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PT Pro - October 2020

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Pro PT inc October 2018

VEGETABLE OIL A good option for high-heat cooking, baking, and frying, these utilitarian oils are co

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PT Pro - May 2020

?ref=page_internal. They also want anyone who’s been laid off because of the pandemic to reach out a

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PT Pro - June 2020

upcoming-events and find options on YouTube as well. theme at the beginning of the week, and on Frid

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PT Pro - September 2020

4 cup fresh mint 4 chives, chopped Directions 1. To blanch the carrot tops, bring a pot of salted wa

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Pro PT Inc - October 2019

4 cup light brown sugar 2 tbsp granulated sugar Directions 1. Heat oven to 275 F. 2. In a large mixi

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PT Pro - July 2020

4 cup parsley leaves, chopped If you’ve worked with Megumi, you are a lucky person. It often feels l

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PT Pro - April 2020

2 tbsp creamy, unsweetened almond butter 3 tbsp coconut aminos • • • • • • Directions 1. If you

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PT Pro - August 2020

classes to learn more. IMPROVISATION You don’t need to be an actor or comedian to get a lot from imp

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PT Pro - March 2020

www. From runs through our beautiful Pacific Northwest to inspiring films about a

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Pro PT Inc - October 2019

Pro PT Inc - October 2019 Do you suffer from arachnophobia (fear of spiders)? How about pteromerhano

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PT Pro - October 2020


425-497-8180 | WWW.PTPRO.BIZ

ON THE PATH TO BETTER HEALTH The Importance of Health Literacy

This is also how we, as PTs, individualize care. The more we learn from you, the better we can target and treat your issue. Again, it’s also important to remember that care is a two-way street. It comes back to the idea of teamwork. At the end of a session, we may leave you with a set of exercises that we need you to do between now and the next time we see you. Patients who do their exercises are asked to report back to us. If they improved, great! Everything is going according to plan! If they have gotten worse, then we know we need to recalibrate. It tells me what we need to do next. If they don’t do their exercises, this takes us back to square one. We don’t learn anything, and we don’t know what works or what doesn’t. The next time you’re getting ready for an appointment, whether with your primary care provider or your physical therapist, remember that we’re here for you. Write down any questions you may have, even if you don’t think they’re important. Be ready to ask those questions — or simply hand us your questions. That way, we can sit down together and put you on the path to better health. 425-497-8180 | WWW.PTPRO.BIZ 1 -Maureen Madden

ask questions, it gives us, as professionals, a better opportunity to help you. Basically, you can help us to help you. This tends to be easier for PTs than your typical physician since you get a full hour with us. During that hour, we can have a real conversation. We learn a lot about our patients during these hours. Physicians, on the other hand, may only spend 10–15 minutes with a patient. You may end up spending more time with a nurse or physician assistant than you do the physician themselves. This makes it hard to have a conversation. Doctors don’t get that chance to really know their patients. It means you have to be productive with your time. If you don’t ask questions, you won’t get the answers you really want. When you get down to it, the relationship you have with your doctor or PT is based on teamwork. You’re working together to solve a problem. Any health care pro who wants to do their job well knows this, and they’ll welcome questions of all kinds. We’re here to listen. There was an osteopathic physician who once said that if you talk to your patients long enough, they’ll tell you what’s wrong. If you talk with them even longer, they’ll tell you how to fix them. There’s a lot of truth to this. It’s something I’ve seen firsthand while working with patients. The more we talk, the more we learn.

Health literacy is incredibly important. We regularly remind patients that we work for them. This is true of your family doctor or any other health care professional. You hired them to do a job. Because of that, they work for you . It doesn’t matter if you pay out of pocket or pay through insurance. These professionals are on your side. This means they should be involved and active in your health care — and you should hold them accountable. Here’s a great way to do just that: Before you see your doctor, physical therapist, or other health care professional, write down any and all questions you want answered. This can be anything on your mind that relates to the reason for your visit. Then, make sure your questions are answered. You’re there for their expert medical opinion and insight. You’re putting their hard-earned medical degree to work! When you’re in a position to

3 GREAT APPS to Maintain Your Mental Health at Home

apps listed here, it is not a replacement for professional mental health care, but it offers evidence-based exercises and a level of support that’s not often found in smartphone apps. TALKSPACE ( While this app contains a number of mental health tools, its primary purpose is to connect you quickly with one of the company’s thousands of licensed and experienced therapists you can message on a regular basis. Unlike traditional therapy where you schedule an appointment and meet in person, Talkspace allows its user to communicate with their therapist through the app’s encrypted messaging system. It also allows you to request a check-in from your therapist and provides a place for them to upload your therapy notes. Talkspace is more costly than some other apps, but depending on your specific needs, it may be worth it.

moods and thoughts and follow trends and changes over time. You can look at these trends yourself or set the app to monitor specific areas of your mood. This highly customizable app is packed with tools and resources to help you with your mental health. In addition to the mood tracker, Moodfit offers a range of breathing exercises and a guide to mindfulness meditation. MOODMISSION ( If you’re struggling with mental health issues, like anxiety and depression, you may feel like this free, evidence-based app was designed just for you. MoodMission asks you a series of questions to assess how you’re feeling, then suggests a series of “missions” you can complete to help you get into a better state of mind. Missions are short, achievable tasks, like taking a walk around the block or cleaning up a room in your home. Of course, like all the

When you lead a busy lifestyle, mental health often takes a back seat to other pressing matters. Thankfully, there are a number of easy-to-use apps to help address this concern. Even if you’re pressed for time, these apps can help you maintain your mental health. And if you’re just looking for some simple resources to guide you through mood-boosting exercises, they’ve got you covered there too. MOODFIT ( Think of this app as a fitness tracker for your mind. The mood tracker allows you to record your

EXERCISE OF THE MONTH Gastroc (Calf Stretch)

Why: The gastrocnemius, or calf muscle, is a hard worker and can easily get too tight over time. This can leave you susceptible to things like Achilles tendinitis, plantar fasciitis, and even knee pain. How: To stretch the RIGHT gastroc, cross your right leg behind your left (across your midline), keep RIGHT heel down and RIGHT knee straight. Lean onto a wall or countertop keeping hips “square” — facing the wall. Lean into the stretch by bending the LEFT knee. Hold this at a medium stretch for 45 seconds. Do this just once at the beginning, middle, and end of your day. To stretch the LEFT gastroc, just switch legs and follow the same procedure.


425-497-8180 | WWW.PTPRO.BIZ

CYNDY’S JOURNEY From Back Pain to No Pain!


If you’re having trouble getting the kids to eat Brussels sprouts, try this delicious vegan recipe as a side dish. Every vegetable tastes better roasted!


2 tbsp fresh rosemary, minced

1 3/4 lbs fingerling potatoes, halved lengthwise

• • • •

4 tsp olive oil 1 1/2 tsp sugar 1 tsp sea salt 1/4 tsp pepper

3 cups Brussels sprouts, trimmed and halved 3 cloves garlic, minced

For several years, Cyndy lived with chronic pain through her low back, particularly on the right side. Eventually, this resulted in her leg buckling out from underneath her. It got to the point that she was missing out on many of her favorite activities, including daily yoga, weekend hikes, and gardening at home. The pain and increasingly restricted movement even started to get in the way of many basic daily functions. A couple of years ago, Cyndy was referred to PT Pro. She was paired with Laura. In addition to being an experienced PT, Laura is also an Orthopedic Certified Specialist and focuses on women’s health. Laura homed in on the source of Cyndy’s discomfort and restricted range of motion. Over the course of Cyndy’s 18-month treatment, Laura helped Cyndy restore function, while also eliminating the source of pain. “The treatment that started out with my back ended up with treatment to multiple areas,” Cyndy says. “This was the key to bringing my everyday pain and difficulty in moving to a much improved status! I have learned many effective physical maneuvers to do daily to help keep my body well-connected, from various posture setting techniques to exercises that reinforce the initiation of correct muscle firing for everyday pain-free movement.” Recovery was progressive, starting at the initial pain site and working methodically through Cyndy’s entire body to alleviate each area where pain, discomfort, or restricted motion was present. “At first, I wasn’t quite sure we would get there,” Cyndy says. “But, ultimately, we made considerable improvement, and my lower back does not hurt every day, all day anymore. That is the best feeling! After 18 months of treatment, Cyndy says she feels 100% better. “My overall experience with PT Pro was excellent throughout the course of my treatment and beyond. The PT Pro team, from my therapist to the office staff, were top-notch the entire time … I am grateful to all of you!”


1. Preheat the oven to 400 F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. 2. In a large bowl, combine all ingredients. Toss until the Brussels sprouts and fingerlings are evenly coated with oil and seasonings. 3. Spread the mixture on the baking sheet, then bake 35–38 minutes, stirring halfway through. Add more salt and pepper as desired, then serve!

Inspired by “The Oh She Glows Cookbook”

“It always seems impossible until it is done.” — Nelson Mandela


425-497-8180 | WWW.PTPRO.BIZ

2569 152nd Ave NE Redmond, WA 98052



Health Care Literacy — Putting You on the Path to Better Health! The Best Mental Health Apps You


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Can Use From Home Exercise of the Month

Patient Success Story — From Back Pain to No Pain! Roasted Rosemary Brussels Sprouts and Potatoes

Keep the Kids (and Yourself) Extra Safe This Halloween

HAVE FUN AND STAY SAFE THIS HALLOWEEN 3 Tips for a Great Oct. 31 (Even if Traditional Halloween Gets Canceled)!

4 425-497-8180 | WWW.PTPRO.BIZ But none of this changes the fact that there are several new safety concerns. Is it possible to trick-or-treat or throw a party during a pandemic? Or do we have to cancel Halloween? The answer is simple. The risk won’t go away before Oct. 31. Parents and partiers will have to make the call, but there are still plenty of ways everyone can have fun while staying safe. Will it happen or won’t it happen? That is the question of the month. Halloween is coming and many people want to know if kids should go out trick-or-treating or if there should be any sort of gatherings. For some people, it’s non-negotiable. Halloween is their day. They have to dress in costume, and they need that ghoulish fun. To complicate matters further, Halloween lands on a Saturday this year, making it prime time for all things spooky.

THROW A VIRTUAL HALLOWEEN PARTY! Is this as fun as an in-person party? Probably not, but it gives everyone a chance to dress up and stay within the confines of their own homes. You can still play your favorite spooky tunes and have a costume contest. Or have a decorating contest. Have everyone in attendance decorate their “party space” — the space you can see on camera. Then vote for the best! INCORPORATE A MASK INTO YOUR COSTUME. If you decide to go out, social distancing is still the name of the game, as are masks. Get creative with your costume and incorporate a mask into your creation. There are many pop culture characters who wear masks (superheroes, super villains, and sci-fi icons). There are a lot to choose from!

SANITIZE . Always keep a small bottle of hand sanitizer or pack of disinfecting wipes nearby. This goes for both kids and adults. Use the wipes to sanitize any candy you may receive (this goes for any packages for candy you buy at the store). If you happen to go out in costume — even if you socially distance — take your costume off as soon as you get home. Don’t let it come in contact with any other clothes, then toss it in the wash immediately. (If it’s not washable, airing it out over several days or using a disinfecting spray will do).