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Board Retreat Packet 02-26-2022

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Board Retreat Packet 02-26-2022


Albany Country Club Board of Governors Meeting Saturday, February 26, 2022 Agenda

• President’s Welcome

Jim Harris

9:00 – 9:30 a.m.

o 2022 Board Objectives, Governance, and Committees

• Administrative

Jim Harris

o Approve December Board Meeting Minutes o 2022 Board Meeting Schedule pg. 7 o 2022 Nominating Committee Results – Board appoints one more member to committee o 2022 Board of Governor’s Contact Information pg. 8 o 2022 Committees and Meeting Schedule pg. 9 – 11 • General Manager’s Report Rocky Staples pg. 12 – 13 o Update Winter/Pre-Opening Projects o Update Employee Handbook o Sexual Harassment Classes for All Employees o Enforcement of Dress Code * Action (Voting) Items  Abbreviated Committee Reports: 9:30 – 10:30 a.m.  Finance Committee Report Dave Suozzo pg. 14 – 28 • 2021 Year End Report • January Financials • ERC Update  Capital Expenditures Rocky Staples 1) New 5Hp Floating Decorative Fountain Pump for Irrigation Pond on Hole #8 ($11,524) * pg. 29 2) Renovation Platform Tennis Complex ($15,000.) * pg. 30 3) Design Fess for Golf Course Architect ($20,000.) * pg. 4 - 6

 Membership Committee Report

Adam Neary pg. 32 – 52

• Secretary Report * • Membership Report


 Golf Committee Report

John Sica

pg. 53 – 101

• 2022 Tournament Schedule • Pull Carts * • Premier Pricing Plan – Should we continue in 2022? *

pg. 97 – 100

• Prepay Gratuities for Outside Cart Staff

pg. 101

 Green Committee Report

Mark Fleck pg. 102 – 113

• 2022 Renovation Update on Golf Course • Architect Selection ($20,000) * • Additional Cart Path Work - $100,000 approximately to make golf course navigable during heavy rains • Action Plan – golf course maintenance - $300,000 to complete entire golf course with asphalt • Purchase Pump for Fountain Irrigation Pond ($11,524) *  House Committee Report Christine Caputo Granich • Ladies’ Locker Room Improvements • In Men’s Locker Room  Facilities Sub-Committee Report Terry Seery pg. 114 • Priority List • Chiller Update • Paint 19 th Hole walls white • Install Large Screen TV • Berkshire Room Burst Pipe Update  Family/Pool/Tennis Report Rocky Staples for Jen Bergeron Pg. 115 – 122 • Asphalt Surfacing of Courts 4 & 5 at Tennis (approximately $110,000 - $125,000)

 Governance and Handbook Committee Report Jeff Buley

pg. 123 – 164


10:30 – 10:45 a.m.

Part II – Strategic Planning

10:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Pg. 165 - 193 Jim Harris for Tom Cullinan

Land Sale Discussion


• Revised Site Plan • Zoning Update with Town of Guilderland • Sale of Parcel to Member (Charlie Carrow) House Sale Discussion

Rocky Staples

• Wormer Road House • Grant Hill Road House

Membership Discussion

Adam Neary pg. 168 - 184

• Reinstatement of Initiation Fees • Phasing Out Incentives • Reduction of the number of Membership Categories • Simplifying the Dues Structure

• Membership Retention • Leave of Absence Policy

Part III – Strategic Planning – Financial

Dave Suozzo and Jim Harris

• 8-year Financial Recap

pg. 185 – 188 pg. 189 - 190

• Current Debt • Cash Flow • ERC and PPP

pg. 191 pg. 192

 What are the Club’s plans for these funds?

• Capital Fund Balance Projections

pg. 193

• Advertising on Carts – source of funding for PPP

Old Business

New Business

Executive Session

Next Regular Board Meeting – Thursday, March 24, 2022, at 6:00 p.m.


Board of Governors Meeting Minutes Thursday, December 9, 2021

The regular December board meeting was held on Thursday, December 9, 2021, at the club. Minutes of the meeting were taken by Sandra Chabot via recorded Zoom meeting. Officers and Governors present were Harris, Neary, Suozzo, Caputo Granich, Bryant, Buley, Cullinan, Fisk, Lozano, Morison, Seery, and Sica in-person. Dr. Fleck joined meeting by Zoom. Mr. Harris began the meeting with a welcome to all in attendance and announced that Mr. Cullinan, after 14 years would be retiring from the board. Chris Levy will take Mr. Cullinan place starting in January. Motion was made by Mr. Lozano, seconded by Mr. Suozzo to approve minutes from November 18, 2021, Board of Governors meeting. All in favor to approve minutes with the amendment that Dr, Fleck was the only Board member at the meeting via Zoom. Rocky updated the Board on that Glenn has spoken with Michael Keefrider concerning Wayne and his retirement. Wayne is working coat check during the holidays so a springtime reception will be organized. Andrew will be coming back in the Spring. Joel will be back, starting in May. Glenn is looking to hire someone for Schuyler’s position starting April 1 st . There was an emergency problem with the fire and suppression system on the north half of the building. The cost to fix will be $10,287. Rocky was in contact with Mr. Harris, Mr. Suozzo, Mr. Seery, and Mrs. Caputo Granich for emergency approval. Funding has gone through for the LED lighting. They will begin to ship lights and once we have received them, they will begin to replace all the lighting. Mrs. Caputo Granich was concerned about the lighting and wants to make sure before installation that the lighting is not too bright. Rocky will check on this before lighting is installed. Mr. Cullinan updated the Board on the land sale. An updated site plan was included to show the reduction in townhouse from 245 to 235 and moving them away from pool boundary. This has no impact on sale price. The plan had been to use existing power source at Weatherfield, but National Grid has said that the existing source could only support less than 100 homes. National Grid said they would have to run power from the Altamont Substation at a cost of $250/ft. looking at a cost of $3M. With this and the other changes with the town, all in with the infrastructure cost will be close to $16M. Effectively, if they can’t get National Grid to agree to a more reasonable price, the project will not work. Mr. Cullinan will update the board with any progress. Mr. Cullinan recommended to the board, adding more member to the Real Estate Committee so there are more people that know what is going on with the land sale. It was agreed that Mr. Cullinan would stay as chairperson of the committee and more members would be added.


Mr. Suozzo reported for the Finance Committee that the financials look good even with expenses being higher this year. The ERC has not been received but is on the balance sheet as a receivable. Hopefully the ERC money will be received within the next six months. It was also noted that for the first time, at the end of this year, the club would have 100% of prepaid dues in a separate bank account obligated towards 2022 expenses. It was also not necessary to draw on the line of credit this year. Operating the capital reserves will be discussed at the retreat in February along with discussions of putting in place a policy that constrains future board’s spending. Mr. Neary reported for the Membership Committee that there were two applications in the packet that had passed through the committee, Jordon Heffler, Jr. Golf Individual (41 – 45), and the reinstatement of J. David Brown, Golf Individual/Spouse House. Mr. Neary made a motion to approve the membership of Jordon Heffler, seconded by Dr. Fisk, and was approved unanimously. Mr. Neary made a motion to approve the reinstatement of J. David Brown, seconded by Mrs. Caputo Granich, and was approved unanimously. Mr. Neary and the committee will be making a recommendation on the new member incentive program for 2022. They are discussing discounting only golf member categories with a three-year commitment. If new members do not want to commit to three-years, they would also be expected to pay an initiation fee. The discounts would not be given to House, Pool, Tennis, or Social categories. Dr. Fleck reported for the Green Committee that the committee had not met but the Renovation sub-committee had met to review the three proposals that had come through from the three golf course architects. The committee decided to not to go any further with John Harvey mostly since he is located in Michigan. They will schedule presentations with the remaining two architects in January. Mrs. Caputo Granich reported for the House Committee that there had been items purchased for the locker room to make improvements. Mr. Seery updated the board on the RFP that was drafted by Russ Danforth for the specific plan to replace the chiller. It was recommended that the RFP be sent out to get bids in a couple of weeks. It would be 10 – 12 weeks to get the equipment. There will need to be a membership vote to approve the spending. Motion was made to approve the 2021 Deferred Compensation at a total of $23,850, which is 5% of annual salary for Glenn Davis, Kim Aperance, Marcus Prosser, and Jennifer Reohr. Motion made by Mr. Suozzo, seconded by Mrs. Caputo Granich, approved unanimously. Under new business, the Board Retreat will be held Saturday, February 26, 2022. Governor Cullinan made the motion, seconded by Governor Buley to approve the 2022 slate of officers. Motion Passed President: Jim Harris, Jr. Vice President: Adam Neary Secretary: Christine Caputo Granich


Treasurer: David Suozzo

There being no further business, meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by, Sandra Chabot


The following are the dates of the 2022 Albany Country Club Board of Governors Meeting Schedule. The Executive Committee meets at 5:15 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. with the full board convening at 6:00 p.m.

Saturday, February 26 - Retreat Thursday, March 24 Thursday, April 28

Thursday, May 26 Thursday, June 23 Thursday, July 28 Thursday, August 25 Thursday, September 22 Wednesday, October 5, 2022 – Annual Membership Meeting Thursday, October 27 Thursday, November 17 Thursday, December 8 Thursday, December 15 – Board Turnover Dinner

2022 Nominating Committee Results: The Nominating Committee will consist of a minimum of five (5) members voted by the general membership at the Annual meeting and chaired by the immediate Past President. The Board of Governor's may nominate one member at large to the Committee.

Peter Fisk, Past President, Chairperson Jim Bettini (golfing member over 60 years old) Tim Esmay (golfing member age 21 – 59) John Ten Eyck (Non-Golfing Member)


present term serving Term Ends

2022 Board Of Governors Executive Committee President - Jim Harris Jr.

Board Communication- E-mail

Work Phone

Cell Phone

Home Phone

2 2 3 2

[email protected]





Vice President - Adam Neary

[email protected]

518-867-4000X119 518-859-9894


Secretary - Christine Caputo Granich


[email protected]




Treasurer - Dave Suozzo

[email protected]




Past President - Dr. Peter Fisk

[email protected]



Board of Governors Bryant, Jeff

1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1

[email protected]

518-439-1141X103 518-365-8630



Buley, Jeff

[email protected]



Fleck, Mark

[email protected]




Levy, Chris

[email protected]




Lozano, Jim

[email protected]




Morison, Trevor

[email protected]





Seery, Terry

[email protected]





Sica, John

[email protected]








Wednesday, March 9 Thursday, March 10 Wednesday, March 16 Thursday, March 17 Wednesday, April 13 Thursday, April 14 Wednesday, April 20 Thursday, April 21 Wednesday, May 11 Thursday, May 12 Wednesday, May 18 Thursday, May 19 Wednesday, June 8 Thursday, June 9 Wednesday, June 15 Thursday, June 17 Wednesday, July 6 ? Thursday, July 7 ? Wednesday, July 20 Thursday, July 21 Wednesday, August 10 Thursday, August 11 Wednesday, August 17 Thursday, August 18 Wednesday, September 7 Thursday, September 8 Wednesday, September 14 Thursday, September 15 Wednesday, October 12 Thursday, October 13 Wednesday, October 19 Thursday, October 20 Wednesday, November 9 Thursday, November 10 Wednesday, December

Green Committee Golf Committee Finance Committee House Committee Green Committee Golf Committee Finance Committee House Committee Green Committee Golf Committee Finance Committee House Committee Green Committee Golf Committee Finance Committee House Committee Green Committee Golf Committee Finance Committee House Committee Green Committee Golf Committee Finance Committee House Committee Green Committee Golf Committee Finance Committee House Committee Green Committee Golf Committee Finance Committee House Committee Finance Committee House Committee Finance Committee

6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m.


Executive Committee

James Harris, Jr., President David Suozzo, Treasurer Dr. Peter Fisk, Past President

Adam Neary, Vice President

Christine Caputo Granich, Secretary

Board of Governors

James Harris, Jr., President David Suozzo, Treasurer

Adam Neary, Vice President

Christine Caputo Granich, Secretary

Jeff Bryant Mark Fleck Jim Lozano Terry Seery

Jeff Buley Chris Levy

Trevor Morison

John Sica

Peter Fisk, Past President

House Committee – Christine Caputo Granich, chairperson

Barbara Brown Lorraine D’Aleo Katie Hohman Kevin Heelan

Tara Cristalli Shelley Gilroy Edie McHugh Mary Sullivan Michael Keefrider

David Rubin Terry Seery

Sara-Becca Smith, Membership Director Rocky Staples, General Manager

Kimberly Aperance, Assistant GM

Membership Committee – Adam Neary, chairperson

Patrick Bergeron

Jeff Bryant

Lori Harris

Catherine Hedgeman

Carol Huber-Nerses

Tim Kremer

Dave Mazzotta Trevor Morison

Jonathan Melius Kevin Seymour

Sara-Becca Smith, Membership Director

Rocky Staples, General Manager

Green Committee – Mark Fleck, chairperson

Ryan Banagan

Jeff Connelly

Chris Levy

John Sica

Marcus Prosser, Golf Course Superintendent

Glenn Davis, Director of Golf

Rocky Staples, General Manager


Golf Committee – Stephanie Suozzo, chairperson

Jeff Buley

John Cave Jim Bettini Will Preston Janet Sidford Matt Stefanik

Jeremy Bourdeau

John Knight

Patti Rowlands

John Sica

Jason Vincent

Glenn Davis, Director of Golf

Rocky Staples, General Manager

Family Committee – Jennifer Bergeron, chairperson

Molly Breslin

Mary Colwell Trevor Morison Lauren O’Hare

Lindsey Mazzotta Carolyn Neary

Shannon O’Sullivan, Director of Tennis Lori Blosser, Director of Camp Rocky Staples, General Manager

Eliana Wallock, Director of Aquatics Glenn Davis, Director of Golf

Finance Committee – Dave Suozzo, chairperson

Dan Ciampino Jim Lozano Ron Romano

Chris Levy

Dave Mazzotta

Jennifer Reohr, Controller

Rocky Staples, General Manager

Ad Hoc Committees Strategic Planning – Jim Harris, Jr.

Peter Fisk

Andrew Gerdeman Stephanie Suozzo

Ross Runfola John D’Aleo

Jim Bettini

Legal Committee

Bill Young

Christine Caputo Granich

Real Estate

Robert Blackman

Tom Cullinan


General Manager’s Report February 26, 2022


• Golf Shop:

o Andrew Daily will start April 1 st o Joel Aptaker will start May 1 st o Glenn is looking to fill Schuyler’s position beginning the first of April. • Locker Room: o Bob MacNary will be heading up our locker room this year. He will be working 40 hour per week in this position. • Outside Cart Attendants: o majority of our college students will be returning this year after school gets out for the summer. Glenn is looking for one full timer to work carts in April, May, September and October. • Food and Beverage Service: o Majority of last year’s ala carte and banquet service staff will be returning o Kitchen: We are h opeful 2022 will not be as challenging as 2020 and 2021 was for culinary positions. • Golf Course Maintenance: o We could have the greatest challenge in filling these positions this year. We might have to reevaluate proposed starting hourly pay for these positions


1. Fire Sprinkler System – replacement of the sprinkler system has been completed and funded 2. Broken Sprinkler Head – this has been fixed and we anticipate being fully reimbursed by our A/C Company (Alltek’s) insurance carrier for the damages, loss of business, and potential damage to ballroom carpet (will reevaluate this in May – June to see if the carpet is ruined) 3. Chiller – has been ordered and we anticipate completion of project to be April - May 4. Roof – We are still awaiting the repair of the flat section of the roof that is located over the clubhouse common areas (surrounded by the ornamental white fencing) has a couple of bad sections. Our roofer will repair and replace these sections. Estimated cost $2,000 and a two-day project.


Food and Beverage:

• Banquet Business

1. Currently we have 22 weddings and large parties booked for 2022. 2. SEFCU is returning with their large employee party (1500+ people) on Tuesday, July 5 th , approximately $60,000 in revenue 3. 17 Monday Outings and 2 Friday Golf Outings booked • A la Carte 1. We opened last week on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights with our new limited menu. After April 1 st we will start with our “full” menu. Appropriate price increases have been made to both our ala carte and banquet menus. Chef and Kim will continue to monitor price increases on a weekly basis and the appropriate menu price adjustments will be made to offset the price increases. Golf: 1. 2022 Tournament Schedule has been finalized 2. We have streamlined this year’s tournament schedule so that the men’s and women's events are aligned properly on the calendar 3. Established a Women’s Guest Day and it will be independent of league play 4. Total refurbishment of the golf course restrooms on Hole # 6 will be completed prior to the start of the season. Sprucing up of the restrooms on #15 will also be completed prior to start of season • Winter projects: 1. Repainting and refurbishing tee markers, benches, cups, trashcans, etc. 2. Mowed down the cattails in front of 11 th Tee 3. Cut down diseased trees as warranted. This was handled by our staff 4. Performed needed preventative maintenance on all mowers, equipment, etc. Platform Tennis: 1. Have held two very successful events so far. We have two more scheduled, March 4 th and March 11 th . Members Carol Huber and Kate Brochu have been extremely helpful in the organization of these events 2. Subject to Board approval, we are planning on refurbishing the facility in July at a cost of approximately $15,000. Golf Course:


















QMS Quote # Quote Date:


Inquiry Date: Prices Subject to Change

Prices Subject to Change

Estimated Delivery: Terms: F.O.B.


Shipped Via:


Height of Cut:

Purchase Order # If Needed

Albany Country Club

To: Customer Name:

Ship to Zip Code


300 Wormer Rd


Quoted By:

Voorheesville, NY 12186

City State Zip


Brett Belden

Marc Prosser


Cell Phone




[email protected]

Email Contact

In Response to your inquiry, we submit the following Quotation

Sugg. Retail Price

Qty Model Number Description

Unit Price Quoted


1 01-0015-436 5HP 3 Phase, 460 Motor 1 18-0081 Sunburst Pattern for 5hp







225 34-0003 8/4 3 Phase Cable




1 11-1700 Power Control Center Fiberglass

$498.87 $144.35

$498.87 $144.35

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Delivery Contact Name Delivery Contact Phone Number




PO Needed



Toro Protection + Trade Ins

Due to the global supply chain, lead times may be substantially longer than normal. Grassland will strive to deliver products in a timely manner, but cannot guarantee lead times. Product pricing for this quote is based off of current manufactures list pricing, which may change prior to delivery. Grassland agrees to maintain the quoted discount percentages in the event MSRP increases. You will be notified of any price changes prior to delivery and may cancel the order without penalty at that time.

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Set Up

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Customer Acceptance


Loyalty Discount: -$875.00 10% contingency: $1,064.97 New Total: $11,714.62




Membership Committee


January and February, 2022 MEMBERSHIP REPORT


New Members: Sam Norman and Todd Friebel

Social Couple

Frank and Linda Gariboldi

Pool Family

Proposed New Members: Rhonda and Conor Bambrick

Jr. Golf Family (41 - 45) - 3 year incentive

Reinstatement: Buddy and Heidi Glazer

Golf Couple

Membership Changes: John Bagyi

Pool Family to Social Family

Benjamin & Heidi Rung

Jr. Pool Family to Pool Family (Feb. 2022)

Paul & Donna Hughes

Golf Couple to Sr. Golf Couple (Feb. 2022)

Samuel & Molly Breslin

Jr. Golf Family (36-40) to Jr. Golf Family (41-45)

Resignation: Kevin Bergeron

Jr. Golf Individual (41 - 45)

Matthew Ryan

Pool Individual

Phil and Katie Iovieno

Tennis Family

Dr. Rebecca Keim

Jr. Pool Family

Mary Jane Ellis

Golf Individual

Matthew Wood

Jr. Golf Individual (31 - 35)

Michael Lia, Jr.

Jr. Golf Individual (21 - 25)

Mark Lentini

Out-of-Season Individual

Nico Caridi

Jr. Golf Individual (31 - 35)


Membership Report Totals

Category name Coporate Access




1 0

1 0

1 0

Coporate Access Plus

Golf Couple Golf Family

25 16 34

24 15 34 10 36

25 14 34 10 36

Golf Ind./Family House Golf Ind./Spouse House


Golf Individual House Couple


1 1 6 7 1 6 9 2 4 9 6 2 0 4 2 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 1 2 4 1 1 2 7 7 7 8 4 5

1 1 5 7 0 7 2 4 8 5 4 0 4 2 0 1 1 1 0 1 2 1 2 4 1 1 2 7 6 7 7 4 7

1 1 5 7 0 7 9 0 4 8 5 3 0 4 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 4 1 0 2 8 6 6 5 3 8

House Individual (NV)

House Family

Jr. All-But-Golf Family Jr. All-But-Golf Individual Jr. Golf Family (31 - 35) Jr. Golf Family (36 - 40) Jr. Golf Family (41 - 45) Jr. Golf Individual (21 - 25) Jr. Golf Individual (26 - 30) Jr. Golf Individual (31 - 35) Jr. Golf Individual (36 - 40) Jr. Golf Individual (41 - 45) Jr. Pool Family (NV)

10 14






Jr. Pool Individual Jr. Social Family

Jr. Social Individual/Couple Jr. Tennis Couple/Family Non-Golf Privilege (10 - 18) Non-Resident Jr. Family (36-40) Non-Resident Jr. Family (41-45) Non-Resident Jr. Indivdiual Non-Resident Sr. Individual (50%) Non-Resident Sr. Individual (66%) Non-Resident Sr. Couple (50%) Non-Resident Sr. Couple (66%) Non-Resident Sr. Golf/Spouse H (66%) Non-Resident/Ind.

Out-of-Season Individual

Pool Couple Pool Family Pool Individual Privilege (10 - 18)

Privilege (19 - 27 in college) Privilege (19 - 27 not in college)

Social Family (NV) Social Individual/Couple

29 10 18 11

29 10 18 11

29 11 18 11

Sr. Golf Couple Sr. Golf Individual

Sr. Golf/Spouse House

Sr. Life/Golf Individual/Couple (50 yrs.)

3 1 1 2 4 1 1 0 2 7 2 2 1 1

3 1 1 4 4 1 1 0 2 7 2 1 2 1

3 1 0 4 4 1 1 0 2 7 2 1 2 1

Tennis Couple (NV)

Tennis Family

Tennis Individual (NV)

V - Honorary

V - House Couple V - Pool Couple V - Pool Family V - Social Life Widow (under 74) Widow (75 - 84) Widow (85 - 94) Widow (six months)

V - Social Individual/Couple





D IRECTOR OF M EMBERSHIP R EPORT Board of Governors Retreat February 26, 2022

Since December’s report: - Continue to send letters to new homeowners within specific zip codes surrounding the club - Sent a 200-piece mailing to prospects from 2020 and 2021 - Participated in the website launch and training - Wrote and set up membership specific pages on the website - Assisted with the membership meeting and vote, including writing the emails and running the poll - Worked with the Northeast Chapter President of the Professional Club Marketing Association to host the June chapter meeting at ACC - Refreshed all membership brochures, applications, and marketing materials for 2022 - Updated all materials to include the 2022 incentive - Researched and wrote initiation fee report - Worked with new members to write up short introductions to be added to the newsletter and website - Contacted individuals who contacted the club with interest in membership or who were referred by a member - Continued to work on the women’s locker room improvements, including arranging for the construction of laundry bin liners and stall curtains - Sought out professional development focused on best practices and analytics - Worked with members and staff to arrange platform tennis events - Assisted with the selection and ordering of the new pool furniture - Reached out the various area Chambers of Commerce to introduce myself, offer silent auction donations and tour the club

30-Day Objectives: - Connecting with recent leads and member referrals - Continue expanding my network and develop new community connections - Continue attending both formal and informal member activities - Seek out networking opportunities and events Plan for the remainder of 2022 - Continue getting acquainted with the membership and reaching out to past members - Attending community and member events - Revisit resigned member files and cold leads

Applications and Interest tracker– attached