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Big Impact Advisor® - Volume 1


inside this issue: Scott Keffer Teams Up With Kevin Harrington Learn How to DOUBLE Your Affluent Clients at Boot Camp This November

Volume 1

And more inside...


Climbing Out of the Pit and Living a Life With BIG IMPACT®

I felt like I was letting my father down … all over again. Our 21st wedding anniversary landed on a gorgeous, sunny Friday, on June 25. Yet, my wife, Beth, and I weren’t headed to an exclusive restaurant to celebrate. Instead, I plastered on a calm face, trying to ignore the terrifying thoughts that were plaguing my mind as we pulled into our financial planning office just outside Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

So, despite that $463,459.15 debt looming over our family, I invested in some of the smartest coaches I could find, attended the best trainings, and consumed stacks of books on marketing, communication, ethical persuasion, advertising, sales, and business growth. I’m not going to lie. It wasn’t easy. For the first time, I began to see the myths and misinformation that our industry is teaching to every advisor. I also began to see recurring

“There is a better way, a way to double your income with half the time, so that you can have a BIG IMPACT on your family, friends, and the causes you care about deeply.”

patterns among all these experts, which I assembled into a process that I tested, tweaked, and honed until we had a machine that attracted, engaged, and delighted million-dollar clients. By God’s grace, we were able to pay off the entire $463,459.15 within a few years. Meanwhile, I was taking care of my team, managing my clients’ needs, and maintaining my relationship with Beth and our kids. And we did all of this without even losing a single client. As I shared my story with other advisors, I realized I was not alone. Most shared the same struggles. The same doubt, fear, and sense of hopelessness — all while working harder for incremental growth in income. Most were believing the same myths … and making the same mistakes.

Beth saw right through my facade. After all, we were on the brink of bankruptcy. As we emerged from the car, I grabbed Beth’s hand, and we began the long walk down the hallway to meet with my soon-to-be ex-business partner and a horde of lawyers. I was taking over his half of our financial planning business, and we were going to take on a half million dollars in debt.

$463,459.15, to be exact. That number is still burned into my consciousness.

How did we get here? I remember thinking. Ten years prior, Beth and I launched a financial planning practice from scratch and targeted million-dollar clients. Shortly after, I brought on a business partner to handle internal work while I focused on marketing for new clients and growing the business. We made some poor decisions that put us behind the eight ball. I thought that signing the papers was the most difficult thing I had to do. It was not. Taking the papers into the other office to get Beth’s signature was worse. His attorneys included Beth on the debt, so that everything we owned was at risk. Her hands were shaking as she signed. Tears were streaming down her face. At that moment, I felt like I was letting Beth down. Like I was letting our teenage children, Josh and Anni, down. Like I was letting myself down. Like I was letting my dad down all over again. I made a vow. Not out loud, mind you, but in my heart. I’d take personal responsibility and stop blaming others for my circumstances. I’d do whatever it took to get us out of this mess. That’s when I realized that we weren’t going to solve our problems by following what the financial industry was teaching. That’s what got us into the hole we were in. We needed to look outside the financial industry. A lightbulb went off.

And, most believe that it’s their fault, that it’s only them.

Here’s the truth : If you follow what the industry teaches — every B/D, FMO, and insurance company — you will achieve some success … but you will unknowingly lock yourself into an incremental growth box that you cannot escape by doing the same things you have always done. To gain a breakthrough, you must break with the old.

If you are open-minded, there is hope.

I believe that you have been put on Earth to make a BIG IMPACT®, not just to be in business. Your business is a multiplier, either a positive multiplier or a negative one. There is a better way, a way to double your income with half the time, so that you can have a BIG IMPACT® on your family, friends, and the causes you care about deeply. Imagine a freedom business: A Tesla business that pays you more and runs without you.

I found it and I want to share it with you. Let’s do this together!


Get the Most Out of Your Digital Home Assistant

More and more people are welcoming in the Amazon Echo or the Google Home into their spaces. Everyone knows they make great Bluetooth speakers and can tell you the weather forecast, but they’re also capable of so much more. Digital assistants can do a variety of tasks depending on how much you want them to do for you. For example, if you want your digital assistant to be heavily involved in your daily life, you can use the Echo or the Home as the core of your “connected home.” You can connect numerous compatible devices to these assistants, including other Bluetooth or networked speakers, lights, thermostats, coffee makers, refrigerators, and even microwaves. Of course, therein lies the challenge — you must have compatible devices to make a connected home efficient. And let’s be honest: many of us aren’t going to buy a connected fridge or Wi-Fi enabled lightbulbs just to get the most out of our digital assistants. What you can do, however, is make use of what you already have. Here are some ways to put your digital assistants to work without committing to a connected home. Both the Echo and the Home make excellent communication hubs. In the home, they can be used as a local intercom system. Do you have a few Echo Dots or Google Home Minis? If you do, you’re set. You can communicate in any room where another device is present.

Your digital assistant can also make outgoing calls. As long as the device has access to your contacts (or the person you’re trying to contact has an

Echo or Home), you can easily make the connection. Want to send a text message? No problem! You can

dictate a text to anyone in your smartphone’s contact list and send it without ever touching your phone.

Aside from communications, the assistants can handle calendars, appointments, emails, and more. You can ask for information relevant to you, like “When is my flight again?” Google Home can recognize your voice, or the voice of anyone in the house, and respond accordingly. There’s no worry that anyone’s calendar or appointments will be mixed up with yours. If you want to learn more, search for tutorials online. We’ve only scratched the surface when it comes to what these digital assistants can do for you.

Everything You Need to Double Your Affluent Clients ®

ELP AFFLUENT CLIENTS E asy to Work With L isten to You P ay You the Most Get more money, more time, and more energy so you can have a big impact on your family, friends, clients, and causes you care about deeply!


(800) 281-1575


THE POWER OF ‘MINDSET’ How Being Open to Growth Leads to Success

For decades, Dr. Carol S. Dweck studied the phenomena of success. How is it that some people are able to grow their business, stay fit, or achieve their personal goals while others in similar situations stall out? “Mindset” is Dr. Dweck’s answer to this question. Subtitled “The New Psychology of Success,” this book chronicles the Stanford psychologist’s findings, which suggest an inseparable link between belief and achievement. According to Dr. Dweck, people tend to think about the challenges in front of them in one of two ways. They either have a “fixed” mindset — believing that their talents and abilities are static, intrinsic properties of who they are — or a “growth” mindset — believing they can improve every aspect of themselves with practice and perseverance. Those who approach life’s hurdles as an opportunity for growth are the ones who find long-term success. If you’ve ever said “I’m just not good at math” or “I’m not a natural leader,” you’ve fallen into the fixed mindset trap. If you believe there’s nothing you can do to change your circumstances, you’ll never strive to improve them. The same is true of positive fixed opinions of yourself. Dr. Dweck points out that those who believe themselves to be “a great boss” or “an amazing athlete” are also

doing themselves a disservice. Once you

think your skills are tied to who you are as a person, you’ll avoid challenging them for fear they might be found wanting. This leads your talents to atrophy as you seek detours rather than facing challenges head-on.

Dr. Dweck argues that, instead of falling victim

to the pessimism and self-delusion that defines fixed mindset thinking, we need to recognize that the path to success lies in open-minded perseverance. “A person’s true potential is unknown (and unknowable),” she says. “It’s impossible to foresee what can be accomplished with years of passion, toil, and training.” Not only does “Mindset” drive this point home with well-documented experiments and studies, but it also provides a workshop to help people break free of their fixed mindset and find success.


1. What is greater than God, more evil than the devil, the poor have it, the rich need it, and if you eat it, you’ll die?

2. A fellow encountered a bear in a wasteland. Both got frightened. The fellow ran to the north, bear to the west. Suddenly the fellow stopped, aimed his gun to the south, and shot the bear.

What color was the bear?



Join Us This November to DOUBLE Your Affluent Clients® BOOT CAMP REGISTRATION IS OPEN!

Visible Authority Kevin Harrington Oct. 14–15, 2019 Hyatt Regency Pittsburgh International Airport Double Your Affluent Clients® Boot Camp Nov. 13–15, 2019 Hyatt Regency Pittsburgh International Airport Jan. 8–9, 2020 Hyatt Regency Pittsburgh International Airport Motivational Presenter Academy Jan. 9–10, 2010 Hyatt Regency Pittsburgh International Airport Double Your Affluent Clients® Boot Camp May 6–8, 2020 Hyatt Regency Pittsburgh International Airport Business Mastery Mastery Coaching (Members ONLY)

Picture this: After a three-day training event with other high-growth financial advisors, you are able to attract million-dollar clients, double your income, and increase the amount of time you spend out of the office.

It seems too good to be true, right? Well, it’s not.

Scott Keffer’s Double Your Affluent Clients® Boot Camp at the Pittsburgh Airport Hyatt in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is just the place to begin building your base of million-dollar clients while boosting your income and decreasing your anxiety about your business. From Nov. 13–15, attendees will be treated to six sessions, each one diving into strategies that create the hugely successful financial planning firm you have been dreaming about. Here are the six sessions you can expect: 1. The 7 X Factors for Creating Breakthrough Results: A road map for success is key to actually achieve that elite advisor status we know every advisor craves. 2. How to Automatically Attract Affluent Clients: Million-dollar practice secrets are out there, and they will change how you position, package, and brand your service. 3. How to Close Every Great Prospect: This is easily one of our most popular sessions, and you’ll learn how to sell yourself and your services in the fastest, most ethical way possible. 4. Charge More and Retain More Clients in ANY Economy: Finance is a finicky field, but you can create unique client engagement strategies to become the leader your business needs to thrive. 5. Motivating and Structuring Your Team For BIGGER Results: You need a team that can work for you even when you’re not in the office and still DOUBLE your productivity. 6. Creating a Profit-Pumping, Lifestyle-Friendly Business: Create a business that works for you and is fun for you. The veteran financial advisors who attend our boot camp report that they are enjoying their business more than they ever have, and that’s usually just the beginning of their tremendous transformation. If you’re still not sold, check out what Keith Thomson, CFP, says about his experience. “The decision to go to Scott Keffer’s boot camp is a no-brainer,” Keith says. “Scott helped me double my income to $1,700,000 and cut my client base by 32%. It is truly the best three days I’ve ever spent!” Don’t wait any longer to transform your business. Learn more and register for our November Boot Camp at Spots fill fast, so don’t wait!


(800) 281-1575

BIG IMPACT® ADVISOR SUCCESS Chad Disbennett Triples Revenue After Taking the Plunge With Scott Keffer









1 Executive Assistant

Executive Assistant Administrative Jr. Advisor


What’s your BIG IMPACT ® ?

I have several BIG IMPACTS I’m trying to accomplish. I want to provide for my family, create an awesome work environment for my team, provide for my team, and found a legacy business that my children can one day take over. I also want to show those in our community how to pass things on to their families in the most efficient way. I want to create charitable funds to help kids in my hometown get a step up in life by getting a quality education that they may not have been able to afford on their own. I want to teach other advisors how to get out of their own way and make a huge difference in the lives of their clients by doing the “right” things for them. I was both a collegian and professional athlete in the past, and I’ve had a lot of coaches over the years who have helped shape the person I am today. However, I never had a true coach that I could count on to give me the direction and guidance that I needed to succeed in business — that is until I met Scott Keffer. Scott has provided me with a customized plan to help me grow my team, marketing, business, and revenue. The biggest compliment I can ever give to Scott, though, is he changed the way I think about both my business and my life. Scott is by far the best coach I have ever had, and I’ve learned more from him than any other coach I’ve ever had. At the risk of sounding commercial, I will tell you that if you invest in Scott Keffer, it will be the best investment of your life. I’m very thankful to have found him, and he has forever changed my life for the better. Scott, I can’t tell you enough how much I appreciate you. You’ve had a profound impact on me, and I will forever be grateful. What would you tell other advisors about Scott?




Name: Chad Disbennett, CFP

Location: Lancaster, Ohio

How many years were you in business when you met Scott?

I was in the business six years when I started working with Scott in 2015.

How did you meet Scott?

I saw Scott speak at a Financial Independence Group (FIG) conference in 2011, but I didn’t start working with him until 2015. ( Editor’s Note : He waited for years to take action and come to our boot camp! You snooze, you lose.) What’s been the biggest benefit of working together with Scott Keffer? Scott builds completely customized plans for each and every advisor he works with. He is able to see a future his clients might not be able to see for themselves and helps them chart a path to a bigger, brighter, and better tomorrow. His perspective and coaching have helped me to realize a better future far quicker than I could have achieved on my own.

What has been your main driver for new clients?

It has been the Seminar Money Machine.



AUTHORITY CONNECTION ‘Shark Tank’s’ Original Shark, Kevin Harrington, Partners With Scott Keffer

When you meet a new prospect, they are most often leaning toward distrust. One of the most effective ways to tip the scales in your favor is through Credibility Stacking. The Credibility Staircase® Principle is this: The one with the most credibility WINS! When our clients learn about The Credibility Staircase®, one of the more intimidating yet powerful stairs is the "visible authority connection." Making a connection with a visible authority to grow your business can be daunting, but when done effectively, it gives you an edge with prospects … and with your clients. One of Scott Keffer’s closest visible authority connections is Kevin Harrington, original Shark on ABC TV’s international megahit "Shark Tank." Kevin’s entrepreneurial spirit was evident from a young age. He grew up in a blue-collar family, and his first foray into entrepreneurship was selling newspapers on the street. By the time he was a teenager, he was selling expensive baby chairs door-to-door. With guidance from other entrepreneurs, Kevin boasted his first million-dollar company by his first year of college. After noticing the dead air on the Discovery Channel after normal broadcasting hours, Kevin went on to invent the infomercial and would later coin the phrase, “but wait, there’s more.” Since its inception, the infomercial has brought memorable household products to millions of people across the globe, including The Food Saver He would only continue to climb from there.

and Ginsu Knives — both products Kevin has played a role in marketing to the masses. He partnered with celebrities like Kim Kardashian, George Foreman, Montel Williams, and Billy Mays to sell billions of dollars worth of products. (It’s safe to say he’s mastered the visible authority connection!) Today, Kevin has launched over 500 products that generated more than $5 billion in sales in more than 100 countries. His influence and celebrity landed him a spot on the hit ABC and CNBC show "Shark Tank," where he invested in promising, life-changing products. Kevin Harrington is the original Shark. Scott offers a number of credibility stacking programs with Kevin, including a video interview where advisors are interviewed by Kevin, and the upcoming book, “Build Wealth Like A Shark.” These are designed so that advisors can enjoy

the credibility boost that comes from a connection with a visible authority like Kevin. Kevin and Scott have formed a strong, unique bond, and Kevin has personally witnessed the power of Scott’s coaching and lessons. “If you’ve coached with Scott, you know he’s one of the leading coaches in North America, and Scott shows financial advisors how to double, quadruple, and even decuple their business,” Kevin says. “Having worked with Scott, I can tell you he’s the real deal.” Learn more about how you can utilize Kevin’s influence and the power of authorities just like him to stack your credibility by visiting


(800) 281-1575


Question: Am I the only one not getting million-dollar referrals? Scott’s Answer: You can’t get enough qualified referrals to grow your business! Client referrals are dead. I used to sit at the industry meetings and watch as they paraded advisors across the stage who were killing it. I would hear them proclaim, “We grow our business on referrals. They just pour in,” and wonder why I wasn’t receiving a ton of qualified referrals. “Am I the only one?” I wondered. It wasn’t until I began helping advisors attract million-dollar clients that I found the answer. They were lying. Client referrals are off 90.5% since 2008, according to Financial Advisor magazine. A warm prospect is teed up by a client referral or an introduction from an attorney or an accountant. Within that group, there are some who are hot prospects. They have external or internal urgency. Hot prospects have already decided to take action to change advisors. It’s only a matter of whether they are going to work with you or not. They ask questions like, “How do you work? How much do you charge? What’s your process?” Those are all questions from somebody who’s already decided to buy.

Research says that prospects who have already decided to buy make up around 3% — that’s it. Do the math. Only 3% are looking to buy, and referrals are off 90.5%. I didn’t understand why I was getting very few introductions from attorneys and accountants whom I had sent quite a bit of business until … I was hired to teach attorneys at the National Network of Estate Planning Attorneys how to attract million-dollar clients. They are taught to get new clients from financial advisors, which is why they have few, if any, qualified prospects. Most, if not all, of their new qualified clients come from financial advisors like you. You are not the only one. You can’t get enough warm or hot prospects to grow your business. The gold is in the cold . Here are the three keys: 1. Crank Your Credibility — credibility stacking, not credentials. 2. Control Your Prospect Flow — action attraction, not image marketing. 3. Convert the Heart, not the Head — focus on problems, not products. The No. 1 action attraction is still a proven seminar. Listen to Bill McLaughlin from Wall, New Jersey, a 32- year veteran: “Using Scott’s Seminar Money Machine, I’m getting a steady stream of $2–$5 million dollar prospects who are becoming clients. I even got my biggest client ever, worth over $50 million.” To learn more, go to Imagine being able to attract million-dollar clients on demand — as many as you can handle. Send your questions to [email protected] for a chance to have your questions answered in this publication!