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25th anniversary – WE Villages

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25th anniversary—WE Villages

AIDS were overwhelming in our partner communities. In less than a generation, these diseases have be

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25th anniversary—WE Well-Being

Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Univerity of Toronto David Kreindler, MD, FRCPC Head,

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25th anniversary—WE Well-Being

Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Univerity of Toronto David Kreindler, MD, FRCPC Head,

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25th Anniversary Kenya

shorten your stay, please ask for more details. 22 23 Don’t worry about the details, our team is on

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25th Anniversary Trips

shorten your stay, please ask for more details. 34 35 Frequently asked questions Q: Can I bring a la

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25th Anniversary Ecuador

exclusions are listed after the itinerary with costing. Accommodation in Quito may change subject to

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ME to WE, Safari & Celebration: Kenya 25th Anniversary Trip

exclusions are listed after the itinerary with costing. Accommodation in Nairobi may change subject

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25th Anniversary - Case for Support - Final

25th Anniversary - Case for Support - Final P a g e | 1 OVERVIEW In 1995, brothers Craig and Marc Ki

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Mission Measurement WE Villages Research Report

programs produce complimentary, reinforcing outcomes The purpose of this study is to examine the mod

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The Sonic the Hedgehog 25th Anniversary Collection


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25th anniversary – WE Villages

A new era of sustainable impact Join us in anchoring the impact of WE Villages for generations to come.

25 years of sustainable impact

It started as a promise to a single village. Then it spread to over a million people. Now it’s time to create an ecosystem of sustainability.

We have taken an extraordinary journey to get where we are today. From humble beginnings starting in 1995 with a fight to end child labor, to building our first school in Nicaragua, to developing the WE Villages model to address the root causes of poverty, the WE movement has come a long way. From the outset, impact has always been our North Star. Now we are seeking strategic investments that wil l ensure the long-term sustainability of community-based and regional projects, resulting in a return on investment that

The first 25 years of our international development work was focused on researching, continuously iterating and perfecting a development model to lift people out of poverty. WE Villages is our platform for scalable and sustainable international impact. Implemented in true partnership with local communities in nine countries around the world, we focus on interventions in five key areas: education, water, health, food and economic opportunity. When executed simultaneously, these Pillars of Impact are self- sustained, ensuring communities never need charity again. In select cases, we have introduced projects that expand our impact beyond the individual community, benefiting entire

help to accelerate development and create an ecosystem of impact.

The next 25 years will be focused on scaling this platform to maximize impact. Our model of development is tested, scalable and replicable. Now that these projects have been established, and their impact proven, it’s time to ensure they are sustained for generations to come. This is an invitation to join us at an investor. Think of it as venture capital for social change, where ROI is measured in lives transformed. Let us show you why, where and how.

My life first started to improve when we formed a women’s group and bought goats. It helped me to build a home that I could be proud of; that others admired. At home, we have the support of our husbands to come and bead each day. We know that it is enabling our children to get a great education. And for my children not yet old enough to attend school, I have peace of mind that they are being cared for while I work. —Judy Cheborkei (from the village of Enelerai, Kenya)

regions. We’ve established high schools, health clinics

wil l last for generations.

and hospitals, farms, and, most recently, a college. These projects


WE Charity has a proven track record of success

Financially efficient

A trusted partner and award-winning organization 90% 10% of donations go directly to programs of donations go to administrative costs

International development

WE Villages is a proven model of development in Africa, Asia and Latin America working with over one million beneficiaries. Five Pillars of Impact—Education, Water, Health, Food and Opportunity—provide our partner communities with tool to lift themselves out of poverty and work toward self-sufficiency within five to eight years.

200,000 students provided with a quality education



Good Housekeeping Humanitarian Seal, 2017

World Economic Forum, 2008

Skoll Award for Social Entrepreneurship, 2007

people with access to clean water and sanitation programs and facilities

in medical supplies provided to health facilities serving our partner communities

Interbrand Iconic Canadian Brands, 2017

Canada’s 10 Most Admired Corporate Cultures, 2013 and 2016

Canada’s Most Admired CEO, 2015

15M+ 30,000+

nutritious meals produced by farmers and families with our support

women empowered with financial independence

Service-based learning

MoneySense “The Charity 100”, 2017


State of the World Forum Award, 1997

WE Schools is an experiential service-learning program where students apply their academic learning to real-life challenges, and are empowered to create positive change in their community and around the world. The program has proven outcomes for students including increased academic engagement, improved university and workplace readiness, and increased active citizenship.


5.3M $321M+

Notable – Canada’s Top 5 Charities Run by Young Professionals, 2013

Canada’s Top Employers for Young People, 2011, 2012, 2013

Roosevelt FreedomMedal, 2008

schools and school groups engaged

youth engaged globally

created in social value annually*

*Social Value = total funds raised for local and global causes + value of the weight of food collected + the value of hours volunteered. Source: WE Schools, Global Year in Review 2018-2019.

We’ve also been recognized by Charity 100, The Muhammad Ali Humanitarian Awards, World’s Children’s Prize and WANGO, among others.



WE Villages

Core WE Villages model

Empowering communities to lift themselves out of poverty.

Education The best way to set children up for success and break the cycle of poverty is through education. When children are educated, they are armed with the courage and self-confidence to better themselves and their families, their communities and the next generation.

Water Improving access to clean water is one of the most crucial and quickest ways to lift a community out of poverty. It reduces illness, allows girls to go to school instead of bearing the responsibility of fetching their family’s water and leads to better agriculture and access to food.

At its core, WE Villages is a platform that enables local communities to lift themselves out of poverty through sustainable development.

Core Principles

It’s vertically integrated To increase efficiencies, maximize transparency and control the delivery of our Pillars of Impact, WE oversees every step in the process, from securing donations, to project implementation and reporting back to stakeholders. It’s holistic We work through five key development pillars— Education, Water, Health, Food and Economic Opportunity—which provide solutions that support and amplify each other. It’s led by the community We only work in communities to which we’ve been invited. Community members are our partners in implementing programs every step of the way. It’s sustainable With every project we introduce in the village, we ensure the right systems are in place to ensure their ongoing management and sustainability once we exit. We help community members develop the skills, strategies and infrastructure to take charge of their future and maintain long-term change.

Health Families who have access to health care can run farms, keep their families fed and their children in school. They can pull themselves out of the grip of chronic illness, and eventually out of poverty.

Sustainable community


Opportunity By providing parents, and especially mothers, with resources to generate sustainable sources of income, we reduce the pressure on children to financially contribute, develop a sustainable financial model for the community and help families invest in their future.

Food Our projects promote food security and improve access to agriculture. Community farms, school gardens and kitchen gardens all help ensure that communities have consistent access to healthy foods, as well as a surplus of crops to sell in the local market, leading to improved economic opportunities.



Enhancing our core model through regional interventions As the footprint of our core WE Villages model has expanded across regions in Kenya, Ecuador and Ethiopia, we have identified unique opportunities to enhance the impact created through our core model. These projects reinforce the work of one, or many, of our core pillars while offering a unique ability to expand the reach of our work across entire regions. Whether it be a farm or a clinic, each project plays a vital role in supporting the journeys of thousands of families throughout our partner communities who are working hard toward self sufficiency.

Tourism students during classes at WE College

Mom and baby visiting Baraka Hospital during our weekly child welfare clinic

Education Kisaruni Group of Schools (Kenya) WE College (Kenya)

Health Mondaña Clinic (Ecuador) Baraka Hospital (Kenya) Kishon Clinic (Kenya)

WE teammember Fabian running a training for local farmers on proper cacao production at the Agricultural Learning Center

Food Oleleshwa Farm (Kenya) WE Farm (India) Agricultural Learning Center (Ecuador) WE Farm (Ethiopia—planned)

Sustainable community

Opportunity Women’s Empowerment Center (Ecuador) Women’s Empowerment Center (Kenya)

A farmer at the WE Farm in India, learning some new techniques to increase his annual yield

WE team member Timothy harvesting fresh fruits and vegetables from Oleleshwa Farm


Students at Kisaruni’s all-boys campus, Ngulot, during a science lesson

Patient being treated at Mondaña Clinic


Transforming regions through empowered communities

It’s time to fulfill our promise by sustaining our regional projects

“It’s our belief that the WE Villages model is an effective, sustainable and cost-effective approach to breaking the cycle of poverty in rural, marginalized communities worldwide.” —Dr. Jason Saul, Co-Founder and CEO, MissionMeasurement, a leading research firm that measures and evaluates social impact Mission Measurement’s independent third party research shows that our programs deliver transformational social outcomes in our partner communities. Overall, their evidence-based analysis concludes that WE Villages is: • Rights-based • Effective • Community partner driven • Cost-effective • Sustainable We consider every partner community much like a diversified investment portfolio. The only difference is that our ROI isn’t measured in dollars earned, but in the impact we leave behind. We are proud that each of our partner communities showcase our history of successes in unlocking the potential of rural communities around the world. Together, we work to ensure each village has the skills and tools necessary to leave the cycle of poverty behind and achieve their true potential. Once our partnership wraps up, communities have… • The agency to continue to grow and expand upon the work we implemented together. • Mobilized to run the projects we’ve introduced and hold the government accountable for the promises they’ve made. • Self-sustaining mechanisms in place. There is no dependence on donor dollars to sustain what has been introduced. How WE Villages measures up

To date, we have successfully partnered with over 90 villages around the world, with great success. This impact has been funded by a generous community of individuals, families, foundations and companies from across North America, the United Kingdom and around the world. With every gift, our impact has grown. After 25 years of success, it’s time to move to a new fundraising approach. We are eager to move away from the cycle of securing the annual commitments necessary to operate our regional projects and, instead, secure the funding that will enable these projects to thrive in perpetuity. Your targeted investment can help us fulfill the promise we’ve made to these partner communities: that their health care, their secondary and post secondary education, and their economic opportunities will be available for generations to come.




In 1999, we partnered with our first community, Ol Musereji, right on the edge of the Maasai Mara, to provide safe, quality education. That first school has expanded into the holistic WE Villages model that has positively impacted the entire region. We have also invested in region-wide projects that reinforce the impacts created by our core WE Villages model: high schools, clinics and hospitals, farms, and, now, a college. These projects have ripple effects far beyond our immediate partner communities.

Impact by the numbers

1 million+

people are within the referral catchment region of our healthcare services, made up of Baraka Hospital, Kishon Clinic and our mobile clinics.

2,774 192,000

hours per year are saved by the average woman because of our centrally located water kiosks.

The importance of education

students will receive a quality education by the 120 students who will become qualified teachers at WE College in the next five years.

Faith was born in the rural community of Salabwek, the last of 15 siblings. She grew up watching her sisters get married before they could complete Grade 6. But she saw a different path in her future, thanks to WE’s new partnership with the village. “Since I was born … I had heard about people who were educated up to the college level. Even women from other communities. That really inspired me … I just wanted to be different. Be educated.” She convinced her father to let her complete primary school. Then, Kisaruni Group of Schools opened its doors and she fought to be accepted. By the time she graduated, her father had become her biggest champion. Today, she has graduated fromWE College, proud to be an ambassador for Kenya’s booming tourism industry. And whenever she returns home, her nieces and nephews gather around, eager for stories of her adventures and full of questions as they chart their own education journeys for the years ahead.

12 million

unique patient visits will be delivered by 60 students who will become qualified medical practitioners at WE College in the next five years.


Students in Enoosoito partner community participating in regular deworming clinic

Student in Melelo partner community accessing clean, safe water

My dream is to see everyone in the community fully support their children through school, because that is the only way they can ensure a safe future. —Karen Kosgey, Rongena

Surgery in progress at Baraka Hospital

Students at Salabwek partner community enjoying lunch

Members of Unity Women’s Group planning their next income-generating activity

Craig Kielburger with Her Excellency Margaret Kenyatta, the First Lady of Kenya, marking the opening of WE College

Anchoring education in Kenya

Kisaruni Group of Schools

When we first started working in Narok County, Kenya, we focused on building primary schools for young children, giving them the opportunity to receive a quality education where none existed before. We quickly saw students excel and flourish academically—reading and writing skills improved, grades were on the rise and bright eyes eager to learn filled the room day after day. With these achievements, parents deepened their commitment to their children’s education. This led to the opening of the Kisaruni Group of Schools in 2011. For the first time in the history of many families in the region, parents delayed the marriage of their daughters so they could attendhigh school. Todaywe host up to 360 students across the school’s two campuses,Milimani (for girls) andNgulot (for boys). Working in partnership with community members, the student body and leading academic experts, we have designed a model of education that transforms the lives of young people so that they can become leaders who contribute to the development of their communities. Core tenants of this model include active learning, valuing culture and giving back. We know that Kisaruni is quickly becoming one of Narok County’s premier learning centers for academic excellence. Its graduates will become the country’s leaders, positively impacting both the public and private sectors. Families have done their part: they have delayed the marriage of their daughters. They have taken on more responsibilities at home. And they have invested in their children’s educations. It’s time for us to do our part. Let’s ensure Kisaruni’s doors remain open for generations to come.

“I’m now at the place that I’m supposed to be. This is the start of a successful journey. This is where my dreams will come true.” —Elian, age 17


WE College

When we celebrated the first Kisaruni graduation, we asked the graduates about their dreams. They identified careers that positively impacted the lives of their families, neighbors and the wider community—doctors, nurses, educators, entrepreneurs. And their desire to return home to support others on their educational journeys. And their parents stood by them, steadfast in their support.

WE College was born from these dreams.

We’ve designed a campus that is redefining what a post-secondary education can achieve in rural Kenya. It offers a unique leadership program, integrated IT education and subject areas that funnel directly into their chosen career paths. And every student is offered a full scholarship.

They can get a job anywhere. And they are choosing to pursue their careers in their home communities.

The impact created by these graduates will be profound. A single teacher who passes through our college will teach over 1,600 students in her lifetime. A single nurse or clinician will impact over 400,000 patients throughout his career. Business graduates will start businesses that will employ their neighbors and build the road infrastructure that will connect their communities to new markets. They will shape the future of Narok County and beyond. WE College students have done their part: They’ve defied the odds and attained a level of education that took generations to achieve in North America. It’s time for us to do our part. Help build a campus worthy of the students who have their sights set on reaching it.


Faculty of Medicine

Admin building

Faculty of Education

Faculty of Business & IT

“I’m so grateful for this chance in life. I waited six years and overcame so many struggles for this opportunity. I never thought I’d get the chance to be a person that others look up to or that I could help those in my community. I’m so grateful.” —Betty

Sports hall


The Hub

Faculty of Public Health

School of Tourism & Hospitality

Faculty of Civil Engineering



Sustaining access

Health Care

Twenty years ago, the rates of typhoid, cholera and HIV/AIDS were overwhelming in our partner communities. In less than a generation, these diseases have been all but eradicated. We have created a robust system of health care access, from workshops on preventative measures that families can implement at home to inpatient and surgical services at one of our two health facilities. The community has done their part: mothers are delivering their babies in our maternity ward. Parents are bringing in their children for life saving inoculations. And for the first time, communities have access to complex surgical services for critical ailments that otherwise would go untreated.

It’s time forus todoourpart.Wedon’twant to settle foroffering just thebasics.Webelieve that amultifaceted systemof care is vital. It’s time toensure that all service areas are sustained for generations tocome.


The women across the Maasai Mara are ambitious, hardworking and resilient. They have led much of the incredible change that’s swept across the region.

To honor their leadership and ambitiousness, we built them a dedicated empowerment center. A place where they can learn new skills like reading and writing, financial literacy and household saving, and family health care. It is also a place where they can bead as a form of alternative income, hear from each other and mentor the next generation. All while their small children are being cared for.

It’s time for us to do our part. We know this just the beginning. Andwe want to ensure the vital programs and services that have gotten them this far are available to all the women in our partner communities.

Food Security

For generations, families across the Mara have struggled with high levels of food insecurity and malnutrition. But we know that investing in agriculture is one of the most impactful activities to develop multigenerational empowerment because sustainable agricultural systems increase food security, develop local economies and community resilience. Through agricultural initiatives families can thrive as they have access to greater economic opportunity that can lift them from poverty. Families have done their part: they’ve committed to learn, participate and implement new agricultural approaches. It’s time for us to do our part. We want to expand on the programming already offered by establishing a new farm. This will ensure all families throughout the region can have access to the vital training necessary to become food secure.



Ecuador For over 20 years, we have worked in close partnership with indigenous communities throughout Ecuador. While our work started in the mountains of Chimborazo, it has followed the journeys of families deep into Napo Province, along the tributary rivers of the Amazon. Our work has spanned beyond WE’s five Pillars of Impact, to include region-wide projects like the Agricultural Learning Center and Mondaña Clinic, and trainings on vital topics like leadership, capacity- building and agency.

The girls club that gave a 13-year-old the confidence to succeed

In 1999 the story of WE was first featured on an episode of The Oprah Winfrey Show . Craig was among dozens of youth who were welcomed on stage to speak about the change they were creating— for some it was in the life of a friend, and for others impact that reached across the world.

Impact by the numbers


people have been positively impacted by our work since 1999.


Oprah was so moved by our organization’s commitment to providing education that she

hours are saved by the average woman because of the household water connections we install.

made a surprise commitment in the middle of the show to build schools together. The partnership with Oprah’s Angel Network went on to build more than 60 schools around the world and 40 in the province of Chimborazo, providing much-needed educational access to indigenous communities. This commitment paved the way for girls like Lucia to step into a classroom and dream of a brighter future. As she made her way through primary school, she watched the older girls in the community: they walked with confidence. They weren’t afraid to share their ideas and engage in the classroom. An education unlocked more than just literacy for these girls. When the girls club program came to her community of San Miguel, she knew this was a special opportunity to gain those same skills. Even though she was the youngest, by many years, she showed up to club meetings and participated in the activities. Today she speaks proudly about the impact education has had on her whole family: because she learned how to raise livestock (healthy guinea pigs—a high-protein staple of the region’s diet), her family has been able to eat well and regularly, while earning an income from their surplus sales at the local market. While she dreams of taking the stage in her own village as a community leader, she is following in the legacy of a remarkable woman who created impact from her own soundstage in Chicago.


patients will be treated over the next five years through the health services offered in at Mondaña Clinic, through health brigades and beyond, in partnership with the Ecuadorian government.


Part of the school compound in the partner community of Kanambu

Bargas and his wife, Maria, showing off the fresh fruit they have grown on their farm

A group of farmers receiving training on new agricultural practices from the Agricultural Learning Center

We are farmers, we are the ones who feed the people, and without training we are blind … I am going to apply everything I have learned to my fields. —Raul Alvarado

The water project installed in the partner community of Los Rios, complete with filtration and monitoring

Participants from local women’s groups learning to make a new product they can sell

Sustainable agriculture For centuries, families in the Amazon have been oppressed and isolated. They’ve relied on antiquated skills passed down from their forefathers for survival, entrenching them in a devastating cycle of poverty. When we began our work in the region, we discovered a high level of malnutrition and poverty due limited farming knowledge stemming from their outdated cacao harvesting techniques. Together with community leaders, we agreed to conduct simple trainings for the locals, which we promised would enhance and diversify their agricultural knowledge, introduce new techniques and tools, create economic opportunity, and of course, help create food security in the region. This led to the establishment of the Agricultural Learning Center (ALC) a model of how to integrate sustainable farming with rainforest conservation. We’re ready for phase two: expanding the footprint of the ALC to include additional crops, while introducing this programming into schools and communities, so they, too, can become self-sustaining. The impact of the ALC won’t stop with this programmming. The profit from the crops sold will: • sustain the operations of the farms in perpetuity • be invested in projects across the other four WE Villages Pillars of Impact Families have done their part: they’ve attended workshops and have implemented new farming techniques. They’ve literally planted the seeds that will result in profound change for their families. It’s time for us to do our part: Let’s invest in the systems that will fund themselves in perpetuity and enable farmers to finally earn a livable wage.

By 2030, the profits from this farm will create important impact across two distinct regions in Ecuador, including:

Building 25 classrooms

Creating clean water access and provide programming to 5,000 people

“I never thought I’d see clean water here again in my lifetime.” —Rosa Granja

Ensuring access to health care for over 10,000 people

Empowering 5,000 farmers with the trainings to be economically and environmentally sustainable in their farming practices

Supporting over 500 women and girls in becoming economically self sufficient




In 2017, we began our work in Ethiopia, thanks to an exciting partnership with imagine1day, an organization with a rich history of working in two key regions: Tigray and Oromia.

We are now working in partnership with communities to replicate the WE Villages model in ways that are relevant and consistent with the needs of the local communities. We are excited to introduce innovative solutions to sustainable development, helping thousands of families forge a new path forward: one free from poverty.

Fighting child marriage in Ethiopia

On a Sunday morning in the rural community of Shani Kondala, Ethiopia, 13-year-old Asmau Kamal learned she’d secured her place among the top 10 in her Grade 6 class.

Impact by the numbers

25,000+ 800+ 3,800+

out-of-school children have been enrolled into school, with over 90% of them having been retained for at least six months.

Filled with pride, she returned home to share the news. The community’s elders had gathered with her family—not to celebrate her accomplishments but, to her surprise, to arrange her marriage. She begged and pleaded with them to delay the ceremony so she could complete her studies, but it fell on deaf ears. She was quickly married and forced to drop out of school, an all-too-common trend for so many young girls across rural Ethiopia. But Asmau wasn’t just any girl. She was a member of the girls’ club at Shani Kondala Primary School, a group creating awareness about the importance of education for all children, especially girls. They knew they had just 15 days to convince her parents and community elders to reverse their decision. According to cultural tradition, Asmau wouldn’t be considered a wife until her 16th day of marriage. The group fought to persuade Asmau’s parents and her new husband’s family to let her return to her family and continue her studies. It wasn’t until the 15th and final day that Asmau’s parents, convinced by the appeals of the group, successfully lobbied for the marriage to be dissolved. When Asmau did not attend school, her peers feared the worst and sprung into action.

teachers received professional development training in five partner districts and over 500 influential community members trained on the importance of modern education.

school clubs established across partner schools, with over 40% of students actively participating in at least one.

Now, almost a year later, Asmau is back in school. As for her rank? She is 13th in her class, but is not worried; she has plenty of time to get back on top.


Children participating in the early childhood education program

Community member showcasing the new agricultural techniques he’s learned

Students in WE partner community excited to be heading to school

I am so happy that [WE] is constructing furnished classrooms for us—it will make the school my favorite place which I will love to be in and it will allow me to perform better. The water project will also help me get rid of my toughest responsibility. Most of all, we will be healthy—I am especially grateful that my niece will no longer suffer from bacteria and diarrhea. —Kemila

Students from Adihaye partner community excited by their new clean water access

Sustainable agriculture Families throughout rural Ethiopia have struggled to feed their families. They live in constant fear that the rains will never come, and their crops will, yet again, fail. Over the past three decades, families have lost this battle more often than they have won, leading to widespread drought and famine. Now that tens of thousands of children have access to a quality education, it’s time to tackle their families’ food insecurity. We know that until families feel in control of when and where their next meal is coming from, they won’t be able to break the cycle of poverty, let alone thrive. Sustainable agriculture is the answer. We want to build off our existing successes in Kenya, Ecuador and India and apply these learnings in Ethiopia. We know that a large-scale, centralized farm can host trainings and enable farmers to interact with the new crops and infrastructure they can apply on their own farms, including vital access to water.

The impact of this centralized farm doesn’t stop there. The profit from crops sold will: • Sustain the operations of the farms in perpetuity • Be invested in projects across the other four WE Villages Pillars of Impact

Families have done their part: They’ve prioritized their children’s education over everything else. Even as parents carry the burden of providing the family’s next meal, they continue to send their kids to school. It’s time for us to do our part: let’s invest in the systems that will fund themselves in perpetuity and lift over 100,000 people out of poverty by 2030.

By 2030, the profits from these farms will:

Build 150 classrooms in 15 communities

Create clean water access for 100,000 people

“Had this school been not here, I would have to travel … one and half hour away from here. Especially as a girl, the journey of about three hours every day could have made it difficult for me to stay in—or even go to—school.” —Maymuna Mohammed

Reduce the stunting rate in our partner communities by half

Install proper sanitation facilities so all our partner communities can be 100% free from open defecation

Support 1,000 women and girls with business skills and income generating activities



Enabling new communities to begin the journey to self sustainability Over 25 years, we have partnered with over 90 communities. These communities span three continents and each is its own living success story. Because of the interventions that are delivered through our five Pillars of Impact, communities are thriving and the projects are sustained. As families and communities thrive, these success stories spread across regions. Our field team members are regularly approached by community leaders in neighboring villages, inviting us to come and work with them next. Their pleas are harrowing: children are still dying from fully preventable diseases due to lack of clean water and nutritious food. The government hasn’t built schools or provided enough teachers and the schools they’ve built by hand are crumbling. Mothers are dying in childbirth as they deliver at home, without a health professional present. They can’t grow enough food to feed their families. Through the initiative of these community leaders, we have built a waitlist with dozens of communities eager to join us in partnership in creating a brighter future. They are ready to work hard, to learn new skills and to evolve their behaviors. They are eager for their children to go to school and chart a brighter future for the family. And they need our help. With your investment, we can say “yes” to the next partner community and begin their journey toward self-sustainability.


Families know the value of education. In Kenya, in many villages, parents come together to build classrooms, due to a lack of investment from the government.

Often families struggle to access enough nutritious food and have access to unsafe food preparation resources, like this school kitchen in Ecuador.

We work in partnership with communities and local government to build safe classrooms and provide trainings to ensure a high quality of education.

With clean, safe water access provided to every partner community, women have more time to dedicate to income- generating activities and health rates flourish.

Through workshops, trainings and direct care, we are ensuring families are healthier than ever before.

Women spend hours everyday collecting water for their families. Often it is from unsafe sources, resulting in high rates of preventable diseases like cholera, worms and typhoid.

Many of the families we work with around the world survive as subsistence farmers. They struggle to grow enough food to support themselves and sell as income in semi-arid or arid regions.

By providing workshops, training and access to diversified income sources through animal husbandry, families around the world are starting to break their cycle of poverty.

Thanks to new trainings and tools, families are doubling or tripling their annual harvest, ensuring they have enough to eat and still have crops left over to sell.

Let’s make this happen

Sustainable, transformative change.

We have a plan, a 25 year track record of success and will effectively manage your investment —with 90 percent of every dollar going directly to projects.

We’d love to have a conversation with you about how your investment can create a lasting legacy of sustainable impact.

Amember of our teamwill work with you to bring your investment to life in a truly personalized way, meeting your unique philanthropic goals. Options include bequests, as a gift in honor of a loved one, honoring a unique milestone like a retirement or as part of a multi-year pledge.

Witness your impact firsthand

When you invest inWE Villages, you and your family will create a deep and lasting bond with the partner community. As a catalyst for change, you’ll have the opportunity to make a personal connection and take an active role in the community’s transformation.

Visit the community on a ME toWE Trip and be immersed in local culture, learn from village elders andwork alongside communitymembers on a sustainable development project.


339 Queen St E Toronto, Ontario M5A 1S9 Canada tel: 1-800-203-9091 ext. 1112 | e-mail: [email protected]

Tax ID: Canada 88657 8095 RR0001, U.S 501 (c) (3)-16-1533544, England & Wales 1138645, Scotland SC045815