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Baker Auction - Volume V

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Baker Auction - Volume VI

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Baker Auction - October/November 2019

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Baker Auction - February/March 2020

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Baker Auction - Dec/Jan 2019/2020

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Baker Auction - Volume 1

Volume 1

More Than Your Average Auctioneer The Baker Auction Company Story

Running a stellar auction takes more than a great auctioneer’s chant. After 20 years in the industry, I can tell you that genuinely connecting with the audience, and in turn connecting them with the cause they’re supporting, takes personability, character, and a dedicated team. That’s what Baker Auction Company brings to the stage at every auction we run. I grew up eating, sleeping, and breathing the auctioneering world. My grandfather was one of the best auctioneers in the Northwest. There’s a recording of his auctioneer chant in the Smithsonian. Farm auctions, cow auctions, retirement auctions — you name it, he probably did it. My dad followed in my grandpa’s footsteps, going to auctioneering school at just 14 years old. When he graduated, he was one of the youngest auctioneers in the country. He and my grandpa were partners for a long time, and my dad has been an auctioneer for 40 years and counting. They did auctions all over the Treasure Valley, and they took me and my brothers with them. In a calendar year, they did 30 to 50 auctions for charities, churches, and benefit events, all for free. It was their way of giving back to the community, and it planted the seeds for the mission of Baker Auction Co. today. I’ve always been fascinated by sales and driven to succeed, so auctioneering was a natural fit for my interests. I also found that I had a passion for charity auctions. I could tell it meant a lot to those charities and churches that my family helped them raise money for their cause. My grandpa started helping me with my auctioneer chant when I was 10 years old. When I was 13, they put me to work. They didn’t just throw me out on stage, though. My grandpa would make a real show of it, pretending to suffer from a coughing fit before handing the microphone to me, supposedly while he would gather himself. It always came as a big surprise to the

crowd when a 13-year-old continued the bidding war. I got in front of the mic any chance I had, and with every auction, my chant got better. Running the best charity auctions is about more than fast talking, though. You have to show the audience that you care about the cause and get them to care too. The ringmen are instrumental in accomplishing that. While I’m up on stage, they don’t just call out bids. Through our banter and antics throughout the event, ringmen make the audience feel like a part of the show, which increases their enjoyment and the likelihood that they’ll donate to your cause. We’ve done charity auctions all around the country, and one of the most rewarding aspects of our job is helping organizations provide for people’s needs better than we can by ourselves. We play a small part in changing lives — and that keeps us going.

- Tyson Baker “It’s Sale Time”

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Lessons From an Unlikely Businessman ‘Some Stories: Lessons From the Edge of Business and Sport’

When we first start working with an organization to plan their next charity auction, we emphasize one thing up front: Change is okay. If an organization puts together the same fundraiser every year, their fundraising abilities will stagnate, and their donors will lose interest. It’s something I’ve seen time and time again. Taking a chance on something new is the first step an organization can take to create more successful fundraisers and get out of that stagnation. This year, we teamed up with an organization that had done the same type of auction with the same team of auctioneers for the previous 20 years. Historically, the auction had also been a dry event (no alcohol). In all that time, their record fundraising amount was $40,000, but their takeaway usually averaged about $25,000. They hadn’t even done the auction the previous year because there was no interest from their donors. From the beginning of our involvement, it was an uphill battle. But our client realized they needed to change, and they wanted us to help them do it. We got to work changing everything, including the design and layout of the space, the music, and even how guests should raise their paddles during the event. They didn’t have to follow our suggestions if they didn’t want to, but usually, if an organization has hired us, they’re receptive to our advice. Turn Off Cruise Control Stories From the Stage At Baker Auction Co., we love conducting auctions of all kinds, and we participate in over 400 auctions every year. That being said, we have a special place in our hearts for conducting charity auctions. However, anyone who has tried raising money for their cause knows just how hard it can be to bring in those donations. Luckily, there are some strategies you can use to make the process a little easier on yourself. T hink C reatively Maybe you’ve done the same type of fundraiser every year, and it’s feeling a little stale. While it might feel like a safe and secure option to go with what you know, you’ll never see the kind of success you’re hoping for unless you take risks and try new strategies. Try to think of some fun, creative events to draw in your donors, like an escape room event, a walk-a-thon, or a charity auction. O ptimize the I nvite L ist While, ideally, you want to invite all of your donors and supporters, it’s not always possible. That’s why it’s important to go through your donor list, take into account the size and frequency of specific donors’ donations, and make sure you invite those who are most generous. This will help you maximize the amount of funds you can raise, as well as honor your most valued supporters. Breathe Life Into Your Fundraising Events

You’re probably familiar with the story of outdoor apparel company Patagonia and its founder, Yvon Chouinard. Chouinard’s earlier book, “Let My People Go Surfing: The Education of a Reluctant Businessman,” explored the early struggles and triumphs of Patagonia and gave us some insight into how the company became so successful. Now, Chouinard has given us another glimpse into his world with his new book, “Some Stories: Lessons From the Edge of Business and Sport.” As the title suggests, the book is a collection of stories and beautiful photographs that illustrate how a sense of adventure, a readiness to adapt, and, above all else, a dedication to what you believe in are all necessary parts of doing anything well (including running a multimillion-dollar business). While the book contains plenty of business advice, most of its wisdom is just as applicable to life as it is to business management. “I know of no better example than Chouinard of what entrepreneurial Americans do best,” wrote author and angler Thomas McGuane. Entrepreneurs have to take initiative and be ready to accept great risk, and Chouinard does both with the pioneering spirit of a true business owner, despite his reluctance to accept the title. He would never abandon his values or the company’s to sell a sweatshirt, and he’s constantly pulling inspiration and guidance from the natural environment. “Some Stories” explores Chouinard’s drive to learn and make mistakes along the way and paints a portrait of an icon of thoughtful action and business success. “Some Stories” is worth it just for the stunning pictures, but if you want to be pulled in by a book, and possibly forced to reconsider whether or not you’ve been coasting with your business and life, then this is a must read. As author and reporter Jon Krakauer warns, “this book might make you think twice about what you’re doing with your own life.”

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It’s Sale Time!

9/19 Corwyn’s Cause (Boise, ID) 9/20 Warhawk Air Museum Anniversary Auction (Nampa, ID) 9/27 Chair the Hope (Meridian, ID) 9/28 Camp Taylor (Modesto, CA) 10/3 Idaho Foodbank A Chefs’ Affaire (Boise, ID) 10/4 Ronald McDonald House (Reno, NV) 10/5 Boys & Girls Club (Florence, OR)

When the big night finally came, it was unlike any auction they ever experienced before. Our presentation on stage brought people to tears. The head of the organization, always very stern and composed, was doubled over laughing. Even the most conservative crowd members enjoyed themselves. In the end, they raised $225,000. Don’t put your organization’s fundraising efforts on cruise control. Times change and so do people, so why shouldn’t you take a chance on something new? Give Baker Auction Co. a call at (208) 739-8750. You won’t regret it. T ime the E vent C arefully Statistics show that there are times of year when people feel more generous. Your organization can take advantage of these attitudes and plan to host events during peak charitable giving season. We’ve found that the fall, winter, and early spring months are the best time to conduct an auction, and statistically, people are more generous at the end of a calendar year. Are you trying to figure out your next fundraising event? Tyson Baker is a certified Benefit Auctioneer Specialist, and he and his team guarantee they will make your next fundraiser something truly special. Check out Baker Auction Co. LLC on Facebook for contact info and updates on our latest events.

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11597 W. Wagon Pass Ct. Boise, ID 83709 (208) 739-8750


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What Interns Can Offer These Young Minds Will Help Your Business Thrive

Often utilized as file organizers, envelope lickers, and coffee fetchers, college interns are usually at the lowliest rung on the corporate ladder. But, as some of the world’s most successful companies have proven, these young team members can be incredibly valuable to your organization. If you haven’t considered offering internship positions before, the following benefits might just convince you. P roactive R ecruiting In today’s competitive job market, recruiting a recent college graduate with relevant experience feels like finding a unicorn. But a coveted hire doesn’t have to be one in a million. An effective internship program can give you the opportunity to bring college interns on to your staff who could potentially become full-time employees. And luckily, unlike regular hires, you aren’t making a long-term, expensive commitment to your interns. During their internships, you can test whether or not they will be a great fit for your company before offering them a permanent position. And if an intern impresses you enough to hire them on after graduation, you can rest assured knowing they will already be familiar with their job by then. F resh P erspectives There’s a reason top companies like Facebook and Chevron invest heavily in their internship programs. By bringing in young, innovative minds, you open up your business to fresh, unique solutions. Interns have spearheaded effective social media campaigns, modernized standard operating procedures, and even designed apps to help their businesses run smoother. In a world where remaining relevant is key to growth, businesses can’t afford to be out of touch with the next generation of consumers. So, while interns will likely do much of the grunt work at your organization, don’t be afraid to hand them more responsibilities. Bring them into strategy meetings, ask for their thoughts, and treat them as valued parts of the team. Do this and you’ll be in step with some of the biggest players in the business world.

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