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PT360 June 2017

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PT360 December 2017 Getting you back to the life you want to live. 360 D ecember 2017 In Touch D o Y

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PT360 - August 2017 Getting you back to the life you want to live. 360 A ugust 2017 In Touch

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4 teaspoon pepper, and 2 cups water. Bring to a boil; reduce to a simmer, cover, and cook for 20 min

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PT360 October 2017 Getting you back to the life you want to live. 360 O ctober 2017 In Touch THE JOY

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build-a- kit. Natural disasters often strike without notice, and if you are not prepared before the

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PT360 - June 2020

or intensity to your sessions over time. Also, if you’re already feeling sick or suffering from seve

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PT360 - June 2021

4 cup avocado, cubed • 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled and minced • 4 cherry tomatoes, quartered •

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4 tsp pepper. Set aside. 2. In a small bowl, combine apple cider and mustard. Set aside. 3. In a lar

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medication over the other options?” will help you understand the factors your doctor has considered

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PT360 June 2017

Getting you back to the life you want to live.


J une 2017

In Touch

It’s that time in Portland. School is almost out, the longest day is coming, and, finally, summer is here (after the Fourth of July, of course). I cannot escape my nature as a goal-oriented individual, so I plan out a list of national parks to hit for our annual trip. My own family never went camping (I’m not sure I would either if I had five kids), so I have a lot of lost time to make up for. Even after decades F rom T he D esk O f Shelly Coffman I love how getting out in the wilderness fills up my bucket and helps me recharge. I feel very fortunate that, early in life, I knew how I wanted to spend my time caring for others. Taking that time to energize is essential. Last summer, we made it to Crater Lake and Lassen National Parks, and we loved learning more about the ever-changing wilderness and watching my daughter get excited about the various adventures (and forced marches). Slowing down with my family in tow, sharing new experiences, and taking a few beats to listen to the little voice inside always leads to another great adventure, and it helps keep me centered. I am thankful this bucket- filling in nature keeps me able to do what I love. While I choose to always be on the road to somewhere, academically, spiritually, and often literally, it’s good to pause and enjoy the space and people around you. Whether that’s at a spectacular national park or a well- of camping on my own, I feel woefully behind in the camping adventures I’d love to experience.

T hose 'P esky ' F itness G oals

I’d say the hardest part of fitness is goal-setting. Okay, maybe not the hardest part — the last set of pushups, the home stretch on the track, and the stairs machine after leg day are all pretty tough. But that sort of tough is easy to deal with; we work through it, stay mentally strong, and know there’s an end — and a reward — in sight. By contrast, goal-setting determines what that end looks like and what the reward for getting there might be. Goals that are too easy won’t result in the changes and fitness level that you want. Goals that are too hard may not be achievable and can result in injuries. Both failures often lead to discouragement and the end of a fitness program. This month, I want to talk about how to set the right goals, ones that you can hit through hard work and that set you up for success for the rest of your life. That’s right, I said the rest of your life. Many of us think about fitness goals as something we set once and never think about again: “I want to lose 10 pounds before the summer ends,” or “I’d love to build an inch of muscle on my upper arms.” This is short-term goal-setting, and while it’s important to the process, it’s just one step in the process. Short-term goals are great, but they’re rungs in the ladder of long-term goals. If you want to lose that 10 pounds, you need a plan that will make sure it doesn’t come right back. Your 30-day all-kale diet might do that, but you need to realize that radical eating changes aren’t

appointed hotel that gives you a gorgeous sunset and an amazing cocktail, take the time to feed your soul. My other piece of important advice, as a long-ago California girl, is to always try to start and finish at In-N-Out. Always. - Shelly Coffman

Continued on page 2 ...


Continued from cover ...

sustainable. You’ll hit your goal, but then what? Are you going to eat only kale for the rest of your life and do the same exercises every week?

“Contrary to what you might have heard, there is a perfect time to do everything,” Breus writes. From that cup of coffee and your daily workout to when you watch TV, there’s a time for every activity in your day. And by a “perfect time,” Dr. Breus means a perfect time for you . Much of this book is dedicated to helping you learn your own habits and preferences, so you can customize your perfect time routine according to what will work in your own life. Breus is a scientist first, and his findings are based on hard evidence. His advice on when to wake up, for example, involves the use of a sleep monitor and is based on our internal biological clocks, which were, for thousands of years, activated by the sunrise. Humans were slowly brought into stage 1 or 2 sleep by the gentle increase of light. That method is less taxing on our systems and leaves us feeling more awake when we rise. This book covers everything, from learning something new or drinking coffee to meditating or using the restroom. Whether you want to read a book at the optimum time, or change your sleep schedule, “The Power of When” is a must-read. Michael Breus' 'The Power of When' hikes? Weight lifting? My answer to all of these is yes. You could do any of those things. You could do all of them! This is where your short-term goals come in. If you make a commitment to exercise regularly, you can set short-term goals that help fulfil that long-term one. As you start on your fitness plan, that 30 minutes of exercise might look like a half-mile run twice a week and some bodyweight exercises the other two days. As the weather gets nice, you might trade in those runs for a weighted pack on a long trail hike outside, or you could sign up for a club sport that has practice three days a week. If, down the line, you want to take up another hobby or new activity, your long-term goal gives you the flexibility to do so while ensuring that you’re always doing something. As you progress, your 30 minutes of exercise can ramp up in intensity. If you get hurt, you can tone it down for a while. By combining sustainable long-term goals with achievable short-term ones, you can set healthy goals that always leave you with room to grow. You can apply this principle to diet as well as exercise, and you can carry these flexible goals with you if you move towns or change jobs. It’s funny; we live in a world where every single exercise and diet plan is available, for free, online. But so few people learn to set the kind of goals they need to be healthy and fit. And when they do, they think of those goals as “pesky.” Let’s break that mindset this month and come up with some great goals that we can be proud of and strive for — today, tomorrow, and for the rest of our lives. Wishing you a healthy June!

Even if that was sustainable, it wouldn’t work. Our bodies are crafty; they want to find the most efficient way to do something possible. That means that we adapt quickly to new diets and routines, and our bodies will find a way to do those routines with the least amount of work. After a while, that old diet and routine won’t do much good. That’s the point where many people lose interest, and it can happen anywhere from a few months to a few years after you start working on your fitness. Here’s an example of a sustainable weight-loss goal: “I’m going to exercise for 30 minutes, four times a week.” At first, this may sound a little vague. Thirty minutes doing what? Aerobics? Trail

A T ime for E very P urpose

You know you’re supposed to eat right, exercise every day, and sleep 8 hours each night. You might even have a routine down from when the alarm goes off to when your head hits the pillow. But did you know

there’s actually a perfect time to do each thing every day? That’s the thesis of “The Power of When,” a new time-management book by Dr. Michael Breus.

Breus, a clinical psychologist who specializes in sleep disorders, realized that for some of his patients the time they went to sleep was actually more important than the amount of sleep they got. By changing when they crashed, they changed how effective that sleep was. “I wondered, ‘What else could this work for?’” Breus says. That wonder led him to look into what else could be timed for maximum efficiency. And the more he researched, the more he discovered.


(503) 248-0360

W here the W ild T hings A re The Unspoiled Natural Majesty of Yellowstone National Park

This summer, skip the expensive hustle and bustle of an overcrowded theme park. After a vacation like that, you’ll feel like you need another. As far as getaway destinations go, Yellowstone National Park, sprawling across Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming, is a little more expansive. More than 3 million visitors flock to its astonishing peaks, multicolored pools, and dramatic geothermal geysers each year, but as you travel across Yellowstone’s 2.2 million acres, it’s unlikely you’ll see much of them. And the sheer variety of unparalleled activities to explore means fun for the whole family. Make sure to check out Old Faithful, the most famous geothermal geyser in the world, with eruptions averaging a whopping 130 vertical feet. Or if it’s majesty and exploration you’re itching for, hike one of the many trails along the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone River. The views, with clay cliff faces and tree-covered mountains in every direction, are unlike any other. Also, be sure to investigate the Grand Prismatic Spring, which, besides its otherworldly rainbow waters, is known for being the largest hot spring in the U.S.

name a few. Just driving around the park, you’re apt to see moose, deer, elk, mountain goats, and, if you’re lucky, grizzly bears, mountain lions, or wolves.

Go boating, catch a fish, scale a mountain, ride a

horse — the things to do vary as much as the breathtaking

landscape. If you’re looking for an affordable, relaxed, and wide-open family vacation this summer, Yellowstone is a no-brainer.

For many, though, the biggest draw of the park is the wildlife. Yellowstone is home to the largest bison population on public land. It houses more mammals than anywhere else in the lower 48 states, 150 species of birds, and huge populations of native fish, to

S ensational


It’s officially the season of salads, and fruit salads are summer’s specialty! Enjoy this tasty dish as a side or main course. For some added protein, toss in a handful of slivered almonds or chopped pecans.

H ave a L augh !


• 1 pound strawberries, thinly sliced • 3 medium peaches, thinly sliced • 1 cup blueberries • 1 heaping tablespoon fresh basil or mint, chopped

• 2 tablespoons lemon juice • 1 tablespoon maple syrup • 2 teaspoons

balsamic vinegar


1. In a medium serving bowl, combine the strawberries, peaches, blueberries, and basil. 2. Drizzle lemon juice, maple syrup, and balsamic vinegar on top. 3. Gently toss to combine. 4. Serve immediately, or chill for later.



1215 SE 8TH Ave., Ste. D Portland, OR 97214

I nside T his I ssue

Those 'Pesky' Fitness Goals Page 1

Michael Breus' 'The Power of When' America's Best Amusement Parks Page 2 Yellowstone: Where the Wild Things Are Sensational Summer Salad Page 3 Work Out on the Road Page 4

To dedicated athletes, the thought of laying on a beach for a week during vacation sounds absurd. So what should you do when you have to leave your workout routine behind? Luckily, there’s a workout for you. The Sore Legs, No Equipment Workout was created by Bobby Maximus, author of “Maximus Body.” While this workout is especially beneficial for endurance and strength athletes, anyone up a creek without a paddle — or in a hotel room without gym access — will find this workout helpful. Maximus’ Sore Legs, No Equipment Workout involves a series of repeated lunges and wall-sits. Not only will this give you more stamina during a long run or ride, but you’ll also get rid of aches and pains. Even if you don’t have issues running now, you’ll prevent these issues down the road thanks to this workout. Most strength athletes find themselves in a rut because they don’t do enough repetitions. This workout solves that problem. The number of repetitions increases your lower body strength and challenges you mentally too. The No-Equipment Workout W ork O ut on the R oad

The Sore Legs, No Equipment Workout involves 40 alternating bodyweight lunges, followed by a 30-second wall-sit. Then, 38 alternating lunges, followed by another 30-second wall-sit. You reduce the number of lunges by two until you are down to two alternating lunges and a 30-second wall-sit. To get the most out of this workout, it’s recommended that you make it through the workout without resting. You’ll find that a few reps into this Sore Legs, No Equipment Workout, your legs will be just that — sore. But it’s a great way to add variety into your normal workout routine and keep you at your strongest all summer long.


(503) 248-0360