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Building Air Quality - November 2021 For Building Owners and Facility Managers BUILDING AIR QUALITY

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Building Air Quality - November 2020

Ventilation-Guide. It’s packed with formulas, examples, and resources that are very helpful. With th

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Building Air Quality December 2018

Building Air Quality December 2018 BUILDING AIR QUALITY BAQ 281-448-1100 or TOLL FREE 866-367-1177 |

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Building Air Quality October 2018

Building Air Quality October 2018 BUILDING AIR QUALITY BAQ 281-448-1100 or TOLL FREE 866-367-1177 |

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Building Air Quality July 2018

Building Air Quality July 2018 BUILDING AIR QUALITY A TOAST! The Art of Communicating, Listening, an

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Building Air Quality September 2018

C units mounted on the roof, and you won’t be surprised to hear that the contractor didn’t cover the

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Building Air Quality July 2019

Building Air Quality July 2019 For Building Owners and Facility Managers BUILDING AIR QUALITY 281-44

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Building Air Quality - January 2021

Building Air Quality - January 2021 For Building Owners and Facility Managers BUILDING AIR QUALITY 2

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Building Air Quality - March 2020

Building Air Quality - March 2020 For Building Owners and Facility Managers BUILDING AIR QUALITY 281

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Building Air Quality - Novmeber 2019

Building Air Quality - Novmeber 2019 For Building Owners and Facility Managers BUILDING AIR QUALITY

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Building Air Quality - November 2018


281-448-1100 or TOLL FREE 866-367-1177 | | November 2018

AWEDDING AT CITY HALL Celebrating My Daughter’s Big Day

I am happy to report that one of my daughters got married just a few weeks ago. Dana and her now-husband, Cullen, live in Austin with their son, Finn, but they wanted to get married at San Francisco City Hall. Neither of them is from San Francisco, but Dana really loves the Bay Area. And I’ll admit, there’s a certain romance about San Francisco City Hall. It is a very good- looking building, and there’s a lot of history, which is why it has become a popular wedding venue. After spending all day hearing depressing court cases, a lot of San Francisco judges say performing marriage ceremonies at City Hall is the best part of their job. The wedding in San Francisco worked out great because our youngest daughter, Monica, lives out in Napa. My wife, Kaye, and I flew out to California early to visit Monica, her husband, Victor, and our grandkids, Hank and River. We spent some one-on- one time with them and then Dana, Cullen, and Finn joined us the next day. Dana and Cullen got married that Monday, and it really was a beautiful ceremony. They were right about San Francisco City Hall being an ideal wedding venue. The occasion was a little bittersweet due to the absence of our oldest daughter, Shelley, who is still teaching at a military base in South Korea, but Kaye sent her plenty of pictures. I had to get back to work the day after the wedding. Meanwhile, Kaye stayed an extra week to watch the grandkids so that Dana and Cullen could enjoy their honeymoon and Monica and Victor could have some time off, too.

“It was wonderful to see my daughter get married to someone she loves, but my favorite part of the trip was getting to spend time with my family.”

Parents worry their kids will end up with someone terrible, but I have been very fortunate so far. Both of my daughters who have gotten married chose worthy partners. I like Cullen a lot. His parents are wonderful people, and Cullen is a good guy and a great dad to Finn. Plus, he makes Dana very happy, and that’s the most important thing. We’re pleased to have Cullen as part of our family. It was wonderful to see my daughter get married to someone she loves, but my favorite part of the trip was getting to spend time with my family. My girls are pretty spread out these days, and while I am proud of them for building amazing lives for themselves, I do miss the times when I would see them every day. But the distance makes the time we get to spend with family all the more special, and it’s why we look for any opportunity to see our loved ones.

This month, we’re heading up to Chicago for a GKIC conference, and afterward Kaye and I will be swinging by Wisconsin to visit her side of the family. We’ll spend a few days there before retreating back to the warmer weather in Texas. And with Thanksgiving fast approaching, I’m looking forward to other opportunities to spend time with my family this holiday season.

281-448-1100 or TOLL FREE 866-367-1177 1

EXPERIENCEVS. POTENTIAL What Matters More in New Hires? Scaling a business is one of the most complicated challenges for entrepreneurs. Developing a model that allows for consistent growth while maintaining profit margins and effective systems is a substantial task for business owners. But once the proper blueprint is in place, a new test presents itself, and howwell you performwill undoubtedly define the future success of your company. Hiring plays a significant role along a company’s path to success. It’s not a landmark or a checkpoint on the map; it’s the vehicle that takes you to your destination. Your business is only as good as the people who propel it forward. You need individuals who fit into your culture, possess the necessary skills to be effective, and have a desire to continue learning best practices if you’re ever going to achieve your goals. Some qualities are universally known to be linked to good hiring practices, but there’s still one important question that divides the masses: Do I hire for experience or potential? Experience A degree- or trade-specific education can certainly lay a foundation for an employee to be successful, but experience provides specialized training that cannot be found anywhere else. An employee who has a working knowledge of their craft can provide a sense of security when hiring. With new employees playing such a pivotal role in growth, many employers want to limit uncertainty and ensure they aren’t gambling with their company’s future. But experience doesn’t equate to competency, which is why some employers elect to hire for potential. Potential The argument for hiring based on potential centers around two concepts. One is that by hiring someone with a bright future and helping them achieve their goals, you could gain the loyalty of that person and thus retain that employee for a longer time. This comes with the caveat that those who have potential also look for potential, so as an employer, it’s important to provide opportunities for advancement. The other argument is that potential combined with training can equate to a more effective employee in the long run. In truth, the disagreement that transpires is a moot point. You can hire someone with experience or an individual with potential and strike out just the same. All successful employees will have one important trait: passion. You can’t teach passion, but you can hire for it.

Everlane’s Ethical Products and Marketing

Are Disrupting the Fashion Industry

According to a Nielsen study that surveyed thousands of consumers across 60 countries, 73 percent of millennials were willing to pay more for goods made ethically and sustainably. That’s no small figure, and it helps to explain why Everlane, a clothing company founded in 2010, is making a huge splash in the fashion industry. The company follows a policy of “radical transparency” and strives to provide its customers with information that most of its competitors would rather keep hidden. “We felt that the retail industry, and brands in particular, weren’t educating consumers in the way that we felt consumers want to be educated,” says Everlane CEO Michael Preysman. “Consumers want to know where their product comes from. Consumers want to know where their clothes are made. They want to know the factory.”To that end, Everlane carefully chooses the factories they work with and highlights them on their website. Every item they sell doesn’t just say where it was made; it also lists the factory name, which you can then read about on their website. And the company isn’t only transparent when it comes to sourcing and production; they also willingly divulge — and this may shock business owners — the cost, price, and markup on every garment. That may sound insane, but when your markup is about half that of standard apparel retailers (2–3 times versus 5–6), it’s actually a big selling point. Consumers, Everlane has found, are willing to spend extra when they know where their money is going. Of course, none of that would matter if the clothes weren’t worth buying in the first place. Fast Company named Everlane one of the World’s Most Innovative Companies this year as recognition for building “the next-gen clothing brand.” In less than a decade since their 2010 founding, the company is now the envy of venture capital firms everywhere, boasting a valuation in excess of $250 million. Their success is a testament to the idea that consumers don’t have to be tricked or cajoled to buy a product. With a focus on ethics and transparency at every stage from manufacturing to marketing, Everlane has set a new model for how an apparel brand can grow and sustain success. Whether you sell clothes, dental cleanings, or legal services, you can stand to benefit from pushing your ethics to the forefront of your business.

2 Protecting the Built Environment

Can You Allergy-Proof Your School?


Asthma is the most common chronic disease among American school children. Children with asthma often have lower grades or test scores than children without asthma. This is not because students with asthma are less capable of learning than their peers, but due to the fact that they miss more days of school because of health problems. In 2013, children nationwide missed 13.8 million days of school due to asthma. Many times, the cause of asthma-related health problems is found in the child’s school. A few common asthma-causing allergens found in schools are the following: Animal Dander – Students with pets at home will often bring pet hair to school on their clothes. That said, a study published in the journal Pediatric Allergy and Immunology found the biggest source of animal dander in schools comes from mice. Taking samples from both schools and students’ homes, researchers found that while cat and dog dander were higher in schools, the levels of mouse allergens were “substantial” and posed a “significant exposure for students.” As only 32 percent of the students reported seeing a mouse in their house, researchers suspected the mouse dander mostly came from mice living in the schools. Cleaning Products – Proper cleaning will help remove allergens, but cleaning products that contain certain ingredients or create strong odors can trigger asthma symptoms in students. Additionally, it should be noted that custodial workers have high rates of work- related asthma for this reason. Vehicle Exhaust – Idling cars and buses are a huge source of air pollution around schools. Car and diesel exhaust can trigger asthma attacks, and research from the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and the University of California at San Francisco (UCSF) School of Medicine suggests diesel exhaust may even cause asthma. A number of factors contribute to the presence of asthma-causing allergens in your school. Fortunately, there are numerous ways for schools to combat this troubling trend: • Remove allergens and improve ventilation by increasing the MERV rating of the filters in your HVAC system. How Schools Can Address Allergens

• Use certified green cleaning products that will not introduce harmful or dangerous chemicals into your school. • Establish idle-free zones around your school. Encourage parents to turn off their engines when picking up or dropping off their children. Researchers at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital found idle-free zones could reduce carbon pollution by 63 percent.

Develop a pest management program.

If you want to take a more active approach to removing allergens in your schools, give Building Air Quality a call. Our environmental consulting services can help you identify any problem areas within your school buildings. By employing an effective asthma management program, schools can help all their students be ready to learn.

281-448-1100 or TOLL FREE 866-367-1177

Region 5 ESC Environmental Services (excludes engineering services)

Environmental Consulting Fees



Laboratory Analytical Fees – Standard Analysis (Done by third party) Reactive Indoor Air Quality Surveys – Priced by Hours.......................................$225/hour $180/hour Moisture Reviews of Damaged Areas – Priced by Hours...................................$225/hour $180/hour Thermal Imaging/Moisture Mapping of Wet Areas..............................................$225/hour $180/hour Reactive Mold Consulting – Priced by Hours............................................................$225/hour $180/hour Scope of Work for Mold Remediation............................................................................$800 each $640 each Weekend/Evening Premium Hourly Fee......................................................................$337.50/hour $270/hour Analysis of Airborne Spore Trap (mold) Sample......................................................$80 each N/A Analysis of Mold Swab (mold) Sample..........................................................................$80 each N/A Analysis of Tape Lift (mold) Sample.................................................................................$80 each N/A Analysis of Bacterial Swab (bacteria) Sample............................................................$95 each N/A Analysis of Swab Sample for Sewage Screen............................................................$110 each N/A Legionella Analysis of Cooling-Tower Water...............................................................$210 each N/A Rush Analysis of Airborne Spore Trap (mold) Sample..........................................$125 each N/A Rush Analysis of Mold Swab (mold) Sample..............................................................$125 each N/A Rush Analysis of Tape Lift (mold) Sample....................................................................$125 each N/A Rush Analysis of Bacterial Swab (bacteria) Sample.................................................Not Available N/A Rush Analysis of Swab Sample for Sewage Screen.................................................Not Available N/A Rush Legionella Analysis of Cooling-Tower Water....................................................Not Available N/A Laboratory Analytical Fees – RUSH Analysis (Done by third party)

Other Environmental Sampling Fees

Specific Chemical Sampling Using Drager CMS........................................................$85 each N/A Long-Term Temp/RH Analysis Using HOBO Detectors (each)..........................$50/week $40/week LEED IAQ Consulting..................................................................................................................$225/hour $180/hour LEED HCHO (Formaldehyde Air Sampling)..................................................................$85 each N/A

Consumable Sampling Media

Sampling Media (Air-O-Cell Cassette)............................................................................$9 each N/A Sampling Media (Sterile Swab or Tape Sample)......................................................$9 each N/A Protecting the Built Environment

24.5MillionMissedWorkDays Allergies can range from a mild irritation, such as an itchy throat after breathing in cat hair, to a near-death experience, like when a person with a nut allergy comes into contact with peanuts. Most people who are aware of their allergy triggers take precautions to keep themselves safe, but it can be difficult to avoid such triggers in an environment that they can’t control — one that is shared with other people. The workplace is a huge hotspot for allergic reactions and sensitivities. on their clothing wherever they go. Encourage your tenants to keep hair removal rollers in the workplace to reduce how much pet hair becomes part of the indoor environment. If a tenant with an especially severe animal allergy experiences a reaction when they come to work, one possible solution is to rearrange the workspace to avoid putting the allergen sufferer near pet owners. Remind tenants that IAQ is a shared responsibility. Overlooked Strategies to Deal With Workplace Allergens

Dr. Karin Pacheco, a specialist in respiratory illness at the National Jewish Medical

Utilize Allergy Tests If a tenant suffers from a runny nose and itchy eyes every time they come into your building, their first thought will likely be to blame the building. They’ll complain about mold, dust, poor air quality, or even just a “sick building.” But what if what they are really reacting to is the cat hair their coworker carries in on her clothing? Sometimes the source of an allergy or sensitivity is obvious, but quite often, the cause of a reaction can be totally surprising. Consulting a certified allergy specialist to accurately assess allergy triggers can help you determine whether there’s an IAQ problem in your building or whether something else is to blame. You can’t control everything tenants or employees do inside your building, but you can take proactive steps to deal with any problems that may arise. Stay informed about possible allergens in your building and raise awareness among tenants.

and Research Center in Denver, estimates occupational asthma — a term used to describe a reaction to allergens in the workplace — is responsible for 24.5 million missed work days across the nation annually. Additionally, asthma costs society an average of $56 billion a year in medical costs and lost labor. Proper ventilation and regular cleanings are two obvious steps building owners and property managers can take to remove or reduce common allergens present in their buildings. Here are a few other suggestions for dealing with allergens and allergy complaints. Don’t Let Animal Allergens Run Wild While office dogs are becoming more commonplace, most workplaces tend to be pet-free. This doesn’t mean animal hair and dander can’t make their way into your building. Pet owners tend to bring pet hair Have a LaughWith Travis

Solution on page 4

281-448-1100 or TOLL FREE 866-367-1177 3

29 Pinewood Forest Ct., Ste. 200 The Woodlands, Texas 77381 TOLL FREE 866-367-1177



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Congratulations, Dana and Cullen!


Debunking Experience vs. Potential in New Hires Everlane’s Ethics-Based Success

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What Causes 24.5 Million Missed Work Days?

This Book May Change Your Life

Dale Carnegie’s Classic Offers Timeless Advice What Makes an 82-Year-Old Business Book Relevant?

on relationships, Carnegie’s book hasn’t grown stale with time. Here are three of his suggestions that you can implement today. Be Authentic Carnegie’s methods for winning people over are, at their core, about authenticity.“Show a genuine interest in others,”he instructs.“Give honest and sincere appreciation”and“Be a good listener.” Adopt this advice by paying extra attention when a client introduces themselves. A person’s name is important, because, according to Carnegie, it may be“the sweetest and most important sound in any language”to that individual. Be Nice Carnegie’s ideas are revolutionary in their simplicity. This is what makes almost anyone who reads the book able to implement them immediately and see results. As Robert Kelsey, author of several business and self-help books himself, points out, Carnegie’s first principle was simply“Be nice.”“That will always be an important

thing to remember in whatever business you’re in,”Kelsey says.“His advice will always be relevant.”

It’s a tall claim to say that a book will change your life, but this one has certainly had a profound impact on many people. Despite having been originally published 82 years ago, Dale Carnegie’s effervescent classic“How toWin Friends and Influence People”is still recommended by everyone who comes across it, and it’s one of the best-selling books of all time. In 2011, the book was No. 19 on Time’s most influential books list. How has it remained relevant in a massively different, technologically advanced world? Fundamentally, Carnegie’s book focuses on people, who may evolve, but whose basic needs don’t change much. We all need to feel valued, appreciated, and respected. By fulfilling these needs for your business associates, you will indeed win friends and influence them. When it comes to business, showing a genuine interest in the other person goes a long way toward building a lasting relationship, something we all know is key to converting leads into sales. With a message based

In the chapter entitled“Six Ways to Make People Like You,”Carnegie’s second suggestion is similarly straightforward:“Smile.”We’ve all read science on the psychological effects of smiling, but it’s still too easy to forget this simple gesture. Be Honest Be transparent with partners and clients, and as Carnegie suggests, be quick to admit when you’re wrong. When it comes to conflict, being right won’t win you anything — it’s better to avoid that lose-lose scenario and instead listen to your associate’s point of view. Respect their opinions. Even better, begin with something you know they’ll say an enthusiastic“yes”to. Set your relationships up for success by implementing Carnegie’s timeless, genuine advice, and see the results for yourself.

4 Protecting the Built Environment