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6 Benefits Of Good Posture

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6 Amazing Benefits Of Good Posture Correct sitting posture at a work station: 1. Laptop or tablet should be at eye lev

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6 Benefits Of Good Posture, Poor Posture & Back Pain

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6 Benefits Of Good Posture

Health & Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

If you suffer fromback or neck pain, poor posture could be to blame. Poor posture can be a serious danger to your health. If you have poor posture, your bones are not properly aligned, which increases strain on your muscles, joints and ligaments. Poor posture causes fatigue, muscular strain and pain. In addition, poor posture can affect the position and function of your vital organs, such as your heart, lungs and intestines. Maintaining good posture can have a dramatic improvement on your back or neck pain, health, energy and the way you look and feel. Some of the perks of good posture include: 1.Constant exercise for your back and abdominals. Holding good posture takes effort and makes you use the muscles in your back and abdomen properly. 2.It greatly improves your breathing. Good posture makes room for your lungs to function at their best – rather than being compressed when you hold your body in a slouch. Good lung function has a healthy impact on all aspects of your body’s functions and helps to reduce pain. 3.It protects your organs, bones, joints and muscles. Holding correct posture reduces unnecessary strain and pressure on these body parts. Most neck and back problems develop frompoor posture over time. 4.It prevents arthritis. With poor posture, unnatural pressure is placed on your joints, leading to wear and tear. This in turn can lead to arthritis. Good posture gives your joints the chance to function at their best. 5.It helps you use your muscles more efficiently. With your bones and joints in correct alignment, you are likely to feel more energetic since your body will require less energy to move about. 6. It can have a dramatic impact on the way you feel. When you hold yourself in good posture, rather than a slumped one, you send signals to your brain that makes you feel happier andmore confident. It also changes the way that people see you – you’ll appear more confident and assertive. Making simple changes in your daily habits can improve your posture and reduce your pain. Postural restoration at Repsher & Associates Physical Therapy helps the body recruit the right muscles for the task at hand, decreasing pain and restoring prior level of function. Our experts have years of training in reducing back and neck pain associated from poor posture.

6 Benefits Of Good Posture


Does Poor Posture Contribute To My Back Pain?

When your spine is not in proper alignment, the muscles, ligaments and joints are all under excessive strain, causing most episodes of back pain. The lower back supports most of the weight of the body and therefore is the most vulnerable to the effects of poor posture. Discs, which provide support between the spinal bones (vertebrae), are also affected from poor posture. However, with good posture, the spine is in proper alignment and the shock absorbing discs are not as subject to injury. Often with poor posture, the spine will become fixed in an abnormal position. This leads to the constriction of blood vessels and nerves over time. Furthermore, this causes problems with the joints, discs and muscles. It is important to take care of your spine. Good posture eliminates many of the health problems that can develop when the spine has an unhealthy posture. Since you perform many different movements and positions throughout the day (sitting, standing, bending, stooping, lying down, etc.) it is important to learn how to keep correct posture. Maintaining good posture during the day results in less back pain. When you correct bad posture habits, the new and improved movements tend to become more automatic and require very little effort tomaintain. At Repsher & Associates Physical Therapy we train you on the best way to attain and hold your posture throughout the day. We help you relieve your back pain quickly while improving your posture for maximum, long term results! Discover how our therapists can improve your posture and relieve your back or neck pain, allowing you to live a happy, active and pain-free life.

If you experience any of the following call Repsher & Associates Physical Therapy to improve your posture today! Does your head jut forward? Is your head tilted to one side or the other? Are the spaces between your arms and sides unequal? Is one shoulder lower then the other? Are your shoulders drooped forward or pulled back? Is one hip higher then the other? Do either of your knees turn in or out? Do your ankles roll in so that your weight is on the inside of your feet? Is your chest sunken-in and your upper back rounded? Do you suffer from back or neck pain?


Don’t let pain become a way of life Pinpoint the exact cause of your back pain!

• Back pain • Numbness in your arms • Pain when reaching • Pain when trying to sleep • Pain when driving > 30 mins • Stiffness in your neck Do you suffer with any of the following symptoms?


Offer valid for the first 25 people to schedule. Expires 12-29-16 CALL US TODAY: 518-489-2524

Patient Success Spotlight

Congratulations to Chele Teabout! Chele Teabout is pictured here just back from finishing the one mile swim in 50 minutes as a participant in The Aspen Medical Products San Diego Triathlon Challenge. Other members of her team biked 44 miles and ran 10 miles to complete the event. The Challenged Athletes Foundation Triathlon was held in La Jolla, California on Sunday 10/23/2016. Chele has been training hard and was thrilled to compete. She had the opportunity to meet sports legend Bill Walton and Will Reeve (Son of Christopher Reeve) and Marcia Williams (Wife of Robin Williams). Christopher and Robin were great friends. The event raised over $1.5 million dollars for the Challenged Athletes Foundation to help fund participating athletes. We are all happy for Chele to have been able to accomplish this impressive goal. Chele is planning on competing in the NYC Triathlon in July of 2017. Go Chele!


Feel Better, Do More & Save Money This Holiday Season!

The end of the year is approaching faster than you think. Now is the time to take advantage of unused insurance benefits. Remember, what you don’t use by the end of the year you lose.

Not sure if Physical Therapy can help? Call to schedule a Free Consult with a licensed physical therapist now and address those “aches/pains” that are slowing you down.

Staff Spotlight

Matthew Alheim, PT [email protected] Matthew attended Quinnipiac University where he received his degree in Physical Therapy in 1995. His areas of expertise include the treatment of orthopedic and sports related injuries including total joint replacements, rotator cuff repairs and ACL reconstructions. Matthew has completed the McKenzie

Spinal Series which addressed the pathology and treatment of spinal dysfunction. He is trained in the Quadrastep System, which evaluates a patient’s foot type and determines a specific pre-fabricated orthotic for different foot type conditions. Matthew lectures on a variety of topics including Overuse Injuries in Runners & Golfers as well as Low Back Pain at the Ciccotti Center. He is also on the Medical Advisory Board at the Ciccotti Center where a team of local health professionals advise the center on different health and wellness issues.


Will You Be Flying Soon? 6 Easy Tips For Flying With Back Pain

Wondering About Your Ache or Pain?

We gladly accept most insurances, providing a great LOW COST SOLUTION to restore your pain-free movement! CALL FOR BENEFIT ANALYSIS Call with your question today and our staff will get right back to you, answering your question and giving you advice. Ask Us Your QUESTION! CALL US TODAY 518-489-2524

3. Wear clothing that allows you to move freely. Do not wear anything constrictive or heavy. 4. Try not to fall asleep. This can be difficult but it is better to stay awake and move than to fall asleep and be in an uncomfortable position which may aggravate your back pain. If you feel you may need to sleep take a headrest cushion with you and request additional pillows. 5. When in your seat, use the pillows and take a lumbar support. Airline seats were not designed for people with back pain but there is a lot you can do with blankets and pillows to put you in a good position to prevent pain. If it helps you, put your feet on a raised area to bring your knees and hips in a better alignment; you will need to experiment with this. 6. Do ask for assistance. Do not try to struggle with putting luggage in the overhead bins. These tips will help you get to your holiday destination as comfortably as possible!

Here are a few things to think about when you must fly with back pain. Some of them may sound obvious but it is good to be mindful of the things that will put you in a position to have the best outcome possible on a flight. 1. Drink lots of water on the flight. Particularly if you are taking back pain medication. It’s easy to get dehydrated at higher altitudes, especially if you have back pain and disc problems. Avoid tea, coffee and alcohol as these will only dehydrate you further. 2. Move around as much as possible. At least once an hour get out of your seat and walk up and down the aisles. If you are following a back care stretching and strengthening exercise system, then try to do some of these exercises. Do be courteous to other passengers. It should be possible to do the standing exercises without causing any inconvenience. More than likely, you can possibly use the galley if you request politely of the cabin crew at times when it is not too busy.

What’s The Correct Sitting Posture At A Work Station? 1. Laptop or tablet should be at eye level.


2. Wrists should be slightly higher than elbows or at same level so arms are relaxed. You may have to adjust the height of your chair to achieve this level. 3. Your feet should be touching the floor comfortably. If you cannot touch the floor, use a box or stool. This prevents increased strain on your legs.

4. Pull the chair in close to your keyboard- no reaching or leaning forward.

5. Take frequent breaks from sitting; be sure to stretch every 20-30 minutes to give your body a break from staying in one position.

Exercise Essentials

Try these exercises to help maintain a healthy back and spine

Helps you to be aware of your overall posture

Good stretch to help with back pain

WALL POSTURE Stand with your heels up against a wall. Attempt to get your heels, buttock, shoulders and head to touch the wall at the same time. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat 6 times.

STANDING LUMBAR EXTENSION Stand with good posture, feet shoulder width apart. Position your hands on the backs of your hips. Lean back, as far as you comfortably can. Slowly return to the start position. Repeat 10 times.

Always consult your physical therapist or physician before starting exercises you are unsure of doing.

Who do you know that needs our help?

Refer a Friend Do You Have Friends or Family Unable to Do The Following?

9 Move without pain 9 Bend and move freely

9 Balance confidently and securely 9 Sit for long periods comfortably 9 Walk for long distances 9 Live an active and healthy lifestyle

Receive A FREE T-Shirt!

If you know someone suffering with aches and pains give the gift of health. Refer them to Repsher & Associates Physical Therapy today. Pass along this newsletter or have them call us directly for a FREE Pain or Injury Assessment. When they come in we will send you a free T shirt!

121 Everett Road, Suite 200, Albany, NY 12205


We utilize a skillful combination of hands on techniques, modalities, and individualized therapeutic exercises to provide an effective evidenced based treatment plan. We help patients achieve their optimal goal of function in the shortest amount of time while adhering to healing guidelines. We empower patients to take control of their conditions and ultimately be responsible for their recoveries.