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PT o fMelissa: Balance and Vertigo

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PT o fMelissa: Balance and Vertigo

Health & Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

RELIEVING DIZZINESS & VERTIGO “ Life Doesn’t Have To Always Be Unsteady ”

INSIDE: • Do You Have A Fear Of Falling? • Healthy Recipe • Improve Balance In Minutes • Patient Success Spotlight

Dizziness, vertigo, and loss of balance are common symptoms reported by adults to theirdoctors.What isdizzinessandvertigoandhowcan itbe treated? Dizziness is a sensation of light-headedness, unsteadiness, or a feeling that theworld is bouncy or blurry.Vertigo is definedas aspinning sensation.There are many potential causes for these symptoms and if you have them, a visit to yourdoctor isanecessity!Medical reasons fordizziness includeadisturbance in your blood glucose, heart problems, or blood pressure problems. Once your doctor has ruled these conditions out, these symptoms could be due to an inner ear problem, also known as a vestibular disorder. A vestibular disorder is a dysfunction of the balance organs in the inner ear. The most common causesofvestibulardisordersareablow to thehead,aging,andviral infection. Our vestibular system includes parts of the inner ear and brain that help control balance and eye movements. If the system is damaged by disease, aging, or injury, a vestibular disorder can occur.The symptoms of a vestibular disorder can be truly frightening and difficult to describe. The most common complaints we hear at Physical Therapy of Melissa are: • The room starts spinning when I roll over in bed or sit up • A sensation of light-headedness • Dizziness that worsens in busy environments • Difficulty reading or watching TV

• Staggering or losing your balance, especially at night • Difficulty driving

Most common vestibular problems Vestibular disorders have big complicated names but the following condition is the most common and responds well to vestibular rehabilitation: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) is a condition resulting from loosedebris thatfalls intooneof thesemi-circularcanals in the innerear.These crystalsdonotbelong in thesemicircularcanaland theresult is intensevertigo withcertainheadpositions.Thissensationofspinningoccursmostcommonly when rolling in bed or sitting up. This is a very common condition and while the symptoms are dramatic, it is easily treated. Most people only require one or two treatments to completely abolish all their vertigo. At Physical Therapy of Melissa, our vestibular specialist, Dr. Pamela Berner, has been specially trained in the proper techniques to treat this condition. Peoplewithdizzinessandvertigocanhighlybenefitfromvestibularrehabilitation therapy done by the experienced physical therapists at Physical Therapy of Melissa. No matter your age, if you suffer from dizziness or vertigo you will benefit from physical therapy exercises to strengthen your balance sensors, reducing your symptoms and risk of falls. Start feeling like yourself again, give us a call today!

Together we get better! |

DO YOU HAVE A FEAR OF FALLING? A fear of falling can keep you from being active which can result in a wide range of health problems. We can restore your confidence and mobility and keep you active. We offer both vestibular rehabilitation and balance re- training.Theseexcitingandsuccessful treatmentsfordizzinessandbalance disorders have helped many patients feel better and return to normal lives. At Physical Therapy of Melissa, Dr. Pamela Berner has the vast experience and special technology for treating balance and dizziness complaints and she can help you:

• Conquer your fear of falling • Feel steadier on your feet • Stop sensations of rocking or spinning

• Gain more strength and energy • Maintain your independence • Regain your freedom • Feel like yourself again • Get back to living If you struggle with balance, dizziness or a fear of falling, call today to schedule an appointment for a more steady life!

Contact us to schedule an appointment today at 972-837-4450!

Healthy Recipe

INGREDIENTS • 1/3 cup honey • 1/4 cup soy sauce (reduced sodium) • 1 Tablespoon minced garlic

• optional: 1 teaspoon minced ginger • 1 lb medium uncooked shrimp, peeled & deveined • 2 teaspoons olive oil • optional: chopped green onion garnish

DIRECTIONS 1. Whisk the honey, soy sauce, garlic, and ginger (if using) together in a medium bowl. 2. Place shrimp in a large zipped-top bag or tupperware. Pour 1/2 of the marinade mixture on top, give it all a shake or stir, then allow shrimp to marinate in the refrigerator for 15 minutes or for up to 8-12 hours. Cover and refrigerate the rest of the marinade for step 3. (Time-saving tip: while the shrimp is marinating, I steamed broccoli and microwaved some quick brown rice). 3. Heat olive oil in a skillet over medium-high heat. Place shrimp in the skillet. Discard used marinade. Cook shrimp on one side until pink-- about 45 seconds-- then flip shrimp over. Pour in remaining marinade and cook it all until shrimp is cooked through, about 1 minute more. 4. Serve!

Honey Garlic Shrimp

CALL TODAY! (972) 837-4450


Happy May birthday to Lindsey and a belated April happy birthday to Rhett!


After suffering from Vertigo for three plus years, visiting multiple doctors, trying different medications, and exercise routines, Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy was recommended to me. I went online to check this out and found PTM had a specialist in this area. I began working with Pam and what a difference she has made! She is most knowledgeable in vestibular issues and communicates in a personal,professional,andmostunderstandableway.Shewelcomesquestionsat any timeand isagreatencouragerasyoumeetyourgoals,andalwayschallenges you to go to the next level. It is so comforting to be able to talk to someone who understands vertigo and balance issues and how to manage the effects of each. Everyone as this facility is friendly and efficient. If scheduling problems arise, they are happy to offer solutions. My drive there is one hour twenty minutes, but it was well worth the time and distance. I have already recommended Pam to a friend and she is beginning her PT in two days. Thank you, Pam, and everyone at Physical Therapy of Melissa for your exemplary service. My doctor in Dallas has added you to their recommended list of physical therapists.” – Martha C. “Thank you, Pam, and everyone at Physical Therapy of Melissa for your exemplary service”

Physical Therapy of Melissa will be participating in the required UIL Physicals for school participation at Melissa High School. Along with the Melissa Booster

Club and other local medical professionals, we will be at the school on Wednesday, May 16. It is a pleasure to serve our community and ensure our student athletes stay healthy because “Together We Get Better”

Let us do the same for you! Check out more reviews on Google by searching “Physical Therapy Of Melissa.”

Improve Balance In Minutes Try this movement if you are experiencing poor balance.

Do You Suffer From Dizziness or Poor Balance?

We can help:

• Increase your flexibility • Improve your balance • Get back to living

• Decrease your dizziness • Increase your strength • Increase your activity level

Helps Balance

ALTERNATING STEP TOUCH Stand “tall”, with sturdy step stool positioned in front. Step one foot at a time onto the stool. Alternate legs and repeat 8 times.

Mention or Bring in This Coupon Today For a FREE BALANCE SCREENING

Call Today: 972-837-4450

Offer valid for the first 25 people to schedule. Expires 05-31-18

Present and Past Patients of Physical Therapy of Melissa


Thursday, May 22nd 2018

The Free Screening consists of a 30-minute one-on-one appointment with the Physical Therapist of your choice. The Doctor of Physical Therapy will talk with you about the history of your problem. They will take measurements to test how well you are moving and to test your strength. After a thorough screening, they will educate you about

Dear Valued Friend, We LOVE summer and want to celebrate it with you! This is our BIG THANK YOU for allowing us to serve you. To thank you, our valued clients, we are having a day of completely Free Screenings for: • All past clients who have not been seen for PT in more than 3 months • All present clients who have another problem currently not being treated • All loved ones, family, friends, neighbors and co-workers of our past and present patients If you are a past or present patient, then call (972) 837-4450 to schedule your Free Screening. If you are referring a friend or family member, give them the certificate included in this letter and have them call (972) 837- 4450 to schedule their Free Exam. If you are having pain or problems with day to day activities such as walking, standing, sitting for long periods, going up or down steps, getting in and out of the car, sleeping or driving, then this is an excellent opportunity to see one of our world- class therapists and find out the cause of your problem.

1. The cause of your pain or problem.

2. A plan for successful treatment.

The Free Screening is ideal for people suffering with:

Headaches Shoulder Pain Knee Pain Problems Walking

Vertigo/Dizzizness Lower Back Pain

Arthritis Sciatica Neck Pain

Call to schedule your Free Screening for Tuesday, May 22nd (972) 837-4450 As a Special Bonus, all people attending a Free Screening on May 22, will receive a Free Book: “Naturally Relieve Your Back and Neck Pain” In honor of our Summer Celebration, we will give away a FREE Pair of awesome Socks! These are going to the first 10 people to schedule a Free Screening for Tuesday, May 22

Sincerely, Nat Christadoss Nat Christadoss, Physical Therapist

GetYourFreeScreening CertificateNow! (cut-out on reverse)


Aim For Lucky Number Seven Young and middle-age adults who slept 7 hours a night have less calcium in their arteries (an early sign of heart disease) than those who sleep 5 hours or less or those who sleep 9 hours or more. Keep The Pressure Off Get your blood pressure checked every 3-5 years if you’re 18-39. If you’re 40 or older, or if you have high blood pressure, check it every year. Move More To keep it simple, you can aim for 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week of moderate exercise. Even if you exercise for 30 minutes a day, being sedentary for the other 23 1/2 hours is really bad for your heart. Slash Saturated Fats To help your heart’s arteries, cut down on saturated fats, which are mainly found in meat and full-fat dairy products. Choose leaner cuts and reduced-fat options.

Find Out If You Have Diabetes Millions of people don’t know that they have this condition. That’s risky because over time, high blood sugar damages arteries and makes heart disease more likely. Clean Up Your heart works best when it runs on clean fuel. That means lots of whole, plant-based foods (like fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds) and fewer refined or processed foods (like white bread, pasta, crackers, and cookies). It’s recommended to eat 8-10 servings of fruits and vegetables a day.

FREE SCREENING CERTIFICATE (972) 837-4450 CALL NOW TO SCHEDULE YOUR 30-MINUTE FREE SCREENING Summer Celebration 2018 for our friends and family! Tuesday, May 22 12:00pm-7:00pm

3201 McKinney St. Melissa, TX 75454

Receive our Free Report AND the first 10 people to schedule also receive a Free Pair of awesome Socks!