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Body Moksha Physical Therapy June 2017

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Body Moksha Physical Therapy August 2017

Monthly Moksha - Liberation - Body Moksha - Liberation of Movement FROM THE DESK OF Dr. Ramaiya Dear

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Elite Physical Therapy June 2017 Edition

summerreading). Chuck E. Cheese will give any child 10 free tokens if they read every day and record

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Professional Physical Therapy - October 2017

Professional Physical Therapy - October 2017 OCTOBER 2017 620 Old West Central Street, Franklin, MA

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Advance Physical Therapy November 2017

Advance Physical Therapy November 2017 THE MONTHLY ADVANCE 9362 W. Overland Rd., Boise, Idaho 83709

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Professional Physical Therapy - July 2017

plan to address the cause of the problem. THIS OFFER EXPIRES AUGUST 31, SO DON’T WAIT! www.ProPTinc.

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Gilbert Physical Therapy November 2017

Gilbert Physical Therapy November 2017 717-591-0955 November 2017 The Gilbert Gaze

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Advance Physical Therapy December 2017

star-cookies. Advance: To move forward; to make progress; to move ahead. 9362 W. Overland Rd Boise,

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Gilbert Physical Therapy October 2017

2 cups frozen bell pepper stir-fry • • • • 2 cups water DIRECTIONS 1. Heat a large saucepan

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Gilbert Physical Therapy September 2017

Gilbert Physical Therapy September 2017 717-591-0955 September 2017 The Gilbert Ga

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OPTM Physical Therapy - October 2017

OPTM Physical Therapy - October 2017 Monthly Luchadores and Superheroes and Gene Simmons — Oh My! OP

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Body Moksha Physical Therapy June 2017

www. bodymoksha. com Phone : 973-310-2678

JUNE 2017

“We help peopl e of a l l age s to be ac t ive and hea lt hy to par t i c ipate in ac t iv it i e s t hat t hey enj oy and compe te in wit hout med i cat i on or surge r y.” The /MōkSH / Monthly Moksha - Liberation - Body Moksha - Liberation of Movement

GO GREEN! Celebrate World Environment Day By Making Small Changes in Your Home


Dear Body Moksha Physical Therapy family,

I’m very happy and excited to introduce our monthly newsletter! My hope is that you come to look forward to receiving this

publication. You can enjoy it with your morning coffee or as a fun and easy read before bedtime. You will find valuable information regarding health, wellness, family, the outdoors, and much more. You will also find some fun new recipes to try ... feel free to bring me a taste. :-) Speaking of tasty recipes, I’m super excited about starting my own vegetable garden this year. I’ve planted tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, okra, strawberries, mint, basil, and even an icebox watermelon! Planting my own garden has not only given me the opportunity to be active and spend more time outdoors, but it has also gotten my kids more interested in healthy eating. Call me optimistic, but my hope is that this vegetable garden provides a valuable life lesson to my kids on self-sufficiency, making it a gratifying and humbling experience.

This June, World Environment Day and World Oceans Day will remind us to celebrate and appreciate Mother Earth. All month long people around the world are more conscious of behaviors that may negatively impact their planet. We are reminded to reduce, reuse, and recycle, but after these holidays pass, we often revert to our old habits. When we don’t recycle, we rely on raw materials to fuel our consumer-driven society, and rainforests are a prime source of these raw materials. Unfortunately, deforestation results in the loss of natural habitats and reduces the amount of atmospheric oxygen and moisture. The destruction of rainforests leads to a global lack of rain and more carbon dioxide in our air. Carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, is the main pollutant warming Earth. Though living things emit carbon dioxide when they breathe, carbon dioxide is widely considered to be a pollutant when the amount of carbon dioxide in the air affects our atmosphere. In the last 150 years, the burning of fossil fuels has pumped an alarming amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. In 2010, Americans produced about 250 million tons of garbage, mostly consisting of product packaging, clothing, bottles, food scraps, and newspapers. That’s about 4.3 pounds of waste per person per day, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Sadly, 54 percent is gathered in landfills, and only about 34 percent is recycled —which is double the amount recycled in 1980, according to the American Society of Civil Engineers.

I’ll keep you updated on our progress on all fronts. :-)

In health,

Most experts agree that a variety of measures need to be taken to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the air and curb climate change. On a personal level, driving and

- Dr. Tejal Ramaiya

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Cover story, continued ...

flying less, recycling, and conservation all reduce your carbon footprint, or the amount of carbon dioxide you’re responsible for putting into the atmosphere. When faced with facts like these, and all of the publicity surrounding World Environment Day andWorld Oceans Day, it’s easy to see the need for extensive change. That’s exactly what motivated 19-year-old Boyan Slat to create The Ocean Cleanup Foundation. While still in school, Slat launched a project that analyzed the size and amount of plastic particles in the ocean’s garbage patches. His paper won several prizes, including Best Technical Design 2012 at the Delft University of Technology. In 2013, Slat and The Ocean Cleanup Foundation implemented a plan to remove 7,250,000 tons of plastic waste from the world’s oceans. Slat designed an anchored network of floating booms and processing platforms that can be dispatched to garbage

patches around the world. Instead of moving through the ocean, the equipment spans the radius of a garbage patch, acting like a giant funnel. The angle of the booms forces plastic in the direction of the platforms, where it is separated from plankton, filtered, and stored for recycling. Though the ocean cleanup is expected to take up to five years, you can start making a conscious effort to go green at home right now. It can be hard to get the whole family on board when you don’t have time to drive less or the budget for organic produce. But there are real-world small steps you and your family can take to limit the amount of trash that your family sends to the landfill. Instead of rinsing and reusing plastic bags for leftovers or school lunches, create less waste by packing food in washable plastic containers. Instead of giving up juice boxes and individually wrapped snacks, save the prepackaged foods for lunch boxes, picnics, or times when you’re on the go. Instead of trading in your SUV for a hybrid car, help

reduce greenhouse gases by keeping your car tuned up. If you use the proper grade of motor oil, keep your tires properly inflated, and replace your air filter frequently, you can increase your miles per gallon by up to 15 percent, according to the US Department of Energy. Though far-reaching, environmentally- friendly projects like Slat’s may be out of the question for your family, there are always things you can do to shrink your carbon footprint and reduce the amount of waste that comes out of your house. Let the month of June be an inspiration to you — and talk to your family about loving Mother Earth and going green!

Most Underrated Hikes FromCoast to Coast

CONECUH TRAIL Alabama’s Conecuh Trail is a gentle 22-mile path that meanders through a remote section of forest near the Alabama-Florida border. The trail takes hikers past multiple ponds, creeks, and a spring. Keep your eyes peeled for woodpeckers, gopher frogs, and armadillos. OCEAN PATH The Ocean Path trail begins at Sand Beach in Acadia National Park about 3 hours from Portland, Maine. The trail takes hikers along the eastern shore of Mount Desert Island for about 2 miles until it arrives at Otter Cliff. Listen for Thunder Hole, an underwater cave that mimics the sound of thunder when waves force air out of the cave. When planning your summer activities, consider adding new hikes to the itinerary. There are many underrated trails across the United States — don’t be afraid to discover them all!

It’s summer, and your list of fun backpacking locations is looking slim and dull. Long days, good weather, and vacation time give you a great excuse to travel and cross some trails off your list, but you’re not sure where you should go. Here are some of the most underrated trails from coast to coast to add to — and cross off — your list! HIKE TO ALAMERE FALLS The hike to Alamere Falls on the Palomarin Trailhead near San Francisco, California, is an 8 ½-mile trail. Starting at the Palomarin Trailhead, hop on the Coast Trail and head toward the falls. The trail becomes narrow and steep when you reach the coast, but the tidal falls is only a short way down the beach. LOWER ROCK CREEK TRAIL Lower Rock Creek Trail is located in Mark Twain National Forest near Fredericktown, Missouri. The trail is 6 miles and features a beautiful waterfall. The trail offers a number of activity options, and the tumbling creek and high bluffs make this a beautifully untouched area with rugged and remote areas for camping.

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To dedicated athletes, the thought of laying on a beach for a week during vacation sounds absurd. So what should you do when you have to leave your workout routine behind? Luckily, there’s a workout for you. The Sore Legs, No Equipment Workout was created by Bobby Maximus, author of “Maximus Body.”While this workout is especially beneficial for endurance and strength athletes, anyone up a creek without a paddle — or in a hotel room without gym access — will find this workout helpful. Maximus’ Sore Legs, No Equipment Workout involves a series of repeated lunges and wall-sits. Not only will this give you more stamina during a long run or ride, but you’ll also get rid of aches and pains. Even if you don’t have issues running now, you’ll prevent these issues down the road thanks to this workout. Most strength athletes find themselves in a rut because they don’t do enough repetitions. This workout solves that problem. The number of repetitions increases your lower body strength and challenges you mentally too. The Sore Legs, No Equipment Workout involves 40 alternating bodyweight lunges, followed by a 30-second wall-sit. Then, 38 alternating lunges, followed by another 30-second wall-sit. You Work Out on the Road


reduce the number of lunges by two until you are down to two alternating lunges and a 30-second wall-sit. To get the most out of this workout, it’s recommended that you make it through the workout without resting. You’ll find that a few reps into this Sore Legs, No Equipment Workout, your legs will be just that — sore. But it’s a great way to add variety into your normal workout routine and keep you at your strongest all summer long.

Take a Break


It’s officially the season of salads, and fruit salads are summer’s specialty! Enjoy this tasty dish as a side or main course. For some added protein, toss in a handful of slivered almonds or chopped pecans.


• 1 pound strawberries, thinly sliced • 3 medium peaches, thinly sliced • 1 cup blueberries • 1 heaping tablespoon fresh basil or mint, chopped

• 2 tablespoons lemon juice • 1 tablespoon maple syrup • 2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar



1. In a medium serving bowl, combine the strawberries, peaches, blueberries, and basil. 2. Drizzle lemon juice, maple syrup, and balsamic vinegar on top. 3. Gently toss to combine. 4. Serve immediately, or chill for later.

Recipe inspired by

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Phone: 973-310-2678 Hours: Monday, Wednesday -Friday 7AM-3PM Tuesday 4PM-8PM


42 Main St., 2nd Floor Madison, NJ 07940

INSIDE THIS ISSUE From the Desk of Dr. Tejal Ramaiya PAGE 1 Go Green! PAGE 1 Most Underrated Hikes From Coast to Coast PAGE 2 Work Out on the Road PAGE 3 Take a Break! PAGE 3 Sensational Summer Salad PAGE 3 Avoid the Summer Slide PAGE 4

Summer Reading Programs for Kids AVOID THE SUMMER SLIDE

Having the kids home from school can be awesome, but how do you keep them busy and mentally engaged? You might find yourself eyeing expensive summer camps or wondering about private tutors. But that’s not necessary. Instead, check out some of these great summer reading rewards programs. All these programs are free, they’ll get your kids reading, and they’ll give you some time to yourself to boot!

The local library is the best place to start. Most city libraries have great summer reading programs that will reward kids for their hard work with prizes, awards, and even free books. Libraries are also great places to get suggestions for kids, and they offer fun activities during the day and night that will foster a love of learning and reading — and lead to more ideas of what to read!

But libraries aren’t the only places that reward summer reading. National businesses also get in on the fun. Barnes & Noble will give a free book to any child who completes their summer reading triathlon journal ( summerreading). Chuck E. Cheese will give any child 10 free tokens if they read every day and record their progress on their reading calendar (chuckecheese. com). Pizza Hut will also reward young readers for filling out a passport (, and there are other companies that offer incentives. Remember, reading is about more than just learning. It’s also about keeping minds active to fight the “summer slide” that educators dread every new school year. If you want your kids to have fun, stay sharp, and win cool prizes, get them involved in summer reading!

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