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Abogado Louis | Louis Berk PLLC - August 2021

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Abogado Louis/Louis Berk, PLLC - July 2021

4 de taza de azúcar morena Instrucciones 1. Remoje las virutas de madera en un bol con agua, de un d

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Abogado Louis - Louis Berk, PLLC - May 2022

4 taza de brócoli, picado • 8 huevos Instrucciones 1. Precaliente el horno a 350 °F (177 °C) y cubra

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Louis Berk, PLLC - December 2021

4 cucharadita de extracto de vainilla • Canela y leche batida, para decorar Instrucciones 1. En un t

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Louis Berk, PLLC - April 2021

AbogadoLouis INSIDE THIS ISSUE What’s My Case Worth? 1 For the First Time, a Vegan Restaurant Gets a

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Louis Berk, PLLC - February 2021

4 partes. 3. Cuando el yogur esté firme, añade las fresas hechas puré en cada corazón para llenar el

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Louis Berk, PLLC. - May 2021

2 cucharada de salsa de pescado Inspirado por • Hojas de cilantro al gusto • Hoja

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Louis Berk PLLC - March 2021

4 de cdta. de sal • ralladura de 1 naranja 2 | 407-906-0500 Published by Newsletter Pro • www.newsle

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Louis Berk PLLC - March 2022

Premises Liability | Wrongful Death Leer a través del Día de América Sumergiéndome en mi lista de le

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Louis Berk PLLC - June 2022

2 cucharadita de sal para las brochetas • 900 g de pechuga de pollo, cortada en cubos del tamaño de

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Louis Berk, PLLC. - July 2022

4 de taza de alcaparras escurridas y enjuagadas, picadas • 1 cucharadita de pimienta negra molida •

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Abogado Louis | Louis Berk PLLC - August 2021 407-906-0500 August 2021

Car Accidents | Truck Accidents | Pedestrian Accidents | Slip & Fall/Premises Liability | Wrongful Death

We Don’t Back Down 3 Examples of Cases Ending With Justice

In my line of work, I meet with a variety of different people. Their backgrounds and experiences may differ, but they all have one thing in common: They want justice for an injury they sustained due to negligence. I’m honored to offer my expertise to fight for their right to compensation, and recently, we closed a number of cases that highlight why I do this work every day. It’s one of the most satisfying components of my career. And in these particular instances, each client did three things in order to obtain a satisfactory result: They had patience. They took my advice. And they followed their doctor’s orders. In each matter, compensation was rightfully awarded, and ironically, each case perfectly highlights one of the three points we ask of our clients.

for this particular policy. Now, we are currently in the process of demanding the full $100,000, too. I am incredibly proud and humbled by the way our client trusted me and stayed patient throughout this process. Because they did so, we are one step — and $50,000 — closer to a life-changing settlement for them. The Case of Following Your Doctor’s Orders Another client I represented was involved in a freak accident when a piece of metal fell from a truck, hitting her and causing extensive damage to her neck and back. This required back surgery and a full medical treatment plan. With incredible strength, our client followed the proper medical procedures, and she continually did what she could to heal. As a result of her commitment to healing, and our aggressive fight, she was compensated with $300,000. The Case of Taking My Advice In this final case, my client wanted to end the ordeal as quickly as possible. I understand. This process can be cumbersome, and as you heal, dealing with a legal fight can be exhausting. This particular client sustained a herniated disc in his spine, and to recover, he underwent extensive treatment with multiple medical professionals. This was a long process, and while he was willing to settle for the insurance company’s first offer of $15,000, I couldn’t let him do that. I knew he wanted to end this legal process and move on. However, I also knew he would regret not getting what he deserved. So, we fought for $100,000, threatening a lawsuit if that demand wasn’t met. Rightfully so, the company awarded my client $100,000. Better yet, it only took seven months. Our client felt ecstatic, and it was one of the greatest moments in my career.

The Case of Extreme Patience Our client sustained injuries to their neck, back, and shoulder as the result of a collision with another vehicle years ago. The wreck was covered by two different insurance policies: one worth $50,000 and another worth $100,000. However, right from the get-go, the insurance company offered unacceptable payouts. At first, the company offered to pay $7,000 — and even refused to climb above $10,000 for the $50,000 policy — despite the lifelong debilitating injuries our client will have to manage. I knew this was unacceptable, especially given the amount each policy was worth. So, after years of representing the client, we still stuck to our guns. In fact, with every offer the insurance company gave, we continued demanding $50,000 for the first policy payout. The company raised their offer to $15,000, then $25,000, and then $35,000. Time and time again, we demanded the full $50,000. Within the past few months, they changed their tune and agreed to pay the full $50,000

Every satisfying result I can award to my clients is logged in my memory as a great moment in my career. I’m proud of what I have been able to do thus far for people. With my clients’ continued support and trust in my abilities, I can continue to do even more.

-Louis Bernardo Berk | 1

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Have Celebrity Divorces Always Been Crazy?

What is it about celebrity marriages — and their subsequent endings — that fascinates society? Depending on how you measure, telling the stories of makeups and breakups is a multibillion-dollar industry for media organizations online, in print, and on TV. Are we really that hungry for nasty headlines? Or is something deeper going on in the human psyche?

That was certainly the case with O.J. Simpson’s breakup with his wife, which didn’t get half the headlines her murder would (and the “trial of the century” that followed) two years later. You could argue, though, that we’re getting better. When we look at the roots of the “celebrity divorce” phenomenon, it goes back in time to the realm of myth. The gods of Greece and Rome were always leaving each other and getting back together, a clear indication of the drama that interested our ancestors. But the most famous celebrity divorce of the pre-19th century (and perhaps of all time) was Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. It had all the hallmarks of modern public breakups: People took one side or the other, with other parties still “shipping” Henry and his first wife, Catherine of Aragon. Henry and Catherine’s divorce led to the trauma of war across England and Europe. Like today’s celebrity cases, it didn’t last long. Anne was executed a few short years later when someone new caught the king’s eye. Henry VIII was the archetype of the modern Hollywood actor with the wandering gaze, and Catherine and Anne typified the women willing to give him “one more chance.” Seeing how that ended, perhaps we should be grateful that things today are aired out in the media — instead of on the battlefield!

In the last 12 months, we’ve seen some of the worst marriage breakups in Hollywood history, but Amber Heard and Johnny

Depp’s libel suit took center stage. As usual, “Whom do you believe?” was the question of the day, but it became obvious that both parties needed a therapist to work though serious emotional problems but tried unsuccessfully to do it on their own, instead. Perhaps the most disturbing element in the Heard/Depp trial was the violence that seemed to pervade their daily lives. But that’s nothing new; in fact, the violent behavior of both partners is likely what drew so much attention in the first place.

Are you excited to explore the world again? Or maybe you’ve just gotten back from your latest vacation! In either case, the economic challenges of the pandemic might require travelers to plan their trips a little smarter. Here are five tricks to do just that. 1. Consider your budget while choosing your destination. Any destination heavily impacted by tourists is going to be more expensive to visit. So, consider taking a tour through various French countryside towns instead of Paris! Not only could it be more culturally immersing, but it may even be more relaxing and less stressful than visiting a dense area. 5 Tips for Your Next Affordable Getaway 2. Sign up for Scott’s Cheap Flights. One of the most important parts of booking an affordable vacation is booking it at the right time. Scott’s Cheap Flights will track all the cheapest flights at an airport of your choice — you’ll get over 50%–75% savings on highly rated airlines. This will get you stress-free travel for a much lower price! 3. Travel in a group. If you travel with friends, your expenses become a lot more manageable. Let’s say you and a partner travel with two other couples — renting a swanky cabin at $200 a night will only cost around $33 per person. Plus, you will create some amazing memories together!

4. Plan your meal budget ahead of time. Looking forward to eating certain dishes? Find local menus and prices to ensure you don’t spend more than you planned. If you want an authentic and homestyle culinary experience, consider signing up for a peer-to-peer dining experience through Traveling Spoon or Bon Appetour, which is tax-free as well! 5. Consider volunteering for vacation. Want to go on a self-discovery trip? Why not cut your expenses in half by volunteering? For example, Habitat for Humanity offers a nine-day Mexico trip for $1,200 with lodging, food, and activities included. You’ll get to build structures and create something permanent for the local community.

Traveling on a dime is no sweat with the right tools. Best of luck, traveler!

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Earlier this year, Russia announced it would abandon its missions to the International Space Station in favor of a new, Russia-only station orbiting Earth. At the same time, China has begun working in earnest on its own permanent space installation, raining construction debris down on coastal Africa and other places. With private American interests gaining traction in orbit (and the confidence of our government), things are getting awfully crowded up there — and not by actors that typically play well together. ARE WE HEADED FOR THE FIRST WAR IN SPACE? ‘SPACE LAW’

All of which begs the question: Will the 21st century see the first violent conflict in space?


We have to delve into “space law” (yes, it’s really called that) to understand this question. It started in the 1940s and ‘50s, when the USSR launch of Sputnik signaled a new ground for scientific competition in the Cold War, as well as fears of more direct, armed conflict. The landmark “Outer Space Treaty’’ of 1967 was the response, and nations continued to deal with space concerns until the end of the century. The general principles were those of cooperation and goodwill, and that made sense in the 20th century, when it was unlikely any power would be able to seriously colonize stations in orbit or the moon itself, nevermind other planets. But in the past 20 years, many countries have been unwilling to seriously commit to more specific agreements or laws. When you see the rapidly increasing presence many countries are seeking in orbit, you start to understand why. Nobody wants to hamstring themselves and compromise their interests when the resources of our solar system are made available through technology. Even though this may be a new arena, the problem is an old one. International Law — of which “space law” is a subset — is not typically enforceable and never has been. Private ventures, like those of Elon Musk, may face crackdown by their governments or the international community. But nations themselves will take what they want, when they want it — and right now, that could make peace on the final frontier a long shot in the 21st century.

Inspired by

Bon Appétit magazine calls tomato and watermelon “soul mates,” and they’re right! This surprising gourmet salad will be a hit at your next barbecue.


• 1 tsp peppercorns, coarsely crushed • 1 tsp coriander seeds, coarsely crushed • 1/2 tsp cumin seeds • 1/2 tsp turmeric • 1/4 cup coconut oil

• 4 cups seedless watermelon, rind removed and cut into 1/2-inch cubes • 2 heirloom tomatoes, cut into 1/2-inch cubes • 8 oz feta cheese, cut into 1/2-inch cubes • Sea salt, to taste


1. In a small saucepan, sauté spices and herbs in the coconut oil for 3 minutes

2. Combine the watermelon,

tomatoes, and feta on a large platter or in a bowl. Drizzle with cooled turmeric oil. Now, simply sprinkle with sea salt and enjoy!

over medium heat to create turmeric oil. Take the pan off of the heat, then let it cool. | 3

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Referrals Welcome We thank you so much for referring clients to us over the years. We are grateful that you have


407-906-0500 4700 Millenia Blvd., Suite 175 Orlando, FL 32839

trusted us with taking care of those who need our services.

New address? New phone number? New email? Help us stay current by letting us know. Notify Louis at 407-906-0500.


Clients’ Rights: 3 Cases You Need to Read About


Have Celebrity Divorces Always Been Crazy? Want to Save on Your Next Vacation?


Tomato and Watermelon Salad (Yes, Really!) Are We Headed for the First War in Space?


Fight SAD Early!


Fight SAD Early! Start Taking Vitamin D Now, Before the Sun Goes Away

Do you get SAD? We’re talking about seasonal affective disorder, which affects 1%–10% of the population depending on the state you live in. Symptoms of SAD are similar to symptoms of depression, but unlike chronic depression, which can occur at any time, people with SAD only experience symptoms during a certain time of year, usually winter.

There are a few ways to combat wintertime SAD. Establishing a regular sleep schedule is important, as is an exercise routine and healthy diet. As mentioned, it’s hard to find vitamin D in foods, but milk and other food products are often intentionally enriched with it during processing. The most common solution, however, is taking a vitamin D supplement, which can be purchased over the counter at drugstores and grocery stores. It is commonly recommended for people living in places with harsher winters,

SAD has been strongly linked with shorter days and less sun — although summertime SAD can result from long days that

make sleep difficult, resulting in irritability and mood swings. In most cases, however, winter is the problem season, likely due to a link between less sun and a vitamin D deficiency.

and although there are negative side effects if taken in excess, a regular daily dose of vitamin D is a healthy way to ensure you have the right levels in your system. This month is the perfect time to begin that process. Vitamin D can take several months to build up to effective levels in our bodies. It may be the hottest time of the year in many places, but it’s also the ideal time to start fighting SAD early!

Depression is one common symptom of vitamin D deficiency, especially in patients who aren’t prone to depression due to other circumstances. Unfortunately, very few foods are good sources of vitamin D. The best source is sunlight itself.

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Published by Newsletter Pro • 407-906-0500 August 2021

Car Accidents | Truck Accidents | Pedestrian Accidents | Slip & Fall/Premises Liability | Wrongful Death

No echamos atrás 3 ejemplos de casos que terminan en justicia

Gracias a mi trabajo conozco a una gran variedad de personas. Sus antecedentes y experiencias pueden ser diferentes, pero todos tienen algo en común: quieren que se haga justicia por una lesión que sufrieron por negligencia. Tengo el honor de ofrecer mi experiencia para luchar por su derecho a la indemnización, y hace poco cerramos varios casos que manifiestan por qué hago este trabajo todos los días. Es uno de los elementos más satisfactorios de mi carrera, y en estos casos concretos, cada cliente hizo tres cosas para obtener un resultado satisfactorio: Tuvieron paciencia, siguieron mi consejo. y siguieron las instrucciones de su médico. En todos los casos se logró una indemnización justa e, irónicamente, cada uno pone en relieve uno de los tres puntos que pedimos a nuestros clientes. El caso de la paciencia extrema Nuestro cliente sufrió lesiones en el cuello, la espalda y el hombro como resultado de una colisión con otro vehículo hace años. El accidente estaba cubierto por dos pólizas de seguro: una por valor de 50.000 dólares y otra por valor de 100.000 dólares. Sin embargo, desde el primer momento, la aseguradora ofreció pagos que eran inaceptables. Al principio, la compañía ofreció pagar 7.000 dólares, e incluso se negó a subir de 10.000 dólares para la póliza de 50.000 dólares, a pesar de las lesiones debilitantes de por vida con las que nuestro cliente tendrá que vivir. Sabía que esto era inaceptable, sobre todo teniendo en cuenta el importe de cada póliza, así que, tras años de representar al cliente, persistimos. De hecho, con cada oferta que daba la compañía de seguros, seguíamos exigiendo 50.000 dólares por el pago de la primera póliza. La empresa subió su oferta a 15.000 dólares, luego a 25.000 dólares y después a 35.000 dólares, pero una y otra vez, exigimos la totalidad de los 50.000 dólares. En los últimos meses, cambiaron de opinión y aceptaron pagar la totalidad de los 50.000 dólares de esta póliza en particular. Ahora mismo estamos en proceso de exigir también la totalidad de los 100.000 dólares. Me siento totalmente orgulloso y honrado por la forma en que nuestro cliente confió en mí y fue paciente durante todo el proceso. Gracias a ello, estamos un paso (y 50.000 dólares) más cerca de un acuerdo que les cambiará la vida.

El caso de seguir las órdenes del médico Otra clienta a la que representé sufrió un extraño accidente cuando un trozo de metal cayó de un camión, golpeándola y causándole grandes daños en el cuello y la espalda; esto requirió una cirugía de espalda y un plan de tratamiento médico. Con una fuerza increíble, nuestra clienta siguió los procedimientos médicos adecuados, y continuamente hizo todo lo que pudo para curarse. Como resultado de su compromiso con su salud y nuestra lucha agresiva, fue indemnizada con 300.000 dólares. El caso de seguir mi consejo En este último caso, mi cliente quería acabar con el calvario lo antes posible. Lo entiendo, este proceso puede ser engorroso, y mientras usted se está recuperando, también enfrentar una lucha legal puede ser agotador. Este cliente en particular sufrió una hernia de disco en la columna vertebral y, para recuperarse, se sometió a un extenso tratamiento con diversos profesionales médicos. Este fue un proceso largo, y aunque estaba dispuesto a conformarse con la primera oferta de la aseguradora de 15.000 dólares, yo no podía permitírselo; sabía que quería terminar este proceso legal y seguir adelante, pero también sabía que se arrepentiría de no haber recibido lo que merecía. Así que luchamos por 100.000 dólares, amenazando con una demanda si no se cumplía esa exigencia, y con razón, la empresa le concedió a mi cliente 100.000 dólares. Y lo que es mejor, solo tardó siete meses. Nuestro cliente quedó fascinado, y fue uno de los mejores momentos de mi carrera.

Cada resultado satisfactorio que puedo conseguir para mis clientes queda registrado en mi memoria como un gran momento de mi carrera. Estoy orgulloso de lo que he podido hacer hasta ahora por la gente, y con el apoyo continuo de mis clientes y su confianza en mis capacidades, puedo seguir haciendo aún más. | 1 -Louis Bernardo Berk

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¿Los divorcios de los famosos siempre han sido descabellados?

¿Qué pasa con los matrimonios de los famosos—y con sus consecuentes finales—que fascinan tanto a la sociedad? Dependiendo de la forma en que se cuantifique, contar las historias de reconciliación y ruptura es una industria multimillonaria para los medios de comunicación en línea, prensa y televisión. ¿Acaso estamos tan ávidos de titulares desagradables? ¿O sucede algo más profundo en la psique humana?

Depp fue la violencia que parecía impregnar su vida cotidiana. De hecho, es probable que el comportamiento violento de ambos compañeros sea lo que más ha llamado la atención. Ese fue ciertamente el caso de la ruptura de O.J. Simpson con su esposa, que no obtuvo ni la mitad de los titulares que tendría su asesinato (y el juicio del siglo que le siguió) dos años después. No obstante, podríamos argumentar que estamos mejorando. Cuando examinamos la raíz del fenómeno del divorcio de los famosos, nos remontamos al reino de los mitos. Los dioses de Grecia y Roma siempre se dejaban y regresaban, un claro indicio del drama que interesaba a nuestros antepasados. Con todo, el divorcio de celebridades más famoso de antes del siglo XIX (y quizá de todos los tiempos) fue el de Enrique VIII y Ana Bolena. Tuvo todas las características de las rupturas públicas modernas: la gente se puso de un lado o de otro, y otros partidos seguían apoyando a Enrique y a su primera esposa, Catalina de Aragón. El divorcio de Enrique y Catalina provocó el trauma de la guerra en Inglaterra y Europa. Al igual que los casos de celebridades de hoy, no duró mucho. Ana fue ejecutada pocos años después cuando alguien nuevo llamó la atención del rey. Enrique VIII era el arquetipo del moderno actor de Hollywood con la mirada errante, y Catalina y Ana tipificaban a las mujeres dispuestas a darle una oportunidad más.

En los últimos 12 meses, hemos visto algunas de las peores rupturas matrimoniales de la historia de Hollywood, pero el pleito por difamación de Amber Heard y Johnny Depp acaparó todo el protagonismo. Como siempre, ¿a quién creer? fue la pregunta del día. Sin embargo, se hizo evidente que ambas partes necesitaban un terapeuta para trabajar sus graves problemas emocionales, aunque intentaron, sin éxito, hacerlo por su cuenta.

Quizás el elemento más perturbador del juicio de Heard/

La revista Bon Appétit llama al tomate y a la sandía “almas gemelas”, ¡y tiene razón! Esta sorprendente ensalada gourmet será un éxito en tu próxima barbacoa.

Ensalada De Tomate Y Sandía (¡Sí, De Verdad!)


Inspirado por

• 1 cdta. de granos de

• 4 tazas de sandía sin semillas sin cáscara y cortada en cubos de 1/2 pulgada • 2 tomates heirloom, cortados en cubos de 1/2 pulgada • 8 oz de queso feta, cortado en cubos de 1/2 pulgada • Sal marina, al gusto

pimienta, machacados en trozos grandes

• 1 cdta. de semillas de cilantro machacadas en trozos grandes • 1/2 cdta. de semillas de comino • 1/2 cdta. de cúrcuma • 1/4 de taza de aceite de coco


1. En una cacerola pequeña, saltear especias y hierbas en el aceite de coco durante 3 minutos a fuego medio para crear aceite de cúrcuma. Retire la cacerola del fuego y deje que se enfríe. 2. Combine la sandía, los tomates y el queso feta en una fuente grande o en un cuenco. Rocíe con aceite de cúrcuma enfriado. Ahora, ¡simplemente espolvoree con sal marina y a disfrutar!

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