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5S Store November 2019

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5S Store January 2019

8 cup heavy cream • 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract • 2 cups cornflakes • 2 tablespoons unsalted bu

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5S Store March 2019

3 cup canola oil • 4 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted 1. In a small skillet over medium heat, toa

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5S Store August 2019

4 bunch cilantro leaves, sliced • Juice of 1 lime • Kosher salt, to taste Do you love your safety sc

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5S Store April 2019

or dress attire can be uncomfortable. For people who don’t have the time, try taking a short walk ar

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5S Store October 2019

5S Store October 2019 OCTOBER 2019 978-842-4610 ARE YOU SENDING MIXED MESSAGES? T

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5S Store May 2019

circle-gauge- marking-label.html. • Inspired by 978-842-4610 | 3 PRST STD US POSTAGE P

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5S Store September 2019

4 cup pecans, coarsely chopped DIRECTIONS 1. Heat oven to 350 F. 2. In a mixing bowl, mix all fillin

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5S Store February 2019

2 teaspoons grapeseed or vegetable oil • Salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste • Crackers or chip

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5S Store December 2018

5S Store December 2018 DECEMBER 2018 978-842-4610 BECOMING THE GO-TO FOR 5S I sti

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Team Store

Eastern Iowa 712.830.9663 Kansas City Metro Western Missouri 660.232.4600 JOHN ABBOTT Southern Illin

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5S Store November 2019

NOVEMBER 2019 978-842-4610



From the time I first learned about 5S 15 years ago, I was hooked. For someone who loves organization and prided himself on how streamlined his warehouse was, learning about 5S was a wake-up call. As organized as our space was, it was nowhere near 5S standards. Since then, I’ve been studying, learning, implementing, failing, succeeding, failing again, and trying again at 5S until I finally figured out the best methodologies needed for a successful 5S program. I’ve visited warehouses and plants all over the country to find out what’s working and what needs improvement. Something I’ve noticed consistently is how often the Sustain pillar gets neglected. People start off with the best intentions, but six months, a year, or two years in, I’ll go revisit a operation and see things have slid back nearly to where they were before 5S was implemented. Sustain is considered to be the most difficult of the 5S pillars, and for good reason — with daily tasks to focus on, keeping up on even small 5S processes can easily fall by the wayside. But sustaining 5S can truly be easier than you think. When everyone on the floor and everyone in leadership understands the value of 5S, they see the benefit of maintaining it. It just takes repetition,

diligence, and accountability until each action becomes a habit.

When it starts as a mandate from leaders rather than a collective effort of the whole team, 5S is almost always set up for failure from day one. The folks on the floor don’t understand why they’re being asked to spend time organizing and cleaning when they have work to do. When they don’t know the “why” and “how” of what they’re doing, they see no value in maintaining it. If it’s not a priority, it won’t become a habit. If any of this resonates with you — you’ve started 5S but haven’t sustained it — that’s okay . It doesn’t mean 5S has failed, it just means it needs some attention. Don’t just give up on it. You can always return to any part of 5S. In fact, you should. Inside this month’s newsletter, I have a few additional tips for sustaining 5S, some of

How do you form a habit? In his book “Atomic Habits,” James Clear talks about the little choices that transform us every day. His thinking can be applied to great result with 5S. What happens when everyone on the floor contributes to one 5S pillar each day? Maybe it’s returning tools to the shadow board at the end of the day or noticing the visual cue for the tape is indicating it’s time to order more. Clear talks about the two-minute rule: If it takes two minutes, just do it . Any habit can be started in less than two minutes. Those little actions quickly add up and vastly improve the success of 5S. “Optimize for the starting line, not the finish line,” Clear says. It reminds me of another common issue I see with companies and how their 5S initiative gets started in the first place. After learning about 5S for the first time, managers and senior executives hop on the lean bandwagon and decide it all needs to happen immediately. But they forget to include their team in the educational component needed to make 5S succeed.

the common reasons why it fails, and steps for making 5S easy — yes, really.


-David Visco



No longer do you need to carry around a to-do list, a planner, and a calendar. Turn to bullet journaling to revolutionize the way you organize. For more tips, inspiration, and information on how bullet journaling can help you and your business, visit

When you’re an entrepreneur or a business leader, your to-do list can feel more like a novel than a manageable list. But what if you could order your thoughts, track your accomplishments, and maintain organization all on your own terms? It may sound too good to be true, but bullet journaling does just that.

WHAT IS IT? Despite what the name may suggest, bullet journaling has little to do with writing out your feelings — unless you want to do that! Instead, it’s a log of all your to-do lists, reminders, and tracking systems in one convenient place. The goal is to complete tasks and update your journal each day. You can even download a companion app to digitally stay on top of your tracking. The beauty of bullet journaling is customization. If you’re a visual person, create drawings or tape down pictures to represent your tasks. If you prefer precise outlines, use ruled pages to order each goal and its subtasks. A bullet journal can include every aspect of your business down to the smallest logistical details, or it can break down a single, complicated aspect, such as vendor tracking, into one journal. The look and function of your bullet journal is completely up to you and your process.

couple key components. First, you need a legend or key to identify what symbols mean throughout your journal. For example, a square next to a task may indicate it is a high priority, or a star may mean a task has been completed. Any group of symbols will work, but consistency keeps you organized. Second, you need a calendar in your bullet journal. That way, you can organize your goals by year, month, week, or day and keep track of smaller goals along the way. Throughout your journal, create separate sections for as many

breakdowns as you want, but the key is to keep it all connected.

HOW DO I DO IT? Despite the versatility, every bullet journal shares a


I n the early days of The 5S Store, our co-founder, David Visco, saw that folks were challenged by the Sustain pillar of

5S. He had many conversations with people about their struggles to sustain the efforts they’d started at their warehouse or plant. For others, just getting started was a massive hurdle. Other than consultants, there weren’t a lot of resources for those wanting a straightforward approach to 5S.

process of implementing 5S with simple, understandable steps and checklists of what to do and where to get them. Truly, this is 5S made easy.” –Mike McCarthy, lean consultant and author of “Sustain Your Gains: The People Side of Lean.” Find your copy of “5S Made Easy” here:

With real-world examples, lessons from the field, checklists, and step-by- step instructions, “5S Made Easy” truly simplifies 5S. It takes it from a concept to practical, implementable steps. With an entire section on Sustain, this is the book for anyone wanting to implement 5S for the first time or for teams wanting to revisit one of the pillars. Here’s what another lean consultant had to say about “5S Made Easy.” “Almost everything you need is right here. In that sense, David has ‘5S-ed’ the

From those conversations,

and because of the lack of resources available for folks facing

these challenges, David set out on a quest to make one. He knew 5S didn’t need to be complicated, and he wanted to prove it. Thus, “5S Made Easy,” the book and step- by-step guide on the subject, was born. David says, “I wrote it simply so people who are new to it can follow it step by step, and so folks who have done it before but haven’t succeeded can restart.”

This month only, use the code 5SME10 at checkout to get 10% off!





Is it just me, or does the air smell better this time of year? People are baking yummy food, and apples are ripe, and it feels like magic. Mostly, I just get to smell it all, and wow, it smells good. Supposedly, human food isn’t very good for me, but I still have my suspicions that my humans just want to keep it for themselves. Pretty soon, David and Barbara will be doing this funny thing where they sit around the table and talk about what they’re thankful for. So, I thought you might like to hear what I feel thankful about. Lilly’s List of Thanks, in no particular order: 1. Warm laps and comfy chairs 2. Sharky 3. My humans, David and Barbara 4. Good smells What are you thankful for?

In our line of work, we get to rejoice in each success when our 5S solutions help warehouses and plants go from slow and cluttered to streamlined and smooth. Of course, part of getting the most out of any 5S product is how it’s implemented in the first place. Here are some of the common reasons 5S fails so you can learn from and avoid them. 1. NOT PREPARING YOUR TEAM FOR THE PROCESS Even the best intentions go awry when plans are poorly conceived and hastily executed. People grow leery of the wonders of 5S when all the work is put on them with no training, no explanation of the benefits, and no resources to turn to. Be transparent with your team from the get-go and prepare them for what to expect, emphasizing that while there will be some work involved, the results will benefit everyone. Go over objectives for the initiative and incorporate team goals into the process. This should feel like a collective effort. You might consider teaming up with an experienced lean professional to help with this initial rollout. 2. TRYING TO TACKLE AN ENTIRE FACILITY ALL AT ONCE As David emphasizes in his book, “5S Made Easy,” 5S isn’t meant to be a one-time, wave-of-the-wand magic solution. It takes careful planning and thoughtful execution. It’s ideal to start implementing 5S in a space smaller than 1,000 square feet in an area where a process begins and ends. 3. INDIVIDUAL RATHER THAN TEAM RECOGNITION At one point, we ran a contest where each member of a department got a reward every time they made an improvement. One employee made enough improvements in a week to take the lead, showing up the rest of the team. While that employee felt great, the rest of the team didn’t. They felt that employee had dropped his regular responsibilities and left duties for others to pick up. This gave a negative feel to the entire program. You get what you reward, and when contests reward individual efforts, you get individualized results.


Inspired by


• 1/3 cup leftover

• 2 slices

dressing or stuffing • 2 tbsp leftover gravy • 1 tbsp butter, room temperature Note: Don’t worry if you don’t have all the leftovers required.

sourdough bread

• 2 tbsp Dijon mustard • 2 slices Swiss cheese • 1/3 cup shredded leftover turkey • 3 tbsp leftover cranberry sauce

DIRECTIONS 1. Coat inside of each bread slice with mustard and a slice of cheese. Place turkey and cranberry sauce on one slice and dressing and gravy on the other. 2. Combine sandwich and spread butter on both sides. 3. In a panini maker or large skillet, grill until crispy and golden brown. 4. Slice and serve.



16 Lomar Park, Unit 8 Pepperell, MA 01463 978-842-4610


1 | Is It Time for a 5S Reboot?

2 | Bullet Journaling for Your Business ‘5S Made Easy’ — Yes, Really 3 | Why Does 5S Fail? Lilly’s Corner The Best Leftover Turkey Sandwich

4 | The Gift of Giving

participating in Giving Tuesday can spread their missions and messages all over the world, encouraging others to do the same. HOW YOU CAN CELEBRATE Now is the perfect opportunity to support your community and the causes you believe in. The best part of this holiday is that “giving” doesn’t just refer to donating money. People can give back by volunteering their time to help a nonprofit business, donating goods and food, or just buying a stranger some lunch. Even the smallest actions can have the biggest impact. If you’re interested in participating in Giving Tuesday, get together with your friends, family, sports team members, or neighbors to brainstorm on how you can give back. To learn more about how you can participate, visit



The purpose of the holiday was to spread the spirit of giving, not only for the people in our nation but individuals across the world. The goal is “to create a massive wave of generosity that lasts well beyond that day and touches every person on the planet.” TECHNOLOGY AT ITS BEST Through the use of social media and technology, the organization hopes to encourage and spread generosity on a global scale using the hashtag #GivingTuesday. The website states that “... technology and social media could be used to make generosity go viral; that people fundamentally want to give and talk about giving.” Through massive social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, the individuals and companies

November is usually all about Thanksgiving, but it isn’t the only holiday that encourages generosity. Giving Tuesday is a phenomenal celebration in which millions of people from across the globe are inspired to spend 24 hours giving back to the communities they love. ORIGIN AND GOAL Giving Tuesday is celebrated every year on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving, and this year, the holiday lands on Dec. 3! It was established in 2012 by the United Nations Foundation and New York’s 92nd Street Y as a response to consumer-driven holidays like Black Friday and Cyber Monday.