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Bright Star Care - January 2019


JAN 2019


HOW YOU CAN BALANCE L I FE ’ S CHALLENGES 3 Ways Families Can Prevent Burnout

O ver the years, I’ve seen many family members serving as caregivers struggle with burnout. That’s because providing in- home care isn’t just a physically taxing job — on your feet constantly, lifting and performing other labor-intensive tasks — but also emotionally draining. Human beings aren’t naturally inclined to deal with pain and suffering every day, and that’s why the work our nurses do is truly special. Many of our aides work with patients a few days a week, but family members often live with their loved ones. When the caregiver leaves, it’s the relatives’ responsibility to assist the person in need on top of careers and families of their own. Trying to balance everything becomes a stressor in and of itself, but add in the range of emotions, and it just becomes too much. I wanted to provide a few strategies to help. Self-Care “You’re only as good to your loved one as you are to yourself” is what I often tell family members dealing with this pain. It’s easy to become overwhelmed when you’re taking care of someone you care about, especially when you have your own family to raise. When you have parents to attend to on top of children, finding time for yourself becomes a significant challenge. I recommend starting with a heavy amount of care and then letting off the throttle if

need be. Rather than beginning with a caregiver one or two days a week, only to realize it isn’t enough, try starting with several days a week, and then dial it back if needed.

Support Groups Emotional challenges can be seen as an inferior battle for many, but this mindset limits the ability to truly help. I

recommend that everyone, especially those with long-term diseases, seek a support group.

While caregivers and family can help, having someone who can relate to the pain on all levels is crucial. It’s important for patients to know it’s okay to feel stressed. Many individuals don’t know where to find support groups, so if you have questions, I encourage you to reach out to me. We have great resources. Golden Rule Let’s face it, family can be … well, family. But no matter how big the challenge, I think it’s pivotal to care for your loved one the way you would want to be cared for, especially in cases of dementia. This disease is near and dear to my heart, and I think it can also be the most stressful to deal with.

Finally, don’t be afraid to lean on your community. Churches and other organizations often reach out to help with meals, and I think it’s crucial to accept help in times of need.

At BrightStar Care, we want to support families in any way possible, which often means offering up advice for the times when our caregivers aren’t in the home. I hope these three ideas help, and if you have more questions, call us today so we can explore your options together. —Diane Thorson irector of Nursing & Compliance

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Though podcasts have been around for over a decade, they have only recently found their stride in popular culture. And they don’t all feature nerds talking about “Game of Thrones.” In this form of audio entertainment, there really is something for everyone. A number of podcasts have broken into mainstream pop culture, like “My Favorite Murder,” “This American Life,” and NPR’s “Planet Money.” But these are only the tip of the iceberg. Here are a few lesser-known podcasts that are seriously worth your time. Start Something Fun: ‘Spirits’ The title “Spirits” is a play on the stories told and drinks enjoyed on this podcast. Co-hosts Amanda McLoughlin and Julia Schifini offer a fresh take on myths, legends, and folklore. From Greek classics to the tale of the Javanese Mermaid Queen, these lifelong friends and mythology enthusiasts examine what the stories we tell say about our culture, traditions, and values. If you’re eager to fill your year with something kinda creepy and kinda cool, you can’t go wrong with “Spirits.” Start listening at Go on an Adventure: ‘The Far Meridian’ Audio dramas are back and thriving in the world of podcasts. “The Far Meridian” explores the story of Peri, a lighthouse keeper whose brother disappeared long ago. Peri is terrified of leaving her home, so she’s never discovered what happened to him. That changes when her lighthouse begins to appear in a new location every morning, initiating her search for her brother. Fantastically fun and painfully real, this is a story about the courage


Have You Heard the Good News?

What does the Northwestern Medicine HomeCare Group do, and whom does it serve? Northwestern Medicine HomeCare Physicians (HCP) is a medical house-call program that brings doctors and nurse practitioners to patients who are homebound or who have difficulties leaving their home. Our goal is to provide skillful, compassionate care using the latest medical technology into patients' homes to improve the quality of life of homebound patients and their caregivers. This care has been shown to dramatically reduce the need for homebound patients to go to hospitals or nursing homes. HCP has made more than 100,000 house calls to more than 8,000 patients since 1997. How do you accomplish your mission? We provide a comprehensive evaluation in the home of our patients in order to better understand how to deliver medical care for the patient within a particular social context. While the majority of our care is "high-touch," quality, primary care, we also have the high- tech capabilities of doing blood testing, X-rays, ultrasounds, and electrocardiograms (EKGs) in the home to deliver the highest-quality care. Where does the BrightStar care team come in? We share a common goal not only to care for the patients but to support the people who care for

them. We partner with the BrightStar Care team to provide additional nursing and social support for the caregivers so that they are empowered to address the physical and social needs of these patients. The BrightStar Care team provides feedback to our staff on health issues, such as over- the-counter medications, vitals monitoring, pain symptoms, and energy level or cognitive changes. Why is this in-home care program important to our community? Without the work of HCP, many of these very frail, complicated, and chronically ill patients would have very limited access to patient-focused primary care consistent with their goals. Educating the patients’ families, their caregivers, and the other medical professionals involved delivers better outcomes.

1 Corinthians 16: 13-14— Be on your guard, stand firm in the faith, be courageous, be strong. Your every act should be done with love. Matthew11: 28-30— “Come tome, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn fromme, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves. For my yoke is easy, andmy burden light.” 1 Peter 3:10-11— For, Whoever would love life and see good days must keep their tongue from evil and their lips fromdeceitful speech. They must turn from evil and do good; they must seek peace and pursue it. Hebrews 4:12— For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints andmarrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

– Paul P. Chiang, MD, and Thomas A. Cornwell, MD

NorthwesternMedicineHomeCare Physicians 630-614-4960



it takes to leave home behind. Join the girl in the lighthouse at

How 3D Printing Will Change the Medical Industry Forever

Tackle Your New Year’s Resolutions: ‘The Marie Forleo Podcast’

We all need some advice. Why not get it from someone who knows what they’re talking about? Marie Forleo is an entrepreneur, writer, and philanthropist. And according to Oprah, she’s a thought leader for the next generation. Her mission is to help you become the person you most want to be. On the podcast, Marie and her guests discuss business, relationships, fear, love, and so much more. Get inspired at This list is just a start to the wealth of amazing, diverse podcasts out there. News recaps, sports history, true crime, pop-culture

3D printing is a rapidly accelerating technology changing the game in many industries. Everything from small toys for kids to complete homes that are move-in ready are possible with this new advancement. As the technology becomes more refined, its abilities are limited only by the imagination of those who use it. What Is 3D Printing? By setting raw material in front of a 3D printing machine and inputting design parameters into its computer, the device can create any physical object you can think of. While many manufacturing plants can produce a wide variety of items, 3D printing can create any conceivable object in a short amount of time with limited space requirements. How Does It Apply to Medicine? Just as auto shops are jumping on the bandwagon to produce multiple parts on site, so are health care providers. Over 100,000 knee replacements have been done with 3D printing. Rather than using a generic plastic component, this technology allows doctors to replace joints with specific parameters that meet individual patients’ needs. Future The Food and Drug Administration took notice of this opportunity and released promotions and regulations across all medical fields, allowing the safe usage of thousands of custom pieces. Blood vessels, organs, and prosthetics are just a few ways in which 3D printing will change the future of the medical industry. 2019 will showcase new ways technology can help people, but if you think 3D printing could benefit someone close to you, take a look at the FDA’s website to learn more.

throwbacks, and plenty more fantastic audio entertainment awaits on your phone’s podcast app. Start listening to your new obsession today!


• 8 slices brioche, 1/2-inch thick • 1/4 cup creamy peanut butter • 2 large eggs • 1/8 cup heavy cream INSTRUCTIONS INGREDIENTS

• 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract • 2 cups cornflakes • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter • 2 cups mixed berries • Powdered sugar, to sprinkle • Maple syrup, for serving

1. On a large baking sheet lined with wax paper, place 4 slices of brioche and spread 1 tablespoon of peanut butter on each. Cover with remaining slices, creating sandwiches. 2. In a pie plate, beat eggs with cream and vanilla. In another, coarsely crush the cornflakes. 3. Lightly soak sandwiches in the eggmixture, then dredge in cornflakes, pressing to adhere. Return to baking sheet. 4. In a large skillet over mediumheat, melt 1 tablespoon butter. Once melted and up to temperature, add sandwiches, cooking on one side until golden and crisp, about 2–3 minutes. 5. Return sandwiches to baking sheet, add remaining butter, and repeat on other side. 6. Top sandwiches with berries, sprinkle with powdered sugar, and serve withmaple syrup.

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How Families Can Handle Burnout 1 My Favorite Podcast Affiliate Highlight Have You Heard the Good News? 2 Peanut Butter and Berry French Toast The New Wave of 3D Printing 3 Why Less Stuff Means More Freedom 4

If you know someone in need of home care or more e-learning materials, contact [email protected].


What to Keep, Gift, Donate, and Throw Out

Many homeowners reach a point in their lives when they’re ready tomove from the house they raised their families in to something smaller andmore manageable. While finding the right place can be a challenge, the hardest part of downsizing is often sorting through a lifetime’s worth of possessions. This process, called contents downsizing, is much easier when you follow this four-step system.

source of contention, it’s best to hold on to it and make it part of your estate plan.

Start With the Junk Beginning your downsizing with the hardest items will only lead to frustration and inaction. Instead, start by tackling areas of the house that are full of documents, knickknacks, and boxes you haven’t touched in years. These will be the easiest to part with and will put you in the right downsizingmindset. Donate Unwanted Items The next category contains items that are no longer valuable to you or your family but may be useful to others. These items can be donated to one of many worthy organizations, such as Goodwill, the Salvation Army, or St. Vincent de Paul.

Donations are a way to give back to the less fortunate instead of simply giving or throwing things away. Give Gifts to Loved Ones If you have children, they will undoubtedly want to keep a few cherished mementos and precious possessions. Deciding who will keep what can be a sensitive subject, so you’ll need to devise an equitable way to divvy up the goods. Some families engage in the process collaboratively, but there should always be some communication before anything is thrown out. Your kids may value certain items more than you ever realized. If you suspect a certain heirloom could be a

Only Keep the Essentials After completing the first three steps, you should be left with only those items you actually use and those that have the most sentimental value to you. These are the objects worth bringing to your new home. Bonus Tip: Color Code Each Category Odds are that you’ll find junk and valuables stored right next to each other. If you don’t have time to physically separate them at the moment, use different colored Post-it notes to keep everything organized when it comes time to move.

