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2020 Impact Report

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Donor Impact Report 2020

fortnightly on 16 different projects supported by 47 staff. Volunteering and fundraising activities

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2020 Impact Report

CEO To say that 2020 was challenging would be the understatement of the year. Faced with the challen

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Sponsorship Impact Report 2020

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2020 Impact Report

Meals on Wheels of the Monterey Peninsula annual rePort 2020

Meals on Wheels of the Monterey Peninsula

From the President This past year has been unlike any in our history. Each one of us experienced the disappointment of events that did not happen and faced unique challenges that threatened our families and community. Meals on Wheels of the Monterey Penin- sula was not spared from these challenges. We had to cancel several celebrations and events, change the way we deliver meals, dramatically alter our interactions at the Sally Griffin Active Living Center, and transition to Zoom Board meetings. However, thanks to so many of you, we made it happen! Like so many businesses this year, we learned as we went along, adapted to changing circumstances, and did our best to meet the growing need of our clients. Our new Executive Director, Christine Winge was only on staff for a couple of weeks before Shelter in Place went into effect. Working initially with Vivica during this transition, Christine and our amazing staff and volunteers demonstrated flexibility and willingness to embrace so many changes in such a short amount of time. Through it all, we continued our long-standing reputation of never turning away a senior in need. We were able to accommodate the 63% increase in home delivered meals as well as expand our services into Carmel Valley. We also moved beyond a successful pilot program and began providing all of the meals delivered by Meals on Wheels of the Salinas Valley. All of these expanded services would not have been possible without the unwavering support of our donors, community agency partners, and charitable foundations. On behalf of the Board of Directors, I am grateful to each and every one of you for what you give to Meals on Wheels. Every dollar, every minute of your time, every creative idea, and every act of kindness make our continued suc- cess possible. Know that you have made a positive impact on our community and made it possible for us to continue our mission to promote the personal well-be- ing and independence of seniors on the Monterey Peninsula. We continue to make progress on the initiatives set out in our strategic plan, focusing on eliminating barriers to service, developing strategies to minimize social isolation, modernizing our kitchen, leveraging technology investments, and deepening our community partner relationships. We are hopeful that a vaccine will be distributed quickly throughout our senior community and that we can once again gather together for meals and social interaction. We are looking forward to being able to reopen the Griffin Center and deliver meals and smiles…without a mask. Until then, please continue to reach out to your family, friend, or neighbor who may be isolated and need additional support. On behalf of the clients we serve, thank you for helping change lives through- out our community, one meal at a time. With your support we can continue to make it happen!

Debbie Winick • President Board of Directors

Meals on Wheels of the Monterey Peninsula is guided by the belief that a person’s health reflects the nurturing of the whole person—body, mind, and spirit. Our programs are dedicated to promoting the physical, social, and personal well-being and independence of seniors, homebound, frail elderly, and disabled adults on the Monterey Peninsula. Programs and services enable people to enjoy good health and the highest quality of living as long as possible. Mission Statement

With sincere appreciation, Debbie Winick

Meals on Wheels of the Monterey Peninsula


froM the eXecutive director

91,319 nuMBer of Meal deliveries 63% increase in Meals delivered over 2019

As I look back on my first year at Meals on Wheels of the Monterey Peninsula, I am inspired by the idea of resiliency. Just as the people we serve continue to be resilient – through food insecurity, personal challenges, and effects of the pan- demic – our staff and volunteers, especially this past year, adapted and thrived despite the many challenges they faced. In fact, I am happy to announce that 2020 was our single biggest year for meals served! 2020 was truly a year unlike any other in our 48-year history. The pandemic presented unique challenges, and our staff and volunteers met this challenge with amazing passion and energy. As always, we rolled up our sleeves and main- tained our commitment to serving seniors in need through food delivery, wellness checks and adapted services at the Sally Griffin Active Living Center. As the number of requests for meals ballooned, we were able to accommodate every single one. I am profoundly grateful for the support that was shown this year; it truly inspired us along the way. During 2020 we increased our daily production from 600 meals daily to 1,000 and delivered to nearly 700 older and disabled adults across the Monterey Penin- sula. We also served 228,298 meals with the help of partnerships with the Food Bank for Monterey County, the Veteran’s Transition Center, and many others. Our Home Delivered Meals program met a 63% increase in demand for meals compared to 2019, as more seniors than ever before have relied on us to provide daily nutrition. Thank you to everyone who participated in our success. From all of us here at Meals on Wheels, we are forever grateful.

SINCE 1972 3,964,704 Miles driven 2,504,608 deliveries 6,261,521 Meals

christine Winge • executive director

451 active volunteers volunteer hours since 1972 827,259 30,748 volunteer hours

Sincerely, Christine Winge

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Meals on Wheels of the Monterey Peninsula

Pandemic Challenges, Triumphs, and Commitment

HowWe’re Responding to Covid-19

While COVID-19 has affected everyone, it had even more sig- nificant impacts on the people we serve, many of whom are vulnera- ble older adults. As the pandemic has evolved, our organization has evolved as well to ensure that we are providing the best service possible to our clients. We: • Created a contact-free delivery system • Developed a schedule for “wellness check” phone calls from volunteers, giving clients the social support that they need during this difficult time • Offered to-go lunches daily at the Sally Griffin Active Living Center

Home Delivered Meals We increased our food production capacity to help address the challenges faced by local seniors, one of the most impacted communities amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Shelter-in-place orders designed to keep high-risk mem- bers of the community safe have led to a steady increase in the number of local seniors who relied on our Home Deliv- ered Meals program. We are uniquely positioned to reach vulnerable individu- als and have developed creative solutions to ramp-up food delivery. Through the addition of on-site storage, a new, large-capacity tilt skillet and walk-in freezer, more staff to prepare meals, and strong community partnerships with the Food Bank for Monterey County and Meals on Wheels of the Salinas Valley, we began producing 15,000+ meals per month compared to 9,000 per month pre-pandemic, a 63% increase in total demand. We also launched a major expansion of our Home Delivered Meals program. The expansion includes deliv- ery service to Cachagua and surrounding communities in deep Carmel Valley with future plans to offer meals in Big Sur. Through partnerships with the Community Foundation for Monterey County and the Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula, we will soon add our first refrigerated truck to transport meals to remote locations. Collectively, the nutritious meal, friendly visit, and routine check-in address three of the most substantial challenges to successful ag- ing: hunger, isolation, and loss of independence.

Our programs have always served those in need. With our Home Delivered Meals program serving an all-time high number of clients, the financial and phys- ical resources needed to make that happen have grown in tandem with demand. Thankfully, with the support of our local community, our programs have been able to keep pace with the growth so far. Fortunately, in 2020 our supporters stepped up in a big way through individual donations, grants, and a number of COVID relief programs. Corporations, foun- dations, and individuals helped to offset additional food costs as we continued to provide meals to every senior and disabled adult who requested them. Those funds have aided with meals for people in need, and critical things like a storage freezer at the Sally Griffin Active Living Center and cleaning supplies, masks, and sanitizer for volunteers, staff and clients. Support from the community during this time has been overwhelming and humbling. Hundreds of new volunteers signed up to offer their time and talents in support of the agency. In-kind donations ranging from shelf-stable food products to handmade face masks rolled in. Through 2020, MOWMP served 689 clients 228,298 meals – both all-time highs for the agency. If you or anyone you know is unable to access food during this challenging time, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Group Dining The Sally Griffin Active Living Center closed its doors to activities in March. Those who frequented the Cen- ter for our congregate dining program were offered the same freshly prepared meals in a take-away format. We have seen an uptick in total lunches served, with more people coming to the Center to pick up their meals than ever before.

Meals on Wheels of the Monterey Peninsula

What has remained unchanged is our commitment to provide meals to every older adult who requests them. Even during this time of great need, we continue our tradition of never turning away a senior in need. We remained nimble and adjusted to an ever-chang- ing situation, grateful that our staff and volunteers were able to swiftly ma- neuver as the landscape around them continued to evolve. Regardless of circumstances, we are continuing to meet the need. In our 48th year, while we celebrate our programs for seniors, we also recognize ours is a community effort. From those first few meals delivered in the winter of 1972 to the more than 15,000 meals per month delivered in 2020, we have relied on the dedicated service of thou- sands of volunteers and donors. For the past 48 years we have been committed to fighting hunger and social isolation among older adults in our community. Our Promise

Pet Meals

Our Pet Meals program is just another way that we can deliver so much more than just a meal. The MOWMP Pet Meals program was made possi- ble in part through support from the Doris Day Animal Foundation, The SPCA for Monterey County, and Meals on Wheels America. In 2020, the program distrib- uted 7,160 pounds of pet food across the Peninsula.

Our Pet Meals program continued its efforts to pro- vide pet food, supplies and care for clients – all of which can be financially and phys- ically burdensome. Pet sup- port is becoming increasing popular as the positive effects on overall health and wellbeing are clear: research shows that seniors with pets are 36% less likely to report loneliness and have 21% fewer doctor visits.

Meals on Wheels of the Monterey Peninsula

our Volunteers

Volunteers are the “eyes and ears” of Meals on Wheels that help keep our wheels turning. We rely on our team of volunteers to make sure recipients of our Home Delivered Meals program are fed and feel safe and secure.

Volunteers report possible risks and Meals on Wheels staff will alert the family or social services so issues can be addressed before they become more serious.

Gale Short Gale Short retired after 38 years as a physical therapist in 1998 and started driving for MOW that same year. Now 80, Gale has two routes each week. When she isn’t volunteering with MOW, she’s out walking and usually has a cou- ple of books going at the same time.

Doug Hewitt Doug Hewitt, age 69, has been delivering meals since June 2019. He is an avid cyclist and volunteer and has a business that specializes in high- end bike parts. Doug is also a guide at the Monterey Bay Aquarium where he helps train and mentor new guides.

Cynthis Frincke Cynthia has been a volunteer at Meals on Wheels off and on for 25 years. She currently works in the kitch- en two days a week to help get the food out the door. Cynthia got involved with MOWMP because her mom was a volunteer here, and when she had free time from school she would tag along and join her. It got in her blood and she has been with us ever since! Cyn- thia is also responsible for the beautiful island that is on Jewell Avenue and Pacific Street. She volunteers through the city to keep it maintained and looking beautiful.

Debbie Williams Debbie is the backbone of our kitchen volunteers and has been with us for 10 years. Before volunteering at Meals on Wheels, she was the Deli Manager at Albertsons for 31 years. When asked why she wanted to work here, she said “Because I wanted to be around people and have a purpose in what I did I have made the very best of friends over the years and everyone here is so kind.” Karin Amader Karin had always wanted to be a vol- unteer and after recently retiring after 40 years as a pharmacy technician, she has the time. On her application, she responded to why she wanted to be a volunteer with “I went to bed every night at peace knowing that Meals on Wheels was delivering good food to my father. I did not worry any more once he was on the program. I wanted to give back.” Even in this most uneasy time, there are people that are willing to give back to the community in which they live, for no other reason than to make the lives of those around them that much better!

Bob Lewine After 4 years in the Air Force living in places such as Spain, Italy, and Turkey, Bob Lewine then went to Embry Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Florida, where, if you missed 3 classes, you were expelled for the year. This school is the Harvard of Aero- nautical schools. Probably the most impressive and historical project that Bob was part of, was the team that worked for 3 years on the first space shuttle that was built after the chal- lenger explosion over 30 years ago. He was instrumental in getting that space shuttle back to space. Meals on Wheels is lucky to have Bob as one our dedicated kitchen volunteers! With time on his hands, he followed friends who also volunteered, and he never left. It is his joy to work with the team he does two times a week making sand- wiches and working on the food line.

Rob Swanson At 43, Rob Swanson is a psycholo- gist in private practice. He enjoys the flexibility so he can be at home and help raise his 3-year-old son Jack who often makes appearances here with his dad. Rob has been a volunteer driver since August 2017. He also volunteers at the Monterey Bay Aquarium as a diver, he loves to hike, golf, and spend time with his family.

Natalie Marlowe A volunteer driver since March

Mike Gunby Sixty-nine-year-old Mike Gunby has been a volunteer driver since February 2012. He not only drives two routes each week, but he also subs often and trains our new drivers. He serves on the PG Architectural Review Board, rides his bike every day and enjoys hiking, walking and vintage cars.

2020, Natalie Marlowe, age 31, makes time in her busy day as head women’s basketball coach and PE instructor at Hartnell College to deliver meals to homebound seniors. She has two dogs and two cats, enjoys paddle boarding and being from Wisconsin, is a huge Green Bay Packers fan.

Meals on Wheels of the Monterey Peninsula

new Staff

Manuel Villarreal (Driver): “I love to drive, and I love the people I get to serve. It is great to have a job where you know you make a difference in people’s lives.”

Sylvie Vinaver (Cook): “It’s a great honor to work in this organization which supports our community’s seniors. I truly believe in giving, in being generous, and in being kind with people. Somebody needs our support. Live to give.”

Adeline Villarreal (Driver): “I love working at Meals on Wheels. All of my coworkers are team players and I appreciate all the friendly attitudes. I know I am making a difference by delivering food to many seniors in need, and this makes my heart happy.”

James Burgess (Custodian): “Meals on Wheels is an organization that really cares about those in need, and they do it from their hearts. I feel welcomed and appreciated working here.”

Susan Elwood (Recruitment & Outreach Manager): “To work for Meals on Wheels shows me first- hand the unselfishness of individ- uals to help total strangers and to strive daily for their wellbeing. To see true acts of kindness each and every day is at the core of everyone who is a part of Meals on Wheels. For no one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of another.”

Adolfo Diaz (Cook): “I like working here because I think we have a great team and I feel lucky to belong to Meals on Wheels of the Monterey Peninsula.”

New BOard Members

Noe Lopez (Dishwasher): “Meals on Wheels is an opportunity to give people the help they need. Al- though my job may be simple from the receiving end, I know it means so much more from the giving end. I like working here because it has opened up my eyes to different sides of the world that I have never seen.”

Morgan Graham (Development Coordinator): “I feel so fortunate to be able to work at Meals on Wheels of the Monterey Peninsula which is such an amazing organization that has a profound impact on so many people in our community. Every day I am truly inspired by the hard work that is done by our MOW staff and dedicated volunteers and feel so blessed to be a part of this team.”

Michael Johnson (Cook): “It’s always a wonderful day when you get to work and you see the happy volunteers, they make my day.”

Rory Coetzee: “The many positive health outcomes for the seniors and disabled we serve is as impactful as any other program out there. It’s an honor to contribute to the value the organization brings the communi- ty through nutrition and wellness services.”

Heidi Schake: “I believe MoW provides the most effective way to support seniors, the disabled and the homebound in our commu- nity. The human connection and healthy meals provided by MoW is critical to the health and welfare of people who may otherwise endure the stress of food insecurity. I am delighted to have the privilege to serve on the Board of the vital organization.”

J.R. Williams: “Meals on Wheels is so important when reaching our county’s most vulnerable seniors who are at risk of hunger and isolation. I’m proud to be a part of an agency that serves as a direct investment in the well-being of homebound seniors in need.”

Meals on Wheels of the Monterey Peninsula

Board of directors executive committee President, Debbie Winick President elect , Jeff Mitchell cfo/treasurer , Angelica Arroyo vP development , Kathie Kandler vP Programs , Bruce Hamilton vP Governance , John O’Brien secretary , Doug Lee directors Tamie Aceves Rory Coetzee Jackie Craghead Steve Keller Robert Kramer John Lewis Julie Ann Lozano Bill Rand Heidi Schake Nina von Drachenfels J.R. Williams staff administrative staff Christine Winge, executive director Patrick Sheridan, operations director Jacob Shafer, development director Nikki Garello, Programs coordinator Morgan Graham, development coordinator Melanie Bretz, hdM Program Manager Susan Elwood, recruitment & outreach Manager Angela Holm, hdM Program assistant food services staff Uwe Grobecker, food services Manager Gina Fu, cook Eric Bleasdale, cook Michael Johnson, cook

BoB KraMer Vision Impact, Wellness, Collaboration

Julie ann loZano Smiles, Miles, and Meals

Kathie Kandler Meeting Basic Needs

anGelica arroyo enriching lives

rory coetZee Dependable Nutrition

steve Keller Hope, Action, Commitment!

Bruce haMilton Making a Difference

douG lee Hope!

Adolfo Diaz, cook Sylvie Vinaver, cook Noe Lopez, dishwasher James Burgess, custodian

deBBie WinicK Make a Difference

heidi schaKe Essential Impact

Jeff Mitchell Positive community impact

John o’Brien Essential

Meals on Wheels of the Monterey Peninsula

MaKinG an iMPact: MoWMP and you.

MoWMP donors 2020

When you make a gift to MoWMP, it has impacts. Gifts help pay for programs that support homebound seniors who are often alone and unable to shop of cook for themselves. They support innovative programs designed to keep seniors healthier, living independently and with dignity. On the following pages, you’ll see the names of those who generously contributed to our programs in 2020.

Who gives? Clients empowered by our programs. Neighbors who want to invest in the future of our community. Friends who believe in our mission. thank you to all our donors! This list is composed of donors who supported MOWMP in 2020. Inevitably with such a list, an occa- sional oversight occurs. If your name has been omit- ted or there is an error in the listing, we apologize and ask that you notify us by email at info@mowmp. org or by calling 831-375-4454.


John Adamo Adventures by the Sea Alexander F. Victor Foundation Sheila and David Allaire Sheila Armstrong Geoff and Rebecca Arnold William and Grace Ashby Andrew and Victoria Ausonio Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund JoAnna and Robert Behl Joan Bernardin Bill Hannon Foundation Paula and Laura Black and Zehm Trudy Bohland Mary Bronzan Bruce and Harriet Johnston Trust Paul and Melissa Burdick Carmel Host Lions Club Carmel Valley Community Chapel Carmel Woman’s Club Central Coast Federal Credit Union Mark Cesario Church Mouse Thrift Shop

Dunspaugh-Dalton Foundation Fritz Eberly James Elliott and Thomas Hart Hawley Estate of Alida Tyler Estate of Nancy Dolton Estrada & Associates Howard and Karin Evans Mark and Patti Fagan Maria Finegan J. Stewart and Shane Fuller Mike and Glenda Gabrielson Leon and Joanne Garden Tia Gindick Lewis and Ritch Lewis Glen and Angela Charles Family Foundation Gorman Real Estate Colonel Frank Gregory Hope and Samuel Hale Nagi Hanna Marty and Lois Hayman Jacqueline Henning Kevin Hicks and Cornelia Holden Daniel and Lori Hightower Jean Hontalas Jennifer Hulseman Interfaith Outreach of Carmel J & M Foundation J H Robbins Foundation Joel and Suzanne Jancsek Sharon Jones Paul and Florence Kagan Lee Keely

Truman Long Patrick and Marta Lynch Macy’s Monterey J.T. and Deborah Mallamo Terry Mallery Tracy, Michael and Cameron Man- zano Mark Alan Sinclair Foundation Blake and Erika Matheson Michael and Nicki McMahan Peggy and Rod McMahan Steve and Kathy McNichols A. Ken and Francine Meadors Jack and Alicia Meheen Stanley and Sharon Meresman Grace Merrill Mildred Hitchcock Huff Trust Cheri Miller Richard and Elizabeth Moley Monterey Bay Fisheries Trust Monterey Peninsula Volunteer Services Robert and MaryAnn Moore Morgan Stanley Karin Morrell Konny Murray and Dave Bucking- ham Franklin Craig Myers Nancy Callahan, CPA, CFP, EA Greg and Dawn Nakanishi Vicki Neidinger Network for Good Carolyn and Jack Nickerson Norcal Group Thomas Jr. and Margot Nunes E.D. and I.M. Olsen Ona E. and Robert E. Murphy Trust Andrew and Marilyn Orris Chris Ottenweller

MoWMP donors 2020

$25,000+ Andrew & Phyllis D’Arrigo Charitable Foundation Community Emergency Response Volunteers Gwendolyn Foster Rick and Ellie Hattori Meals on Wheels Association of America Monterey Peninsula Foundation Nancy Eccles & Homer M. Hayward Family Foundation Paula Robichaud The Community Foundation for Monterey County The Praisner Family Foundation

$10,000-$24,999 Bert Cutino Enterprises Bart and Dianne Bruno Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula Pat and Ginger Connolly Fremont Bank Foundation Frisone Family Foundation Illusions Painting, Inc. Renate Howells Hambrook

$5,000-$9,999 Ann Jackson Family Foundation William and Grace Ashby Barnet Segal Charitable Trust David and Judy Beech

Robert and Staci Butcher Carroll Family Charitable Foundation City of Seaside

Allen B. and Joanne Crist Foxy, The Nunes Company Andrew and Myra Goodman Peter Henning James and Monica Hlavacek Steven and Heidi Keller Perry Miller Pacific Gas & Electric Jan and Michael Praisner David Sabih and Anna Swartley Scott W. Thornton United Way of Monterey County Kathryn Varner Wells Fargo Foundation Whitson Engineers

David Cohen Mary Colburn Hannah and Kevin Comolli Miera and Geoff Couch William and Mary Deakyne Celicia Della-Morrow David DeMers Trudi Dimples Dole Fresh Vegetables Richard and Margaret Donat Bill and Nancy Doolittle Doris Day Animal Foundation Dana and David Dornsife Jean Duff

Peter and Joan McKee Monterey County Gives!

Monterey Peninsula Engineering Michael and Christine Morgan Lowell and Wilda Northrop Scheid Vineyards Schwab Charitable Stacie and Fred Smith Jr. Nancy and Joe Verska Joseph Weiss Willis W. and Ethel M. Clark Foundation

William and Yolie Kerr Don and Diane Kremer Angeleke and Jack Levy Helgard Liechti Alex and Margaret Lilley

Meals on Wheels of the Monterey Peninsula

thanK you to our donors

MoWMP donors 2020



$500-$999 Robert and Kathleen Anderson Dr. William Babaian Sister Claire Barone Jay and Gail Bartow Barbara Beggs Mary Bell Pamela Breslin and Michael Smith Jane Brown Teresa Bruno JB Bryan and Margie Schoppe Buck & Mallett, PLC Phillip Butler and Barbara Baldock Calvary Chapel Monterey Bay Pat Canada Carmel Presbyterian Church Carmel Valley Kiwanis Foundation Andi and Noel Carr John and Mary Castagna Bill and Susan Cater Center for Spiritual Awakening Change of Places Richard and Christine Chew Chinese Parents of Stevenson School Tad and Carol Church Dr. David A. and Terrice B. Clark Clif and Carol Warren Richard and Judy Cole Patricia Connolly Cypress Termite Construction Co. Martha Dennis Donald and Victoria Scott Terrance and Antone Duncan Maggie Eastwood Jane Emison Howard and Linda Fosler Jeannie Fromm

Pacific Grove Chamber of Commerce Pacific Grove Hardware, Inc. Brian Park Edward Rudy and Irene Patton Allene Payton Richard and Mary Ann Pirotte Ralph and Gail Love The Quill William Rand Randy May and Carol Greenstreet William Reno Ross Roofing and Solar Rossi Family Foundation Rotary Club of Monterey Ken and Janice Rudisill Allen Rudolph Andrew and Kathy Runnoe Valerie Sampel Dan and Lynn Sheehy Mary Simon Nadine Skonberg Slinger Fund of CFMCO Kim and Peter Smoot Bettye Sollecito Sherrie Spendlove-Gallo David and Mary Anne Spradling Shirley Steele Richard Stillwell

Sweet Giving Fund Talbott Family Foundation Albert Tao and Thuy Nguyen The Larry and Phyllis Wilkinson Foundation The Reveas Foundation The Sardine Factory Thomas and Georgia Schuttish Translation by Design Inc Rolf and Darleen Trautsch Treehouse Mortgage Group United Way of Santa Cruz Marian Van Horn and Eugene O’Brien Vanguard Charitable Vicki and William Mitchell Harry and Amy Wareham Martha Webster Whole Foods Market William and Sherry Young Tom and Judy Wills Deborah and Mitch Winick Russ and Linda Wink William and Kathleen Wojtkowski Nancy Wright Yellow Brick Road Benefit Shop YourCause, LLC Trustee for PG&E Marsha Zeitlin and Peter Bolton Mary and Jeff Zischke

Donald and Frances Gaver Tracy Gordon David Gorham Green Valley Floral Griggs Nursery Phyllis Grillo and Joseph Sweeney

Charles Moreno Norma Mason Catherine McCauley

Roger and Carolann Manley Family Gift Fund Matt and Helena Romans Ron Cosmero and Florence Kagan Sandys + Company William and Claudia Saunders Guido Schreiber Neil Shapiro Susan and Jon Siegel Martha Singleton Leslie Snorf Spencer's Stationery Gary Sprader and Gail Abeloe Andrew Stephens The Athletic The Raw Connection Twyla and Ralph Thompson Dora Thurman Tobi and Mike Marcus Maria Tracy Ben and Laurie Trainer Marion Trentman-Morelli and Robert Morelli Steven and Leanne Troy Hiroko Tsuzuki Bonnie Tucker David and Janeen Tuitupou Glenda Tuttle Debra and Bill Vandevort Karen Vejvoda Rick and Sandi Verbanec Floyd and Elaine Viau Hildegard Von Dehn Wayne and Shirley Moon Benjamin and Mary Ann Whitten JR Williams James Willrodt June Wolfe Murray and Rena Yeomans

Susan and Eugene McFarland Frederick McGarrity and Helen Ogden Carolyn and Thomas McGurn Jeff and Desiree Millikan Liza Moe Monterey Peninsula Host Lions Jo Ellen Moore Adrian and Micheal Morris Susan and Richard Murai Frank Murphy Melissa Newlin and Jeffery Lucas NIA of California R.L. and Kathy Nicholson Nielsen Brothers Market Craig and Mary Noke Norma A. Camp Richard and Barbara Norton Lucienne O'Keefe Susan Oliviera Pat Ostrom Regina Ozel Katherine Paganucci Sylvia and Leon Panetta Alan Peel Bob and Mara Perkins Shannon Petty Michelle Pheasant Design Judith Piazza Plano Synergy Ann Prego and Andy Gonzalez Gerald and Brenda Prothro Donna and Mickey Quiqley Dottie and Clyde Roberson Doug and Jane Roberts Neil Robertson

Alis Gumbiner Kelley Hardin

John and Sue Hardy Ken and Connie Hess Hortus Group

Jane and John Olin Joe and Kathie Blau Lynn Johnson Stephanie and Steven Johnson David and Darlene Jones Jane Jones

Karen Juhring Kathie Kandler Randele Kanouse Robert and Angie Kent David Knight Trust

Geoffrey and Claudia Kostyshak Lambourne Institute for Life Mastery Leonard Laub and Yvonne Ascher John Lewis Lisa and Larry Hjorth Sherry Litchfield Matt and Joan Little James Lo Richard Lonergan Mylo and Charlene Lowery Lula's Chocolates Pirko Maguire John H. Mahoney Robert and Colleen Mann Martha Manson Robert and Wendy Mari

Dean and Joanne Storkan Susanne and David Overton

Jeffery Galli Amy Garibay

Meals onWheels of the Monterey Peninsula, Inc. Sally Griffin Active Living Center 700 Jewell Ave. Pacific Grove, CA 93950