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Activa: Relief For Radiating Neck Pain & Headaches

pinched-nerve-headache-treatment-1719581 SPICED PEAR TEA Relieve Neck Pain In Minutes Try this movem

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Avenues PT. Neck Pain & Headaches

2 cup of the sauce into the bottom of 9 x 9 inch baking dish. After peeling leaves off of the cabbag

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Fritz PT. Neck Pain & Headaches

Balance Difficulties If you want to return to a pain-free, active lifestyle, contact us today to sch

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VERT PT. Neck Pain & Headaches

VERT PT. Neck Pain & Headaches N E W S L E T T E R KICK OFF THE NEW YEAR

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Oakland PT. Neck Pain & Headaches

spinach-stuffed-mushrooms If you, or a loved one, has pain, join us in a complimentary informative w

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Full Potential PT. Neck Pain & Headaches


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PT Link: Relieving Neck Pain & Headaches

866.312.0054 F: 866.268.5006 CHECK OUT OUR NEW SITE! Getting To KnowThe PT Link PT Staff! RANDY RICH

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Mayfield PT. Neck Pain & Headaches n° 34745 - Level Hard WHAT ’ S HAPPENING AT MAYFIELD PT “I am able to lead an active lif

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Global PT. Neck Pain & Headaches

Global PT. Neck Pain & Headaches HEALTH & WELLNESS The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Y

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Kewanee PT. Neck Pain & Headaches

faqs.htm.AccessedNovember1,2016. EXERCISE AND SEASONAL AFFECTIVE DISORDER According to theCentersfor

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Activa PT: Neck Pain & Headaches

Health &Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

3 NATURAL WAYS TO BEAT SPRING ALLERGIES 1. Limit your time outdoors. Each spring, trees release billions of tiny pollen grains into the air. When you breathe them into your nose and lungs, they can trigger an allergic reaction. Staying inside can help, especially on windy days and during the early morning hours, when pollen counts are highest. 3. Tweak your home. Simple changes make a difference. Shut all windows to keep out pollen. Use an air conditioner to cool your home instead of a fan, which draws in air from outside. Take off your shoes at the door and ask guests to do the same. That keeps allergens outside.

2. Get natural relief. Some herbal remedies may help stave off allergy symptoms. More research is needed, but an extract from a shrub called butterbur shows promise. Biminne, a Chinese herbal formula with ingredients like ginkgo biloba and Chinese skullcap, may also help. One study found that people who took biminne five times a day for 12 weeks still felt the benefits a year later.

Finally, don’t allow guests, or yourself, to smoke inside your home. It canmake allergy symptoms worse. If you or someone you live with smokes, now is a good time to quit.

Health & Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

“Look Up To Life Without Aches or Pains!” NECKPAIN&HEADACHES


• Stretching For Neck Pain Relief

• Masala Chai Recipe

• Relieve Neck Pain In Minutes

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It’s the end of the day and your head is pounding and your neck is aching. Was it the work you were doing? Was it the stress or the way you were sitting? Your neck is an intricate structure with hundreds of muscles and nerves. The joints in your neck provide movement while the discs in between the bones, give support and shock absorption. In today’s world of sitting for long periods at work, computers and watchingTV your neck muscles, joints and nerves can become strained and irritated. The fact is that even the simplest movements can cause short periods of neckpain.Yetsomeofusmayactuallybeexperiencingchronicneckpain. Simple, repetitive movements can lead to prolonged muscle tightness, which can take time to show symptoms. In comparison, muscle strains happen with quick jolts such as an injury or lifting something too heavy. How neck pain can go to your head Headaches can stem from tightness in the neck muscles at the back of the neck, which is brought about by a forward-head posture and rounded

back. This is very common if you work at a computer or sit a lot. In this position the spine is strained. Try to stand up tall with your back against a wall. How far away from the wall is the back of your head? If you have a forward head posture, your head will be quite far from the wall. The forward head position puts a strain on the neck muscles resulting in general muscle tension in the head. This can affect blood flow to the scalp, resulting in a headache. Pain can be referred from the neck to behind the eyes or forehead and even one sided headaches around the temples. Pounding headaches at the back of the head can be related to neck muscle tightnes and limited movement. Since many headaches stem from problems with neck movement and posture, it is wise that you see a physical therapist; a muscle and skeletal expert to help you. Find out how you can relieve your aching neck and nagging headache for good with our SPINE Program. Call us today for more information!

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STRETCHING FOR NECK PAIN RELIEF Neck pain and headaches typically come from poor posture and tight muscles in the neck, shoulders and upper back. This produces what is called a forward head posture. By stretching the tight muscles along the back of your neck, as well as strengthening the muscles at the front of the neck, neck pain can be relieved.

Correcting bad posture can be as simple as strengthening the abdominal region. However, keep in mind that when dealing with a forward-head posture, you will also have forward-rounded shoulders and increased curvature of the upper spine. Our physical therapists are experts in posture evaluation and treatment, helping you even if you have quite severe changes. It’s never too late! Tight muscles are a big factor in most neck pain and headaches. Stretching the muscles of your chest and strengthening the muscles of the middle back helps. For long term benefits, learning the right exercises can make a big difference in preventing neck pain and headaches from returning. Therefore, before you start taking any headache medicine for chronic neck pain, you might want to analyze your body posture first. Finding tension in your neck or limited range of motion in your spine might be the cause. Correcting it through physical therapy might be a simple solution for your headaches and neck pains. Call us today to learn more about our SPINE Program to relieve your headache and neck pain!

The Best Smoked Salmon Deviled Eggs Recipe

Relieve Neck Pain In Minutes Try this movement if you are experiencing neck pain.

By Popular Demand

Improves Mobility

INGREDIENTS • 4 ounces smoked salmon • 1 tbsp fresh dill • 9 large hard boiled eggs • 1/4 cup sour cream • 3 tbsp diced red onion • 2 tbsp tomatoes • 1 1/2 tbsp capers • 1 tbsp Dijon mustard • 1 tbsp mayonnaise


• 2 tsp lemon juice • 3/4 tsp sea salt & pinch of black pepper

While lyingonyourbackwithasmall foldedup towelunder your head, tuck your chin towards your chest. Also, focus on putting pressure on the towel with the back of your head. Your head should maintain contact with the towel the entire time.

• 1/8 tsp cayenne pepper • zest of 1 small lemon • 4 tsp black tea leaves • 8 ounces grade “A” honey

DIRECTIONS Cut each of the salmon slices into 18 thin strips, about 1/2 to 1-inch wide. Roll each strip as tightly as possible to make a rose, and place them on a plate. Cover lightly with plastic wrap and set aside in the refrigerator. On a clean dry surface, carefully slice the eggs in half lengthwise. Very gently remove theyolks fromeachegghalfandadd them to a medium-sized mixing bowl. Spread out the “handful”of freshdill sprigsona largeserving platter and then arrange the egg white halves on top. (The dill will keep them from wobbling.) Use a fork to mash the yolks, and then add the sour cream.Mashuntilyoudon’tseeany lumps from the yolks.Thenadd2 tablespoonsof theonion, tomato,

choppedcapers,1 tablespoonofdill,mayonnaise, mustard, lemon juice, salt pepper and cayenne. Mix until everything is evenly incorporated. Add the yolk mixture to a large zip-lock bag and then cut about 1/4-inch off one of the bottom corners, to turn it into a pastry bag. Gently squeeze the mixture evenly among each of the 18 egg white halves. Sprinkle the remaining 1 tablespoon of onion on top of each one. Remove the salmon “roses” from the refrigeratorandcarefullyplaceone on top of each deviled egg, using abit of pressure so that it’s partially inserted into the yolk mixture. Add 1 caper and 1 tiny dill sprig to the center of each salmon rose, and then sprinkle them with the lemon zest.

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Who Do You Know That Needs Our Help? � Move without pain � Bend and move freely � Balance confidently & securely � Sit for long periods comfortably � Walk for long distances � Live an active and healthy lifestyle If you know someone suffering with aches and pains give the gift of health. Refer them to Activa Physical Therapy today. Pass along this newsleter or have them call us directly to schedule an apointment.

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Springbrook Square Drive (630) 637-9955

What our recent graduates had to say...

Feeling amazing! “I began PT on September 1st, 2017 after I injured my hip running in June 2016. I am a triathlete and tore my labrum in my right hip. It took over a year to get a diagnosis and have surgery. I arrived at PT in a hip brace on crutches. Samir asked me to remove my brace and attempt to slide my leg a couple inches to the right. I could barely do it! It took weeks to get moving but between Sept. 1st and March 2nd Samir and his amazing team got me on my feet and back on track. On March 2nd, I ran on the treadmill at a normal pace, pain free. Feeling amazing! I cannot thank enough everyone for helping me through this journey. They supported me when I had set backs and challenged me when I was ready. What a joy and blessing to find Samir and Activa! ” – Christi K. I am proud to say that I now have no pain! “I came into Activa with some intense hip pain. I was working out frequently (5-6 times a week) and had somehow injured myself. Activa was very attentive and through with diagnosing and treating my pain. I am proud to say that I now have NO pain. I have learned more about my body and how it works in 6 weeks than I learned in 6 months at another physical therapy place. I have had a great experience!” – Kendra H. I now can stand for long periods! “My trouble was with my back. At the point that I came in, walking and sitting were painful. Laying down was the only comfortable position. I now

can stand for long periods, sit for long periods. My life is now open. I don’t worry about going out anymore. I used to only plan short outings because I would worry. I am now free!” – Michael F. I feel stronger and my life is back to normal! “I started with swelling and soreness in my right knee. I could not climb stairs without use of the rails, or walk frommy car to my office (200 yards) without limping and clicking severely in the knee. After my time here at Activa, I have none of these symptoms. I am certainly not running stairs, but I feel stronger and my life is back to normal.Thanks guys!” – Stephen A.