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Animal Clinic of Kalispell - February 2021

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Animal Clinic of Kalispell - February 2019

ChiChiRescueDog . 4 WWW.KALISPELLVET.COM Published by The Newsletter Pro

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Animal Clinic of Kalispell - July 2021

4 cup blueberries, fresh or frozen 1 package rawhide sticks • Special equipment: plastic or silicone

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Animal Clinic of Kalispell - October 2021

2-inch thick. 4. Cut the dough into your favorite shapes. (Cookie cutters are encouraged!) 5. Bake c

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The Animal Clinic of Kalispell - February 2022

2 years old, not their first few months of life. For those animals, early spaying or neutering may i

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Animal Clinic of Kalispell - February 2020

2 cup dried cranberries • 3–4 tbsp coconut flour Inspired by Pretty Fluffy WWW.KALISPELLVET.COM 2 )

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Animal Clinic of Kalispell - December 2021

Animal Clinic of Kalispell - December 2021 Pet Press KALISPELL DECEMBER 2021 406.755.6886 WWW.KALISP

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Animal Clinic of Kalispell - October 2021


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Animal Clinic of Kalispell - May 2021

Animal Clinic of Kalispell - May 2021 Pet Press KALISPELL MAY 2021 406.755.6886 WWW.KALISPELLVET.COM

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Animal Clinic of Kalispell - September 2021

4 tsp ground coriander 406.755.6886 3 406.755.6886 WWW.KALISPELLVET.COM 1408 AIRPORT ROAD KALISPELL,

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Animal Clinic of Kalispell - August 2021

3-inch thick. 5. Bake for 10–12 minutes, then remove from oven and let cool just enough to handle. S

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Animal Clinic of Kalispell - February 2021




If you’re putting together an outfit and ask your friend how you look, what would you want them to say? Understandably, you’d probably want them to be honest with you — whether that means telling you that you look great or that your style could use some work. It takes a good friend to tell you when your outfit just doesn’t work, and when asked, most people are going to tell you that you look fine. Being honest can be hard, but it’s a trait that most of us value immensely. And there’s one historical figure who we tend to remember for his commitment to the truth: Honest Abe. Abraham Lincoln — whose birthday is on Feb. 12 — may, in fact, be the most famous truth-teller. He lived as truthfully as he could, and I find that very inspiring because it can be very hard to be fully honest. One would think that being honest and ethical is easy, but it isn’t. It takes work to be able to tell someone the raw truth, especially when that includes delivering bad news. Too often people want to avoid upsetting someone because they want to be liked, and that leads to downplaying things we really shouldn’t. That is why I always try to be 100% honest in my life, especially when I’m talking to my clients.

news of any kind. Many clients don’t like coming to the veterinarian because they don’t want to know what might be wrong. While we never want to irritate any of our

we can do to address the problem. Other doctors make it a little easier on people, and I’m incredibly proud of them for that. They have created and grown into their own

It takes work to be able to tell someone the raw truth, especially when that includes delivering bad news.

clients when they come into the office, it is our job to tell them what we need to address and why. This is all part of the art of veterinarian medicine. I say all the time that our practice is an art as well as a science. It takes commitment and practice to hone the skills as a doctor to put your feelings aside to be able to tell someone exactly what is happening. Some of the hardest cases, which we see fairly often, are overweight pets. More than half of the pets we see are overweight, and it’s not something we can really skirt around. Our doctors have to tell people that their dog or cat isn’t just plump. They’re not healthy — they are overweight. We have to be very cut and dry — even if our clients might not want to hear. Something I really appreciate about my team is that we each have our own way of telling our clients the facts. I’m definitely one of the more straightforward doctors. I’m not afraid to tell our clients quite bluntly what is wrong and what

communication style, and that is something they will continue to perfect in the years to come.

I’ve been in veterinary medicine for a few decades now. Over that time, I’ve learned that when a client comes to us, they want us to be honest with them, even if they don’t ask us to directly and even when we have news that’s hard to hear. Honesty may not always make you feel good in the moment, but it is important for our clients to hear the truth, so they can make the best decisions for their pets. We understand that here at the Animal Clinic of Kalispell, and we work to let our clients know exactly what is going on with their critters and what we can do to ensure their pets are happy and healthy when they leave our clinic.

– Dr. Jevon Clark

At our clinic, some clients will come in with certain life experiences that lead them to not want bad



Published by Newsletter Pro

MEET KATO Football Star, Movie Star, and Family


It’s really wonderful to meet all of you! My name is Kato. I’m an Alaskan Malamute, and I’ve had a really full life thanks to my parents, Linden and Jesse Rigler. I’m turning 11 this year, and I’ve been with my human parents since I was about 6 weeks old. I grew up on a ranch with my dog family, which is where my human mom and dad adopted me from. I’ve been at their side ever since and have experienced so many things!

Mom and Dad actually adopted me the same year they were married in 2010. They got married in August, and I became part of the family only a few months later in November. Mom likes to tell the story of how they decided to adopt me: Dad went to Albertsons one day and saw a poster of puppies. He took it home, and he and Mom talked about adopting one. They decided they wanted to, so they came to the ranch and I went home with them! I remember being so excited to be a part of their family.

It’s in the Cards WHY VALENTINE’S DAY IS THE ULTIMATE CARD HOLIDAY This may be the first year in a long time that kids don’t pass out Valentine’s Day cards at school. Going in to the new year, the seasonal section of most stores is lined with cards featuring fun characters from superheroes to unicorns. Handing out cards is now a well-loved tradition, but have you ever wondered how Valentine’s Day became one of the biggest card-giving holidays of the year? Like many holiday traditions, the convention of handing out Valentine’s Day cards goes back centuries. During the 1700s, it became fashionable to trade Valentine’s Day cards with a short poem or verse. The popularity of swapping cards only increased throughout the 1800s. Sometimes, people would go as far as to paint or draw spring-like images on the cards. They were much more elaborate than what we typically see today, though they were still usually very small.

I’ve had such a wonderful life these past 10 years, and I’m so grateful every day for the opportunity I have to be with Mom, Dad, and our growing family. I’ve watched my three human siblings grow up, and I became an older dog-brother, too, when Mom and Dad adopted Blaze. I’ve enjoyed so many wonderful adventures with them!

When I was younger, I was doing all sorts of exciting things. By the time I was 2 years old, I was already a movie star! There was a local author in town who wanted her book to get picked up by a movie director. When she was putting together a movie trailer, she asked if anyone knew a good dog that could play the wolf. My parents had a friend who knew the author and recommended me. I was too young at the ‘My Furry Valentine’ Pup Snacks

But where did those folks get the idea? People of that era were likely inspired by stories that go back even further. There are legends that the originator of this holiday tradition was Saint Valentine himself. One story says that on the night before he was set to be executed, Valentine wrote a small letter to a jailer’s daughter. He ended the note with “Your Valentine.” It’s unknown whether that story is true, but to 18th century Europeans and Americans, it was inspiring! So inspiring, in fact, that the entire Valentine’s Day industry began to gain traction. A guidebook called “The Young Man’s Valentine” was published in 1797 to help suitors garner the attention of their love interests through the written word. Eventually, books aimed at women were also published, including “The Lady’s Own Valentine Writer,” which served much the same goal. These publications, along with young people writing notes to one another every February, have made Valentine’s Day cards an ingrained tradition, and now people can’t get enough of them!

Who needs a Valentine’s Day date when you have a furry friend at home? This Feb. 14, show your pooch your love with these frosty strawberry dog treats. Use a heart-shaped silicone mold to make this snack extra festive.


1/2 cup plain yogurt

1/4 cup frozen strawberries, puréed




y Man

time to really know what was going on, but looking back, I’m glad I got to help her out — and I got plenty of attention and pets too!

I’ve also been the trusty mascot of the Glacial Wolfpack football team. Dad is their defensive coordinator. When I was much younger, I remember Dad and all the players running through the tunnel. I thought it looked so fun that I decided to run with them! I went out onto the field, and it was quite an experience. Everyone was cheering and yelling and clapping! It was so cool, and the team loved that I joined them. I’d always liked being part of the team, and once I became the mascot, I had an essential role. In 2019, I was even featured with the team on their poster. It was so cool! My family and I also go camping and hiking, which I really love. Adventuring is wonderful; I love experiencing new things and checking out the world. As long as I’m with my family, that’s all that matters. However, I will say, some adventures weren’t all happy and fun. Two years ago I was diagnosed with cancer; I had a nasal tumor. Overall, I will say it was a great experience even though I was sick. I went to Washington State University to receive treatment, and they took really good care of me and my family.

THE REASON WHY THERE ARE NO DISCUSSIONS A few clients at our clinic have asked our veterinarians about using cannabidiol (CBD) products for their pets. Some of them are already giving their furry friends CBD but want our doctors’ opinion or expertise on the compound. Unfortunately, this is not something veterinarians can discuss with their clients.

I know my family was scared, but seeing how the doctors reassured Mom and Dad made me feel just as happy as having my parents with me the whole time. The treatment was hard on all of us, but it helped so much. Now I am cancer-free and feel so thankful. Each day spent with my family in the past two years has been a blessing. Today, nothing makes me happier than my family. Despite my old age, I love being with them and going on whatever new adventure awaits us. I’ve spent my life with my family and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

“It’s not something I can legally recommend or prescribe for the animals we see,” Dr. Clark explains. “Because there just isn’t enough >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

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