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Active Health: Shoulder, Elbow & Wrist Pain

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NOVAphysiotherapy_Relief from Shoulder, Elbow, & Wrist Pain

NOVAphysiotherapy_Relief from Shoulder, Elbow, & Wrist Pain HEALTH & FITNESS The Newsletter About Yo

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Spaulding: Shoulder, Elbow & Wrist Pain

3 of the lime juice. Season with salt and pepper. Add shrimp to a baking dish and pour over mixture.

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Complete: Shoulder, Elbow & Wrist Pain

2018 ELIZABETH (908) 527-6001 JERSEY CITY (201) 433-6001 Take Care of Your Aches and Pains Before It

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BouletPT_Soar Above Shoulder, Elbow, & Wrist Pain

Training • Therapeutic Exercise • Cupping • Dry Needling • Electrical Stimulation • Ergonomic Traini

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FYZICALPBC: Shoulder, Elbow, & Wrist Pain n° 329837 - Level Hard 1 7 3 5 8

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Ellis PT: Shoulder, Elbow & Wrist Pain

slow-cooker-turkey-pumpkin- chili-recipe-wdy0115

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Preferred: Shoulder, Elbow & Wrist Pain

Preferred: Shoulder, Elbow & Wrist Pain NEWSLETTER Health & Wellness Newsletter (954) 360-7779 SHOUL

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Understanding Shoulder, Elbow & Wrist Pain

Understanding Shoulder, Elbow & Wrist Pain Health &Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Car

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Solutions: Shoulder, Elbow & Wrist Pain

stock mixture into a blender and pulse until onions are pureed. Pour puree back into soup pot. Turn

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WisePT: Shoulder, Elbow & Wrist Pain


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Active Health: Shoulder, Elbow & Wrist Pain

Health &Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

Active Health Performance Therapy’s CLOSING ANNOUNCEMENT

It is with very mixed emotions that we inform you that Active Health Performance Therapy will be closing permanently. We will no longer be accepting new clients. Should you, your friends or family require physical therapy in the future, we are happy to recommend Focal Point Physical Therapy in Scarborough. This facility can be found at: 25 Plaza Drive Scarborough, ME 04074 (207) 289-1010

Once the office is closed, your medical records will be stored at our secure facility. All medical record requests can be requested through September by calling: 207-878-5002 or 207- 210-1636. Thank you for trusting us with your physical therapy needs throughout our time here in Portland. We wish you continued health and happiness in the future.

Health & Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

“Wave Goodbye To Pain In Your Wrists &Shoulders!” SHOULDER, ELBOW&WRIST PAIN


• Get A Handle On Wrist, Shoulder & Elbow Pain

• Relieve Pain In Minutes • Tips For Safer Golfing This Summer

It’s time to say goodbye to elbow, wrist and shoulder pain once and for all. Identifying the cause of your pain and taking steps to combat ill habits that may be contributing to your discomfort can have a significant impact on your quality of life. Think about the tasks that make up the majority of your day-to-day life. It is often said that life in the 21st century is way easier on the body than life during any other time in human history — and it’s true that there is a fair amount of evidence to support this idea. Rather than spending all of your days working in a factory or on a farm, the vast majority of Americans work indoors, often at a computer for a predetermined number of hours week after week. But this new lifestyle isn’t exactly harmless for the body, either. There are plenty of ways in which the common tasks of 21st-century life put the body under a great deal of stress. Sedentary lifestyles frequently contribute toweightgain,which increasesyour risk fora long listofobesity- relateddiseases.Thisputsadditionalstressonyourbody,whichcouldresult inpain incrucial joints likeyourshoulders,elbowsandyes,evenyourwrists. But even aside from that, there are a lot of potential issues that your body

can face as a result of sedentary behavior in the workplace — including shoulder, elbow and wrist pain. Elbow, wrist and shoulder injuries are especially common as a result of workplace injury and overuse. While it is sometimes possible to take action to prevent an injury from developing, it is especially important to be able to recognize when an injury develops and to understand ways that you can combat that injury by identifying whatmay havecaused thepain todevelop in the first place. Common issues that can lead to shoulder, wrist and elbow pain include: • Issues with poor posture • Carpal tunnel syndrome, which can develop from overuse of the wrist and regular, repetitive motions, such as typing • Heavy lifting

• Athletic injuries • Muscle sprain • Muscle strain • Dislocation or hyperextension of the joints


Oneof thebiggestconcerns regardingpain in thewrist,elbowandshoulder is that it is difficult to impossible to actually allow these parts of the body time to rest. Every movement and action requires these body parts — and when the pain develops in both arms, as it often does, treating the pain becomes even more complicated. It is impossible to care for your basic needs without involving your shoulder or wrist, let alone get through a day at the office.This is why so many issues regarding pain in the wrists, elbows and shoulders typicallybecomechronic.Since it isdifficult toallow thesebodyparts time to properly rest, theycontinuebeingoverusedand thepaincanactuallyworsen. Treating Shoulder, Elbow and Wrist Pain Addressing thepainearlyon is thebestway topreventan issuefrombecoming chronic. Turning to medication and braces for pain management is not a long-term solution and will only push off the inevitable truth — that you need to find a solution for the problem that is causing you pain. Physical therapy is the ideal tool for support in this regard. Working with a physical therapist will provide you with an opportunity to understand what movementsmaybecausingfurtherdiscomfort,andcanhelpyoutostrengthen thesurroundingmuscleswhile improving rangeofmotion,which togetherwill likely alleviate some of the pain associated with your injury. Don’t assume that pain in your elbows, wrists or shoulders will go away on its own. It is more common for the pain to worsen, and compensating for the pain by overusing the opposite arm can cause further injury to develop. For support with learning how to manage the pain, and to learn exercises and techniques that can help you overcome the injury and restore proper strength and functionality to your shoulders, wrists and elbows, contact a physical therapist.

Enjoy A Healthy Recipe!

Cherry-Berry Oatmeal Smoothie

Ingredients • ⅓ cup quick-cooking rolled oats

• ½ cup fresh dark sweet cherries • 1-2 tbsp almond butter • 1 tbsp honey • ½ cup small ice cubes

• ½ cup light almond milk • ¾ cup fresh strawberries

Directions In a medium bowl combine water and oats. Microwave 1 minute. Stir in ¼ cup of the almond milk. Microwave 30 to 50 seconds more or until oats are very tender. Cool 5 minutes. In a blender combine oat mixture, the remaining ¼ cup milk, and the next four ingredients (through honey). Cover and blend until smooth, scraping container as needed. Add ice cubes; cover and blend until smooth. If desired, top each serving with additional fruit.


Relieve Pain In Minutes Try this movement if you are experiencing shoulder pain.

WAND SHOULDER FLEXION Lyingonyourbackandholdingawand,palms facedownonboth sides, slowly raise the wand towards overhead. Repeat 5 times. Strengthens Shoulders 4 7 1


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Avoid soreness after your first time on the course this season. It’s been a long time since you’ve picked up your golf clubs. And although golf is a low-impact sport, it’s often tied to a number of injuries. Golfing for the first time after a couple months can be tough on the body. Most people will experience soreness in their lower back, shoulders and wrists after their first time out. Before getting back into the swing of things, here are some tips to follow: 1. Prepare. Before hitting the green, you may want to go to the driving range a couple of times first. This will help prepare your muscles when you play a round of golf. 2. Stretch. Stretching can improve your range of motion, making it easier to swing the club. Try some of these stretches, which will warm up the muscles you will use in your golf swing. 3. Easy does it. The actual motion of golfing isn’t the only thing that strains your body during a round. Soreness can also come fromwalking around the course and carrying your clubs. Start the year off using a push cart or only TIPS FOR SAFER GOLFING THIS SUMMER 4 3 4 8 2 5 4 3 9 6 5 7 9 2 5 4 1 4 2 6 8 n° 228310 - Level Medium

playing 9 holes while you build up the endurance needed to play an entire round. If you regularly ride in a cart, this is likely a little less of a concern. 4. Don’t let your skills get rusty. If you’re an avid golfer during the summer, try heading out to an indoor driving range during the off season. Regular exercise, such as jogging or biking, can also keep your muscles strong and ready for the season.

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Summer weekends at the beach, backyard barbecues, and outdoor dinners are finally here, but these gatherings are often loaded with high-calorie pasta salads, chips, ice cream, cocktails and beers. Enjoy your warm weather favorites while keeping your nutrition in check with the tips below. 1. Drink green tea instead of sweet tea. Green tea has a natural component that helps speed up your metabolism. Skip the box tea and opt for the brew-it-yourself with boiling water and a tea-bag-type tea. 2. Serve seafood. Summer is the ideal time to get the freshest catch from your local grocer. Grill salmon, tuna, lobster, steamer clams, and calamari for a low-calorie, protein-packed lunch or dinner. 3. Don’t skip breakfast. When you wake up in the morning, your body is running on fumes. Eating a breakfast with protein, carbs, and healthy fat kicks your metabolism into high gear and provides energy for the day. 4. Enjoy summer fruits and veggies. It’s easy to sink into a vegetable rut, eating the same boring veggies week after week, but with summer comes fresh choices. Including a mix of in-season colorful veggies in your meals gives your body a nutrient kick.

5. Snack at work. Bring snacks to work and graze throughout the day. When you eat more often—five to six times per day—you’re far less likely to overeat and more likely to stay energized. 6. Hydrate often. The summer heat makes you more susceptible to dehydration. Start off your day by drinking two glasses of water and keep drinking at each meal, as well as before and after your workout, to stay hydrated. Carry a water bottle with you as a reminder to stay hydrated. 7. Recover with a post-workout shake. After exercising, blend your favorite summer fruits and a scoop of whey protein into a shake to kickstart the muscle-building process, help your body recover from training, and boost your energy levels. 8. Pre-plan your meals. You plan your weekend getaways and activities for summer. Why not your meals? Make it easy by preparing all of your food on Sunday so that you have enough meals for the week. The best part: You’ll save money.

Spend Much Needed Time By GARDENING SAFELY

Common gardening activities, such as digging, planting, weeding, mulching, and raking can cause stress and strain on muscles and joints. This is especially true for senior citizens and people who are normally sedentary. Different body areas such as the shoulders, neck, back, and knees can be vulnerable to injury during gardening. The following tips can help minimize or prevent injuries: •Warm up before you garden. A 10 minute brisk walk and stretches for the spine and limbs are good ways to warm up. • Change positions frequently to avoid stiffness or cramping. • Be aware of how your body feels as you work in your garden. If a part of your body starts to ache, take a break, stretch that

body part in the opposite direction it was in, or switch to a different gardening activity. For example, if you’ve been leaning forward for more than a few minutes, and your back starts to ache, slowly stand up, and gently lean backwards a few times. • If kneeling on both knees causes discomfort in your back, try kneeling on one and keep the other foot on the ground. Use knee pads or a gardening pad when kneeling. • Avoid bending your wrist upwards when pulling things or using gardening tools. Instead, keep your wrist straight and use your shoulder muscles to pull and lift. •End your gardening session with some gentle backward bending of your low back, a short walk and light stretching, similar to stretches done before starting.