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PT Of Melissa: Arthritis Pain

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PT Of Melissa. Arthritis Pain Relief

sweet onion • 2 cloves garlic, minced • 1 tbsp minced fresh ginger • 2 tbsp red curry paste • 4 cups

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PT of Melissa: Neck Pain and Stress

PT of Melissa: Neck Pain and Stress Health &Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For

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PT of Melissa: Relieving Neck Pain

4 cup white sugar • 8 small paper cups • 8 popsicle sticks CALL TODAY! (972) 837

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4 cup of grated cheese, toss again and serve in bowls, passing more cheese at the table. At Physical

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PT Of Melissa: Arthritis Pain

Health &Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

APPROACHING YOUR NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION Consider Your Intentions. The most common resolutions are to lose weight, spend less money, and get organized. Those are all valuable and healthy practices.Butwhyaretheyyour intentions?Doyouwant tofeelbetteraboutyourbody?Knowthatyouwon’tneed to worry about money for retirement? Honoring the personal meaning behind an action helps us maintain our resolve. Focus on Process, Not Results. Don’t focus on a result, with no identification of a process for how to get there. Intensely focusing on results paradoxically makesus less likelytoachievethem.Insteadoffocusing on “losing 10 pounds,” try focusing on going for walks or eating healthy salads for lunch — you will probably end up losing some weight in the process. And you’ll probably enjoy the journey a lot more.The focus of our resolution should be the process — the infinite present moments in which transformation will occur — rather than the single instance of its attainment.

3. Consider Resolution Alternatives. If the pressure of New Year’s Resolutions is too much, consider a few alternative ways to set your intentions for the upcoming year: Make a Vision Board: A vision board compiles images that represent what you want for yourself in the upcoming year. It’s a great way to have a visual reminder of your intentions. Choose a Word of the Year: Many people have embraced the trend of choosing a word for the year — like breathe, trust, dance, fly — that encapsulates the feelings,attitudes,andbehaviorstheydesire intheyear ahead. This word can guide your choices and actions — instead of setting firmexpectations for yourself, you can ask if a particular behavior aligns with your word and your intentions. Ultimately, New Year’s Resolutions are about growth and improvement. They are about bringing health and joy and ease into our lives. With mindfulness we can bring awareness to our habits and hold ourselves with compassion and kindness as we seek meaningful transformation.

OVERCOMING ARTHRITIS PAIN Move Freely Again Without Any Pain!

Health & Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

OVERCOMING ARTHRITIS PAIN Move Freely Again Without Any Pain!

SEE INSIDE: • Treatment for Arthritis Pain • Healthy Recipe • Exercise Essentials • Patient Success Spotlight

When you experience an injury, dealing with the pain that comes as part of the aftermath isexpected.Whilepainful,mostof the timewhen recovering froman injuryyoucanfindcomfort in theknowledge that thepain is temporary.Asyour body heals, as you go through the motions of building your muscle mass back and improvingflexibilitywithphysical therapy,youknow that in timeyouwill feel like yourself again. This knowledge gives you something to work towards, and helps thepainfeelmoremanageable—evenwhen it is intense,andnever-fleeting. Arthritis pain is different. Arthritis doesn’t develop as a result of an injury, but instead develops over time as a result of chronic use, or even as a result of genetic disposition.  This can make dealing with the pain of arthritis even more difficult to cope with, as it begs the question: if the pain is coming from inside the joint, is there anything I can actually do about it? Understanding Arthritis Pain Osteoarthritis is themostcommonchroniccondition toaffect the joints.Almost 30 million adults in the United States struggle with the condition, and while it can influenceanyoneofanyage, itmost frequentlydevelopsamong thosewho are most prone to overuse—those who are over the age of 65.

Arthritis occurs when there is a breakdown of the cartilage that covers the endsof thebones.Thiscartilage iswhatallows the joints in theelbows,ankles, knees and hips to move with freedom. Without cartilage, the bones would rub against one another with each movement, and would cause extreme pain. As the cartilage breaks down, so, typically, does the bone, and as the shape of the joint changes it becomes even more difficult for it to function smoothly. Furthermore, the ligaments and tendons around the joint will often stiffen, and the muscles surrounding the joint will weaken, making it altogether more difficult and painful to move. While arthritis pain typically develops gradually, the realization of what you are dealing with can still come as a shock. In some circumstances the pain will appear more abruptly, especially when the pain develops in association with a change in weather or other environmental circumstance.

Call 972-837-4450 today to find out how your physical therapist can help you overcome arthritis pain!

Together we get better! |


Anti-inflammation and Arthritis One leading form of arthritis treatment is with the use of anti-inflammatory medication. Certain types of arthritis develop as a result of a build-up of inflammation in the body. Specifically, the tendons and ligaments become inflamed as a result of an internal attack from the immune system, which is typically triggered by some combination of environmental factors. Avoiding certainfoodsandmovementscanreduce inflammation,and therebyreducepain. Physical Therapy and Arthritis Physical therapy is highly recommended for the treatment of arthritis because it can strengthen and support the joints through guided practice of movement andstrengthbuildingexercises.Typically, thebestactivities forarthritispainare low-impactactivities.Workingwithaphysical therapist is thebestway toensure that you are practicing the best techniques for overcoming your discomfort. There is a long list of home remedies that are said to help with arthritis pain as well, and there is some credibility to some of these concepts. For example, losing weight, exercising regularly, and making some dietary changes such as reducing caffeine and sugar consumption are said to help alleviate pain associatedwitharthritis.However,beforeyoustartmakinganychanges toyour lifestyle, it is best to consult with a physical therapist. For more information about how to rid your life of arthritis pain, contact us.

Turning to over the counter pain medications to cope with arthritis pain is ineffective as a long-term solution. While some of the medications may provide temporary relief, they will not help you overcome the pain for good. Physical therapy, on the other hand, can provide actual relief from arthritis by helping to rebuild strength in the joints through targeted movements and flexibility exercises.   There is a lot of current research trying to understand what precisely causes arthritis todevelop insomepeople,andnot inothers.Everyoneuses their joints every day, and while it makes sense that so much pressure would cause pain to develop over time, it doesn’t explain why the pain develops when and where it does, and why it happens to some people and not to others.

Healthy Recipe: Chicken Quesadillas

Discover How To Live Pain Free!

INSTRUCTIONS In a medium-heavy skillet, saute the onions, garlic and peppers until soft in the 2 tablespoons chicken broth. Add the chili peppersand tomatoesandsimmer fora few minutesmoreuntil the liquidhasevaporated. Add the chicken and stir well to combine.


Spray a cold skillet with the nonstick spray and heat over medium heat. Place a tortilla in the pan and sprinkle with 1/8 cup cheese. Add about a quarter of the chicken mixture and top with another 1/8 cup cheese. Cover with another tortilla and cook for two to three minutes or until golden brown. Flip the quesadilla over and cook for an additional two minutes. Remove from the heat and cut into edges. Keep warm while frying the remaining quesadillas. Serve with salsa, scallions, and fat-free sour cream.



INGREDIENTS • 2 tbsp low sodium chicken broth • 1⁄4 cup onion, chopped • 1 small garlic clove, minced • 1⁄4 cup bell pepper, chopped • 2 chili peppers, minced (to taste) • 3 plum tomatoes, chopped • 8 flour tortillas

• 1 cup low-fat cheddar cheese, shredded • 1 1⁄2 cups cooked chicken, shredded • scallion, cut on the bias (garnish) • salsa (garnish) • nonfat sour cream (garnish)

At Physical Therapy of Melissa, you will receive hands-on therapy treatments by our friendly, caring health experts during focused and individualized sessions.

Call Today! (972) 837-4450


Dr. Taylor Johnson, PT, DPT, Physical Therapist Growing up in Pilot Point, TX, Taylor left Texas to attend Oklahoma State University where she received a Bachelor of Science in Nutritional Sciences with an option in Allied Health. She graduated with a Doctor of Physical Therapy from UT Southwestern in Dallas. Dr. Johnson chose physical therapy as a profession because it stood out above other health

care professions for a few reasons. She loves the idea of getting to know her patients over an extended period of time, rather than just for 5-10 minutes every few months. She also has a passion for exercise and for healthy lifestyle habits, such as proper nutrition. She is thankful to have found a career where she is able to use these passions toward helping patients reach their goals and return to the things they love most.


I came in with unbearable pain on my right side. The staff at PTM motivated me to continue my journey. They worked around my hectic work schedule to ensure that I received the best care. The team is veryprofessional! IwillberecommendingPTM toanyone inneedof therapy. Thanks for all you do PTM!!” – Kenesha W.

Happy Anniversary to Leslie Escobedo!

We’re happy to celebrate the 2nd anniversary with Leslie, our front office Referral Coordinator. Thanks for another great year Leslie!

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Exercise Essentials

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