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Activity Is The Key To Back Pain Relief

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Activity Is The Key To Back Pain Relief


“ Activity Is The Key To BackPainRelief!”

RunAway Back Pain

Did you know that the way you run, could be causing your back pain?Most people have something in their style of running that can cause long term wear and tear. For example, a foot turned-out, a weak abdomen or poor posture contributes to stress on their body. Craven SPORT services experts are trained to treat running disorders and teach corrective running techniques. By changing the way you run, it is possible to eliminate and prevent back pain.

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INSIDE • Run Away Back Pain • Exercise Essentials • Patient Spotlight • Running Shoe Tips

HEALTH &FITNESS Sport Physiotherapy | Orthopedic Rehabilitation | Training “Why Not Expose The Truth About Running & Low Back Pain? ” Run Away Back Pain

On a daily basis, you run more than any other physical activity. How you run defines most everything about you, including your physical abilities. We can help you discover that something about the way you run, may be the reason you have pain and help you change it. You run over a million steps in a year Your run involves many body parts, all interacting together to produce your running style. It’s as natural as breathing, and if any of your six (two ankles, two knees, two hips) weight bearing joints are not in good alignment, you’re at risk for structural pain. Oneminor running error repeated millions of times can do an incredible amount of damage to your back, muscles, nerves and joints. This can eventually cause pain and arthritis. Often, the cause of back pain is poor strength -- specifically, weak abdominal muscles. The pelvis is held in place by numerous muscles, including the abdominals, hamstrings, gluteals and hip flexors. An imbalance or weakness in these muscles can lead to pelvic misalignment, causing the pelvis to tilt forward or backward. Forward tilt of the pelvis leads to a sway back. In addition to abdominal weakness, a lack of strength in the gluteals and hamstrings leads to forward pelvic tilt. While the abdominals stabilize the pelvis by pulling upward on the front, the gluteals and hamstrings offer stability by pulling down on the rear of the pelvis. Exercises must be done to strengthen both the abdominals and gluteals. Running gives the gluteals a good workout. The abdominal muscles can be conditioned through physical therapy and easy weight training exercises. ROUND 3! Saturday, May 6TH at 3PM Craven SPORT services in Saskatoon FREE! This beginner program is designed by women, for women and is taught by one of our Strength & Conditioning coaches.

Learn to lift weights with proper technique to get stronger.

Learn to feel comfortable and confident lifting weights on your own.


REGISTER NOW! Call 306-934-2011 or email [email protected] For more details, visit:


Problems with running increase as we age and are a leading cause of falls and disability in older adults. At least 20% of adults over 65 have problems with running. This further increases to 50% in adults 85 years old and older. Most of these problems with running are associated with underlying diseases. 9 Things That Stifle Your Stride Problems with running are not a direct consequence of getting older. Rather, they are the effects of other conditions that become more common and severe with age. Common risk factors for severe problems with running include advanced age (older than 85) and multiple chronic disease conditions such as heart disease, arthritis, dementia, stroke, hip fracture or cancer. Common conditions that contribute to running problems include some of the following: 9 Things That Stifle Your Stride

1. Back pain 2. Joint pain and arthritis 3. Diseases of the muscles or bones 4. Poor fitness 5. Problems after orthopedic surgery or stroke 6. Low blood pressure and heart disease 7. Parkinson’s disease 8. Vision or balance problems 9. Fear of falling 3. Size: Running shoes should have ample toe room, but secure from the ball of the foot to the heel. Your feet will splay out over time and it’s not uncommon to go up in size. Running shoes won’t break in, so they need to feel like they fit the second you put them on. For a professional shoe fitting stop by Brainsport, bring in your current shoes so we can see the wear pattern and the socks you plan on wearing in them. If you wear orthotics, it’s critical you bring them with you. My staff would be delighted to fit you.

RUNNING SHOE TIPS The 3 Most Important Things about Your Running Shoes: by Brainsport 1. Break in Period: If you’re trying on shoes that feel heavy, stiff, clunky or not just right they likely are the wrong shoes for you. The right pair will feel comfortable as soon as you put them on: light weight, cushioned, and balanced. 2. Level: If you feel your arches “tipping in” or “pushed out”, then the support is wrong for you. Too much support will restrict your foot and give the feeling you’re tipped out. Too little support may feel like your foot is caving in and give the tipped in feeling. The proper pair will feel balanced and level. NEW MASSAGETHERAPIST LARA KOWALSKY Welcome to the team, Lara Kowalsky! Lara has been a Registered Massage Therapist for 17 years and has worked in London, England; Costa Rica, Vancouver, and Saskatoon. The modalities she uses are: Deep Tissue Massage, Fire Cupping, Thai Yoga Massage, Thai foot and hand Reflexology, Craniosacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation, L.A.S.T, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Facilitated Stretching, TMJ treatments, Swedish Massage, Myofascial Massage, and Sports Massage! Lara will be working evenings and Saturdays starting in April. Contact us using the following link: to book your appointment today!

“January 2017 marked the 10 year anniversary for me as a Craven SPORT services client! Bruce, Karen and I met through pure chance in 2007 when (lucky for me!) they happened to be standing close by when I fell in a wall climbing accident, sustaining serious injury. What happened next would change my life, form two incredible friendships and start an amazing journey to adventures I could have never thought possible. Following surgery and many hours of physiotherapy with Karen it became very clear to me that the human body is capable of so much if we just give it the right things that enable it to heal, recover and adapt. A commitment to discipline in those “right things” (like strength training, nutrition and REST) became my focus. The support from Karen led to my decision to start running and then Bruce began working with me on a training plan. We set out and accomplished one goal after another, running marathons, half marathons and even completing a solo run across the Grand Canyon. Those experiences have been challenging, fun and rewarding PATIENT SPOTLIGHT Hear What Our Patients Have To Say!

but achieving those goals is not why I train. Bruce asked me once, a very long time ago, “what are you training for?” Seems like a simple question, with an obvious answer of the next goal or the next race. After a long discussion I realized that I wasn’t training for any of those things. I focus and commit to complete every workout, interval session, strength session, every long

run and yes…even every rest day so that I can be active, healthy and stay running when I’m in my 80’s. Quality of life has an entirely new meaning to me since my accident. Maintaining that quality of life by staying fit, strong and healthy so that when I get up 40 years from now I can jump out of bed and go out for a run is what I’m training for. That is a hugely motivating goal for me every day. When I get up in the morning I don’t “have to go for a workout”, I “get to go for a workout” and that makes me a very lucky woman. I’m so grateful for the support and help along the way from Karen, Bruce and the entire CSS team that has allowed this life and these adventures to be possible – THANK YOU!” - JoeAnne H.


CURTIS KULCHAR MPT, B.SC. KIN Curtis found his passion for physiotherapy following a shoulder injury while playing hockey as a teenager. After spending a number of months receiving regular treatment as a patient, he became interested in the profession. That interest continued to grow through the remainder of his playing days in the WHL, until he finally decided to join the U of S Men’s Huskie Hockey team and begin his journey in education to become a physiotherapist! Prior to being accepted into the School of Physiotherapy, Curtis completed an undergraduate degree in Kinesiology. Today Curtis and his wife reside in the Saskatoon area and are the proud new parents of a little baby girl. Curtis’s favorite thing about working as a physiotherapist at Craven SPORT services is interacting with so many great patients and staff on a daily basis. He hopes his enthusiasm and passion for his job shows through in his work and helps inspire others to meet their goals and make their physical well-being a priority.

Fun Facts about Curtis: He is left handed, and once got the chance to swap hockey stories rink side with Gordie Howe.


Call If: • You have back pain at the end of the day • You have trouble enjoying time with family due to pain • You have limited mobility at work • You have trouble bending or reaching • Your joints are stiff or swelling • Suffering with pain from an old injury

Get Answers For Your Aches & Pains. Call: 306.934.2011


• Is your mind on your back and neck pain instead of your life? • Have loved ones stopped listening to your complaints because they have heard it so many times before? • Do you feel really stiff when you try to get out of bed in the morning? • Do you have to think twice before you pick things up? If You’re Nodding Yes Then Now is The Time to Make Your First Step in The Right Direction and Take Charge of How You Feel, DOWNLOAD THIS BOOK TODAY! ATTENTION ACHE & PAIN SUFFERERS!

Grayson Jake

Ever Anthony

Lily Marie

We are excited to introduce some mini’s to our Craven Family! ANNOUNCING THE BIRTHS OF: • Grayson Jake on August 7th, 2016 to Lee & Jess Stevens • Ever Anthony on December 16th, 2016 to Cohl & Erin Muntain • Lily Marie on February 6th, 2017 to Curtis & Katie Kulchar And there are more on the way from Lindsay Olver, Kim Fraser, and Alison Friesen! FREE LowBackPainWorkshop BENEFICIALWORKSHOPALERT LOCATEDAT CRAVENSPORT SERVICES Patients are encouraged to attend this workshop to learn: • The underlying factors that may be impeding full resolution of your back pain. • What successful assessment and treatment looks like. • How to choose the right treatment for the cause of your pain REGISTERBY FOLLOWING THE LINK: Or Call 306-934-2011 or email [email protected]


Try these movements if you are experiencing pain. EXERCISE ESSENTIALS Relieve Aches & Pains In Minutes Without Pain Medication!

PRONE ON ELBOWS Lying face down, slowly raise up and prop yourself up on your elbows. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat 5 times.

TANDEM STANCE Stand with one foot directly in front of the other so that the toes of one foot touch the heel of the other. Maintain your balance. Hold for 30 seconds. Alternate feet and repeat 5 times.

Helps With Low Back Pain

Improves Balance


Always consult your physiotherapist or physician before starting exercises you are unsure of doing.

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Recommended Use: • As part of a healthy shake • After a workout/exercise • For those looking to lean out when part of a balanced diet and exercise routine For more info about Biosteel’s Whey Protein Isolate: