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Building a Successful YouTube Ad Campaign

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Building a Successful YouTube Ad Campaign




Due to the recent phenomenon of tens of thousands of Facebook Ads accounts being randomly disabled and banned , many marketers are looking for alternative platforms for lead generation. The YouTube Ads platform is incredibly powerful with targeting options that would never be found on the Facebook Ads platform. However, there is a learning curve to YouTube Ads - and for some it is a very expensive and steep curve! I personally spent over $15,000 to simply learn the YouTube Ads platform before I even saw positive results! By implementing these five tips you will be miles ahead of that learning curve (and your competition!). Hopefully these tips will save you from the expensive, frustrating, and painful lessons I had to learn through trial, error and hiring people to teach me the things I couldn't figure out! I would also love to hear how these tips have helped you. So please feel free to reach out and let me know any feedback you have on the information I have provided here!



Tip 1


Although, not a sexy "tip", setting up a template campaign properly will save you hundreds of hours of work and thousands of dollars in the future. Do NOT skip this tip! It is crucial to launching successful YouTube ads campaigns!





ONLY Make changes to the default settings where there is an arrow pointing to the changes!







You will select the conversion event you set up for this specific niche. Please refer to the conversion setup section for this.



This is a headline card



This is a headline card





Add a link to the main video you will be using for this niche (or link to any random video as a place holder if you know you will be using custom videos for each client).



Add your link to your landing page, add your call to action & headline, and make and upload a small banner image 300x60 (super basic call to action) which will be shown on desktop. Click "Create Campaign."



Make sure to pause your new template campaign as soon as you create it.


Tip 2

Set Up Your Ads to Automatically Begin Running at Midnight

You MUST start your YouTube ads and make ALL changes at midnight or your campaigns will bleed money and never perform properly!



Locate your template campaign and click the pencil to edit the name.



Add a unique word to the end of your campaign then click "Save."



Click "More" dropdown then "Create Automated Rule."



Give the campaign a name and call to action. NOTE: You will also us this same process for changing your budget - ONLY at Midnight!







Make sure to click "Preview" to confirm the rule worked properly then click "Save."


Tip 3

Setting Up Conversion Tags Properly

You MUST set up and use your conversion tags properly so you can accurately track your results and ROI. This is very similar to the Facebook Pixel.













The top code is the Global Site Tag. It needs to be in the header of every page you wish to track. The bottom code is the unique conversion code for this conversion. It is ONLY to be placed in the header of the conversion page for this specific conversion.



Once you click "Next" your conversion is set up and ready!


Tip 4

Using Sniper Targeted Audiences

YouTube includes several audience options which most people do not know are available. If you use these audiences in the right way you can get massive results almost immediately!









The "People who browse types of websites" audience builder is very powerful! You may paste in as many links as you like for websites pertaining to your niche! YouTube will find people who have visited those sites and people "like" the people that visited those sites to add to the audience.



First delete the top section. Next, add as many domains as you like. Finally, click "Save Audience" to create your URL custom audience.



People who use types of apps audiences are extremely powerful when you know your target market/niche/lead uses a specific app.



First delete the top section. Next, add as many apps as you like. Finally, click "Save Audience" to create your URL custom audience. NOTE: Sometimes apps are listed as their corporate or LLC name and not the name you would expect. You may need to do research to find the actual name of the app as listed by YouTube.



People who visited certain places audiences are very powerful when your prospective leads/niche/market physically visit different kinds of locations. In the real estate niche someone may visit a real estate office. In the personal injury attorney niche someone may visit a medical center or emergency room.



First delete the top section. Next, add as many places as you like. Finally, click "Save Audience" to create your Visited Places custom audience.


Tip 5

Two Things EVERY YouTube Ad Video MUST Include

Unlike other advertising platforms, the ad copy used in YouTube ads is much less important than the video itself. Once your video is ready you MUST add these two things for it to convert at maximum capacity!



All videos used for YouTube Ads MUST include an arrow pointing to the link. I like to make a big box like this one with both versions of the link button. The button on the left is what they will see on mobile and the button on the right is what they will see on desktop. Once I added arrows with directions I immediately noticed my conversions jumped by 50%! You may notice the box looks like it is randomly placed. On desktop the link is directly below where I have that box aligned. On mobile it is somewhat out of place but it still works to improve conversions. You may want to test different variations depending on your offer.



All videos used for YouTube Ads MUST include a countdown at the end. Shortly after a YouTube Ads video ends the call to action will disappear as well! To maximize lead generation, add a 15 - 20 second video clip of a countdown timer to the end of your video. I also like to include my down arrow with instructions as well. These things may seem redundant but you have to remember your average person looking at YouTube Ads does not think like a marketer and they probably will not look for a call to action unless you tell them how much time they have and where it is located.



Top 25 YouTube Videos For Real Estate

1. Cost of Living in {Your City} 2. Pros and Cons to Living in {Your City} 3. Where to Live in {Your City} 4. Top 5 Neighborhoods in {Your City} 5. 6 Steps to Moving to {Your City} 6. 8 Myths of {Your City} debunked

7. Top 10 Worst Neighborhoods to Live in {Your City} 8. Top 5 Best Safest Neighborhoods to Live in {Your City} 9. Cost of Living in {Your City} vs. California 10. 19 Things You Must Know When Living in {Your City} 11. Cost of Living in {Your City} Vs. {Nearest Competing Metro} 12. 10 Top Employers for Job in {Your City} 13. Moving to {Your City} 14. Top 3 Neighborhoods in {Section of your city} 15. Living in {Most Popular Area in Your City | Do lots of these} 16. {Your City} weather! Does it {weather type} in {Your City} 17. Buying a House in {Your City} 18. Top 3 Most Expensive Neighborhoods to Live in {Your City} 19. What Its like to Live in Downtown {Your City} 20. How Much Money Do You Need to Buy a Home in {Your City} 21. Should I Move to {Your City} 22. Is {Your City} Safe? How safe is {Your City} 23. Renting Vs. Buying in {Your City}

24. {City Name} Most Affordable City in {Your State} 25. Buying Investment Real Estate in {Your City}