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4 Simple Ways To Beat Pain

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Marketplace: 4 Simple Ways To Beat The Pain

WWW.MARKETPLACEWELLNESSCENTER.COM Exercise Essentials Try these exercises to keep your body strong a

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Fit 4 Life: 5 Simple Ways To Beat Knee Pain

jasmine • ¼ cup lemon juice • 2 tbsp chopped fresh Italian parsley (optional) • 1 lemon, sliced (opt

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Agility: 4 Ways To Beat Pain

Agility: 4 Ways To Beat Pain Health &Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your B

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4 Simple Ways To Beat Aches & Pains

3 cup of sugar (can add more to taste) • 2-3 tablespoons of Italian dressing •2 tablespoons of Mayo

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MSR Newsletter: 5 Simple Ways to Beat Knee Pain / Runners

eliminate pain make him number 1 in my book.” - Nicole Z. Practice News Thank you to everyone who ca

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Advantage PT: 5 Simple Ways To Beat Knee Pain

or joint stability. BFR canalsobeusedalone inperiodsof immobilization—suchaspost-surgery or being in

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Centra Health: 5 Simple Ways To Beat Knee Pain n° 312259 - Level Hard on your mobile these puzzles and find their solutions by flashing

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Canyon Sports Therapy. 5 Simple Ways To Beat Knee Pain

running • Lack of flexibility DON’T PUSH THROUGH THE PAIN While feeling a stretching sensation or mu

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Nebraska_5 Simple Ways To Beat Knee Pain While Running n° 28718 - Level Medium This coupon good for 9 Mention or bring in this coupon for a FRE

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DynamX: 5 Simple Ways To Beat Knee Pain While Running

or locks during your orthopedic testing at your initial appointment, that could be an indication tha

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4 Simple Ways To Beat Pain

HEALTH &FITNESS Relieve Back Pain In Minutes | Patient Spotlights | Free Analysis | Staff Spotlights “It ’s Time You Find Relief For Your Back Pain! ” 4 Simple Ways To Beat The Pain

3 4 3. EXERCISE Regular exercise can help restore proper muscle tone. Walking, cycling and swimming are good aerobic activities to try. Be sure to warm up before exercising and cool down afterward. Our experts at Craven SPORT services teach you stretching, toning and aerobic exercises to feel better and stay pain-free. Drink lots of fluids. Begin slowly and increase workouts gradually. Avoid high-impact aerobic activities and weight lifting when injured or while in pain. Consult one of our experts or your doctor before trying exercises you are unsure of doing. 4. PHYSIOTHERAPY Through our program, specialized hands-on techniques and treatments are applied, addressing the poor alignment and dysfunction of the spine, which can irritate and cause pressure on nerves. Physiotherapy is the science of restoring pain-free movement with exercises and hands-on techniques. These principles are applied to the body when an injury is sustained to help facilitate a great recovery. If you are suffering from aches and pains, call us today to learn more about how you can return to a pain-free active lifestyle! THURSDAYS: 6PM -7PM & SATURDAYS: 11:30AM-12:30PM * Starting February 2ND $150+gst for 6 weeks of training All ages welcome! This beginner program is designed by women, for women and is taught by one of our Strength & Conditioning coaches.

Learn to lift weights with proper technique to get stronger.

Learn to feel comfortable and confident lifting weights on your own.


REGISTER NOW! Call 306-934-2011 or email [email protected]

“I Can’t Seem To Finish A Workout Without An Ache! ” WHYDOYOUR MUSCLESACHE?

M uscle aches and pains are common, typically involving more than one muscle. Muscle pain can also involve ligaments, tendons, and other soft tissues that connect muscles, bones, and organs. Muscle pain ismost frequently related to stress, tension, overuse, or muscle injury from exercise or physically-demanding work. In these situations, the pain tends to involve specific muscles and starts during or just after the activity. It is usually obvious which posture or activity is causing the pain. Most aches and pains are temporary and generally last 1-3 days. However, once muscle pain begins to go past 3 days without changing, or you feel the same aches and pains repeatedly, it’s time to give us a call as theremay be an underlying problem such as muscle imbalance, or stiff tissues and joints. Call CRAVEN SPORT SERVICES If: • Your muscle pain persists beyond 3 days • You have severe, unexplained pain • You have any sign of infection, like swelling or redness around the tender muscle • You have poor circulation in the area where you have muscle aches (for example, in your legs) • Your muscle pain has been associated with starting or changing doses of a medicine

The most common causes are: • Injury or trauma including sprains and strains • Overuse • Tension or stress Muscle pain may also be due to: • Certain drugs, including: -Medicine lowering blood pressure -Medicine lowering cholesterol • Infections • Cold & Influenza (flu) • Electrolyte imbalances, such as too little potassium or calcium • Fibromyalgia


• Make your resolution about the journey, not the outcome. It is easier to focus on the steps to losing the 25 pounds than to focus on the number on the scale. Stick to a resolution of going to the gym 3 times a week and filling half of your plate with fruits and vegetables at eachmeal. You have control over your actions and they will help you achieve your goal. • Schedule time for your resolution. Everyone is busy and it is hard to find time to do what we need to do to achieve our goals. Schedule time for the gym and preparing healthy meals into your calendar. • Use the buddy system. Everything is better with a friend. Take walks or go to the gym with

Each January many people resolve to better themselves by eating better, exercising and losing weight. While each person starts out with the best of intentions, only a small percentage of people actually make good on those resolutions. While most people are able to stick to their goals for at least a week, less than half are still on target six months later. So the question is… How do you make a New Year’s Resolution and actually keep it? • Set short-term goals. If you break your resolutions into small, manageable chunks you are more likely to be successful. Instead of focusing on the 25 pounds that you want to lose before going to the beach in the summer, set your goal for 1 or 2 pounds per week.

someone who has the same goal. Swap healthy recipes. Share and celebrate the accomplishment of meeting your short-term goals. • Keep records. Tracking your progress is a good way to stay accountable and keep the resolution fresh in your mind. As you succeed at making positive changes towards achieving your goal, you have to remember that all of the positive changes you make have to be permanent. You will need to work on sticking with the good habits that have developed, until they just become a natural part of who you are. That is how you achieve true self- improvement and keep a New Year’s resolution.

Getting to hang out with Martha Lyon was pure joy. She is a bright person to be around and a bad ass in the gym. Hearing about how she got started with Craven SPORT services is an inspiring story, which I am about to tell. If you are looking for even just an ounce of motivation to help you achieve your goals in 2017, read Martha’s story: Martha Lyon has been training at Craven SPORT services for a little over a year now. Before joining us she reached a point of frustration, “[Before] coming in here, I knew I had to do something. I was noticing balance issues and [lack of] endurance with cardio. And I said to myself, ‘If this is what I am like now, at my age, being in my second 50, I’ve got to do something because this is just wrong.’” The issue she found was having the confidence to come into a space where people could see her, “Other people would see what base shape I was in. Did I really want to put myself out there and be vulnerable like that?” But after having a conversation with two of our current clients, Garth and Carol-Anne Patterson, Martha was determined to give it a try, “I didn’t have the confidence to start off with a big group and that was why I started with Tallan. She started with PATIENT SPOTLIGHT STAFF SPOTLIGHT An Interview With Martha Lyon COHL MUNTAIN, MPT, B.Sc. (Kin), CSEP-CEP Director of Orthopedic Rehabilitation

movement, mobility and flexibility. She even gave me a session or two of Yoga. And that was what I needed to start to build some movement.” Martha started training with Braden Ripley when Tallan moved away fromSaskatoon, “Taking me from where Tallan had started, Braden has moved me through to the next level to start thinking about the conditioning with my muscles, to get that technique down.” She continued with an expressive grunt, “It’s not just the hard stuff [with Braden]! He mixes it up and makes it

fun! It has also never been a matter of, “Martha, just do it.” “They are very, very cautious about making sure I am doing it properly. Which, starting at my age, is absolutely essential [and] I have yet to walk away saying I have hurt myself.” Being January and all, I asked Martha about her goals for the year, and with excitement in her voice she stated, “My immediate goal is April 15th – the Powerlifting competition [in Saskatoon]! I never ever, ever thought I would be doing what I’m doing now. Never ever.” “I’d like to say, please, give it a try. Is it daunting? Yeah! It is! It totally is! I’d be lying to you if I said it wasn’t! But on the other hand, this is a safe place. Safe in terms of quality people who are not going to let you do something that will hurt you, and it’s also safe in terms of being able to say, “This is where I’m at.” and people aren’t judging. They are incredibly supportive and very, very nurturing of where I’m at.” Martha is an example to all of us of what can come out of simply starting. It is never too late to improve your life.

A HUGE Congratulations to one of our Physiotherapists, Cohl Muntain! He not only received his FCAMPT Certification (Fellowship with the Canadian Academy of Manipulative Physiotherapy), but he is also now a Father to a little boy! We are excited for you and so glad you are a part of our team!


Call If: • You have back pain at the end of the day • You have trouble enjoying time with family due to pain • You have limited mobility at work • You have trouble bending or reaching • Your joints are stiff or swelling • Suffering with pain from an old injury

Get Answers For Your Aches & Pains. Call: 306.934.2011


• Is your mind on your back and neck pain instead of your life? • Have loved ones stopped listening to your complaints because they have heard it so many times before? • Do you feel really stiff when you try to get out of bed in the morning? • Do you have to think twice before you pick things up? If You’re Nodding Yes Then Now is The Time to Make Your First Step in The Right Direction and Take Charge of How You Feel, DOWNLOAD THIS BOOK TODAY! ATTENTION ACHE & PAIN SUFFERERS!

New to the Team: Want to train with an Olympian? We are excited to welcome Jillian Gallays to our Craven team! Jill is a 53kg 2016 Olympic wrestler who has been training at our clinic for many years! She graduated from the University of Saskatchewan with her B.Sc.Kin and CPT and she was a member of Huskie Wrestling from 2004-2010 as well as the Wrestling Canada Lutte since 2006! Now is your chance to learn from the best!


Fresh Starts T i s ’ t he s eason f o r New Yea r Resolutions. Way too often, we jump into unrealistic resolutions that last for not even half the year. We set ourselves up for failure by jumping into a crazy diet trend or restricting ourselves from something we love. Why not start this year off right and set some realistic, achievable New Year goals (that do not include diets,

cleanses or detoxes). Focus your goals on how you can work towards a few healthy changes and plan for how you can make those changes. An example of a goal is “Start meal planning for the week.” Steps to help you achieve that goal could be: 1. Plan 2 meals each week for the first month 2. Buy a fridge planner and set aside time from 2-3 on Sunday to pick the meals 3. Pick out a recipe book that will help inspire you to cook. Goals do not have to be extravagant. It is the small goals and small steps that help you achieve the overall health goals you have. It is better to start small, then to go big and fail. If you are looking for more support in how to plan to achieve your goals, connect with me at:



Try these movements if you are experiencing pain.

Relieve Aches & Pains In Minutes Without Pain Medication!

LOWER TRUNK ROTATIONS Lying on your back with your knees bent, gently rock your knees side-to- side. Repeat 8 times on both sides.

SUPPORTED BRIDGE Lie on your back with knees bent and feet hip distance apart. Place your feet close enough so they can be touched by the finger tips. Inhale and lift the hips, place a block under the sacrum. Keep the chest open. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat 10 times.

Helps With Mobility

Core Strengthening


Always consult your physiotherapist or physician before starting exercises you are unsure of doing.

Athletes often experience rigorous training routines and schedules that can leave them with fewer hours of sleep per day than their bodies need to perform and recover. Athletes need a tremendous amount of sleep, more than the average person, in order to train effectively, recover sufficiently, and perform optimally. Here are some tips to help you get the sleep you need to give you a competitive edge: 1. Cue your body for sleep: Bedtime routines are a very important step for athletes to wind down and cue their bodies that sleep is around the corner. Doing a few things in succession before you go to bed every night will train your body that it is time to get into sleep mode, allowing for sleep to come easier. This is especially useful for athletes that travel and are spending much of their time in strange beds. A bedtime routine can be taken anywhere. 2. Schedule Recovery Days: Sleep is the only time that we are able to passively recover; therefore, adequate rest should be a component of every athletes training regime. Our bodies heal itself better than anything SLEEPWELL PERFORMANCETIPS

else, and often we are not spending enough time sleeping to allow for sufficient recovery. This leads to increased risk of injury, slower recovery time from injuries, week immune systems, poor performance, burnout and ultimately shorter playing careers. 3. Allow enough time for sleep: Set up a proper schedule that fulfills your basal sleep requirements (the amount of sleep you need to feel your best). Planning hours of sleep into your training regime will ensure that you are getting the sleep you need each and every day. Are you are having trouble getting the sleep you need to be at your best? We are here to help. Check out our website www. for more information and request a FREE 15 minute consult.

Thank You Staff, Clients & The CKOM Adopt-A-Family Program!

This year, Craven SPORT services was blessed to have the opportunity to help a family in need during the Christmas season. Through the generosity of our staff and clients a family in need was provided with all the necessities for a Christmas dinner, presents and enough groceries to fill their cupboards and fridge/freezer and get them off to a good start in 2017. Our family this year consisted of a single parent and her four nephews; a 7 year old, a 4 year old, a 3 year old and a 2 year old. They were overjoyed when we delivered their Christmas presents, decorations, stockings and food. She said that this is the first Christmas that the boys have ever had and she was speechless when she saw all the gifts and food that we brought. She said that she never expected this to happen and that we truly have made a huge difference in their lives and have done more that she could have imagined! 3 - 701 2nd Ave N Saskatoon, SK S7K 2C9 3 - 701 2nd Ave N Saskatoon, SK S7K 2C9 P: 306-934-2011 F: 306-934-2012 P: 306-934-2011 F: 306-934-2012 • PHYSIOTHERAPY • WORK RELATED INJURIES • MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENTS • SPORT PHYSIOTHERAPY • ORTHOPEDIC REHABILITATION • STRENGTH & CONDITIONING • CONCUSSIONS • PHYSIOTHERAPY • WORK RELATED INJURIES • MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENTS • SPORT PHYSIOTHERAPY • ORTHOPEDIC REHABILITATION • STRENGTH & CONDITIONING • CONCUSSIONS




We Listen , We Care , We Get Results ! We Listen , We Care , We Get Results !

Bruce & Karen Craven CEOs Bruce & Karen Craven CEOs