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Ascent PT. The Connection Between Back Pain & Walking

Our Monthly Climb The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

Celebrating Our Second Location in Sandy!

THE CONNECTION BETWEEN BACK PAIN & WALKING How To Fix Your Stride • Improve Your Stride In Minutes Healthy Recipe • Patient Success Spotlight

Our Monthly Climb The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

Celebrating Our Second Location in Sandy!


pain. And the secret to success is learning to approach recovery one step at a time. Walking isagreat formofexercise,butmore than that, it isanecessityof life.When you can’t walk, even basic tasks become complicated. Getting out of bed in the morning, getting to and from work, moving your way around the office, and even spending time with family on the weekends all rely heavily on your ability to walk. Whenyourbackpainbegins to interferewithyourability tomovearound freely, then you know it is time to start doing something about it. Conveniently, walking is more than a goal when it comes to back pain–it could be partofthesolution.Workingwithaphysicaltherapisttodevelop improvedstrategies andtechniqueswithyourwalkingcouldhelpyoutogetbackonyourfeetevensooner than you thought possible. What’s more, for those who are able to walk, getting on yourfeetmoreoftenwithtargetedexercisescouldhelpyoufindrelieffrombackpain even sooner than expected.

Doesgoing forawalksound likeabigpain in theback?For thosewhostrugglewith chronicbackpain,even thebasic taskofgoing forawalkcanbeoverwhelmingand painful. Back pain can strike at any time. Whether in the upper back, surrounding the neck and shoulders, or in the lower back at the lumbar or sciatica, back pain is something that no one likes to deal with for too long. Relyingonpainmedicationstohelpyouovercomebackpainwill leaveyoudisappointed. While pain medications are frequently helpful at alleviating the discomfort of your back pain for a short period of time, they are not capable of resolving the issue that is causing your pain to develop in the first place.The only thing that can actually fix your back pain is addressing the issue that is causing your pain head on. Physical therapy is a great resource for addressing your back pain and can be a helpful tool in getting you back on your feet. So, whether it is following a sudden injury or a chronic issue that has developed over time,physical therapycouldbe theanswer tohelpingyouenjoy life freeofback

HowTo FixYour Stride

wearasneakerthat isgoingtoprovideyouwiththearchsupportthatmeetsyour individualneeds.Thismaymeanupgrading fromyourminimalsupportsneaker to something more athletically designed. 2.Tryacustom insert inyourshoe.Ofcourse,youcan’twearsneakersall the time. Whenyouareattheoffice,professionalfootwearmatters.Youmayfind ithelpful to have custom orthotics made for your work shoes so that you can have more arch support around the clock. 3. Work on improving your posture. If you are slouching when you walk, then that maybe impactingthewaythatyourbackfeels.Takeafewminutes inthemorning andagain intheafternoontostretchyourback,andthenmakeapointofkeeping your shoulders square and your back straight as you walk. Simply standing tall may alleviate some of your back pain. Another way that walking can help alleviate back pain is by encouraging weight loss. Being overweight puts added pressure on your back, and this can contribute to increased back pain. Working with a physical therapist to improve your walking technique can help you to overcome back pain one step at a time. If you’re suffering from pain, call Ascent PhysicalTherapy at 503.427.0118. Yourphysical therapistcanhelpyou return toamoreactiveandpain-free life.

When you are experiencing regular back pain—especially if you are experiencing the pain while walking—you should consider ways to reduce your pain by taking smallsteps tosupportyourback.Thereareseveral things thatyoucandoathome to improve your stride, which can make a significant difference when it comes to managing back pain day-to-day. Here are several ways that you can start taking care of your back with each step you take: 1. Make sure that you are wearing the right types of shoes. While the golden rule forwalking istowearsneakers,notallsneakersarecreatedequally.Youneedto

Improve Stride In Minutes Try this simple exercise to keep you moving

Healthy Recipe Cucumber Kimchi

Ingredients • 2 pickling cucumbers/small cucumbers • 1 tsp kosher salt • 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped • 2 scallions finely chopped • 2 tbsp rice vinegar

• 1¼-inch piece fresh ginger, finely chopped • 1 tbsp Korean chile powder • 2 tsp sugar • ½ tsp fish sauce


Directions Cut cucumbers in half lengthwise and then crosswise into ⅛-inch-thick half moons. Place in a medium bowl and mix thoroughly with salt. Let stand at room temperature for about 30 minutes. Meanwhile, combine garlic, scallions, ginger, vinegar, chile powder, sugar and fish sauce in a mediumnonreactivebowl.Drain thecucumbers (discard the liquid).Stir the cucumbers into the vinegar mixture. Cover and refrigerate for 12 to 24 hours before serving.

Runner’s Step Stand in front of a box or step that is below the level of the knee. Step up onto the box and bring the opposite leg up towards your chest. Lower your leg down in a controlled manner. Repeat 6-10 times, alternating legs.

For more information, call Ascent Physical Therapy at 503.427.0118 or visit our website at

Provider Update

Patient Success Spotlight

“I went from barely being able to get out of bed to running 3 miles a few times a week.”

Ihavebeenphysicallyactive foras longas Ican remember. Ihavealsobeenplaguedwithchronic backpaindue tountreatedsports injuries inmy youth. I recently strained my back and thought that it would simply go away after a while, but this timewasdifferent. Insteadofgettingbetter, it continued to get worse until I became nearly bedridden and worried the time had come for backsurgery.That iswhen Ibeganmy research for a Physical Therapist.

I foundAscentandcouldn’tbehappier.WorkingwithDerekhelpedmegetbackon my feet quickly. I went from barely being able to get out of bed to running 3 miles a few times a week – without pain! Derek has also helped me correct my weight lifting technique to minimize future problems and helped to establish a method for reaching new personal records. IhighlyrecommendAscentPhysicalTherapytoanyonewho is lookingforassistance with physical limitations. I also recommend Ascent Physical Therapy to anyone whowants to learnhow toget themost from theirbodyanddevelopasanathlete.

It’s summertime! Wow the year has been flying by! Last month my daughter, Rowan, had her 4th birthday at Wunderland and had a blast playing all the nickel arcade games. She is in love with rainbows, sparkles, and unicorns. This summer I have some ambitious plans to take my family to: the beach, hiking in the gorge, Wild Waves waterslide park in Washington, OMSI, and the zoo! We’ll be wearing our sunscreen for sure, and I hope you remember to wear some as well. What ambitious summer adventures do you have planned? Let us know at your visit or on our Facebook page. Together in health, Derek

- Brendan L.

Has Your Pain Come Back?

Special Offer

Don’t let back pain become a way of life!

1. Feel free to call us and ask to speak to your therapist.


2. Your therapist can discuss with you why your pain is bothering you again and what you might do about it at home. 3. If further assessment is warranted, your therapist might recommend you come in for an appointment.

Call 503.427.0118 to schedule your appointment today!

Call To Talk to Your Therapist Today 503.427.0118

16126 SE Happy Valley Town Center Dr #200 Happy Valley, OR 97086

Offer valid for the first 25 people to schedule. Expires 6-30-19.