises and eventually progressing to weight-bearing exercises. Keeping an open line of communication with your doctor and physical therapist will help you toward a speedy recovery. Ankle injuries can be tough to get through, but if you work with the professionals and take things slow and steady, you’ll be back up on your feet in no time.

The rehabilitation process should be taken at a slow and careful pace, one that you’re comfortable with and that won’t push you


(503) 248-0360