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Active Health: Stand Up to Sciatica

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Stand Up To Sciatica

L, CHT Occupational Therapist, Certified Hand Therapist Kathy Ottesen received her Bachelor’s of Sci

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Stand Up To Sciatica

2 large head) • 2 cups chopped heart of romaine • 1 tart-sweet red apple, chopped caraway seeds (if

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Stand up to Sciatica

JUNE 1 6 PM What isSensoryProcessingDisorder? Sensory processing disorder is a condition in which th

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Arlington: Stand Up To Sciatica

for an application! CALL TODAY! (901) 317-7054 Patient Success Spotlight The dry needling has been w

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Nestor: Stand Up To Sciatica

workshop Think Nestor PT First Do You Have Friends or Family Who Can’t: � Move without pain We can h

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Burlingame: Stand Up To Sciatica

2 lb whole grain spaghetti DIRECTIONS Preheat broiler on high for 5 minutes. Combine all meatball in

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MPTS: Stand Up To Sciatica

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Somersworth: Stand Up To Sciatica

shower? Is it necessary to reach far or turn around to get towels, shampoo, and soap? Is it difficul

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Progressive: Stand Up To Sciatica

equipment including the ‘sled’ and on a goodnote itdidhelpstrengthen my back. I now include most of

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Dynamic: Stand Up To Sciatica

Champus • Auto injury • Workman’s Compensation • Manual Therapy • Kinesio Taping • Myofascial Releas

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Active Health: Stand Up to Sciatica

Health &Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

“Don’t Let Pain Limit You In The New Year” STANDUP TOSCIATICA

Do you experience pain in the buttock, leg, or even your foot? If so, you may be experiencing sciatica. Sciatica is a common form of back and leg pain that is often misunderstood by sufferers. People frequently have questions about what sciatica is, why it occurs and how to find relief from the intense pain it can cause from the low back, down to the feet. (continued inside)

NATURALLY RELIEVE BACK PAIN Bad Habits Can Increase Your Pain

Some seemingly harmless habits can also contribute to the irritation of the sciaticnerve.A frequentbadhabit iscrossingof the legs forextendedperiods, which puts pressure on the nerve. In addition, sitting for long periods is bad for your spine. It is possible for you to prevent or relieve sciatica simply by improving your posture. Physical Therapy Relieves Sciatica The specialists at Active Health Performance Therapy play a crucial role in evaluating and treating sciatica, as well as other common back problems. Our physical therapists are medical experts with years of training to evaluate your back problem, finding the root cause of your sciatica. An individualized treatment plan is created to guide you through the recovery process and maximize your success. When coming to Active Health Performance Therapy, our friendly and knowledgeable therapists spend time with you. We train you on specific and easy exercises that will relieve the pain in your back and legs. In addition, our specialized hands-on therapy helps to gently loosen tight muscles and joints in your spine and legs. Your pain is quickly relieved and your flexibility restored, so you can feel like yourself again. Our cutting-edge treatments are doctor recommended and are specifically designed for you to reach your healthcare goals.

Knowing all this should give you a head start in warding off painful sciatica. After all, it may be as simple as learning to stand tall.

Call us today at (207) 878-5002 to schedule an appointment!

Prepare A Tasty Dish For The Next Tailgate!

Parmesan-Crusted Zucchini Fries Directions

9 Ingredients • 1/3 cup shredded Parmesan cheese • 1/3 cup panko (Japanese breadcrumbs) • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder • 1/2 teaspoon dried basil • 1/8 teaspoon ground red pepper • 1 large egg, beaten • 3 small zucchini (1 1/4 pounds) • Cooking spray • 1/2 cup tomato-basil pasta sauce

Preheat oven to 450°. Combine Parmesan cheese, panko, garlic powder, basil and red pepper in a small shallow bowl. Place egg in a separate shallow bowl. Trim ends from zucchini; cut each zucchini in half crosswise. Quarter each zucchini half lengthwise to make 24 zucchini sticks. Dip zucchini in egg; dredge in panko mixture; pressing to coat. Place zuchini on a baking sheet coated with cooking spray. Coat tops of zucchini with cooking spray. Bake at 450° for 20 minutes or until golden brown. Serve immediately with pasta sauce.


These past few months have been busy — we have been supporting all kinds of institutions by raising and donating money and attending the most fun events. First was the Gala for Maine Academy of Modern Music. If this is not a place you know about you should look them up! Located on Presumscot Street they have an entire music recording studio — these YOUNG kiddos make the most amazing music. You can’t tell you are listening to children and not actual professionals. They do incredible things for kids to help them gain confidence and skills that are amazing! Next was a fund-raising gala for the Mitchell Institute — which was something I never heard of before. For those of you who remember Senator George Mitchell… well he created a scholarship that goes to one senior from EVERY high school in Maine. It is based on need, circumstances and achievement and — let me tell you what — some of these kids’ stories were the best comeback stories I have ever heard. They had me in tears with what they went through. And the best part about these scholarships are the mentoring programs. The Mitchell Institute mentors them throughout their college careers and then recruits the new alumni to hold up the tradition. Kuddos to this program! And last but not least was the Portland Symphony All Star Dinner. We took Steve to this one and we had a blast. Morgan and I are kind of symphony snobs and because Conductor Robert Moody started the Children’s Symphony Program we got really involved. Because of this

program Taylor, my daughter, loves violin and trumpet and soon Rylan will get introduced. Anyway, Mr. Moody is an amazing conductor and Cellist but we also learned he could sing at this dinner! It was a terrific experience — and Steve made it a lot of fun too.

To see more, get info or donate money check these out…

Take Care of Your Aches and Pains Before It’s Too Late.


Relieve Back Pain In Minutes Try this movement if you are experiencing back pain.

Strengthens Lower Back

SINGLE KNEE TO CHEST Lie on your back and bring one knee to your chest, keeping the other foot flat on the floor. Keep your lower back pressed to the floor. Hold for at least 15 to 30 seconds. Repeat 2 to 4 times with each leg.

“Before I attended AHPT, I had severe sciatica and right leg pain. Going into my second week, I went from a pain of five to a one, which I had not had in 3 years. I look forward to future therapy!” - A.I. I went from a pain of five to a one!

CALL TODAY! (207) 878-5002


It’s to the point where I can’t watch the news anymore, but I can’t help BUT watch it either. Whether it’s North Korea, Twitter, mass shootings or just plain horribleness everyday — it seems like a train wreck. There is also the paradox of watching this terrifying insanity while my


young son is soundly sleeping on my lap, snuggled up with his stuffed turtle, dreaming of playgrounds and graham crackers. So how do we cope with this split image? How do you take your family to the mall for pictures with Santa and at the same time look for mad gunners? How do you feel safe about dropping kids off at school with people shooting through the windows? How do you feel safe at work? It makes me realize that our lives are fleeting, unpredictable, and attempting to be in control of anything is futile. I pet my son’s soft head gently and watch the carnage on the news. His breathing is light, rhythmic and relaxed — he hasn’t a care in the world. He doesn’t know who Donald Trump is or what an AR-15 is. He doesn’t care about the new tax bill, health care regulations or if we fix 2 or 4 schools and the implications on his city. And I don’t want him too, either. My 12-year-old lives with the anxiety from what she sees and hears and lacks the adult ability to process and have perspective. She’s nervous about events and crowds — at 12 she shouldn’t even be thinking that way. Honestly, the way I cope is to go to places when they are least crowded — I admit I do that. I won’t be at Walmart on Black Friday — not even for the people watching. I try to have faith in my community, and I spend as much time with my family and loved ones as possible.

I also take comfort in the fact that while things may seem bad now, there was always something. My mother told stories of hiding under her desk during air strike sirens, my daughter’s father’s family survived the holocaust, my cousin made it through desert storm and there was “Son of Sam” and the “Atlanta Child Murders.” These terrible things are not new and things are probably not worse. This too will pass. Life is trendy and cyclical, and when you have something or someone precious to you, suddenly you become more alert and acutely aware of danger. We always survive — we get through and most of the time things are never as bad as they seemed. At least that’s how it’s been for me. And for the time being I will turn the channel and enjoy my coffee while my son is quiet. I say “the son hasn’t come up yet” as a play on words, because when he’s up there is a new kind of carnage and raucous upon me.


Active Health PT is proud to announce that we will be offering Arbonne products to our clients, friends and family. For those of you who don’t know Arbonne products, it’s not just what we put in our products that makes them superior. It’s what we choose to formulate without. We integrate the most beneficial botanical ingredients from nature with the principles of green chemistry—we craft products with integrity, expertise and innovation. And we do it responsibly, taking care of our earth at the same time. ARBONNE PHYTOSPORT™: Fueled by Nature Sports and exercise utilize an amazing number of tissues and organs in the body—from the obvious muscle tissues to others like the heart, veins, brain, and nerves. Supporting and optimizing these tissue and organ functions with Arbonne PhytoSport™ products can help prepare you for action, improve performance and endurance, and speed recovery. Arbonne PhytoSport™ products contain key ingredients like essential branched-chainaminoacids,vitamins,minerals,electrolytes,andbotanical extracts to support critical physiological functions that contribute to your best physical performance. Arbonne PhytoSport™ Blend Each product in the line contains the Arbonne PhytoSport™ Blend. This unique combination of botanicals helps support various aspects of your body’s functions to help you feel your best when you’re physically active. These blends include: • Ginseng: Helps support cognitive function and physical performance No Banned Substances In addition to rigorous training and physical activity, sports regulatory organizations can have strict rules regarding supplement use. Arbonne has obtained BSCG certification for all Arbonne PhytoSport™ products. Banned Substances Control Group Banned Substances Control Group (BSCG) is a leading independent third-party dietary supplement certification provider. BSCG tests for more than 207 drugs banned by sporting groups including the WADA, NFL, MLB, NHL, NBA, MLS, PGA, LPGA, and NCAA, and is the only certification provider to cover an additional 185 prescription and over-the-counter drugs not banned in sport. • Turmeric: Helps support joint health and function • Cayenne: Helps support circulation and blood flow

◊ These statementshavenotbeen evaluatedby theFood andDrugAdministration. Theseproducts arenot intended todiagnose, treat, cureorprevent anydisease.

Benefits of BSCG Certification • BSCG tests for more banned substances in sport than other supplement certification programs AND is the only program to include testing for prescription and over-the-counter drugs not banned in sport, offering additional protection to our consumers. • Each and every batch of Arbonne PhytoSport™ products is tested by the BSCG for compliance. • These products can be trusted to support your performance, without causing testing issues. We are offering Nutrition and Spa products in our office and you can visit Check it out! Just in time for the holidays!

512 Warren Ave. Portland, ME 04103

P : (207) 878-5002 F : (207) 878-5007