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Puntier Law Firm - June 2022

4 cup of the marinade. 3. Seal bag and massage marinade into the chicken. Chill in the fridge overni

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Puntier Law Firm - March 2022

Puntier Law Firm - March 2022 (404) 902-6004 | March 2022 We Handle Personal Inju

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Puntier Law Firm - May 2022

or professional level. This book, a brilliant study on human nature, will have you wondering why you

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Puntier Law Firm - Spanish - March 2022

Puntier Law Firm - Spanish - March 2022 (404) 902-6004 | March 2022 ¡Manejamos ca

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Puntier Law Firm - Spanish - May 2022

o profesional. Este libro, un brillante estudio de la naturaleza humana, hará que se pregunte por qu

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Mottley Law Firm - April 2022

2 cups finely chopped pecans, divided 2 8-oz bars of cream cheese, softened DIRECTIONS 1. Cook pie c

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Whisler Law Firm - April 2022

card game Pretend you’re on an adventure in another country Snuggle From there, arrange the other fu

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Harmonson Law Firm - April 2022


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Field Law Firm - April 2022

2 cups finely chopped pecans, divided Directions 1. Cook pie crust according to package instructions

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McMahan Law Firm - April 2022

or make an offer to customers who attend the event to boost your retention. Beyond events, you could

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Puntier Law Firm - April 2022

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April 2022

The Blessing of Having Two Daughters Seeing God’s Presence in Them

Having children is one of the biggest blessings God has given me. I’m so grateful that I can see God’s presence in my daughters each day and how He is using them to share His vision. In honor of seeing God and the gifts He provides me each day, I wanted to talk about my two beautiful daughters: Lia and Hannah. Having children allows you to look at the world differently because of the new responsibilities you receive. I can give my daughters the opportunities and resources I wish I had when I was their age. I’m also able to offer advice and lessons from what I wish I had done differently. As I raise my daughters, I focus on how they can be the best versions of themselves. I see myself in my daughters, but I want them to be a better version of me. I want them to be confident in themselves and know that God created them perfectly in His eyes. Growing up, I didn’t understand the value and importance of seeing your body as a temple and seeing yourself as an image of Christ. I think this plays a very

When we moved to Georgia, my relationship with Christ flourished, and I saw myself as a different woman. As I raised my daughters, I made sure they were connected to Jesus through Bible studies and how they can live through Christ to make the world a better place. By having a strong relationship with God, my girls have learned how to be responsible, kind, caring, and accepting of other people from all walks of life. Both of my girls are teenagers, and I have the honor of seeing how God is revealing Himself to them. I love watching them grow through His image and seeing how their characteristics have transformed over the years. My oldest daughter, Lia, is 18 — and she is everything that I wish I was at her age. She is well-grounded, has a huge heart and passion for helping others, and knows how to set boundaries. She also respects and appreciates her body. I taught her how

Being empathetic and attuned to situations is one of her specialties, and she can tell when things aren’t okay. She listens to her instincts and her gut during any situation. Lia and Hannah both have hearts of gold. They love Christ and reading the word of God. When I see them, I appreciate God even more because they are both truly a reflection of His work. Every time I’m with them, I can see the work God has done in my husband’s life and in my own life as well, and I couldn’t be more grateful for the path He has put my family on. I wish I had a stronger relationship with Christ when I was a teenager. But being a parent has provided me a second opportunity to be a better human in this world and honor God even more through the way I raised them. Thank you, Lia and Hannah, for providing me with such happiness and joy. I can’t wait to see how God uses you in the future. You both mean so much to me, and I will be here for you through everything. I love you both dearly.

to accept that God created us and how to appreciate the things we like and don’t like about ourselves. Lia is so confident and happy with herself,

“Both of my girls are teenagers, and I have the honor of seeing how God is revealing Himself to them.”

important role while raising girls. Social media impacts how others perceive

themselves in this generation, especially with body image. I’m intentional when I speak to my daughters and make sure they know how beautiful they are inside and out. I’m their biggest cheerleader, and I take action and pray that they’re aware of how special they are to me, their father, and God.

and I am so proud of the beautiful young woman she has become.

My 13-year-old, Hannah, has a heart that beats to be empathetic to how other people feel — she is my version of kindness. She’s able to put herself in other people’s shoes and see how certain actions can make people feel.

–Noemi Puntier | 1

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Raise a Glass — Or Several 6 Ways to Drink More Water Without Thinking About It

DRINK A FULL GLASS WITH MEDICINES. Many of us get in the habit of only taking a large sip of water with pills. However, whether you take a supplement, medication, or vitamin, wash it down with a full glass of water.

Staying hydrated is one of the pillars of healthy living. In fact, according to the Mayo Clinic, women should drink 11.5 cups (92 ounces) of water a day, and men should drink 15.5 cups (124 ounces) a day. But, if we’re being honest, water can be pretty boring to drink — there are things we’d rather be drinking, and busy schedules make it difficult. Here are some ways to work more water into your daily routine to promote optimal health. BEGIN AND END YOUR DAY WITH WATER. Make it a routine to drink a large glass of water upon waking up and before going to bed. “Bookending” your day like this ensures that your body is hydrated for both the day and night ahead. DRINK A CUP OF WATER WITH EACH CUP OF COFFEE. Many of us are used to drinking more than one cup of coffee throughout the day. If you drink a glass of water with each cup of coffee, you’re sure to stay hydrated. Keep in mind that while coffee is a liquid and contains water, it’s not very thirst-quenching. ICE IS YOUR FRIEND. Each time you pour a drink or make a smoothie, use lots of ice! Your taste buds will hardly notice the difference, and you’ll still have lots of flavor while boosting your hydration.

CARRY AROUND A LARGE WATER BOTTLE. Taking your water with you in a large bottle reminds you to keep sipping wherever you go. Every chance you get, fill it up. The bottomless water bottle is a perfect way to work more water into your day. As a bonus, you can use a measured bottle to see how much you’ve actually drank throughout the day! INFUSE YOUR WATER. Try giving your H2O an extra kick. Add berries, lemon, lime, or mint to your water to give it some flavor and help make it more enticing to drink! Water is important for a healthy body and mind, so follow these tips and stay hydrated!

3 Tips To Help You Win Your Case Preparing For An Asylum Case

Under United States law, you can apply for asylum if you’re fleeing your country because you fear persecution. Persecution can take the form of threats, violence, torture, disproportionate punishment, economic deprivation, or denial of fundamental human rights. Here are some tips that can help you within immigration court. MEET WITH YOUR ATTORNEY During this process, your attorney will listen to your story and see if it meets the criteria for an asylum claim. When going through your case, we will ask you questions such as: • Do your facts in your case show signs of persecution? • Is your persecution based on one of the five protected grounds of race, religion, nationality, membership in a social group, or political opinion? • Are there bars to your eligibility for asylum? PROVIDE DOCUMENTS There are several types of documents that you can use to help support your story of persecution. These documents can include:

• Police record of arrests because of protest demonstrations • Political membership records • A psychological evaluation that shows the emotional toll your persecution has on you PREPARE FOR YOUR INTERVIEW This is the most crucial step in your asylum application process. Your attorney will ask you questions like the ones an asylum office will ask you during your actual interview. We will ask you difficult questions so you will be prepared for anything that comes your way. This will help you be relaxed and confident during your interview. We will also ensure that you have all the documents you need, such as forms of identification, certificates, and anything else you didn’t previously submit to the asylum office. Less than half of the people who apply for asylum in the United States have their applications approved. At Puntier Law Firm, your case and story are our top priority. We will be with you every step of the process and ensure that you’re prepared for anything that comes your way. We will be happy to look at your case and help you during this time.

• Letters from neighbors or a political activist • Hospital records that show injuries caused by persecutors

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If you find yourself in a car accident and seeking medical attention, you may ask yourself how to pay for the expenses while waiting for your settlement in a personal injury claim. Being in the middle of an injury claim can be stressful, especially if you are dealing with medical expenses. Luckily, you can do a few things to cover the cost as you wait for your settlement. USE PIP INSURANCE You can use your personal injury protection (PIP) insurance to help cover your medical bills. The basic coverage you can get is $10,000 per person in a car accident. Georgia is an at-fault state, meaning the party responsible for your injuries will be liable. PIP insurance is available to you but not mandated that you use it for your medical expenses. SIGN A LETTER OF PROMISE The majority of health care providers will let you defer payments. However, this promise will not be made orally. You will need to sign a formal agreement stating your promise to the health care provider. The statement confirms that your provider offers care without payment and will receive payment after your case is settled. You will agree to pay the provider in full for any medical expenses once you receive your settlement. VEHICLE’S INSURANCE If you receive an injury from a car accident and you don’t have medical insurance, you may be able to use your policy on your auto insurance to cover the costs. However, your insurance provider may file a lien against your settlement because they will want a reimbursement since they will be covering the cost. Your attorney will be responsible for taking funds from your settlement to pay back your auto insurance provider. Everyone deserves care, especially when suffering from serious injuries due to an accident. If you don’t have any type of insurance and can’t pay your medical bills, allow your friends at Puntier Law Firm to help you. We can negotiate with your health care providers to ensure that you get the treatment you deserve. How to Pay for Personal Injury Medical Expenses I DON’T HAVE HEALTH INSURANCE!


Hard-boiled eggs are essential for Easter, so why not transform them into a healthy appetizer?


• 6 large eggs • 3 tbsp Greek yogurt • 1 tsp Dijon mustard • 1 tsp lemon juice

• Optional: Hot sauce, to taste • Optional: Paprika and chives, chopped, for garnish


1. In a large pot, add eggs and cover with water. Put on high heat, and then boil eggs for 10 minutes. 2. Once boiled, peel eggs by gently tapping and removing the shell. (Adding the eggs to an ice bath after boiling can make this task easier.) 3. Cut eggs lengthwise and place yolks into a medium mixing bowl. Set egg white halves open side up on a plate. 4. In a bowl, combine yolks, yogurt, mustard, lemon juice, and hot sauce (if desired) until smooth. 5. Transfer the yolk mixture into the egg white halves. Garnish with paprika and chives if desired.

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(404) 902-6004 1770 Indian Trail Rd., Ste. 270 Norcross, GA 30093




One of Christ’s Most Precious Gifts


How to Drink More Water Less Than Half Of These Applications Are Approved


Healthier, Lighter Deviled Eggs I Don’t Have Health Insurance! Now What?


3 Immigration Benefits You Can Receive

If You’re A Victim Of A Crime You Still Have Immigration Benefits

T NONIMMIGRANT STATUS The T visa provides protection if you were part of human trafficking. You will be working with law enforcement during their investigation to prosecute human trafficking cases. In order to qualify, you must be a victim of a severe form of trafficking, be physically present in the United States, and suffer hardship and harm if you were to be deported. No matter what your immigration status is, you deserve to receive justice for the pain and suffering you experience if you’re a victim of a crime. If you have any questions about these benefits or if you’ve been a victim of a crime, allow Puntier Law Firm to assist you. We will listen to your story and research which benefit is the best for you and your needs.

When you find yourself a victim of a crime, it can be nerve-wracking to report the crime because you may think you will be deported from the United States. Luckily, the United States laws provide several protections for legal and undocumented immigrants who’ve been victims of a crime. Let’s look at some of the protections that you can use if you’re a victim of a crime, VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN ACT (VAWA) If you or your child are victims of domestic violence by a United States citizen or green card holder, you may be eligible to apply for your own green card. You can apply without needing the abuser to file for immigration benefits.

• You must prove that you have or had a relationship with the abuser. • You reside or previously resided with the abuser. • You have a good moral character. • You have been victims of battery, assault, or cruelty. U NONIMMIGRANT STATUS You can receive a U visa if you’ve been a victim of criminal activity and suffered physical or mental abuse from the crime. However, you also will have to provide credible and reliable information about the crime that is helpful for an investigation or prosecution. You are eligible for a U visa if you were the victim of abduction, perjury, manslaughter, murder, rape, prostitution, sexual assault, or torture.

There are a few qualifications you must establish in order to use the VAWA benefit:

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