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Axcess PT. Arthritis Pain Relief

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Lonoke PT: Arthritis Pain Relief

Lonoke PT: Arthritis Pain Relief Health &Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Yo

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Nestor PT: Arthritis Pain Relief

19 401-356-4777 CALL TO SCHEDULE TODAY! Call Today! 401-356-4777

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Choice PT: Arthritis Pain Relief

3 of the lime juice. Season with salt and pepper. Add shrimp to a baking dish and pour over mixture.

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Global PT. Arthritis Pain Relief

spinach-stuffed-mushrooms Exercise Essentials Try this simple exercise to improve posture. Prone Bac

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Malvern PT: Arthritis Pain Relief n° 310547 - Level Hard 501) 467-8275

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Kewanee PT. Arthritis Pain Relief

moist-orange-cranberry-bread KEWANEE (309) 852-2200 GALVA (309) 932-8100 STARK COUNTY (309) 695-4010

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Benton PT: Arthritis Pain Relief n° 310547 - Level Hard 501) 778-4960

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Axcess PT. Neck Pain & Headache Relief


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Kerrville: Arthritis Pain Relief

8 cup cheese. Cover with another tortilla and cook for two to three minutes or until golden brown. F

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BridleTrailsPT: Arthritis Pain Relief n° 28718 - Level Medium 6 CALL TODAY! 425-889-0776 Play on your mobile these puzzles and

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Axcess PT. Arthritis Pain Relief

The Bulletin The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 9

Osteoarthritis is a Pain! Physical Therapy Can Help As we all age, our bodies experience a certain “wear and tear” on cartilage and joints. This can cause inflammation and pain, known as arthritis. According to the American Arthritis Foundation,Osteoarthritis isthemostcommon form of arthritis, making itself apparent in people as they age. It can certainly take a toll on one’s body, resulting in achy or painful joints after exercise, after a long day on one’s feet, or even after prolonged periods of inactivity, thus causing joints to constrict. (continued inside)

Are You Looking for Arthritis Pain Relief?

F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 9

The Axcess Bulletin The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

Aaron Fuerst PT, DPT, CWCE, FAAOMPT If you have pain, you shouldn’t ignore it. We can help you feel better fast!

Are You Looking for Arthritis Pain Relief?

(continued from outside)

around a joint can weaken over time, causing the cartilage to shift or thin. As cartilage wears down, Osteoarthritis becomes much more common. As Osteoarthritis progresses, more symptoms can arise. The most common symptoms are: • Joint pain. • Swelling or tenderness in or around the joint(s). • Inflammation or flare-ups of pain in the joint(s) after use. • Feeling stiff after sitting or laying down for prolonged periods of time, especially when getting up in the morning. • Crepitus - also referred to as a “cracking or crunching” feeling when moving the joint(s), or the sound of bone rubbing on bone.

The most common areas of Osteoarthritis are found in the fingers, hips, knees, and spine. These are all joints that we use excessively, even in our daily lives. Just think - by the time you lift yourself out of bed, shower, brush your teeth, eat breakfast, and prepare to begin your day, you’ve already used these joints a multitude of times. Therefore, it isn’t surprising that pain can occur in them over time. If you believe you may be experiencing Osteoarthritis, give one of our While it is true that Osteoarthritis is most common in older folks, that is not alwaysnecessarily thecase. It ispossible thatOsteoarthritiscanpresent itself in youngeradults,especially if theyareprone toweak joints,poordieting,or if they aren’t very active. Your cartilage works hard to protect your joints by absorbing thenaturalshocks thatyourbodyexperiencesonadailybasis.Therefore,much of your likelihood regarding Osteoarthritis is dependent upon the physical and nutritional lifestyles you partake in. Joint alignment can alter and the muscles physical therapists a call today to discuss pain relief. Why do we experience Osteoarthritis?

Quoteof TheMonth: “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything” - Albert Einstein

How Can Physical Therapy Help? According to the American Occupational Therapy Association, 1 in 5 adults are diagnosed with arthritis annually. Physical and occupational therapy are themostcommon treatments forOsteoarthritis,usuallyhelpingwith the relief of joint pain in just a few sessions. If you have arthritis, don’t fret - there is hope! While anti-inflammatory and pain medications will help for the time being, they are very much a short-term solution. Physical therapy can help in actually strengthening your joints and muscles once again, allowing for a much healthier and long-term pain relief solution. Occupational therapy will also help in learning to use your joints in new ways once again, allowing for the highest quality of life despite the severity of your arthritis. Print sudoku

Our physical therapists are trained to help you with joint alignment, stability, muscle regeneration, and most importantly, pain relief.They are dedicated to helping you get back to your normal levels of mobility. Don’t settle for a life of aches and pains - physical therapy can get you back on your feet and doing the activities you used to love! If you are suffering from Osteoarthritis, give us a call today - we can get you back to living your best, most pain-free life. 3 8 1 3 7 5 4 7 9 2


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7 2

Get back to moving and feeling better! Call Axcess Physical Therapy at 815.614.2100 or visit to learn more about our programs today! 7 2 4 3


6 7 1 4



1 6

n° 318548 - LevelHard

Exercise Essentials n° 310547 - LevelHard

Fun & Games!

Relieves Knee Pain


3 8


3 1

9 7

1 4 6 2

5 3 2 9 6 5 7 3 2 1 5 8 9

Knee Extension While sitting, tighten your top thigh muscle to press the back of your knee downward towards the ground. Repeat 6 times on each leg.

5 3 8 1 7



5 6 3 7 2

8 3 4 8 1 3 5 6 1

3 7 5 4

2 3

1 2

4 1


n° 36953 - LevelHard

n° 315994 - LevelHard

Instructions: Fill all empty squares so that the numbers 1 to 9 appear exactlyonce ineach row,columnand3x3box,and thesumof thenumbers in each area is equal to the clue in the area’s top-left corner.

Play on your mobile these puzzles and find their solutions by flashing the codes below : n° 318548 n° 310547 n° 36953

n° 315994

Patient Success Spotlights

We can help with more than just low back pain. Check out one of our other patient success stories!

“I progressed very well thanks to Aaron and Jack.” “I came for therapy before and after my scheduled surgery. The scheduling was easy and staff was very professional. It was a one-on-one experience. I progressed very well thanks to Aaron and Jack. I have recommended Axcess to several people.“ -Karen B.

“I feel so much confidence I will get there.” “I had problems walking when I began therapy at Axcess Physical Therapy. I am doing so much better now and the pain has decreased. When I started I was unable to stand up straight, walk without bearing to the left. I am now aware of my body when standing and how it connects to the problem to lower the pain. There are still things I need help on but I feel so much confidence I will get there.” -Norman G. NO DOCTOR REFERRAL NECESSARY

Spiced Pear Tea Healthy Recipe


• 4 inches stick cinnamon • 1 tsp whole cloves • Small orange slices, halved (optional) • Stickcinnamon (optional)

1 orange • 3 cups water • 2 (11.3 to 12 oz) cans pear nectar • 1 tbsp honey (optional) • 6 tea bags


Usingavegetablepeeler, remove threewidestripsofpeel from theorange;setpeelaside. Juice the orange into a large saucepan. Add the water, pear nectar and honey (if using) to orange juice in saucepan. For spice bag: Place the 4 inches of stick cinnamon, the cloves and the orange peel strips in the center of a 6-inch square of double-thickness, 100%-cottoncheesecloth.Bringcorners togetherand tiewith100%-cottonkitchenstring. Add spice bag to pear nectar mixture. Bring mixture to boiling; reduce heat. Cover and simmer for 10 minutes. Remove from heat. Add tea bags; cover and let stand for 5 minutes.Remove teabagsandspicebag;discard.Serve inwarmmugs. Ifdesired,float orange slices on top of individual servings and serve with additional stick cinnamon.

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