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LonokePT.Back pain and Difficulty Walking

Exercise Essentials Try these simple exercises to relieve pain and stay strong! TandemWalk | Wall St

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Achieve_Back Pain and Difficulty Walking

Performance For Life NEWSLETTER

People WhoDon’t HaveBack PainDo This... Find Out Insid e


• Did You Know You Can Walk Away Back Pain

• 9 Things That Stifle Your Stride

• Exercise Essential

Performance For Life NEWSLETTER

Did You Know You Can Walk Away Back Pain?

Did you know that the way you walk could be causing your back pain? Most people have something in theirstyleofwalking thatcancause long term wear and tear. For example, a foot turned-out, a weak abdomen or poor posture contributes to stress on their body. Achieve Therapy and Fitness experts are trained to treat walking disorders and teach corrective walking techniques. By changing the way you walk, it is possible to eliminate and prevent back pain. everything about you, including your physical abilities.Wecanhelpyoudiscover thatsomething about the way you walk, may be the reason you have pain and help you change it. You walk over a million steps in a year Your walk involves many body parts, all interacting together to produce your walking style. It’s as natural as breathing, and if any of yoursix (twoankles, twoknees, twohips)weight bearing jointsarenot ingoodalignment,you’reat On a daily basis, you walk more than any other

risk for structural pain. One minor walking error repeated millions of times can do an incredible amountofdamage toyourback,muscles,nerves and joints. This can eventually cause pain and arthritis. Often, the cause of back pain is poor strength -- specifically, weak abdominal muscles. The pelvis is held in place by numerous muscles, including the abdominals, hamstrings, gluteals and hip flexors. An imbalance or weakness in these muscles can lead to pelvic misalignment, causing the pelvis to tilt forward or backward. Forward tilt of the pelvis leads to a sway back. In addition to abdominal weakness, a lack of strength in the gluteals and hamstrings leads to forwardpelvic tilt.While theabdominalsstabilize the pelvis by pulling upward on the front, the gluteals and hamstrings offer stability by pulling down on the rear of the pelvis. Exercises must be done to strengthen both the abdominals and gluteals. Walking gives the gluteals a good workout. The abdominal muscles can be conditioned through physical therapy and easy weight training exercises.

Are you in Pain? Call Today And Start Feeling Better Fast!

For an updated list of upcoming events/workshops please visit our website!

Are You WALKING as Well as You Should? Problems with walking increase as we age and are a leading cause of falls and disability in older adults. At least 20% of adults over 65 have problems with walking. This further increases to 50% in adults 85 years old and older. Most of these problems with walking are associated with underlying diseases.

9 Things That Stifle Your Stride Problems with walking are not a direct consequence of getting older. Rather, they are the effects of other conditions that become more common and severe with age. Common risk factors for severe problems with walking include advanced age (older than 85) and multiple chronic disease conditions such as heart disease, arthritis, dementia, stroke, hip fracture or cancer. Common conditions that contribute to walking problems include some of the following: 1. Back pain 2. Joint pain and arthritis 3. Diseases of the muscles or bones 4. Poor fitness 5. Problems after orthopedic surgery or stroke 6. Low blood pressure and heart disease 7. Parkinson’s disease 8. Vision or balance problems 9. Fear of falling

Exercise Essential


Helps With Balance

TANDEM STANCE Stand with one foot directly in front of the other so that the toes of one foot touch the heel of the other. Maintain your balance. Hold for 15 seconds and repeat 3 times. Exercisescopyrightof

Who Do You Know That Needs Our Help? � Move without pain � Bend and move freely � Balance confidently & securely � Sit for long periods comfortably � Walk for long distances � Live an active and healthy lifestyle Do You Have Friends Or Family Unable To Do The Following: Have Them Call Us Today! They will thank you and so will we!

Always consultyourphysical therapistorphysicianbefore starting exercisesyouareunsureofdoing.

Area Athletes Can Now Achieve the Winning Edge Achieve Performance Center introduces the Winning Edge, a training program for athletes age 12 and up. Designed to improve athletic skills, teach techniques for preventing injury and ultimately, increase overall athletic performance, this 6 Week Program is individually modified to each athlete’s ability. Whether you are in junior high or a competitive collegiate athlete, you’re sure to improve speed, strength, self-confidence and overall athletic performance.


Each participant begins the program with a musculoskeletal evaluation that leads to a customized plan developed to meet your objectives and fix muscle imbalances. Our trainers use proven training techniques and state-of-the-art equipment to help you maximize your athletic potential. Additionally, the program focuses on injury prevention.

SKILLMILL Running biomechanics, speed development and sprinting techniques will be enhanced utilizing the innovative SkillMill. By varying the speed, resistance and duration the SkillMill is capable of training all of the body’s energy systems in a single solution, from sprinting to power development. The two fundamental goals of strength training are to reduce specific muscular weaknesses and as a protective measure against injury. Each athlete receives a strength-training program for competitive sport as part of comprehensive training plan that is designed specific to the type of sport or discipline.

Safety of the athlete is #1. Athletes training in a controlled environment allowing trainers to inform them of the specific drills prior to beginning. All athletes are under adult supervision during training sessions.


Each athlete performs drills to develop movement skills in relation to sport specific patters (linear, lateral or vertical). Training will feature agility, power and plyometric drills. Our programs are offered for individuals and teams. To ensure you get the most out of your program, each is customized to the sport and skill area you want to enhance.

Appointments & Pricing

The Winning Edge is open to individual or team training, with sessions by appointment only. Flexible training times are avail- able between 9:00 am and 8:00 pm weekdays, and Saturdays by appointment.

Participant cost of the program is $450/ athlete as an individual, $249/athlete for groups of 2-6.

To learn more and to schedule your training sessions, call us at 701-746-1323, or stop by and visit us at 242 32nd Ave S, Suite 104 Grand Forks.