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Advanced PT & Fitness - July 2022

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Advanced PT & Fitness - June 2022

4 cup of the marinade. 3. Seal bag and massage marinade into the chicken. Chill in the fridge overni

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Advanced PT & Fitness - April 2022

Advanced PT & Fitness - April 2022 APRIL 2022 WWW.ADVANCEDPTANDFITNESS.COM | 970-301-3149 TWO GENERA

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Advanced PT & Fitness - August 2022

4 cup of zucchini mixture into the skillet. Cook for 3–5 minutes, then flip. Cook for another 3–5 mi

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Advanced PT & Fitness - May 2022

2 cup fresh basil leaves • 2 tbsp fresh thyme leaves • A few pinches of red pepper flakes (optional)

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Advanced PT & Fitness - September 2022

8 tsp pepper 1. In a large bowl, add the eggplant and coat with salt. Cover the eggplant with water

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Advanced Physical Therapy & Fitness - July 2020

4 cup parsley leaves, chopped DIRECTIONS 1. In a small bowl, combine salt, pepper, Italian seasoning

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Advanced PT & Fitness - January 2020

carbohydrate cycling, and meal plans that include 6–8 meals per day. Ate Ate bills itself as a “visu

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Advanced PT & Fitness - November 2020

4 cup almond milk • 1 tsp vanilla extract • 1–3 tsp maple syrup, to taste • Fresh berries, for garni

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Advanced PT & Fitness - October 2020

4 tsp nutmeg DIRECTIONS 1. In a large saucepan over medium heat, sauté olive oil, shallots, and garl

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Advanced Practice PT - July 2022

or enjoy. Once in a while, replace overly salty or sweet snacks with fresher alternatives. cardiovas

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Advanced PT & Fitness - July 2022

JULY 2022



The closest I’ve ever come to playing golf is caddying for my brother. It was my job to tote his clubs from hole to hole and listen while he and his friends talked about bogeys, par, and birdies all afternoon. But despite my lack of experience playing golf, I know more about the mechanics of the way golfers move than most professionals — and I’ve used that knowledge to help my patients improve their game. If you play golf, tennis, or another sport, there are two ways to go about getting help from a PT: You can reach out proactively (while you’re still feeling good) or reactively (after you’re in pain from an injury). The best golfers I’ve worked with were the ones who reached out proactively. They knew that by getting help before they technically needed it, they could strengthen their bodies to avoid injury and fine-tune their technique at the same time. A few years ago, I worked with an older man who came to me for help with just that. He wanted me to work on his general mechanics, and a risk assessment helped me find his trouble spots. Over a couple of seasons, my PT techniques improved his spinal mobility and flexibility so much that he increased the length of his drive! It’s amazing how much something as small as tightness in your neck can limit your ability to drive the ball. Visiting me was a smart decision. On top of lengthening his drive, this patient likely helped himself avoid the common injuries that plague most golfers, like golfer’s elbow, hip pain, low back pain, and neck problems. These often come from overuse (too much time on the green) or poor posture. Younger golfers get away with a lot for a long time on the strength of their youth, but older ones are now realizing the benefits of what PTs can do! I’ve used similar strategies to help tennis players in the summer. They often come into the clinic with tennis elbow — an overuse injury similar to golfer’s elbow — or shoulder problems like tendinitis or impingement. Many players don’t realize it, but their posture in their daily lives can predispose them to shoulder injuries. When

we’re reading or working at the computer, we generally lean forward, and over time, this “forward head posture” becomes ingrained. This posture turns into a problem for a tennis player, because when the arm is lifted overhead, it sets the athlete up for pinching! If you live with forward head posture and play an overhead sport like tennis, it’s only a matter of time before you have shoulder pain. Fortunately, you can avoid this by working with me on your posture. I’m helping a high school tennis player with both shoulder and wrist problems through this process right now, and they’re seeing great results. I’ve found that just like with golfers, working with tennis players to improve their spinal mobility and hip mobility improves their game, too. If you’re playing golf or tennis this summer — or know an avid player who wants to level up their skills — reach out to me for help. We can start that proactive work right away! –Dr. Thomas Cleveland

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No. 4: Shin Splints If you plan on doing a lot of high impact activities, such as running and jumping, you may experience shin splints. You’ll need plenty of rest and ice to heal from this injury, but physical therapy can also help to get you back on your feet! A treatment plan that may include specific stretches, strengthening exercises, and massages can help alleviate the condition. If you’re upset about an injury putting a stop to your outdoor fun this summer, you aren’t alone. We see patients with life-disrupting and even life-changing injuries all the time. Your pain deserves proper treatment, so don’t hesitate to give us a call.

shin bone. Luckily, you don’t have to live in pain. Physical therapists can design stretches and stability/ strengthening exercises to address your specific problems. No. 2: Ankle Sprains If you’ve ever gone out for a run and suddenly felt a pulsing pain in your ankle, then you may know how easy it is to get ankle sprains. These painful and debilitating injuries can leave you helpless on the sofa, but a little physical therapy can get you back into the wilderness again. No. 3: Tennis or Golfer Elbow In summer, many people dust off their tennis racket and golf clubs to start playing again. Unfortunately, these sports can lead to some awkward movements for your body, especially your elbows. Tennis or golfer elbow can occur from repetitive strain on your elbow tendons. Even people who don’t play tennis or golf can suffer from these injuries, so they benefit from a diagnosis and a treatment plan that can help them avoid future problems.

Summer is a fun, exciting time of year. However, it can also lead to being less careful than usual because of all the fun activities we participate in! Here are some common summer injuries to try and avoid. No. 1: Knee Injuries Knees are one of the most commonly injured joints in the human body. You might experience knee pain after a fall while playing sports, or you can even tear your ACL (anterior cruciate ligament), which connects the front center of your knee to your 4 Common Summertime Injuries PT CAN HELP ALLEVIATE

Ditch the Flops Why Your Flip-Flops Are Doing More Harm Than You Think

‘What if I just only wear flip-flops? Will that help?’ Unfortunately, this isn’t just something your body “gets used to.” Wearing flip-flops for a long period of time can cause chronic problems in addition to standard joint pain. For instance, you could experience plantar fasciitis — which is pain in the tissue that connects your heel and toes — or Achilles tendinitis. The latter results from overuse of the tendon in the back of your heel. Essentially, because your foot is having to compensate for flip-flops’ lack of support, the overexertion at an unnatural angle causes more problems over time. ‘So, I can never wear flip-flops, then?’ Good news! You don’t have to swear off flip- flops or sandals. Find a pair of shoes that offer the right amount of support for your arches. You can tell if shoes have this by looking for the “bump” in the middle of the shoe. Archies are a popular flip-flop brand with the arch built right in! Test drive a pair of these or consult with a trusted physical therapist to find the flip-flops or sandals that give you the summertime look we all want without the flip-flop pain.

Whether you’re walking around poolside or simply enjoying a day at the ballpark, few summertime outfits are complete without a pair of flip-flops. But if you struggle with foot pain — or are simply aging out of your invincible 20s — wearing flip- flops may be one of the worst things you can do for your feet.

‘Why do my feet hurt!?’ Because flip-flops don’t have any support, your arches receive more pressure than when you are wearing shoes that have built-in materials for arches, like tennis shoes. That often explains why your feet are sore, but this can also create a problem for the rest of your body.

‘Wait — flip-flops can hurt my whole body?’ Wearing flip-flops can limit how you walk because you’re compensating for the arch pressure. This can impact your ankles, knees, lower back, and hips by placing unnatural weight on these joints and muscles. This could also have an impact on your balance, since the distribution of your weight with each step is off-kilter.


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When you need a break from your busy life, you probably look at your cellphone. And when you need a break from your cellphone, you might watch TV or browse social media on your other devices. This cycle of never-ending screens can be taxing on your mental health. Everyone hits their breaking point at a different time, and you may not even realize when you’ve reached your limit. If you find yourself getting angry or upset at posted content, consistently comparing yourself to others, or feeling depressed, it may be time for a digital detox. But what is a digital detox? It’s taking a break from electronic devices, such as your cellphone or tablet mindlessly scrolling through social media or news stories. IS IT TIME FOR A DIGITAL DETOX?

Another benefit is that you’ll feel less stressed, especially if you compare yourself to others on social media or get lost in negative news cycles. Perhaps the most notable benefit of a digital detox is reclaiming your own time. Checking your cellphone and scrolling through social media can quickly become a subconscious habit. Before you know it, an hour or two has passed. Even watching television can take up huge chunks of your day. With a digital detox, you get that time back, and you can reallocate it to healthier activities.

Now that you know what it is, how can you detox yourself?

• Schedule a break from your devices. Even if it’s just for a half-hour, use the time to do other activities, such as exercise, household chores, or even gardening. • Turn off notifications. Constant notifications can be incredibly distracting, so silencing them allows us to focus more on our surroundings. • Disconnect before bedtime. Turn off all electronics an hour before you go to sleep to relax your body and mind.

If you feel like you need a break from your electronic devices, take one. It could lead to a healthier and happier life.



July is National Baked Beans Month, and you don’t need bacon to celebrate this iconic side dish! This plant-based version will be a crowd-pleaser at your next vegan barbecue.



• 2 tbsp olive oil • 1 yellow onion, chopped • 4 cloves garlic, minced • 3/4 cup molasses • 1/2 cup brown sugar • 3/4 cup ketchup • 3/4 tsp salt • 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar • 1 1/2 tbsp vegan Worcestershire sauce • 2 tsp Sriracha • 4 15-oz cans navy beans, drained and rinsed. • 1/2 tbsp liquid smoke (optional)

1. Preheat the oven to 350 F. 2. In a large pot over medium heat,

warm olive oil. Add the onion and sauté for 5 minutes, then add the garlic and cook for 1 more minute.

3. Add all of the remaining

ingredients except the beans into the pot. Mix the sauce well, then stir in the beans. 4. Ladle the beans into a 9x13-inch pan and bake for 1 hour. Serve warm and enjoy!

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970-301-3149 1919 65th Ave., Suite C Greeley, CO 80634

1. How to Get a Better Golf Swing 2. Why Summer Can Be Dangerous Why You Need to Ditch the Flip-Flops 3. The Benefits of a Digital Detox Easy Vegan Baked Beans 4. Try These Easy, Healthy Microhabits INSIDE THIS ISSUE


No. 2: Dedicate 5 minutes of your lunch to walking. Whether you want a relaxing walk or a quick jog to get energized, spending time during your lunch to venture outdoors might be more restorative for your mind and body than you’d expect. This is especially easy to do if you’re working from home!

No. 4: Create a gratitude habit. If your world disappeared tomorrow, what would you miss? Take time in your day, whether it’s the morning, afternoon, or night, to think about everything and everyone you value in your life. This advice isn’t just about achieving better emotional fulfillment; studies show that gratitude practices have significant health benefits, from improved heart health to mental health. No. 5: Take breaks. Avoid burnout. We can get fixated on our jobs and our obligations. But everyone needs regular breaks and personal days off to avoid burnout. Plan to take breaks, and make a promise to never skip them. With these small self-improvement commitments, you might surprise yourself with how far you can go!

Creating a new habit can feel like an enormous hurdle, but the most successful attempts often start with very small steps. Try these very small commitments — they could make a big difference, and even develop into more dedicated habits. No. 1: Go to bed 10 minutes earlier. Research shows that adults need 7–9 hours of sleep. It’s a common myth that adults can get accustomed to five hours of sleep, but experts from the Sleep Foundation say otherwise. While daytime drowsiness may stabilize over weeks or months, persistent sleep deprivation can wreak havoc on your metabolism,

No. 3: Find a way to eat an extra serving of fruit or vegetables. If you find yourself struggling to eat healthy foods, don’t subscribe to premade meal kits only to give up a few days later. Instead, try adding fruits and vegetables to meals you already prepare and/or enjoy. Once in a while, replace overly salty or sweet snacks with fresher alternatives.

cardiovascular system, and immune system. To slowly convince yourself to get more sleep, try getting to bed 10 minutes earlier each time. It’s a small, simple change that could make a noticeable difference.


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