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Beckett Law - January 2019

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Beckett Law - February 2019

watch?v=fKy7ljRr0AA. No, I haven’t seen the movie yet, but I intend to one day soon. I think this wo

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Beckett Law - November 2018

Beckett Law - November 2018 Beckett Law, LLC Peace of Mind. Not a Piece of Paper TM Estate Planning

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Smiley Law - January 2019

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Promise Law January 2019

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Frye Law - January 2019

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Brauns Law January 2019

2 cup fresh mint leaves • 1 avocado, cut into wedges • Salt and pepper, to taste M Y H N

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Gillette Law - January 2019


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Hegwood Law - January 2019

2 cup chopped nuts 1 teaspoon vanilla extract directions 1. Line an 8 x 8 inch pan with aluminum foi

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Beckett Law - January 2019


Beckett Law, LLC

Peace of Mind. Not a Piece of Paper TM Estate Planning Law Center, LLC



Like everyone else, I start my year out by setting big goals in January. I’m going to lose weight, eat right, exercise regularly, and keep a clean house! Blind optimism is the key to a great resolution, but I like to go one step further and throw myself headfirst into it. Eventually, I trail off and get back into my daily groove, never meeting my January 1 objectives, despite my best intentions. But while I let personal goals go, business goals are another story.

“The last thing any child should have to face is the uncertainty of who will take care of them, after the loss of their parent.”

term goals, as well as do some old-fashioned bonding. Our team members work hard, and it’s important to find some time to relax with one another from time to time. When we come back to work, we all know exactly what’s expected of us in order to meet our goals, so we’re focused and ready to find a way to serve more people. In 2018, we made a decision to start taking on Title 19 cases again. We hired a new associate in April, Attorney Rebecca Vicente, and she didn’t waste any time getting the ball rolling. Title 19 is a complicated process, but it’s critical for the senior members of our community as they need more services. We want our clients to have access to as much funding as possible from the State so they can afford home care, nursing, or assisted living. Many of the elderly struggle with cognitive disorders and can be confused when, in order to qualify for the help they need, the State all of a sudden asks for five years of

bank statements. This can be overwhelming if you don’t have help. Our firm’s ability to better assist these clients due to increased staffing was a significant win for us in 2018, and I look forward to increasing our work in this area in 2019. While most of us turn the calendar hoping for a new beginning, something as simple as setting up an effective estate plan can be a wonderful gift for us to give our families. None of us know the future, so it’s up to each of us to protect our families so that they’re not left unprepared in the event of a tragedy. Every child should have a parent that cares enough to establish a specific “what if ” process… which, of course, we all hope won’t be needed for many years to come.

In order to meet our business goals, we have biannual retreats in which we work on our strategic planning for the next 6 months. Operating without a plan is like trying to ride a bike without handlebars – you might start out OK but before you know it, you’ll eventually crash. During these retreats, we take a couple of days to develop our short term and long

Perhaps the greatest compliment you can give our firm is a referral. Referrals are our favorite way to grow our firm, as we are very choosy about the clients we work with. We find that our clients tend to refer friends and family who hold similar values, and those are the ones we most enjoy helping. If you know someone who would benefit from our services, please ask them to give us a call.

–Suzann Beckett


Peace of Mind. Not a Piece of Paper TM


The 3 Most-Commonly Missed Aspects of An Estate Plan


What to Keep, Gift, Donate, and Throw Out

Estate is a six-letter word that is often treated like a four-letter one. Setting up a strategy for the time following your death probably wasn’t a topic over holiday dinner tables because, let’s face it, most people don’t want to discuss the matter. But being too afraid to have one awkward conversation will only make it more difficult for your loved ones in the long-run. Estate plans are crucial for maintaining the livelihood of your dependents. If you haven’t set up a clear line of succession for your assets, your family could be forced into probate court, where they’ll have to wade through the muck and mire of mediation. It’s important to make sure every distinguishable piece of property has a home, including the following three. On the surface, passwords, streaming accounts, social media, and raw digital >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

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