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AD JOURNAL - Cantor Lippitz

We are incredibly grateful to Cantor Lippitz for 34 years of beautifully crafted music, services, and dedication to Oheb Shalom Congregation. A Tribute to Cantor Erica Lippitz

Cantor Erica Lippitz in Conversation with Julia Serebrinsky

Q: When you joined Oheb Shalom in 1987, Ronald Reagan was President and women wearing pants could not be called to the Bimah for an Aliyah. Very few lay women had the skill level required to lead davening. Shifting satorial boudaries and preferences aside, how would you describe the effects of social, religious, and ritual changes over the last three decades on the lives of the Jewish women of all generations - as you have observed them? Jewish women have introduced changes to the style of davening in an organic way. Socialized to be inclusive and welcoming, and valuing inclusivity as a goal, women in the Cantorate tended to present themselves more as prayer leaders than prayer soloists/presenters. This aligned with comparable changes in style that encouraged more congregational singing – influences that came in part from the Chavurah movement in the 1970s and 1980s. There is no question that children are impacted consciously and unconsciously by the role models which they encounter. The current young generation has seen women in a greater number of leadership roles, and some surely will find themselves drawn to the idea of being cantors/rabbis because they have seen women lauded in those roles.

Q: Your paternal grandmother, Blanche Aronin Lippitz, was a life-long role model for you. How has her work and Jewish identity shaped your journey? Though my grandmother graduated as valedictorian of her law school class in 1922, she was only offered jobs as a legal secretary. Instead, she practiced law privately from home and spoke on behalf of human rights to Jewish organizations. She was a champion for women’s participation in synagogue ritual life and leadership and devoted much of her life to training women to have the confidence and skills to take on leadership positions in their own synagogues and communities. But she did not describe these as automatic rights – she insisted that if women were to demand Aliyot to the Torah, or the ability to count in a Minyan, then they needed to educate themselves and demonstrate that they were entitled to that privilege based on merit. She sought to earn the respect of the men with whom she worked, and whose intellectual company she craved. Q: “I have learned much from my teachers, more from my colleagues, and most from students,” is one of your favorite quotes from the Talmud. The idea of mentors—spiritual, intellectual, or professional—is a bit of a lost art in our culture that rewards self-reliance, competition, and the value of moving on. Over your 34-year career at Oheb, you have mentored countless individuals and groups, from the 550 kids you’ve prepared for B’nai Mitzvah, to our congregation’s Adult and Youth Chorales that you’ve established and nurtured, to helping launch the musical journeys of other Cantors. Who were your most influential mentors and why do you place such value of this part of your legacy?

I was fortunate to grow up in an extended family that spoke of elders with respect, and who came, in part, from lineages of educators. The Cantors who trained me spoke with reverence of their role models and coaches. This is a quintessential Jewish way of being in the world – to be constantly curious and ready to learn from everyone. Mentors see their own learning as something to share with another...they instinctively see human beings through the lens of teachers and students. That is why someone as accomplished as Elie Wiesel spoke of himself first and foremost as a teacher. Every student fortunate enough to study with him in Boston will tell you that they didn’t just study the books but learned how to teach. We learned about the respect and attentive care that a teacher must bring to every single student. We learned to be on guard for embarrassment and fear, and how to parlay those states of mind into self-confidence and achievement. In my first years at the pulpit, another mentor, Oheb’s Rabbi Alexander Shapiro, was aware of my inexperience and supported me in ways that enabled me to gain great confidence. He never hesitated to call out behaviors by congregants that in any way diminished the respect due to all. Q: In 1987 you were featured on the front page of The New York Times as one of the first two women in the Conservative movement to be ordained as Cantors by Jewish Theological Seminary. (The first woman Rabbi was ordained two years earlier.) You were the first woman to serve in the role of the Cantor at Oheb, and your tenure was one of the longest in its history. Today, thanks to your efforts, our synagogue boasts an unusually high level of congregational involvement in music, one of the highest in Essex County. You’ve done all this while being a wife and a mother to three children. How were you able to balance the challenges the personal and clerical expectations? In your opinion, how can women in clergy support and encourage participation in Jewish life?

The challenges women in clergy face are similar to those of other demanding professions that are largely on-call responsibilities. Only 50 percent of my day was predictable; the rest was made up of phone calls and situations that necessitated immediate attention, if possible. While these weren’t life-threatening situations, they were usually emotionally charged, and had to be tended to promptly. People who possess inner strength know that reaching out to others is a sign of wisdom; none of us finds our way successfully through the maze of family life on our own. Being clergy requires one to put forth all one’s emotional, healing energy for other families -- energy that might have been reserved for one’s own loved ones. Male and female clergy both experience this challenge; women, trained culturally for emotional openness, may experience more of it. What made my life particularly challenging was the fact that Oheb Shalom asked their clergy to attend a large percentage of evening meetings, and as a more formal congregation in structure, we have three times more committees than nights of the week. So “prime time” at shul was usually the same hours that my children were at home. This created a challenge, in terms of my desire to honor my children’s needs, as well. I tried to raise my children with an awareness of why I was extending myself to others, hoping that they will become the kinds of people who will offer comfort to others in the communities in which they are involved as adults.

Q: What are some of your most cherished memories from The High Holiday Services? One of my favorite moments is walking down the center aisle, chanting Hineni. In my mind, my arms are wide open, gathering up the worries, hopes and prayers of each person I pass. I experience that moment as timeless, and I recall the faces and prayers of those who sat in those pews 10, 20, 30 years ago – people I knew and admired. Their prayers still reverberate in the walls of this synagogue. The Neshamot of their parents and grandparents fill our sacred space, as do the souls of every Hazzan, every Cantor who has walked this congregation. I feel their presence and ask their blessing, and the blessing of my own teachers of this sacred art. I always improvise the music of the Hineni prayer – what I sing is a reflection of the intense feelings that I sense all around me. The text of that prayer asks that I be worthy of representing the kahal, the congregation – and my entire focus is to absorb their hopes and become their voice. Q: You’ve participated in more life cycle events than we can count. To quote our Congregation President Paul Schechner, “How many of us can think of at least one life cycle event –a baby naming, a b’nai mitzvah, a wedding, being in the hospital, or the passing of a family member—where the Cantor was there for each and everyone of us in just the manner and touch we needed?” How does this service fit into your understanding of a meaningful life?

This is the definition of what it is to be a Jew, not only a clergyperson. It is a prescription for a life in which we focus on moments and things that really matter, and thus avoid wasting precious time. The Babylonian Talmud summarizes the mitzvot in this way: “These are the things the fruits of which a person enjoys in this world, but the principal remains for his in the world to come: 1. honoring father and mother 2. deeds of lovingkindness 3. early arrival at the study-house morning and evening 4. hospitality to guests 5. visiting the sick 6. dowering the bride 7. accompanying the dead (to burial) 8. devotion in prayer Q: How does a dedication to a larger cause fit into your definition of a “heroic life”? To me, the definition of a heroic life is one dedicated to something larger than oneself. That might mean a cause, a mission, or even devotion to a large or small group of people who need your help. That cause might be something you have contemplated for a long time, or it might emerge suddenly, as we have seen in the siege of Ukraine. Heroism is ennobling, both for the individual and for the entire community surround her/him. And when it is a choice, weaving a communal mission into one’s professional life transforms the mundane into the sacred, in all professions. 9. making peace between one person and another 10. and the study of Torah is equal to/leads to them all.” (Masechet Shabbat 127a)

Q: At the synagogue the guitar was rarely out of your reach, but were there any other instruments you played or wished you had played? Where will you go next on your musical journey? I always intended to have more time to nurture my classical piano skills, and hope I’ll muster the discipline to do so now. I grew up especially loving Prokofiev and Rachmaninoff, while playing Brahms, Chopin, Bach and Satie, to name a few. I am also especially fond of conducting Jewish choirs and cannot imagine life without singing in or organizing one. Composers Salamone Rossi and Yehezkel Braun are amongst my favorites. Q: Music as therapy is a topical issue in neuroscience. Having spent a lifetime in its exploration and practice, do you have any thoughts about the role of music in various stages of our lives? This is a relatively new field that fascinates me. Music to which a person has an emotional connection can re-awaken the brain in unique ways. The parts of our brain that recall music are unaffected by dementia. So a person who can no longer speak, can sing. Singing with someone is a powerful way to restore their humanity, their very essence.

Q: Let’s talk about “Let Them Hear Us”, Oheb’s 160th Anniversary concert on May 22 that you have co- produced with Hazzan David Tilman. This encyclopedic, thorough compilation of Jewish influence on American music from Irving Berlin, Rogers and Hammerstein and Leonard Bernstein, to George Gershwin, Leonard Cohen, and Batya Levine is not just a palimpsest of exquisite composition and rich cultural heritage and influence; it is the defining American tradition of improvisation and assimilation, of outsiders telling their stories through the stories of others. We are also fortunate enough to live and worship in a place that is home to many professional musicians—classical, jazz, Broadway--so the talent you were able to utilize made this experience exceptional. Tell us more about how the idea was conceived and executed. Yes, the Concert we just enjoyed featured an ensemble of especially talented musicians, each one an impressive artist, who lives in the area and is involved in local projects of interest. I began with this concept with this idea: “When Oheb was in its 50th/80th/100th year, etc, here is how Jewish composers were writing their values and lived experiences into the popular music of America. Who were the Jewish-American composers who contributed to US culture by infusing American music with overt Jewish messages and perspectives? And what were those messages? What Jews mainly do is to write about other outsiders. Think of it in this way: “I’m going to use somebody else’s story to tell you about mine.” That sharp observation held true for each song we presented, each of which was researched in depth. And the “cast of thousands” who volunteered to be part of this concert was astonishing. We had ten cantors singing solos, and three different choirs, who prepared in separate rehearsals. We had a 6-piece band which had to be re-organized multiple times because of Covid. Every song had a different cohort playing/singing, and thus had a separate sound check scheduled. So there were almost 35 sound-check slots on the day of the concert, beginning at 1:30pm. Those details do not even include the hours of rehearsal that each singer invested.

Q: You’ve said that in the transition from public space to the next chapter of your life’s journey, you may be relinquishing the responsibilities of the Cantorate, but not the relationships you’ve built over the last 34 years. How will the magnificent foundation you’ve built over the last 34 years guide the spiritual and musical discoveries you are about to undertake? I am very curious to explore a variety of davening communities and styles. But nothing could replace the deep and beautiful friendships I have been blessed to cultivate for 35 years. With hope, many of these will continue to blossom for years to come. And once Covid abates, I look forward to attending the folk and classical concerts for which Chicago is famous – without being in charge of anyone or anything!

A Tribute to Cantor Riki by Adam Hanselman

When I began preparation for My Bar Mitzvah four years ago, I was filled with many anticipatory feelings—hope, excitement, anxiety—but all the worry and stress that I grappled with dissipated the moment I walked into Cantor Riki’s office. I knew then and there that I was in the right place. Her warm smile and gleaming eyes instantly reassured me, but it was her kindness that made her stand apart. Hugs, laughter, and comforting stories became part of every session, nudging me to think more and worry less. Even the challenges of the Hebrew language and the cantillations I was expected to learn in preparation for the momentous day seemed within reach when we sat around her table, surrounded by photos of all the kids she has ushered through their B’Nai Mitzvot. She shared her family history often and in mesmerizing detail. Because half of my family came from Russia, she told me an amazing story about how she sought to educate Jews in the Soviet Union when doing so was forbidden and dangerous for all involved. The beauty of Cantor Riki’s conveyor belt of stories is that their meaning lingers on, even if their connection to the Bar Mitzvah prep was not immediately clear. Somehow the stories became a source of inspiration and positivity that stayed with me even after our work was done.

When my big day came, I felt more ready to read the Torah than I could have imagined. And on that day, Cantor Riki’s kindness and generosity once again saved the day. At the time, my twin brother Bibi, who shared the day at the Bimah with me, was struggling with an asthma attack. He powered through the physical and emotional distress of constant coughing in large part because Cantor Riki was always by his side, dispensing quiet words of encouragement, comfort, and an endless stream of cough drops. It didn’t matter if there were two kids at the Bimah at the same time, each struggling with individual challenges; her well of support seemed inexhaustible. Seeing that I was distressed because my brother was distressed, she made sure I persevered too. Years later, I came to see Cantor Rikki at her office. It was the same snug space that I remembered. What caught my eye, though, was a new portrait on her shelf. It was a picture of my brother and me, my favorite snapshot of the two of us and I guess her favorite, too. A smile stretched across my face when I realized that my brother and I would be members of the group of lucky kids who were mentored by Cantor Rikki and touched by her heartfelt stories that not just entertain but connect all of us to each other and to the Jewish community.


The Murnick Family

“Shout the joy, you heavens: rejoice, you earth; burst into song, you mountains!” Isaiah 49:13 Thank you Cantor Lippitz for giving Oheb Shalom Congregation your gift of music as the language of our collective soul: You inspired us in prayer- You comforted us when needed- and You raised up our spirits for the past 34 years. What a presence you have been! May you go from strength to strength- Much love- Amy and Paul Sheridan Schechner & Family

Amy and Paul Sheridan Schechner & Family

Dear Cantor Riki: “In good times, in bad times, that’s what friends are for!” Cantor Riki, over all these years we shared many many mile- stones, but the B’nai Mitzvot were highlights in our lives. Your teaching with absolute love shined through. Each child re- members very distinctly their Torah learnings with you as do we. The Chai Notes were so special and with introducing us to and singing along with Rabbi Joe Black, you helped us give our children a wonderful and incredible love of Judaism. Your support during challenging and sad times was important and inspiring. We cannot thank you enough! Love,

The Schechners June, Michael, MayaBea & Travis, Eli, and Ruby

The Schechners: June, Michael, MayaBea & Travis, Eli, and Ruby

Dear Riki, Barbara and I treasured your friendship. All good wishes for the next stage of your life. Ed Zinbarg

Ed Zinbarg

Riki’s Chicago family honors her devoted service to Oheb Shalom and Conservative Judaism over more than three decades. And we are also very pleased to welcome her back to her original home! Rhita Lippitz, Lori and Marc Chinitz, Michael Lippitz & Susan Wagner

Rhita Lippitz, Lori and Mark Chinitz, Michael Lippitz & Susan Wagner

Thank you for taking me on a magnificent journey from stumbler to leader in our congregation’s ritual life. Thank you for the many wild and delightful hours of learning together. Thank you for being an example of caring and service to others that has inspired me for three decades. May you go forward to even greater heights, with the wind always at your back. Charles Wantman & Roberta Elliott

Charles Wantman & Roberta Elliott

Our family is grateful that you were a part of our lives since you became Cantor at Oheb. Thank you for being there for us and sharing your gift of music. Hugs & kisses, The Karu Family

Michael & Marlene Karu

Dear Cantor Erica Lippitz, Thank you for 34 years of guidance and love. Thank you for instilling the love of spiritual music in our family and giving Jordan the opportunities to express himself through music. And thank you for your friendship, it has always been

The Sherer/ Aronson Family

very meaningful to my family and me. May you go from strength to strength. Love, The Sherer/Aronson Family

Thank you, Cantor Lippitz, for bringing music, joy, and spirituality into our lives! Best regards, Michael Kurzer & Sarah Sulkowski

Michael Kurzer & Sarah Sulkowski

Thank you Cantor Riki for being an important part of our lives for so many years. From simcha to simcha and everything in between! We wish you well in your next chapter! L’chaim! Lorraine, Gary & Matt Survis Nicole & Brian Engel

Lorraine, Gary & Matt Survis

Nicole & Brian Engel

Cantor Riki Lippitz,

Thank you for your warm, generous, and loving spirit. We will always cherish your ability to joyfully engage the entire congregation through music. Wishing you fulfillment and happiness always. With love and gratitude, Linda Griffler, Rabbi Abigail Treu Cantor Eliana Kissner, Johanna Kluger Gavin Hirsch, Sloane Goldstein, Margaret Popowsky Rachel Klein, Beth Hendler, Erica Farber Vanessa Francis, Aileen Grossberg, Richard Benjamin, Dacia Chavis, & Gebrehiwot Mindesel

Staff at Oheb Shalom

From the chance Friday night connection many years ago To the events of our lives together; the births, Bat Mitzvahs, weddings, and shivas. Remembering the caring, the love, the sharing, the exaltations and even the pain; The many Holidays, the Boston trips with Meredith, California with Melanie, the music, Torah, your spectacular voice, your boundless energy, and most of all your heart. With deep and everlasting Gratitude and Love... Kol HaKovod. Todah Rabah/Thank you for being You in our lives. Barbara & Sheldon Greenspan

Barbara & Sheldon Greenspan



Arthur & Susan Cohen


Arthur & Susan Cohen

​Your deep love for us and our Oheb family, your ability for touching our hearts with your infectious spirituality has flooded us with all the beautiful times we have gazed at you on the Bimah. You have lifted our connection to Judaism over so many years throughout all the events we have loved sharing with you. We wish you every blessing, love and Mazel tov on this day when you have dreamed of music which is so dear to your heart. With love and gratitude, Jerry & Barbara Grunt The Prince Family expresses our love and admiration to Cantor Riki Lippitz for her 34 years of dedicated service as Oheb Shalom’s Hazan. Cantor Lippitz exuded spirituality and compassion during her career and her commitment to ritual, education and social justice are legendary within our community and beyond. Riki’s neshamah is forever bound to Judaism and to Oheb Shalom. With lasting gratitude, Orlie, Richard, Tamar and Rachel

Jerry & Barbara Grunt

Orlie & Richard Prince, Tamar & Rachel

For our dearest Cantor Riki, we celebrate you and your many years of devotion to the family of Oheb Shalom. Thank you for your love, kindness, teaching and inspiration. We wish you well in your next chapters and hope to continue to have your meaningful presence in our lives.

Travis Gering, Barbara Salz, Maya & Langston

Travis Gering, Barbara Salz, Maya & Langston

Todah Rabah Cantor Lippitz, Thank you for all you have taught us and for all you have done for us, for oheb shalom and for the community. You have enriched our lives with music and your spirit. May you and your family be blessed with good health, peace, and joy. Burt and Mada Liebman

Burt& Mada Liebman

To Cantor Lippitz: Thank you for the beautiful music you have given the Oheb Shalom community over the years, enriching our worship and adding meaning to our prayers. We also thank you for your friendship and support during the difficult moments of our lives. You have always been an essential part of our Oheb experience. We wish you the very best of luck in the next stage of your life! Miriam Peretsman and Paul Breene

Miriam Peretsman & Paul Breene

Your warmth and love of music will always be with us. Fred & Judy Simon

Fred & Judy Simon

To Cantor Riki: Our teacher, our mentor, our friend. A part of our lives through all the ups and downs. May the future provide much joy and fulfillment. Rich, Ginny Kurshan & Family

Rich, Ginny Kurshan & Family

Thank you for your many years of beautiful singing and service to Oheb Shalom and our family! And thanks for all the joy you gave Mom and Dad when they most needed it! Robert, Ricky, and Jon Blum and Sheryl Sun. Robert, Ricky, and Jon Blum and Sheryl Sun

Robert, Ricky, and Jon Blum and Sheryl Sun

Dearest Cantor Rikki, Thank you for being the backbone of Oheb Shalom these last three decades. I have a fond memory of taking my dear Mother Anna to one of your early Shabbat services where you chanted and played the guitar. Update to when you Bar Mitzvahed and married me in the same year. You said it was a first for you. And twenty years later, you Bar Mitzvahed me again. Enjoy and Mazel Tov. Noah Chivian & Margie Gale

Noah Chivian & Margie Gale

Thank you for the memories we have. You have been the heart and soul of Oheb Sholom for all these years.

Sam & Ellen Weinstock

Sam & Ellen Weinstock

In memory of Zita Friedland.

Bernard Friedland

Bernie Friedland

Mazel tov, dear Riki! Blessings for the music and the magic you have brought to all of us. With affection and admiration, Gretchen Rous Besser and Family

Gretchen Rous Besser & Family

For Riki, in honor of the decade-plus of musical joy, learning, and fulfill- ment you’ve given our family. The halls of Oheb will forever echo with the beautiful sounds of your singing, chanting, playing, and teaching. With love, Harriet Sigerman and Lily and Jay Banks.

Harriet Sigerman Lily & Jay Banks

Cantor Riki, you have been an important part of our family’s life since 1987. Over these years, you have made the Oheb Shalom experience meaningful for us. Our community has benefited from your strengths. We wish you every success in the years ahead and look forward to seeing you soon. With affection from Allen and Marilyn Kohan and all of our family.

Allen Kohan, Marilyn Kohan & Family

Jeremy Garber & Katherine Abrams

Mazal tov and endless thanks to our beloved Hazzanit, Riki Lippitz, for infusing our and our childrens’ lives with Torah, music, joy, warmth and Yiddishkeit!

Joel & Freddie Glucksman

Your voice led us to prayer. Your neshama illuminated our lives. We wish you joy and fulfillment in the years ahead.!

We wish you happiness in your retirement, and thank you for all that you gave to us and to our Oheb Shalom community over these many decades. We will miss you and wish you mazel tov on beginning this next chapter of your life! Judith Weisfuse and Michael Wax

Judith Weisfuse & Michael Wax

You’ve got the music in you. May you always continue moving to the beat.

Babette & Bruce Tenzer

Ron & Arlene Silikovitz

Riki- Thank you for your inspirational services filled with your neshama, your help and advice whenever it was needed, and your caring concern always. Our warmest wishes for a fulfilling future. Love, Arlene and Ron

Riki…My Cantor at Oheb Shalom and still my friend today! Herbie “the lovebug” Fisher

Herbert Fisher

We treasure all the years of being inspired by you and enjoying your beautiful music. May your future be filled with all the joy you have brought others. Norma and David (z”l) E3 Seats 1,2.

Norma Schechner

Steven Friedlander & Sandra Kaplan, Kayla & Eric

“Music can name the unnameable and communicate the unknowable.” – Leonard Bernstein. Thank you Cantor Riki for all the you have communicated through song, trope and spirit! Sandra Kaplan, Steve Friedlander, Kayla and Eric

Daniel Cook & Michelle Nagler Jonathan, Shira & Aviva

Cantor Riki - L’chi Lach on your next adventures! With love and gratitude, Michelle, Dan, Jonathan, Shira, and Aviva

The Yam Family: Gertrude and Henry, Martin and Margie, Nancy Yam Lorre, Jill and Greg Vaidman Joshua and Jason, and Jeffrey and Nicole Goldberg

The Yam Family

Wishing you the best in your future endeavors and thank you for enriching the synagogue as well as my personal life. Sylvia Amato

Sylvia Amato

I wish you the very best in the future.

Sheila Appel

Sue-Ellen, Rafi and Sara Levavy

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord. With love from, Sue-Ellen, Rafi and Sara Levavy

Riki: Thank you for your immeasurable contribution to all aspects of Oheb Shalom life that has enriched and inspired us these many years together. It has been evident from day one, that we were blessed and privileged by having your amazing spirit, conviction and energy in our midst. May your next phases of life be a blessing for you and all those you touch.

Joel & Susan Friedman

Cantor Riki - L’chi Lach on your next adventures

Judith & Martin Cowen

Riki. You have had a huge influence on me and taught me to embrace a life of Jewish music in a way I didn’t think I could, but did. Thank you! Hazzan Brian Kalver

Brian Kalver & Sue Och

Ilene Schneier Rieser, Adrienne Schneier Schamberg, Leah Smith Schneier Stuart Schulman, Susan Waters, Eliana, Danny, and Tyler.

Your teaching has always been wonderful and so meaningful to my family. Mazel Tov. Ilene Schneier Rieser, Adrienne Schneier Schamberg, Leah Smith Schneier

Cantor Riki, Mazal Tov! Congratulations! Thank you! Grateful for the impact you have had on our family and our community. Wishing you contentment and joy on the next phase of your journey. Stuart Schulman, Susan Waters, Eliana, Danny and Tyler.

Janis & Abraham Bunis

Arthur Blumenau & Judith Kaplan

Gloria Aaron

Ruth Shapiro & Family

Jonathan Steinberg & Alice Cohen

Al & Laurie Richman

Leo & Barbara Sender

The Bar Yaacov Family

Renee and Samuel Fredman and Family

Linda Willner & Family

Renee and Samuel Fredman & Family

Samuel & Naomi Gruer

Nanette Soffen Winter & Robin O. Winter

David & Leslie Rosenthal

Stanley Strauss

Esther Bearg

Barnet & Marcia Eskin

Saul & Roberta Wolfe

Thank you!

Thank you for your mentoring, kindness, talent, and all you have brought to our Oheb community. We will miss you and hope you come to visit often.

With warm wishes, Oheb Shalom Congregation