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Boomers April 2022

EYOND B oomers

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Celebrating the 55+ Community of Elgin County April 2022 • Issue 30

Letter from the Editor

If you have ever thought of volunteering, but were unsure of the first step, we have several stories this month by local groups who not only want to thank their volunteers but also want to let you know what your role could look like within their organizations. If none of those speak to you, think of what you are passionate about and find something in that area. If you want to help kids; if you want to help animals; if you love gardening, the arts, music, community spirit… whatever moves you, get moving and find out how you can start helping your community today. This month, we spoke with a local who in his 60s decided to go back to school so that he could start a new career, which goes to show it is never too late to learn, and never too late to make a difference. Speaking of lending a hand, as I am sure you are aware, right now people in the Ukraine are suffering from a completely unnecessary conflict. While many are sending their thoughts to the Ukraine and the people suffering there, many local people and businesses are supporting efforts to aid those in need – from the Railway City Brewing Co. selling beer, with the profits going to aid initiatives, to businesses likeDougTarry Homes making cash donations and matching employees’ donations, to our own Port Stanley Home Hardware collecting items that are needed to be sent over to help. We ask that you consider those who have had their lives destroyed by war and help where and in whatever way you can. If you would like to donate cash directly, you can donate to and select Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Appeal.

Let me start this issue off by saying I appreciate you. I appreciate you as a reader and I appreciate you as a person. In this month’s issue of Boomers & Beyond Elgin , you will notice many local organizations giving thanks to our many wonderful volun- teers as April 24th-30th is

National Volunteer Week where as a country we thank those amazing people who give of their time to help their communities. Unfortunately, we find all too often that the burden of volunteering has been thrust upon your generations, but again I say, thank you. Volunteering can mean different things to different people; some volunteer directly with an organization such as a local food bank or school. Others prefer to join service clubs like the Lions, Optimists, Kinsmen and Kinette, SWANS, Kiwanis, and Rotary just to name a few of the amazing groups in our area. There are even those who volunteer their efforts without a group; these are the folks who go around on a Sunday and walk in the park picking up litter, or just help a neighbour with their yard or driveway. Volunteering is often a thankless job, but it is so rewarding, and without volunteers our communities just wouldn’t be the same. Again I say, THANK YOU! DO YOU NEED A


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Bill and Ben’s Excellent Adventure by Bill Denning Last summer, “Old Don” died. Don was a Cape Bretoner who came to Ontario when he was a young man looking for work. He spent most of his life in Strathroy, but never forgot about his beloved home in Glace Bay, Nova Scotia. He was friends with my great uncle, so he didn’t hesitate to request that his undertaker buddy promise to send him back east when he died. When Old Don shuffled off the mortal coil, his dying wish became our sacred duty. As we began to sort out the logistics, we ran into some problems. The first issue was that the cost of cargo flights had increased to more than the total amount in the pre-arrangement fund he had established with us twenty years earlier. The second issue was that there were no provisions made for the services of a receiving undertaker to pick up Old Don at the airport and bring him to the cemetery. And lastly, we were in the middle of a travel- disrupting pandemic. But we had to find a way. As Robert Service said in The Cremation of Sam McGee , “A promise made is a debt unpaid.” In addition to that, we had signed a guaranteed contract with Old Don, so we were obligated to fulfill his wishes, even if it meant taking a loss. Themore I thought about it, themore I realized that the only way to make this work was to drive Old Don home. With my 12-year-old son, Ben as my co-pilot and Old Don, lying in his casket, squeezed in the back of a Ford Explorer, we started our 2200 kilometre funeral procession. As we progressed eastward, Old Don, Ben and I got to visit the St. Lawrence Seaway, the Bay of Fundy, the Northumberland Strait and finally, the Atlantic Ocean. Whenwearrivedat the littlecemetery justminutes fromwhere Old Don would fish as a lad, the old man had successfully retraced the path he had taken when he left his hometown 50 years before. We were greeted by some of his east coast relatives who had asked me to come prepared to say a few words about our travelling companion. My notes remained in my pocket. Instead, I told them the story of our road trip and all the places Old Don got to visit along the way. Such is life. It’s always hard when we get to the end of the road, but if the trip was good, the memories created live

on in the people who were along for the ride. I know that my young son, Ben will never forget “Old Don” and why what we did was so important. Ben and Bill on the road with “Old Don” in the back (the blue)

Boomers and Beyond April 2022 Cover Hurrying Hard at the St. Thomas Curling Club with the Senior Men’s League. Photo by Geoff Rae

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Boomers and Beyond – Elgin • April 2022 Page 3

Volunteer of the Month Sponsored By Royal Oak Senior Living

Greg Grondin Reading is one of life’s fundamental skills, and one of the great resources for the love of reading is our local public libraries, like our amazing St. Thomas Public Library. Behind every great library is a great Board who help shape the direction of the library. The St. Thomas Public Library’s Board Chair is Greg Grondin, a former chemist, teacher and active volunteer. “I worked as an environmental chemist in the food industry with Del Monte for about six years,” says Greg. “I then went to Teachers College, in Hamilton, earned my credentials and got a job down in Springfield. That’s where I started my career as a teacher, mostly teaching special ed.” One can draw a pretty strait line on how a retired teacher started volunteering for the Library Board. However, with Greg there was a slight curve. “I got involved with friends at a library for a number of years. Then I got on the Board at the library and I have been Chair now for over 20 years.” The St. Thomas Public Library Board is made up of volunteers, and the Board will be changing with the upcoming municipal election. “To get on the Board, you have to be appointed by the city. You have to apply to the city, and you’re appointed for a four-year term, same term as for Council.” Greg pointed out that with the upcoming election this fall, he believes there will be some vacancies on the Board and would encourage those who might be interested to submit their applications to the city. “The Board oversees the finances of the library. We’re not involved in day-to-day operations -- that is what the CEO, Heather Robinson does. We only have one employee, our CEO, Heather. All other employees of the library are hers. She is responsible to us and we oversee policy direction of the library, and that sort of thing. We meet once a month, excluding the summer, and we set the strategic direction for the library, work on strategic planning – that sort of thing.” If you are interested in joining the Board,

Greg suggests you should have first and foremost, a love for reading and the library itself. Other attributes are teamwork, understanding numbers and planning; skills like marketing, networking, fundraising, are all a definite plus. Greg and his wife are avid volunteers within the community. “We do a lot of volunteer work with food insecurity, providing meals for the disadvantaged in town. Right now, we are serving a meal every Saturday night; we prepare a meal for The Nameless. We do 50 meals for the group out of our church. We will also be preparing another around Easter; we’re going to do a meal for a relatively large group of 100 people or so at that time.” Volunteering to be a Board member of the library is like any volunteer job says Greg. “It’s not a job that requires a lot of your time, but it does require some of your time.” He continues, “It is an opportunity for you to give your input and to see the library into the future.”


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Page 4 Boomers and Beyond – Elgin • April 2022

Passionate About Making a Difference in your Community? If there is one thing the pandemic has highlighted, it is the value of coming together to support the causes that make your village, city or town, home. With programs reopening, restrictions lifting and the desire to connect with others, there is a growing need for volunteerism in Elgin County. YWCA St.Thomas-Elgin is one of many opportunities to do just that. YWCA depends on the efforts of volunteers to help empower women and their families every day. Throughout the year, locals have the opportunity to contribute time and expertise within a wide range of departments, services and needs. “We simply could not do the work we do without the support of our dedicated volunteers,” explains Melissa Kempf, Communications Office Manager and Coordinator of Elgin Gleaners. “To see the faces of those receiving fresh picked fruits from volunteers, or to listen to mentors share with clients their lived-experiences of poverty is tremendously powerful and adds to the richness of the services already provided by YWCA.” Elgin Gleaners calls for volunteers each summer, just before the bountiful strawberry season begins. In 2021, this volunteer-based group, in partnership between YWCA and Southwestern Public Health, came with energy, enthusiasm and a love for the outdoors, participating in ten picks between July and November. The group’s total harvest was an astonishing 8,460 lbs of produce shared with local farm owners, volunteers and 16 service organizations/food security programs throughout Elgin County.

“Connections shop in Port Stanley was a testament to the power of volunteerism,” Kempf continues. “Each week for 14 years, our dedicated volunteers have provided customer service in our unique shop featuring artwork, clothing, fair trade pieces from across the globe. With its recent closing, we would like to share our thanks with all those who supported the shop over the years.” For a not-for-profit which relies on government funding, local fundraisers and community donations, it is vital to engage with volunteers in supporting programs and services in a variety of ways. Are you passionate about making a difference in your community? Do you love hosting events? YWCA welcomes third-party fundraisers as a way for you to show your #stthomasproud. Run a yoga class on the beach, host a golf tournament or paint night, with all or a portion of the proceeds supporting Housing Stability, Youth Independence, Poverty Interventions programs and more. If you are newly retired, have just moved to St.Thomas or are looking to connect with others, volunteering with YWCA may provide you the opportunity you are looking for. Community members are welcome to visit to learn more about Board of Directors recruitment and applications; being a poverty interventions mentor, or even working with newcomers to Canada seeking practice with

their English through Conversation Circles. For more information call 519-631-9800 or email [email protected].

THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS & SCHOOL STAFF for your continued dedication & commitment to student nutrition programs during this very challenging year. YOU TRULY MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

Call 519-207-1040 or email: [email protected] • @osnpELGIN NEW VOLUNTEERS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME

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Page 6 Boomers and Beyond – Elgin • April 2022

Value of Volunteers to Children and Family Services by Myles Proulx, Volunteer and Community Engagement Advocate for Family & Children’s Services of St Thomas and Elgin County Volunteers are beacons of connection, creating hope and well-being within our communities. Volunteers are integral to both business and community, becoming an interwoven part of the team. Even the smallest act of kindness can bring about great change. The past two years have posed a substantial challenge to our world and to the volunteer sector in particular. Studies have shown a decrease in volunteer applications and opportunities due to an assortment of variables. It is clear that our connections and social well-being have been impacted. As we move forward, it will be imperative that we connect with one another and work together to help build capacity for those in need and for our communities at large. Volunteers are a vital part of this process. ‘The best way to predict the future is to create it’ – our opportunity for action is now. Let’s make this a time to come together, connect and build a better world for the next generation. Spend some time today seeking out areas of interest or need within your community, finding ways to lend a helping hand. Many agencies are getting ready to welcome volunteers back and our new environment provides a multitude of platforms and ventures through which to serve – be it virtual, financial or in-person. If you’re a business, you can reach out to your local high school as students are eager to find volunteer opportunities.

Volunteering is a reciprocal effort, in that you often receive asmuch, if not more, than you give. At Family and Children’s Services of St Thomas and Elgin, our volunteers exemplify moving compassion into action, which drives a growing acknowledgement that we are all connected. By working together, we can build a stronger and safer community. We want to build a pool of volunteers that share our values and are ready to create the future of our community. We are seeking a diverse range of foster caregivers, drivers, mentors and room and board providers. If you are interested in being a part of our community, please contact us at 519-619-5952, or visit our website at

Make a difference at any age!

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Boomers and Beyond – Elgin • April 2022 Page 7

This Year and Every Year: Thank You Volunteers by Patience Boyd, Social Media Manager at Backus-Page House Museum The Backus-Page House is a small museum in Tyrconnell, Ontario, that runs on volunteer power. We preserve the history of Colonel Thomas Talbot, settler life, and have recently expanded to include agriculture up to the 1940s. In cooperation with the West Elgin Genealogical and Historical Committee, family history resources and new books are created. We love hosting events that bring people together. All of these things rely on community support. Our annual operations rely on volunteers. Every spring we change our feature exhibit; volunteers help us do this efficiently and safely. This year’s exhibit will show artifacts from churches that are now closed or whose buildings are gone altogether. At events, volunteers assist with everything from admission, to food prep, to tours of the House. In the archives, volunteers are helping us digitize our genealogy records. They eagerly learn our history and hear about our plans for the future. Their excitement is critical to moving the museum forward to a bright future. During the pandemic, we saw this excitement, encouragement and support on an even larger scale. We started a building project three years ago, thanks to the gracious donations of George Kimble and Theresa Cutler McPhee, to create a new space for our area’s agricultural history. Construction began around the time We would like to thank all our volunteer Crisis Responders and Board Members 613 Talbot Street, Unit 104 St. Thomas 519-631-3182 [email protected]

the pandemic shut downs started, and there were many bumps on the way to completing the work. In the spring of 2021, the appropriately named Agricultural Center was finally ready to become exhibit space.

VOLUNTEER at the Port Stanley Festival Theatre

We couldn’t do it without you! to our volunteers, past and present who have kept our theatre thriving.

Do you love theatre and the magic of live performance? Are you looking for an opportunity to contribute to your community while promoting the Arts? PortStanley FestivalTheatre 2022 HELP US CONTINUE TO MAKE GREAT THEATRE. Interested in becoming a volunteer? Please contact the Box Office Manager 519-782-4353 or email: [email protected]

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Page 8 Boomers and Beyond – Elgin • April 2022

Not only were a large number of our artifacts donated by locals, but the time put into acquisitions, transportation between buildings, construction, cleaning, and reorganizing – that all came from volunteers. Whether they came for part of a day or several times a week, everyone put their all in to help us. What a reward it was to share opening day with them on September 4, 2021 at the annual Heritage Farm Show. For every effort, we are so grateful. Community members continue to step up and support us. We held several Volunteer Orientation Days in February and March; one day programs to prepare volunteers. So far, thirty people have completed their orientation. They make Backus-Page House Museum welcoming and fun, and our staff are so excited to work with them. The Tyrconnell Heritage Society, operator of Backus- Page House Museum has been running on volunteer power for the last twenty-eight years. Their work keeps us functioning; their enthusiasm keeps us going, and their ideas help us improve our museum for visitors. To everyone who has been out, we would like to say thank you, and thank you again. We really couldn’t have made it this far without you! Would you like to join us? We welcome volunteers for special events, tours of the house and agricultural center, the West Elgin Genealogical and Historical Committee, research assistance, heritage gardens and more. Whether you volunteer once a week or once a year, your help will be appreciated. High school volunteers will receive

Community Service hours. Check out our website, https://, to learn more and apply.

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Boomers and Beyond – Elgin • April 2022 Page 9

Impacting Children’s Lives by Carolyn Johnson, Marketing and Fund Develop- ment with Big Brothers Big Sisters St. Thomas-Elgin By volunteering to be a Mentor with Big Brothers Big Sisters of St. Thomas-Elgin, one person can have a significant and profound impact on the life of a child facing adversities. “We know that nothing – nothing – has more impact in the life of a child than positive relationships,” says Barb Matthews, Executive Director of BBBS of St. Thomas Elgin. “We recruit and train adult volunteers to build and maintain supportive relationships with children. Through committed relationships, young people are provided with a foundation to thrive. Through mentoring friendships, Mentors express care and challenge growth, igniting each Mentee’s unique potential.” The St. Thomas Elgin agency serves close to 250 kids in our community through traditional Big Brothers Big Sisters matches, in-school mentoring matches, Go Girls, Game On group mentoring programs, our new Big G 55+ program, and monthly group activities for the kids on the waiting list and matches. “Our volunteers are the reason we are able to run so many successful programs for our kids” says Barb. “Our mentors help young people discover who they are, develop and practice skills to shape their own lives, and learn how to engage with and understand the world around them.” Sarah and Nicholas were matched last summer as a ‘Big and Little’ match with BBBS of St. Thomas Elgin. Sarah is a mental health worker in London who has recently joined the BBBS Board of Directors. Sarah is a strong believer that social relationships are so important for wellbeing. The past 2 years have only amplified that and so she decided to dedicate some time to theBBBSagency. This cross-gender match has enjoyed

time together going for walks, crafting, playing games, and painting their nails. Sarah says she has learned so much from Nicholas. ‘In the face of adversity he will always choose kindness. Nicholas’ patience, optimism, and generosity have truly inspired me (Sarah) to be a kinder person’. Nicholas would tell you he really enjoys the time they spend together too – the time they spend in the park chatting and especially, the visits to Shaw’s for ice cream. BBBS of St. Thomas Elgin is very thankful for all the volunteers that support their many programs but they can always use more. 40+ kids are waiting for a mentor in both the community and school-based programs. One adult can make a BIG difference and your volunteer hours will be well spent. Consider becoming a BBBSMentor today and let’s work together to solve society’s challenges, one child at a time. Call 519-633-3830 or visit to get started. Mentor Sarah is pictured with her mentee, Nicholas. They have lots of fun together going for walks, doing crafts, and eating lots of ice cream.


St. Thomas Seniors’ Centre 225 Chestnut (519) 633-2850 Thank you to all our amazing volunteers!

St. Thomas Police Services 519-631-1224

Volunteers Are the Heart of VON!

Thank you to our many wonderful volunteers. We are looking forward to whenwe canwelcome you back into our home!

250 Burwell Rd., St. Thomas 519-631-1030

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Page 10 Boomers and Beyond – Elgin • April 2022

Classic Country Music Singers

Across 3 She wore a coat of Many Colours 5 The Father of Country Music Jimmy ____ 6 The Coal Miners Daughter 9 She fell to pieces 10 Hiram Williams, but the whole world calls him this 14 She stood by her man 17 The Man in Black 18 Sang Wichita Lineman 21 Singer/Actor starred in A Star is Born opposite Babs

22 The Gambler 23 The Singing Cowboy Down 1 The Okie from Muskogee 2 Ol’ Lefty 4 Co-Hosted Hee Haw 7 The High Priest of Country Music 8 They called him “No Show” 11 _____________ Willie sang Old-Time Hobo music

12 Gave up his seat to Ritchie Vallens on American Pie Waylon _____ 13 Johnny sang of the Battle of New Orleans 15 He is just happy to be on the road again 16 Signer of Delta Dawn 17 June got engaged to Johnny at the London Gardens 19 He was the King of the Road 20 He started his day by kissing an angel good morning

Respiratory Home Services Respiratory Home Service

We provide: • Home Oxygen Therapy • CPAP / Sleep Apnea Supplies • Respiratory Equipment and Supplies 519.631.2030 x 2410 •

Respiratory Home Services

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Boomers and Beyond – Elgin • April 2022 Page 11

Never Too Old to Start a NewChallenge When I recently learned that at an age when most people are retired or retiring soon, St. Thomas’ own Richard Stewart had just graduated from his paralegal course, I had questions. So, I sat down with Richard to find out why he had decided to go down this path. To understand Richard’s desire to become a paralegal today, you have to understand where his journey has taken him. “I spent 30 years working for the Ontario government,” he says. “I worked at a psychiatric hospital, and then at a ‘forensic psych’ and then went to work at the Elgin Middlesex Detention Center, which eventually brought me to BlueWater Youth Center. I was dealing with psychiatrically challenged criminals, adult criminals, and young offenders. I feel that the skills I’ve learned over the years with people in maximum security -- psychiatric people – those skills provide me with an opportunity to ‘bring it forward’ so that I can help people in a different way. I am able to deal with people in a more understanding and humane fashion; I am not afraid of them.” Richard’s journey, working with offenders and the mentally ill started after he graduated from a Nursing Assistance program. “I worked at North Bay psychiatric hospital, then in St. Thomas. Then a friend of mine whom I knew through OPSEU said, ‘Hey, you should take your skills and come to work at the jail’. It was a lot more money: I went from a $17 an hour job at the site to a $20+ an hour job. We didn’t know we were poor, but I’ve been very blessed with the opportunity to take these programs.” After working for the government for several decades, Richard’s career was cut

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Products with the Arthritis Foundation’s Ease of Use Commendation are tested and proven to make daily tasks easier. Learn more at LIFETIME

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Page 12 Boomers and Beyond – Elgin • April 2022

Richard worked for a few more years and decided it was time to retire. While he was retired, he volunteered in the community; along with his wife Rose, they spearheaded a drive for socks for the homeless called Toasty Toes. “I’ve been involved with the Mankind Project, which is also a non- profit organization. I’ve also been involved with the Good Food Box.” Richard was coaxed out of retirement by his friend, Ron who suggested that they take a paralegal course together. While that didn’t work out due to some administrative issues and a health scare for Richard, he was eventually able to attend TRIOS College online (due to the pandemic) and recently graduated with distinction. “I am a Type-A,” says Richard, “Which means that I need to be busy; I need to be involved in something and I need to be contributing to society because that’s who I am. I wanted to do something that was going to challenge my brain again.” After completing his placement with Susana Pereira Paralegal Services, Richard is looking forward to passing his paralegal exam, and to what his future holds for him. “Just because you’re older, or just because you’re retired doesn’t mean you’re dead. It doesn’t mean you can’t be doing things that are productive for yourself and for society.” Richard is also thankful for the support he has been receiving from Rose, Susana and his many friends within the community. Good luck to Richard, I am excited to see where his new path takes him.

short due to closures, which lead him to turn once again to education. “I took a computers course and ended up in St. Thomas again,” he says.

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Boomers and Beyond – Elgin • April 2022 Page 13

Turning Lemons into Lemonade by Terry Carroll By the third year Justin Trudeau was in office, some of the publicity around Trudeaumania II, launched in 2015 lacked the intellectual rigour that followed the birth of Trudeaumania in 1968. For example, in 2018, an American company, Universe Publishing, came

formerly Kemper) has openly discussed her mental illness – in the interest of making money as a speaker and writer sure, but also, assisting other people, and their families living with a similar disorder. In 2015, I wrote to friends that our newly elected Prime Minister belonged to a psychological type, i.e., people who care too much about looking good in front of their peers. My last, cruel line was, “They are terrific presenters and horrible decision makers.” That was not the last word. Fast forward to 2022. Trudeau’s timinghasbeen less than impeccable, but hehasoccasionally risen above ‘woke’ platitudes to show leadership metal. It can’t have been easy having Ms. Flower Child for a mother and Mr. Rational for a father. But let’s take a peek at how being a Child of a Bipolar Parent (CBP) may have helped (or yet assist) JT’s political evolution. Reading a room. Because CBPs can’t predict the moods of bipolar parents, they develop good antennae for reading body language, a useful skill for a politician. Risk assessment. “Is it safe?” is a fundamental question for a CBP, and risk-avoidance is an important consideration for all decision-makers. Mediation. CBPs can mistakenly believe they are responsible for their parents’ behavior. The upside of this can be highly developed instincts as seekers of the middle ground, something our current political climate desperately needs. Luck. There can be a strong genetic component to this disorder. If you were lucky in the bipolar chromosome lineup, as Trudeau and I apparently were, you are ahead of the game. Luck, of course, is a huge component in political success. And let’s face it. Justin Trudeau won a genetic lottery in looking like his mother. Would there be wall calendars and dreamy books if he had inherited Pierre Elliott’s tendencies toward facial wrinkling and hair loss? Only Universe Publishing knows for sure. Let’s hope the company produces a 2022 version of My Canadian Boyfriend . Trudeauly, we could use the distraction.

Geoffrey Rae Managing Editor / Sales [email protected] • 519-495-7177 Copy Editor: Peter Bloch-Hansen Publisher: Barb Botten [email protected] Graphic Artist – Cathy Wood Photos, community events and article suggestions welcome. Please email [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you. oomers B E YOND B and For starters, I’m not outing either parent. My dad never denied that he had what we once called nerve trouble or nervous breakdowns. And Margaret Trudeau (née Sinclair, I am aware that in that last paragraph, the lighter, bantering tone of this column appeared to be T-boned at an intersection to the sound of screeching tires. But hear me out. out with My Canadian Boy-friend, Justin Trudeau , featuring photographs of thePM. Gushing cutlines exemplifiedways, ‘my boyfriend has been putting the prime in Prime Minister since 2015’. The back-cover blurb said the author, Carrie Parker is ‘not real, but her Trudeauly, madly, deeply love for Justin Trudeau is’. Universe Publishing also blessed the universe with Justin Trudeau, My Canadian Boyfriend wall calendars in 2018, 2019 and 2020. In 2019, Henry Maple, PhD independently published Why Trudeau is a Great Leader & Deserves Respect. This literary gem has 100 pages, all blank. Now lest I jest to extremes at JT’s expense, a full confession is in order. He and I have a few things in common: Canadians by birth, we are each in long-term marriages and have three children. He has great hair and socks people around the world love to photograph. I have hair and socks. And each of us was raised by a parent who could be a wolf one month and a sheep the next. His mother and my father both developed bipolar disorders.

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Page 14 Boomers and Beyond – Elgin • April 2022

BADDA BOOM! by Frances Kennedy

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Diversity and inclusion have become more important than ever given the increasing number of immigrants making their home in Canada in recent years. What’s that got to do with what matters to us? Now that the pandemic has untethered urban dwellers

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from office towers they are migrating to more affordable communities. Elgin County is undergoing a demographic shift that requires visionary leadership to steward its best future. We are a sprawling County of agricultural land, rural communities, and ports that matter, all with history and possibilities for growth. It is incumbent upon all of us to embrace progressive change. Two decades ago, I emigrated from London to Port Stanley; it was a short distance and a long journey. I volunteered for Elgin Communities in Bloom and Junior Achievement; and I subsequently ran for Ward One (and lost to Dave Marr.) I fell in love with Port Stanley and Elgin County alongside its majestic Lake Erie shoreline and amidst the abundant fields that yield a bounty of both fodder and food. Previously, working with RE developers who were assembling land for redevelopment we asked: Where would the Boomer generation’s “bulge” retire circa 2020? That is now, they are us, and we are there. It is incumbent upon all of us to embrace progressive change. Today it was announced that Ontario can unmask as of March 21, 2022! My sister’s four-year-old granddaughter cautioned her that their pre-school may decide otherwise; we’re not done yet! We have to celebrate like in the good old days with youngsters who have little recollection of what that looks like. We need to lead through the early days of normalizing the “new normal”. This is a clarion call in a municipal election year. Serving in public office is a thankless task particularly for an embittered constituency. But what about a legacy of serving the greater good at a time when decisions made by Council will shape our future form and function? What if we lived up to “Progressive by Nature”? How can we ensure a Council that is transparent and accountable, and contributes to solutions that control costs? What if this is an opportunity to turn retiring into refiring your life’s purpose? Elgin County needs vision, transparency, accountability, and the mindset of mavericks and the acumen of mavens. Can we depend on current Councils’ commitment to the greater good of rural communities who have both common and unique concerns? There are those among us who may turn a blind eye or roll their eyes at a call-to-arms for a future far beyond their own. But what about our children and their children’s children? Now is a storied pause in human history that will be told and re-told. We’re not done yet; this is our moment for making legacy in our local communities. Let’s face the challenge and lead the charge! As Albert Einstein once opined: “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Badda Bing!

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Boomers and Beyond – Elgin • April 2022 Page 15

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