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Animal Clinic of Kalispell - April 2019

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Animal Clinic of Kalispell - April 2022

WeLoveMonty. Come say hi — I love making new friends! This delicious doggy dinner will have your pup

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Animal Clinic of Kalispell - August 2019

3 cup xylitol-free peanut butter Just because the heat is sizzling doesn’t mean your dog should be!

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Animal Clinic of Kalispell - February 2019

ChiChiRescueDog . 4 WWW.KALISPELLVET.COM Published by The Newsletter Pro

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Animal Clinic of Kalispell - April 2020

2 inches in diameter) and place them on a baking sheet. Spray the flat side of a spatula with nonsti

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Animal Clinic of Kalispell - April 2021

Animal Clinic of Kalispell - April 2021 Pet Press KALISPELL APRIL 2021 406.755.6886 WWW.KALISPELLVET

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Animal Clinic of Kalispell - March 2019

2-inch thick. Use cookie cutters to cut dough into various shapes. 5. Place on lined baking sheet an

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Animal Clinic of Kalispell - January 2019

4 cup fresh parsley WWW.KALISPELLVET.COM 2 OLD ISN’T A DISEASE Bloodwork Keeps Your Pets Feeling You

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Animal Clinic of Kalispell - September 2019

11, various researchers conducted many studies examining the effect this kind of work has on animals

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Animal Clinic of Kalispell - July 2019

3 of a small Dixie cup with pumpkin animal health care. That has been really awesome, but it also me

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The Animal Clinic of Kalispell - May 2019

2 cup creamy peanut butter (Note: Make sure it doesn’t contain any xylitol, which is extremely toxic

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Animal Clinic of Kalispell - April 2019

Pet Press KALISPELL APR 2019



The Story of Fluffy, Our Viral Sensation

If you watched the news or spent any time on the internet during the month of February, you might have heard about Fluffy, the frozen cat that was rushed into our clinic after being found in a snowbank. The entire situation was crazy, but it was one of those things where your instincts just kick in and your brain and muscles start moving. You don’t realize how much training and experience you have until you need to put it to the test. I am very thankful for Dr. Corum and our technical staff who made this a happy ending.

You hear about stories going viral all the time, but it’s surreal to watch it happen to you. I’m just glad we went viral for something good! In the following days, we were flooded with thank-you messages. Many of them were in languages none of us could read, but they had a lot of kissy faces at the end! Some people even sent us letters and comments from their cat’s point of view, writing things like, “My name is Puff, and I wanted to thank you for saving Fluffy!” It was so funny and a nice reminder that people really value what we do.

You hear about stories going viral all the time, but it’s surreal to watch it happen to you.

If you missed this story, I’m proud to report we were able to help Fluffy pull through. We thawed this frozen cat with warm water, heated blankets, a blow dryer, and a heated kennel. Later, we sent her to the emergency room for more treatment. There, Fluffy made a full recovery and was home before midnight. With her owners’ permission, I shared this cool story on our Facebook page. I expected we might get a few likes. I did not expect to get interview requests from international news outlets.

To be perfectly honest, though, we really didn’t do anything any other clinic wouldn’t have done. And we don’t even deserve most of the credit. Pets are incredible. They have such a strong will to live. If you give them a shot, oftentimes things work out well. I’ve practiced long enough that things like a frozen cat coming back to life doesn’t shock me. That’s what cats do. And Fluffy is resilient. I’ve been practicing for 24 years, and I’ve never had something like this viral moment happen to me. It will probably never happen again, but it was really fun getting to connect with people from all over the world.

The local news picked up the story first, and after that my phone started blowing up. I had Facebook requests from CBS New York and ABC New York, followed by hundreds of others. By Thursday, things just exploded. Andrea and I were doing hundreds of interviews and granting requests for people to share the story or use our pictures. I thought things would die down the next day, but on Friday, Fluffy went international. The story spread across Europe, and during the following week, it reached the far east. Soon we were hearing from people in Japan, Hong Kong, and South Korea.

People love their animals, and this experience was a nice reminder that the “Human-Animal Bond” is not just a cultural phenomenon, it’s a part of our nature. I’ve enjoyed being part of the process and am glad the work we do can touch so many lives.

And in case you’re wondering, Fluffy is still doing well. She’s happy and warm … and adjusting to life as an indoor cat, for now.

—Dr. Jevon Clark 406.755.6886


Published by The Newsletter Pro

THE STORY OF LINCOLN (NO, NOT Home Sweet My name’s Lincoln. I’m a 4 1/2-year-old springer spaniel, and I’ve been living with Dr. Clark since I was 5 months old. But Dr. Clark and the family weren’t my first humans. My first humans were a really nice young couple in Butte. They taught me a lot of neat tricks when I was still just a puppy. Unfortunately, they didn’t know how energetic springer puppies are. All puppies can be hyper, but we springers can be a bit extra. With a 2-year-old already in the house and another baby on the way, they quickly realized they weren’t going to be able to give me the kind of time I needed. That was okay because Dr. Clark and Rose Ann happened to be looking for a new springer at that exact time. Dr. Clark and Rose Ann heard about me through a client involved in English Springer Rescue America, an organization that helps springers find good homes. When they brought their golden retriever, Teton, out to meet me, I was so excited that I flew around the living and jumped up onto the back of the couch to look out the window. I guess that counts as a good first impression, because Dr. Clark laughed and said, “Oh yeah, he definitely belongs at our house.”

The Many Wonders of Omega-3s ONE LITTLE PILL THAT CAN DO YOUR BODY GOOD Because fish oil is said to improve everything from heart health to chronic dry eye, it may sound a bit like, well, snake oil. But this brilliant little supplement packs a big punch, especially for older adults. Heart Health Benefits The omega-3 fatty acids docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) have been shown to support heart health in multiple ways. The Mayo Clinic cites research suggesting that higher levels of EPA are associated with a reduced risk of congestive heart failure in older adults. Studies also report that people with moderate to severe hypertension typically see a positive effect on their blood pressure if they regularly take omega-3s. Joint and Eye Benefits Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce pain, stiffness, and swelling associated with osteoarthritis and other joint disorders by lubricating the joints and acting as an anti-inflammatory. As we age, our ability to produce tears diminishes. Fish oil’s lubricating and anti- inflammatory properties also make it a great treatment for and defense against chronic dry eye. Cognitive Function Benefits Several studies have concluded that regularly consuming omega-3 fatty acids can help maintain cognitive function. While research shows no cognitive recovery in extremely elderly subjects who already suffer from dementia, evidence indicates that taking fish oil on a regular basis may prevent or postpone the onset of cognitive decline. Omega-3 consumption may also improve the quality of life for individuals suffering from depression or anxiety at any age. Which Omega-3 Supplement Is Right for Me? If you eat fatty fish several times a week every week, you may already get enough omega-3s, but it can be difficult to get a therapeutic dose of fish oil from food alone on a regular basis. A fish oil supplement can provide additional fatty acids. Look for an ingredient list that specifically shows EPA and DHA; some brands use misleading labeling that only shows the total amount of fish oil rather than the actual omega-3s. Recommendations vary, but most sources indicate that a dosage of 1,000–2,000 milligrams (1–2 grams) of combined EPA and DHA provides benefits. If the smell or “fish burps” bother you, choose enteric-coated capsules, which dissolve in the small intestine rather than the stomach. Omega-3 caps also come in vegan options sourced from seaweed and algae. Hey there!

Homemade Peanut Butter and Bacon Dog Treats Give your dog some extra energy this spring with a homemade treat that’s full of protein. Note: This recipe contains milk, so make sure your dog isn’t lactose-intolerant before serving them this treat.


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1 cup natural creamy peanut butter 3/4 cup nonfat milk (replace with lactose-free milk or almond milk for lactose-intolerant pups)

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1 large egg

2 cups whole wheat flour 1 tablespoon baking powder

1/3 cup oats

2–3 strips cooked bacon, chopped

Inspired by Sally’s Baking Addiction




FLEAS AND TICKS AND ROUNDWORMS, OH MY! 4 Common Myths About Pet Parasites


For the most part, I would say Dr. Clark has pretty good instincts, though there’s one area we disagree on: my groovy haircut. There’s a tuft of hair

on the top of my head that sticks straight up in the air. Because Dr. Clark has no taste, he’s tried to cut it off more than once. Fortunately, the rest of the family loves it, so my hair gets to stay. Besides disagreeing about my hair, I love living with Dr. Clark and the family. We always have so much fun. Have you ever been fishing? It’s the best! Swimming is the best too. Oh, and eating socks, lots and lots of socks. I love getting into mischief with Teton. If I’m being honest, though, my very favorite thing is playing ball. Teton isn’t that interested in fetch, but I could chase the ball around all day. It doesn’t matter how tired I get, I’m always ready to bring the ball back and chase it again. That’s all for now. I hope you all have a great spring and find plenty of time to play fetch! –Lincoln

Have you ever been sick at home and had your dog or cat crawl up to sleep next to you? It’s comforting and, because most illnesses don’t spread between humans and animals, you don’t have to worry about your dog catching your cold. Unfortunately, pet owners do have to worry about their animals bringing harmful parasites into the house. Roundworms, hookworms, ticks, and fleas are just a few unpleasant creatures that can hitch a ride on your dog or cat and infect the rest of your family. Myth: Parasites are a summer problem. Truth: It’s possible for active pets that spend time outdoors to contract parasites year-round. Parasite eggs can survive in the soil for years before finding a host. If waste from another animal contains parasite eggs, those eggs can live through our severe winters and still be on the ground in spring, waiting to infect your pets the next time they’re outside. Truth: Too often, pet owners ignore the warning signs of parasites because they’re looking for the wrong red flag. Very rarely are parasites visible in animal waste. Adult roundworms, hookworms, and other internal parasites want to stay inside a host; it’s their eggs that will pass through. These eggs aren’t visible to the naked eye and can only be seen beneath a microscope. If you do see live parasites in your pet’s waste, then you are dealing with a severe infection. Myth: There are no fleas in Montana. Truth: This may have been the case 30 years ago, but today we have more fleas than people realize. In the spring and fall, when it’s cool and damp, we see an increase in pets suffering from fleas. In our practice, we saw fleas in January of this year. Myth: You only have to worry when you can see the parasites. Truth: Once upon a time, sticky gels applied to a pet’s neck were the most common method to treat and prevent fleas and ticks. Today, veterinarians are able to prescribe medications that are longer lasting and more effective. A monthly chewable tablet can take care of roundworms or hookworms, while some flea and tick medications only need to be taken once every three months! Ask us about Bravecto and Credelio. Learning your best friend has a parasite is an irksome experience. That’s why The Animal Clinic of Kalispell is running our annual Parasite Special through the month of May. Call 406-755-6886 to get 10 percent off parasite control and testing. Learn how you can tell parasites to get their paws off your pets. Myth: Messy topical solutions are the only way to treat parasites.


1. Heat oven to 325 F.

Line two baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside. 2. Mix all ingredients into a large bowl. Dough will be thick, so you may need to work in the flour with your hands. 3. Use a rolling pin to roll dough out to a ¼-inch thick. Cut out shapes with cookie cutters, then transfer to baking sheets and bake for 18–20 minutes. When bottoms are lightly browned, remove from oven, flip treats to other side, and bake for another 10–12 minutes. 4. Remove from oven and let treats cool completely before serving to your dog. Treats can be

stored in airtight container at room temperature or in the refrigerator for up to one week.







Is Your Veterinarian Practicing Necromancy?


The Many Wonders of Omega-3s

Meet Lincoln


Protein-rich Peanut Butter and Bacon Dog Treats

When Creepy Crawlies Infect Your Pet


Never Judge a Dog by Her Size


Considering the stress of combat, it’s no wonder military dogs tend to be tough breeds known for their size and strength. German shepherds, boxers, and various bully breeds are well-acquainted with the battlefield. But in World War II, the most famous military dog weighed only 4 pounds and stood a mere 7 inches tall. Smoky the Yorkshire Terrier wasn’t exactly what most people associated with Shakespeare’s “let slip the dogs of war,” but her small size is part of what made her such a hero.

Smoky’s most famous act of heroism occurred when she went where no man could go at an air base at Lingayen Gulf, Luzon. The engineers needed help, so Wynne tied a strand of telephone wire to her collar and Smoky ran through a 70-foot-long pipe in a matter of minutes. Without Smoky, it would have taken three days to lay the wire. Her work kept over 250 ground crewmen and 40 fighter and reconnaissance planes out of danger from enemy bombings. In addition to saving lives on the battlefield, Smoky is also considered to be the first recorded therapy dog. She learned a number of tricks to cheer up troops and would visit injured soldiers at the hospital in New Guinea. After World War II, Smoky and Wynne visited veteran hospitals across the United States. “Corporal” Smoky lived for another 10 years after the war before dying on Feb. 21, 1957, at approximately 14 years old. Wynne would go on to write a memoir about his time with Smoky titled “Yorkie Doodle Dandy.” Almost 50 years after her death, a life-sized bronze statue of Smoky was erected at her final resting place in Lakewood, Ohio. Her statue is dedicated to the bravery of all war dogs, and it is a reminder that heroes come in all shapes and sizes.

In 1944, after being discovered beside a foxhole in the jungles of New Guinea, Smoky met Corporal William A. Wynne, an American soldier from Cleveland, Ohio. The two quickly became inseparable, and she stayed by Wynne’s side the entire time he was stationed in the South Pacific. Smoky is credited with going on 12 combat missions, surviving 150 air raids, parachuting 30 feet, and earning eight battle stars. Smoky’s sensitive hearing allowed her to alert Wynne and other soldiers of incoming air raids.



Published by The Newsletter Pro