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Advance PT March 2018

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Advance PT March 2018


9362 W. Overland Rd., Boise, Idaho 83709 March 2018

my frustration and what had happened instead of controlling the elements of the situation I could, the whole process would’ve have been a whole lot worse. Don’t get me wrong — I hope I never have to go through a car accident again. But all things considered, I feel like I was pretty fortunate. As I was filling out what felt like an endless pile of forms and trying to find a way forward, I couldn’t help but think of my patients. A lot of them are going through a similar experience, especially during early visits. Having a car that doesn’t work is inconvenient, but it’s much easier than going through your daily life in pain. When many people begin the journey of physical therapy, they are worried that it won’t work for them. Many of them have had a moment like I did, when they felt it would be easier just to give up. After a few visits, however, they realize their proactive approach is starting to pay off. Regardless of the situation, it’s always worth it to take time to do things the right way. The path of least resistance may be tempting, but it never yields the greatest rewards. When something bad happens in your life, embrace what you can control and try to ignore what you can’t. Your attitude makes the difference between falling back or springing forward. “The thought of simply saying, ‘This stinks,’ and throwing my hands in the air definitely crossed my mind. But I’m so glad I didn’t opt for that approach.”


was in a pretty crummy mood. The thought of simply saying, “This stinks,” and throwing my hands in the air definitely crossed my mind. But I’m so glad I didn’t opt for that approach. Dealing with a car accident is nobody’s idea of fun. Tackling the problem head on, however, eliminates a lot of headaches down the road. Immediately after the accident and before the tow truck even showed up, we called the police to file a report on the accident. In retrospect, that was a smart move. I’m glad the person who rammed into me admitted the accident was entirely her fault, but that doesn’t make dealing with insurance any easier. I had to stay in contact with both my provider and the other party’s. She was hard to get hold of for a few days after the accident, but we were still able to get everything figured out. Had I simply dwelled on

Sometimes, crummy events come out of nowhere. It’s a fact of life that you can’t control everything that goes on around you. When something bad does happen, just focus on doing what you can to remedy it. One of these events happened to me recently when I was T-boned while driving down Five Mile Road here in Boise. I had left the office for a break to take my dog Harry — who prefers a different kind of T-bone — on his afternoon walk at the ballfields. I was in the middle lane when somebody smashed directly into my passenger side. Apparently, she “didn’t see me.” Luckily, nobody sustained any severe injuries, but I can’t say the same for my car. Harry was pretty shaken up. I don’t think he had been in an accident before. Between calming Harry and watching my car get towed from the scene, I

Al Jones , PT, OCS, Cert. MDT

Advance: To move forward; to make progress; to move ahead. • 1

Parenting Your Adult Child

LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN You can’t correct every parenting mistake you’ll ever make. If you find yourself trying to correct mistakes you made years ago, stop. You can accomplish much more by listening to your adult child now than you can by trying to right your past wrongs. Parenting young children involves a lot of talking. Now that they are older, take time to listen. anymore doesn’t mean they don’t need love. Love from a spouse or a child of their own will never fully replace a parent’s love. Let your child know you always have their back. Be proud of them and their accomplishments as an adult. Your love and support means just as much now as it did when you were raising them. Parenting an adult is an exciting adventure. Remember, while your relationship will change throughout the years, your child will never stop needing your love and support. LOVE THEM Just because your child isn’t under your roof

TREAT YOUR ADULT LIKE AN ADULT No adult wants to feel treated like a child. They need a support system, but they don’t need help with their homework anymore. Give them space and let them feel free to explore adult life. Don’t tell them what to do. Offer guidance only when it’s wanted. Be open with them about your mistakes so they can learn from your experiences as well as their own.

When your child packs their bags and strikes out on their own, your parenting journey isn’t over. It’s just different. Regardless of their age, distance from home, or stage of life, your child still needs a parent. You may not be changing diapers or teaching them to drive, but your child still needs your support. Here are three guidelines that will help you make the transition from parenting a child to parenting an adult.


such a small space, it can be hard to pinpoint the exact source of your issues. Advance Physical Therapy uses manual hands-on therapy, which is more dynamic and responsive than any MRI, to diagnose exactly what’s making your shoulder hurt. From there, we will prescribe a personalized treatment plan that will get you back to your best. This treatment will usually include exercises to increase range of motion and strengthen your joints and tendons. We teach proper movement techniques that will allow you to safely perform activities. We also specialize in post- surgical rehab. Dr. Jones has experienced shoulder issues himself, so he understands the ins and outs of pain mitigation, rehabilitation, and strengthening. Whether you’re in the major leagues, Little League, a weekend softball league, or the league of everyday life, you shouldn’t have to worry about shoulder pain. Let Advance Physical Therapy get you back into the swing of things.

With baseball season right around the corner, we thought it would be the perfect time to discuss shoulder pain. Shoulder issues such as rotator cuff tears and tendinitis are some of the most common injuries for baseball players of all ages. But you don’t have to be throwing 100 mph fastballs to experience shoulder trouble. It can happen to anybody, and it’s often very debilitating. When you suffer from shoulder pain, especially on your dominant arm, daily tasks can become a major chore. When you’re in pain, picking up objects from a high shelf will make you cringe. Nobody should go through daily life fearful of basic movements or writing off their favorite activities. Luckily, physical therapy can be extremely effective in healing shoulder issues. Part of the reason shoulder trouble can be so pesky is that the shoulder is a nexus for a significant number of tendons and muscles. With so much infrastructure in

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Shake Off That Winter Rust

through a trip down the Boise Greenbelt only to feel something tweak. Build up your endurance with exercises that are less taxing early in the season. As your body gets back to its best, you’ll be able to engage in more intensive activities.

can handle it. A professional evaluation will give you the peace of mind that comes with knowing your body is in optimal condition. STRETCH BEFORE AND AFTER EXERCISE Going for a hike up Camel’s Back without stretching is a recipe for disaster. Your muscles need to warm up before engaging in strenuous activity. After a winter of relative inactivity, you may not be as limber as you were in the fall. Don’t assume that because something gave you no trouble in the past, it’s safe to tackle without preparation. Stretching after exercise is just as important. It reduces fatigue and allows your muscles to recover faster. That way, you won’t have to spend three days sore for every one day of fun. KNOW YOUR LIMITS Don’t let your excitement for the great outdoors cause you to overexert yourself. There’s no worse feeling than being halfway

This winter may not have been as crazy as last year’s snowpocalypse, but that doesn’t make the arrival of spring any less exciting. With the temperatures beginning to rise, people are looking forward to spending more time outside. The Treasure Valley has a wealth of amazing hiking trails and outdoor activities to take part in. However, if you’ve spent most of the winter indoors, your body may not be ready for your favorite hobby. Here are some tips to ensure you can enjoy all nature has to offer without having to worry about an injury. ADDRESS ANY LINGERING CONCERNS Whether you’re just a little rusty after the winter or you have an injury you’ve avoided treating, there’s no better way to prepare for the season than having the issue checked out by a therapist. They’ll be able to diagnose the cause of your discomfort and let you know which activities are safe. Don’t step onto the tennis court wondering if your elbow



to get our SUV fixed so I can join Al between the front seats again. Oh yes, my routine has been altered some, and I have to be patient, but it could’ve been worse. So my message is: Enjoy where you are when you’re there, and make the best of it, because things could usually be worse.

It’s been a strange month. One day, my owner, Al, was driving me to one of my favorite places — the dog park. That’s where I get to meet and play with friends, old and new. I get so excited when I know we’re going there. Old friends, new friends, and play, play, play. So we’re driving along, excitement building, and BAM! What was that? Someone driving across the middle turn and merge lane T-boned us. Fortunately, there were no injuries except to our car. A car that I love. Roomy in the back and with a sunroof to pop my head up and see the world. Al calls me the “tank commander” when I do that. Anyway, the car had to be towed and is getting fixed. Meanwhile, I am left to “suffer” riding in a minivan. Too many seats! I just sit patiently and quietly in the back. I can’t wait

For a lighter take on enchiladas, go carb-free by swapping tortillas for zucchini!


4 large zucchini

2 teaspoons cumin

1 tablespoon olive oil or ghee

2 teaspoons chili powder

1 large onion, chopped

3 cups cooked, shredded chicken

2 cloves garlic, minced


2 cups shredded cheese


Roll the zucchini “tortilla” and place on baking sheet. Repeat until all zucchini and chicken is used.

1. Heat oven to 350 F. In a large skillet, heat oil. Add onion, garlic, cumin, chili powder, and salt to taste. Stir to combine. Add chicken and 1 cup enchilada sauce. 2. Use vegetable peeler to thinly slice zucchini. Lay out three slices, slightly overlapping, and spoon chicken mixture on top.

3. Cover the enchiladas with

remaining sauce and sprinkle with cheese. Bake 20 minutes, and enjoy!

Adapted from • 3

Advance: To move forward; to make progress; to move ahead.

9362 W. Overland Rd Boise, ID 83709 (208) 672-8144


INSIDE This Issue

Green Dominates St. Patrick’s Day for a Reason You Can’t Account for an Accident Page 1 Adults Need Parents, Too Home Run Shoulder Rehab Page 2 Spring Your Body Into Shape Go Carb-Free for Dinner Page 3 St. Patrick’s Day vs. the Color Green Page 4

Why Green Is the Color of St. Patrick’s Day

Of course, you can’t forget leprechauns, the little creatures that have always been affiliated with the holiday. But just like St. Patrick’s original blue garb, these impish tricksters used to wear red instead of green. While green overtook blue as the shade of choice for St. Patrick, leprechauns began putting on their signature green suits. You might wonder where the tradition of pinching comes from. We can thank the leprechauns for this one. It’s said that if the gold-loving redheads caught you not wearing their favorite color, they would pinch you. To avoid pinches from leprechauns and people alike, be sure to put on some green this St. Patrick’s Day to blend in with the festive crowd.

Some have theorized that the change happened sometime in the 17th century, when the symbol for the United Irishmen Rebellion became the clover. St. Patrick used the clover to teach the Irish people about the Holy Trinity, and it eventually became a symbol that represented both the saint and the holiday. Another theory comes from Ireland’s nickname, “The Emerald Isle,” which was coined because of the plentiful green foliage that adorns the country’s landscape. It also relates to the green in the flag. Each of the three colors in the flag have their own symbolic meaning: green for the Catholics who live in the country, orange for the Protestants, and white for the peace between the two.

There’s only one day of the year you’ll be scorned for not wearing green: St. Patrick’s Day. If you’ve ever gone the whole holiday wearing any other color, you’ve probably been pinched by your peers, family, spouse, and anyone else decked out head to toe in green. Green has become so deeply associated with the St. Patrick holiday that many people are unaware that green wasn’t always its official color. Blue was the first color to symbolize St. Patrick’s Day, and the saint himself is almost always depicted dressed in what’s known as “St. Patrick’s blue.”

What caused the shift from green to blue is more speculation than hard fact.

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Have you experienced back pain in the last 30 days? Are you dealing with sciatica?

Do you think there’s nothing you can do to alleviate your back pain? Have you tried medications, injections, or surgery and still found no relief? Do you skip family activities because you’re worried about pain?

If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, then you need to know about the upcoming FREE Back Pain & Sciatica Workshop at Advance Physical Therapy.

At this event, you will learn:

• The biggest mistake made by those suffering from back pain and sciatica

• The three most common causes of lower back pain, including the sneaky cause that doesn’t usually show up on MRIs

• The top three strategies for

eliminating back pain for good

For details about the event and information on how to register, please see other side.


WHEN Saturday, March 10th, at 10am WHERE Advance Physical Therapy 9362 W. Overland Rd. Boise, Idaho 83709

Space is limited and spots will go fast. If you’d like to register:

Go to OR call 208.672.8144

Back pain and sciatica can be debilitating, but there’s always a way forward. You deserve to live pain-free. Sign up for the FREE workshop to learn how.