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Marketplace: Physical Therapy Can Help Avoid Surgery

20 • Cardiopulmonary • Hand Therapy • Musculoskeletal • Neurological • Pediatrics • Arthritis • Diab

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NorthernPTVT_How Physical Therapy Can Help You Avoid Opiods…

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Excellent Choice | How You Can Avoid Surgery

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Canyon Sports Therapy. PT Could Help You Avoid Surgery

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AdvancedBalanceStudio.How physical therapy can help you sav…

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South Valley_Fear the knife? PT will help you avoid surgery.

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Elite PT_PT Can Help After Surgery

or reduce post-operative swelling and assist the healing process. • Range of motion exercises: Exerc

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Advanced PT. Physical Therapy Can Help You Heal

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Regional PT_Physical Therapy Can Help You Improve Your Sport

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Excellent Choice | Physical Therapy Can Help You Get Heal

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PTRehab_Physical Therapy Can Help You Avoid Surgery

The Therapy Bulletin The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body ow Physical Therapy Can Help You Avoid Surgery hysical Therapy: 3 Important Benefits atient Success Spotlight elieve Knee Pain In Minutes ho Do You Know That Needs Our Help? e’re Moving In November!

CAN PHYSICAL THERAPY HELP YOU AVOID SURGERY? CAN PHYSICAL THERAPY HELP YOU AVOID SURGERY? We’re MOVING In November! See Inside for Details Railway Family Center 991 E. Railway Coleman, MI 48618 989-631-3570 East End Building 715 E. Main St, Suite 2200, Midland, MI 48640 989-374-2222 The Therapy Bulletin The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

Medical Professional Building 555 W. Wackerly St, Ste 3600 Midland, MI 48640 989-839-4570

ew Location PENING SOON! ity Center 24 S Saginaw Rd idland, MI 48640 89-631-3570

SIDE: w Physical Therapy Can Help You Avoid Surgery ysical Therapy: 3 Important Benefits tient Success Spotlight lieve Knee Pain In Minutes o Do You Know That Needs Our Help? ’re Moving In November!

The Therapy Bull The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Y


NOVEMBER 2019 The Therapy Bulletin The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

Does the thought of undergoing surgery make you feel queasy? If so, you’re not alone. Many people have a “fear of the knife,” so to speak. No one wants to get surgery, but sometimes it is a necessary part of physical treatment. However, it doesn’t always have to be. If you feel as if you may be on the path to needing surgery, but you’d like to discuss alternative options, don’t hesitate to give our team at Physical Therapy & Rehab Specialists a call. How Can I Avoid Surgery? There are numerous benefits to foregoing surgery and sticking with physical therapy – for one, you’ll save an incredible amount of money. Surgeries are pricy and physical therapy is far cheaper! Secondly, you’ll avoid the extensive recovery time that follows surgery. Many times, patients will need post-surgical rehabilitation (and sometimes pre-surgical rehabilitation) anyway. Why go through both if one can do the trick? Finally, and perhaps most importantly, physical therapy isn’t invasive. Physical therapy doesn’t involve any risks of complications or need for harmful painkillers. It’s not painful, it’s not dangerous, and it’s a natural remedy for your pain! It has been proven that physical therapy can be just as effective, if not more so, than surgery. For some specific conditions, patients who received physical therapy alone were seen to have achieved the same results as those who received surgery in tandem with physical therapy. These conditions were: CAN PHYSICAL THERAPY HELP YOU AVOID SURGERY?

How Do I Know Physical Therapy Will Work for Me? It is true that surgery is unavoidable in some patients, if the condition is severe enough. However, there are several studies and testimonials that prove physical therapy is successful in the treatment of pain to the point where, in many cases, surgery is unnecessary. According to a study done by the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), physical therapy is just as effective as surgery in patients with meniscal tears and arthritis of the knee. In this study, 351 patients aged 45 or older who fell under the categories of those conditions were randomly split into two groups, being “those who received surgery and post-operative physical therapy treatments,” and “those who received physical therapy alone.” Those given the sole standard physical therapy treatment plans were also given the option of “crossing over” to surgical treatment if they did not notice any significant improvements to their condition. After six months, 30% of patients opted to receive surgery; however, 70% stayed with their standardized physical therapy regimen, reporting improvement. Within the 6-12 month time frame of the study, those patients who received physical therapy treatment alone showed similar signs of improvement to those that received both surgery and physical therapy. You can avoid the path to surgery! Give us a call today to see how our services at Physical Therapy & Rehab Specialists can help you.

• Meniscal tears • Rotator cuff tears • Osteoarthritis

• Spinal stenosis • Degenerative disc disease


A Success Story: Proof Toward the Power of Physical Therapy One inspiring success story came from a 49-year-old man named Roberto. Roberto was suffering from spinal stenosis when he took a harsh fall, fracturing his shoulder. Anti- inflammatory medications weren’t an option for him, due to an additional diverticular disease, and during his physical evaluation by a pain management specialist, it was found that he was also suffering from degenerative disc disease. Due to all his health concerns, Roberto was apprehensive about receiving major surgery, so his pain management specialist referred him to a physical therapist. That was two years ago now! Roberto continues to consult with his therapist regularly and reports of radical

improvement with his back and shoulder pain: “My physical therapist, who really listens and cares, has enabled me to avoid back surgery and stop using anti-inflammatories. Instead of using medications, I have my mobility!” We’re Here to Help! At Physical Therapy & Rehab Specialists, we strive to make sure that every patient has a similar experience to that of Roberto’s. Our physical therapists are trained professionals who are driven and ambitious about helping their patients achieve the highest levels of comfort and success. Our goal is to help you avoid surgery and harmful drugs as much as possible. We do this by providing an extensive evaluation process to clearly diagnose the root of your problem, and basing a specialized

treatment plan around said diagnosis. We understand that every patient is different, so every plan should be different, too. Our physical therapists will be there with you every step of the way during your journey toward recovery, encouraging you and supporting every achievement you make. If you have a painful condition, don’t resort straight to surgery – come see us for a consultation first, and let us discuss how we can help you. Call Physical Therapy & Rehab Specialists today at 989-631-3570. You can get back your life without the need for surgery. Sources: • • moveforwardpt. com/WhyTherapy/Detail/physical-therapy-helps-man-avoid- surgery-maintain-

Refer A Friend! Who Do You Know That Needs Our Help?

Relieve Knee Pain In Minutes Try this movement if you are experiencing aches & pains.

Relieves Knee Pain

KNEE FLEXION Start on all fours with your knee angle at 90 degrees. Slowly lower your buttocks towards your heels until you feel a stretch in your knees. Return to the starting position, and repeat 6-10 times as needed.


Do You Have Friends Or Family Unable To Do The Following:

� Move without pain � Bend & move freely � Balance confidently & securely

� Sit for long periods comfortably � Walk for long distances � Live an active & healthy lifestyle


If you know someone suffering with aches and pains, give the gift of health. Refer them to Physical Therapy & Rehab Specialists today. Pass along this newsletter or have them call us directly to schedule an appointment with us.

With cold weather comes an increase in the risk of falls and arthritis aggravation. Take this month to learn some of the most important things you need to know about the benefits Physical Therapy: 3 Important Benefits With cold weather comes an increase in the risk of falls and arthritis aggravation. Take this month to learn some of the most important things you need to know about the benefits Physical Therapy: 3 Important Benefits With cold weather comes an inc ease in th risk of falls an arthritis aggravation. Take this month to learn some of th most important things you need to know about the benefit and perks of physical therapy: 1. Physical therapy is most beneficial when used before an issue becom s chronic and even as a means to pr vent future injury. With cold weather comes an increase in the risk of alls and arthrit s aggravation. Take this month to learn some of the most important hings you ne d to know about he benefits and perks of physical therapy: 1. Physical therapy is most benefici l when used befor an issue becomes chronic and even as a means to prevent future injury. Physical Therapy: 3 Important Benefits With cold weather comes an increase in the risk of falls and arthritis aggrav tion. Take this month to learn some of the most important things you need to know about the ben fits and perks of physical therapy: 1. Physical therapy is most ben ficial wh n used before an issue becomes chronic and even as a means to prevent future injury. Physical Therapy: 3 Important Benefit ith cold w at er comes an increase in the ri k f l s and rt it s agg avation. Take this month o lear some f the st important hings you need to know about he enefits nd erks f physi al therapy: . Physi al ther py i most eneficial when used ef re an i ue b comes chronic and even s means to pr vent future injury. P ysical T e apy: Impor an Be e its With cold weather comes an increase in the risk of fal s and arthritis ag ravation. Take this month to learn some of the most important things you ne d to kno about the bene ts and perks of physical therapy: 1. Phy ical therapy is most beneficial when used before an is ue becomes chronic and ev n as a means to prev nt fut re injury. Physical Therapy: 3 Imp tant Benefits ith cold weather comes an increase in the risk of alls nd arthritis aggravation. Take this month to learn some of the ost important hings you ne d to kn w about the benefits and perks of physical therapy: 1. Physical therapy is most ben ficial when used before an issue b comes chronic and ev n as a means to prevent future injury. hysical Therapy: 3 Important Ben fits

Patient Success Spotlight Patient Success Spotlight Patient Success Spotlight “The results are astonishing... I would not have believed this possible. I was s re we were on the path to surgery.” Patient Suc ess Spotlight “My wife has had back pain for a couple of decades. She had ecided this was part of life, deal with it. Her legs and hands were numb and in pain every morning and her back was o sore that she could barely stand. Rachelle evaluated her and det rmined that she xclusively used her back muscles rather than hips and legs to lift and support herself. Rachelle taught her some exercises to activate unused muscles. Subsequent sessions wer used to strengthen and control muscles that she was not using. Fast forward four weeks, and I would say the results are astonishing. She still has room to grow, but she now sleeps without numbness or pain and outruns me in stores when shopping. I would not have believed this possible. I was sure we were on the path to surgery. The team at Physical Therapy & Rehab Specialists are true professionals who understand how they can use physical therapy to improve the quality of life for their clients. The professionalism and effectiveness of this team cannot be overstated. Thank you for giving me my wife back!” -J. . “The results are astonishing... I would not have believed this possible. I was sure we were on the path to surgery.” Patient Success Spotlight “My wife has had back pain for a couple of decades. She had decided this was part of life, deal with it. Her l gs and hands were numb and in pain every morning and her back was so sore that she could barely stand. Rachell evalua ed her and determined that she exclusively u d her back muscles rather than hips and legs to lift and support herself. Rachell taught er some ex rcises to activate unused muscles. Subsequent ses ions were used to strengthen a d control muscles that she was not using. Fast forward four weeks, and I would say the results are astonishing. She still has room to grow, but she now sle ps without numbnes or pain and outr ns me in stores when shopping. I would not have beli ved this pos ible. I was sure we were on the path o surgery. The t am at Physical Therapy & Rehab Specialists are true professionals who understand how they can use physical therapy to improve the quality of life for their clients. The profes ionalism and eff ctivenes of this team cannot be overstated. Thank you for giving me my if ack!” -J. H. “The results are astonishing. I would not have believed this possible. I was ure we were on the path to surgery.” Patient Suc es S o lig “My wife has had back pain for a couple of decades. She had ecided this was part of life, d al with it. Her legs and h nds were numb and i pain every morni g and her back was so ore that she could barely stand. Ra hel e evaluated her and etermined that she xclusively used her back muscles rather than hips and legs to lift and sup ort herself. Rachel e taught her some exercises to activate unused muscles. Subsequent ses ions were used to strengthen and control muscles tha she was not using. Fast forwa d four weeks, and I would say the results are astonishing. She stil has ro m to grow, but she now sleeps without numbness or pain and outruns me in stores when shopping. I would not have believed this possible. I was ure we were on the path to surgery. The team at Physical Therapy & Rehab Specialists are true professionals who understand how they can use physical therapy to improve the quality of life for their clients. The professionalism and ef ectiveness of this team can ot be oversta ed. Thank you for giv ng m my wife back!” -J. H “T e results are as o ishing... I wo ld not ave believed this po ible. I was s e we er on the pa h to s rgery.” Patient Succes Sp tlight My wife has d b ck pain for a couple of decades. She had deci this as p rt of li e, d al with it. Her leg and hand were numb nd in pai every orning a d her back was so sore that sh could barely stand. Rachel valuated h r and determined that she exclusively used h r back muscle ather than ips and legs to lift and sup ort herself. Rachel taught her ome ex rcises to activate un sed muscle . Subsequent se sions were sed to strengthen and control muscle that she was not using. Fast forward our we ks, and I would say the results are astonishing. She still has ro m o grow, but she now sleeps without numbness or pain and outruns me in tores when shop ing. I would not have beli v d this pos ible. I was sure e were on the path to surgery. The team t Physical Therapy & Rehab pecial sts are true professionals who understand how they can use physical herapy to improve the quality of life for their clients. The professionalism nd ef ectiven s of this team cannot be ov rstated. Thank you for giving e my wife back!” -J. H. The r sult are ast nishing. . I would not ave beli v d this possible. I was sure we wer on the path to surgery.” atient Suc es Spotlight y wife has had back pain for a couple of deca s. She had ecided this as part of li e, d al with it. Her legs and hands were numb and in pain ev ry orning and her back was o ore that s e could barely stand. Rachell alu ted her and etermined tha s e xclusively used her b k muscles the than hips and legs to lift and sup ort hers lf. Rachell taught her me ex rcise to activ te unused muscles. Subsequent s ions were ed to streng hen a d control muscles tha she was not using. Fast forwa d ur weeks, and I would say the results are astoni hing. She still has room grow, but she now sleeps without numbness or pain and outr ns me in ore when shopping. I would not have beli v d this pos ible. I was ure e wer on the path to surge y. The team at Physical Therapy & Rehab ecial sts are true p ofessionals who understand how they can use physical erapy to improve the quality of life or thei clients. The professional sm d ef ectiv ness of this team cannot be overstated. Thank you for giv ng e my wife back!” -J. H The results are astonishin . I would not ve b lieved this pos ible. I was sure we er on the path to surgery.” “My wife has had back pain for a couple of decades. She had decided this was part of life, deal with it. Her legs and hands were numb and in pain every morning and her back was so sore that she could barely stand. Rachelle evaluated her and determined that she exclusively used her back muscles rather than hips and legs to lift and support herself. Rachelle taught her some exercises to activate unused muscles. Subsequent sessions were used to strengthen and control muscles that she was not using. Fast forward four weeks, and I would say the results are astonishing. She still has room to grow, but she now sleeps without numbness or pain and outruns me in stores when shopping. I would not have believed this possible. I was sure we were on the path to surgery. The team at Physical Therapy & Rehab Specialists are true professionals who understand how they can use physical therapy to improve the quality of life for their clients. The professionalism and effectiveness of this team cannot be overstated. Thank you for giving me my wife back!” -J. H. “The results are astonishing... I would not have believed this possible. I was sure we were on the path to surgery.” “My wife has had back pain for a couple of decades. She had decided this was part of life, deal with it. Her legs and hands were numb and in pain every morning and her back was so sore that she could barely stand. Rachelle evaluated her and determined that she exclusively used her back muscles rather than hips and legs to lift and support herself. Rachelle taught her some exercises to activate unused muscles. Subsequent sessions were used to strengthen and control muscles that she was not using. Fast forward four weeks, and I would say the results are astonishing. She still has room to grow, but she now sleeps without numbness or pain and outruns me in stores when shopping. I would not have believed this possible. I was sure we were on the path to surgery. The team at Physical Therapy & Rehab Specialists are true professionals who understand how they can use physical therapy to improve the quality of life for their clients. The professionalism and effectiveness of this team cannot be overstated. Thank you for giving me y wife back!” -J. H. “The results are astonishing... I would not have believed this possible. I was sure we were on the path to surgery.” “My wife has had back pain for a couple of decades. She had decided this as part of life, deal with it. Her legs and hands were numb and in pain every orning and her back was so sore that she could barely stand. Rachelle valuated her and determined that she exclusively used her back muscles ather than hips and legs to lift and support h rself. Rachelle ta ght her ome exercises to activate unused muscles. Subsequent sessions were sed to strengthen and control m scles that she was not using. Fast forward our weeks, and I would say the results are astonishing. She still has room o grow, but she now sleeps without numbness or pain and outruns me in tores when shopping. I would not have believ d this possible. I was sure e were on the path to surgery. The team at Physical Therapy & Rehab pecialists are true professionals who understand how they can use physical herapy to improve the quality of life for their clients. The professionalism nd effectiveness of this team cannot be overstated. Thank you for giving e my wife back!” -J. H.

The longer you let your pain g untreated, the more severe th pain is likely to become an more difficult to heal. Physica therapy can have a huge impac on alleviating pain from muscl and joint aches, but the earlier yo start, the better off you will be. 3. Physical therapy is the bes strategy to overcome chroni pain and is helpful at all ages. About 30% of adults over 1 struggle with chronic back pain and at number is even highe for those who are over 65. Turnin to pain medication only mask the pain without addres ing th issue—meaning the pain alway comes back. Your physica therapist will tailor therap methods to your needs, helpin you achieve the best result possible.

and perks of physical therapy: 1. Physical therapy is most beneficial when used before an issue becomes chronic and even as a means to prevent future injury. Yourphysical therapistcanprovide you an exercise regimen to help strengthen your body and keep joints healthy, flexible, and moving properly. Exercising regularly can help you understand proper lifting mechanics and their importance in everyday life, such as moving heavy furniture or lifting items off the ground. You can also practice proper posture as a preventative to many different types of injuries. 2. The best thing that you can do is seek treatment as immediately following the development of your pain as possible. Muscle aches and joint pain tend to grow worse over time. and perks of physical therapy: 1. Physical therapy is most beneficial when used before an issue becomes chronic and even as a means to prevent future injury. Yourphysical therapistcanprovide you an exercise regimen to help strengthen your body and keep joints healthy, flexible, and moving properly. Exercising regularly can help you understand proper lifting mechanics and their importance in everyday life, such as moving heavy furniture or lifting items off the ground. You can also practice proper posture as a preventative to many different types of injuries. 2. The best thing that you can do is seek treatment as immediately following the development of your pain as possible. Muscle aches and joint pain tend to grow worse over time. Your physical the apist can p ovide you an exercise regimen to help strengthen your body and keep joints healthy, flex bl , and moving properly. Exercising regularly can help you understand proper lifting mechanics and their importance in everyday life, such as moving heavy furniture or lifting items off the g ound. You can also practice proper posture as a preventative to many different types of injuries. 2. The best thing that you can do is seek treatment as immediately following the development of your pain as possible. Muscle aches and joint pain tend to grow wors over time. Yourphysical therapistcanprovide you an exercise regimen to help strengthen your body and keep joints healthy, flexible, and moving properly. Exercising regularly can help you nderstand proper lifting mechanics and their importance in everyday life, such as moving heavy furniture or lifting item off the ground. You can also practice proper posture as a preventative to many differ nt types of injuries. 2. The best hing that you can do is eek treatment as immediately following the development of your pain as possible. Muscle aches and joint pain tend to grow worse over tim . Yourphysical therapistcanprovide you an exercise regimen to help strengthen your body and keep joints healthy, flexible, and moving properly. Exercising regularly can help you understand proper lifting mechanics and their importance in ev ryday life, such as moving heavy furniture or lifting items off the ground. You can also practi e proper posture as a preventative to many different ypes of injuries. 2. The best thing that you can do is seek treatment as immediately foll wing the development of your pain as possible. Muscle aches and joint pain tend to grow orse over time. Yourphysical therapistcanprovide you an exercise regimen to help strengthen your body and ke p joints healthy, flexible, and moving pro erly. Exercis ng regularly can help you nderstand pro er lifting mechanics and their importance in everyday life, such as moving heavy furniture or lifting items of the ground. You can also practice pr er posture as a preventative to many dif erent types of injuries. 2. The b st thing tha you can do is e k treatment as immediately fol owing the evelopment of your pain as possible. M scl aches and joint pain tend to grow worse over time. Yourphysical therapistcanprovide you an ex rcise regimen to help strengthen your body and ke p joints healthy, flexible, and moving properly. Exercising regularly can help you understand proper lifting mechanics and their importance in ev ryday life, such as moving heavy furniture or lifting items off the ground. You can also practice proper osture as a prev ntative to many different ypes of injuries. 2. The best hing that you can do is e k treatment as im ediately fol owing the dev lopment of your pain s pos ible. Muscle aches and joint pain tend to grow worse over time. Yourphysical therapistcanprovide you an ex rcis regim n to help strengthen your body and keep joints healt y, flexibl , and moving pro e ly. Exercising regularly can help you nderstand pro e lifting echanics and their importance in everyday life, such as mov ng heavy furniture or lift ng i ems of the ground. You can also practi e pro e posture as preventa ive to many dif erent ypes of injuries. 2. The b st hing tha you can do is eek treatment as immediat ly following the development of your pain as possible. uscle aches and joint pain tend to grow orse ov r time.

The longer you let your pain go untreated, the more severe the pain is likely to become and more difficult to heal. Physical therapy can have a huge impact on alleviating pain from muscle and joint aches, but the earlier you start, the better off you will be. 3. Physical therapy is the best strategy to overcome chronic pain and is helpful at all ages. About 30% of adults over 18 struggle with chronic back pain, and that number is even higher for those who are over 65. Turning to pain medication only masks the pain without addressing the issue—meaning the pain always comes back. Your physical therapist will tailor therapy methods to your needs, helping you achieve the best results possible. The longer you let your pain go untreated, the more severe the pain is likely to become and more difficult to heal. Physical therapy can have a huge impact on alleviating pain from muscle and joint aches, but the earlier you start, the better off you will be. 3. Physical therapy is the best strategy to overcome chronic pain and is helpful at all ages. About 30% of adults over 18 struggle with chronic back pain, and that number is even higher for those who are over 65. Turning to pain medication only masks the pain without addressing the issue—meaning the pain always comes back. Your physical therapist will tailor therapy methods to your needs, helping you achieve the best results possible. The longer you let your pain go untreated, the more severe the pain is likely to become and more difficult o heal. Physical therapy can have a huge impact on alleviating pain from muscle and joint aches, but the arlier you start, the better off you will be. 3. Physical therapy is the best strategy to overcome chronic pain and is helpful at all ages. About 30% of adults over 18 struggle with chronic back pain, and that number is even higher for those who are over 65. Turni g to pain medication only masks the pain without addressing the issue—meani g the pain always comes back. Your physical therapist will tailor therapy methods to your needs, helping you achieve the best results possible. The longer you let your pain go untreated, the more sev re the pain is likely to become and more difficult to heal. Physical therapy can have a huge impact on alleviating pain from muscle and joint aches, but the earlier you start, the better off you will be. 3. Physical therapy is the best strategy to overcome chronic pain and is helpful at all ages. About 30% of adul s over 18 struggle with chro ic back pain, and that number is ev n higher for those who are over 65. Turning to pain medication only mask the pain without addressing the issue—meaning the pain always comes back. Your physical therapist will tailor therapy methods to your needs, helping you achieve the best results possible. The longer you let your pain go unt eat d, t more s vere the pai s likely to becom and m re difficult o heal. Physical therapy can have a huge impact on al eviating pain fr m uscle and joint aches, but the arlier you start, the b tter off you wil be. 3. Physical t erapy is the st stra egy to overcome chronic pain a d is helpful at all ges. Ab ut 30% of adults over 18 strug le with c ronic back pain, and tha num er is even hig er for those who are over 65. Turni g t pain medication nly masks the pain without ad ressing the is ue—meani g the pain always com s back. Your physi al t erapist will tailor t er py methods to y ur needs, helping you achieve t e best results possible. The longer you let your pain go ntreated, the more sev r the pain is like y to become and ore dif cult to heal. Physical therapy can have a huge impact on alleviating pain from muscle and joint aches, but he earli r you start, the better off you wil be. 3. Physical therapy is the best strategy to vercome chronic pain nd is helpful at al ages. About 30% of adults over 18 strug le with chronic back pain, and that number is ev n higher for those who are ov r 65. Turning to pain medicat on only mask the pain without ad res ing the is ue—meaning the pain lways comes back. Your physical therapist wil tailor therapy methods to your ne ds, helping you achiev the b st results pos ible. The longer you let your pain go un reated, he more sever t pain s likely to become and more dif cult to heal. Physical therapy can have a huge impact on alleviating pain from muscle and joint aches, but the earlie you start, he b t er off y u will be. 3. Physical therapy is the best stra egy to overcome chronic pain a d is helpful at all ges. About 30% of adults over 18 strug le with c ronic ba k pa n, and tha number is even hig er for those who are over 65. Turning to pain medication only mask the pain withou ad ressing the is ue—m ani g the pain always comes back. Your physical therapist will tailor therapy ethods to your needs, helping you achieve th best results pos ible.

We’re MOVING In November! >>> 324 S Saginaw Rd, Midland, MI 48640 • 989-631-3570 New Center City Location Opening Soon We’re MOVING In November! >> 324 S Saginaw Rd, Midland, MI 48640 • 989-631-3570 New Center City Location Openi g So n We’re MOVING In November! >>> 324 S Saginaw Rd, Midland, MI 48640 • 989-631-3570 New Center City Location Opening Soon e’re I In ovember! 324 S Saginaw Rd, Midland, MI 48640 • 989-631-3570 New Center City Location Opening Soon e’r M VIN In No er! > > 324 S aginaw Rd, Midland, MI 486 0 • 989-631- 570 New Cent r City Location Opening So n ’ e G N ! > 324 S Saginaw Rd, idlan , I 48640 • 989-631-357 e ente ity Location Openi g So ’r MO I In N vember 324 S Saginaw Rd, Midland, MI 48640 • 98 - 31- 570 N w Center City Location Opening So n r M N In No ! > 324 S aginaw Rd, Midland, MI 48640 • 989-631 3570 ew C nter City Location Openi g S n

We have exciting news to share with you! On November 1, we will be moving two of our offices – our Midland Community Center office and one of our offices in the 555 Building – to our newest location, at 324 S. Saginaw Road in Midland’s Center City. This new location will allow us to continue to provide you with the best possible care – centered on you in the center of Midland! – and tailored to meet your unique needs and goals. We are renovating the space in mid-century modern style, so it’s Midland through and through. We have exciting ews to share with you! On November 1, we will be moving two of our offices – our Midland Community Center office and one of our offices in the 555 Building – to our newest location, at 324 S. aginaw Road in Midland’s Cent r City. This new location will allow us to conti ue to provide you with the best possible care – centered on you in the center of Midland! – and tailored to meet your unique needs and goals. We are renovating the space in mid-century modern style, so it’s Midland through and through. We have exciting news to share with you! On November 1, we will be moving two of our offices – our Midland Community Center office and one of our offices in the 555 Building – to our newest location, at 324 S. Saginaw Road in Midland’s Center City. This ew location will allow us to co tinue to provide you with the best possible care – centered on you in the center of Midland! – and tailored to meet your unique needs and goals. We are renovating the space in mid-century modern We have xciting news to share with you! On November 1, we will be moving two of our offices – our Midland Community Center office and one of our offices in the 555 Building – to our newest locati n, at 324 S. Sagin w Road in Midland’s Center City. This new location will allow us to continue to provide you with the best possible care – centered on you in the center of Midland! – and tailored to meet your unique needs and goals. We are renovating the space i mid-century modern style, so it’s Midland through and throu h. We have exciting news to share with you! On November 1, we will be moving two of ur offices – our Midland Community Center office and one of ur offices in the 5 Build ng – to our newest location, at 324 S. aginaw Road in Midland’s Center City. This new location will allow us to continue to provide you with the best possible care – centered on you in the center of Midland! – and tailored to me t your unique n eds and goals. We are renovating the space in mid-century modern style, so it’s Midland through and through. We have excit ng ews to share with you! On November 1, we will be moving two f our of ces – our Midland Com unity Cen r office and one of our fices in the 555 Building – to our new st location, t 324 S. Saginaw Road in Midland’s Center City. his new location will a low us to continue to provide you with the b st possible care – cent red on you in the cent r of Midland! – and ailored to meet your unique n eds and goals. We are renovati g the space in mid-century mo ern style, so it’s Midland through and through. We have xciting news to share with you! On ovember 1, we il be moving two of our of ces – our Midland Com unity Center of ce and o e of our f ces in the 5 Building – to our newest location, at 324 S. Saginaw Road in Midla d’s Ce ter City. This new location will al ow us to continue to provide y u with the best pos ible care – centered on y u in the center of Midland! – and tailored to me t your niq e ne ds and goals. We ar renovating the space in mid-century modern style, so it’s Midland through and through. e have xciting ews to share with you! On November 1, we will b moving two of ur of ces – our Midland Community Cent r of ce and one of our offices in the 555 Building – to our newest location, at 324 S. Saginaw Road in Midland’s Center City. This new location will al ow us to c ntinue to provide you with the b st possible care – cent r d on you in the c nter of Midland! – and tailored to meet your nique need and goals. We are renovating the space in mid-century modern style, so it’ Midland through and through.

We’ll have private treatment areas as well as space for exercise, therapeutic modalities and manual therapy. Plus, our new office is easily accessible as well as convenient, with plenty of parking. We are excited about this investment in our community because it allows us to play an active role in revitalizing and growing the Center City corridor. We look forward to partnering with other businesses and individuals in a joint effort to transform Center City into a vibrant district for future generations. We’ll have private treatment areas as well as space for ex rcise, therapeutic modalities and manual therapy. Plus, our new office is easily accessible as well as convenient, with plenty of parking. We are excited about this investment in our community because it allows us to play an active role in revitalizing and growing the Center City corridor. We look forward to partnering with other businesses and individuals in a joint effort to transform Center City into a vibrant district for future generations. We’ll have private treatment areas as well as space for exercise, therapeutic modalities and manual therapy. Plus, our new office is easily accessible as well as convenient, with plenty of parking. We are excited about this investment in our community because it allows us to play an active role in revitalizing and growing the Center City corridor. W look forward to partnering with other businesses and individuals in a joint effort to transform Center City into a vibrant district for We’ll have private trea ment areas as well as space for exercise, therapeutic modalities and manual therapy. Plus, our new office is easily accessible as well as convenient, with plenty of parking. We are excited about his investment i our community because it allows us to play an active role in revitaliz ng and growing the Center City corridor. We look forward to partnering with other busin sses and indiv duals in a joint effort o transform Center City into a vibrant district for future generations. We’ll have private reatmen areas as well as space for xercise, therapeutic modalities and manual therapy. Plus, o r new of ce is easily accessible as well as convenient, with plenty of parking. We are excited about this nvestment in our community because it allows u to play n active role in revitalizing and growing the Center City corridor. We look forward to partnering with other businesses and individuals in a joint effort to transfo m Center City into a vibrant district for future gen rations. We’l have pri ate treatm nt are s wel as space for exercise, therapeutic modalities and manual therapy. Plus, our new office is easily accessible as wel as conve ient, with plenty of parking. We are excited about his investm nt in our com unity becaus it al ows us to play an active role in revital z ng and growing the C nter City cor id r. We look forwa d to partneri g with other business s and ind v du ls in a joint effort to transform Cent r City nto vibrant distr c for future ge rations. We’ll have private tre ment ar as as wel as space for ex rcise, therapeutic modalities and manual ther py. Plus, our new of ce is easily ac es ible a wel as convenient, with plenty f parking. We are xcited about this investment in our com unity because it allows us to play an active role in revitalizing and growing the Center City cor idor. We lo k forw rd to partnering with other businesse and individuals in a joint effort to transf rm Center City into a vibrant district for fut re gen rations. We’ll hav privat t eatm nt are s well as space for exe cis , therapeutic modalities nd manual therapy. Plus, o r new of ce is easily ac essible as wel as conveni t, with plenty of parking. e are excit d about his investm nt in our com unity because it allows us to play an ctive role in revital z ng and growing the Cent r City corridor. We lo k forward to partnering with other businesse and nd v duals in a joint ef ort o transform Cent r City nto a vibrant distr ct for future g nerations.

You can still visit us at our 3600 suite in the 555 Building and the East End Building in Midland, as well as the Railway Family Center in Coleman. At all of our locations, we are centered on providing you with exceptional quality of care so that you can get back to your activities faster and achieve a better quality of life – and we will stay by your side every step of the way. Thank you for your support and partnership. You can count on our care – centered on you – to help you get back to life. W E ' R E M O V I N City Center 324 S Saginaw St Midland, MI 48642 You can still visit us at our 360 suite in the 55 Building and the East End Building in Midland, as well as the Railway Family Center in Coleman. At all of our locations, we are centered on providing you with exceptional quality of care so that you can get back to your activities faster and achieve a better quality of life – and we will stay by your side every step of the way. Thank you for your support and partnership. You can count on our care – centered on you – to help you get back to life. W E ' R E M O V I N G City Center 324 S Saginaw St Midland, MI 48642 You can still visit us at our 3600 suite in the 5 Building and the East End Building in Midland, well as the R ilway Family Center in Colema At all of our locations, we are centered providing you with exception l quality of ca so that you can get back to your activities fast and achieve a better quality of life – and we w stay by your side every step of the way. Tha you for your support and partnership. You c count on our care – centered on you – to he you get back to life. W E ' R E M O V I Ci y Center 324 S Saginaw St Midland, MI 4864 You can still visit us at our 3600 suite in the 55 Building and the East End Building in Midland, as well as the Railway Family Cent r in Coleman. At all of our locations, we re centered on providing you with exceptional quality of care so that you can get back to your activ ties faster and achieve a better quality of life – and we will stay by our side very step of the way. Thank you for your support and partnership. You can count on our care – centered on you – to help you get back to life. W E ' R E M O V I N G City Center 324 S Saginaw St Midland, MI 48642 You can still visit u at our 3600 suite in the 55 Building and the East End Building in Midland, as well as the Railway F mily Center in Coleman. At all of our locations, we are cent red o providing you with exceptional quality of care so that you can get back to your activities fa ter and achieve a bett r quality of life – and we will stay by your side every step of the way. Thank you for your support and partnership. You can count on our care – cent r d on you – to help you get back to life. W E ' R E M O V I N G City Center 324 S S ginaw St Midland, MI 48642 You can stil v sit us at our 3600 suite in the 555 Building and the East End Building i Midland, as wel as the Railway Family Cent r in Coleman. At all of ur locations, we are c nt red on providing you with exc ptional quality of care so that you can get back to your activ ties fa ter and achieve a be ter quality of life – and we il stay by your side every step of the way. Thank you for your sup ort and partnership. You can count on ur care – cent red on you – to help you get back to life. ' R E M O V I N G City Center 324 S S ginaw St Midland, MI 48642 You can still vi it us at our 360 suite in the 5 Build ng a d the East End Buil ing in M dland, as wel as the Railw y F mily Center in Coleman. At al of our locations, e are center d on providing you with exceptional quality of care so that you can get back to your activit es faster and chiev a bet er quality of life – and we will stay by your side v ry step of the way. Thank you f r y ur sup ort and part e ship. You can count on our care – centered on u – to help you get back to life. W E ' R E M O V I N G ! City Center 324 S Saginaw St Midland, MI 48642 You can still v si us at our 360 suite n h 555 Building and the East End Building in Midland, s well as the Railway Family Cent r in Coleman. At al of ur locations, we are cent r d on roviding you with exceptional quality of care so tha you can get back to your activ ies faster and achiev a be er quality of life – and we wil stay b our side ev ry step of the way. Thank you for your support and partnership. Y u can count n ur care – cent red on you – to help y u get back to life. W E ' R E M O V I N G City Cen er 324 S Saginaw S Midland, MI 48642