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Capital Advisory Group January 2018 THE 119 Old State Rd, Ellisville, MO 63021

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Capital Advisory Group - January 2022 119 Old State Rd., Ellisville, MO 63021 THE WEALTH ZONE THE SE

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tax documents into one place (get ready to do your taxes). • Take a walk or jog around the neighborh

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Capital Advisory Group - December 2020 THE WEALTH ZONE DEC 2020 119 Old State Rd., Ellisville, MO 63

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Capital Advisory Group - July 2020 THE WEALTH ZONE 119 Old State Rd., Ellisville, MO 63021 CapitalAd

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SIPC. Investment Advisory Services oered through Kestra Advisory Services, LLC, (Kestra AS) an ali

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Capital Advisory Group - April 2020 119 Old State Rd., Ellisville, MO 63021 T

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2 inch up the sides. Prick it with a fork and brush with 1 tbsp oil. Bake until lightly browned, abo

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4 cup unsalted butter, cubed • 4 (2-inch) cinnamon sticks 1. Preheat oven to 350 F. 2. Place sweet p

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Capital Advisory Group - May 2020 THE WEALTH ZONE 119 Old State Rd., Ellisville, MO 63021 CapitalAdv

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Capital Advisory Group January 2020

119 Old State Rd., Ellisville, MO 63021 THE WEALTH ZONE A Solid Tax Strategy Is Within Sight YOUR OUTLOOK FOR THE NEW YEAR: 20/20 VISION JAN 2020

Happy New Year! It’s hard to believe it’s already here, isn’t it? The year seemed to fly by. Nevertheless, we’re embracing the energy that celebrating this new beginning gives us. Now we just need to remember to start writing 2020 on everything ... In January, we’re almost given a grace period to make right on things we didn’t get done in the last year. If you didn’t achieve your goal weight or get to the gym as often as you’d hoped in 2019, you can begin again with healthy intentions. If you didn’t call your parents as often as you should have, well, don’t let another year slip by without picking up the phone every once in a while. In the tax realm more than any other, we’re truly given a chance to start fresh in the new year. Your 2020 taxes aren’t dictated by what you did in 2019 (with a few exceptions), meaning you can go into the month feeling energized and ready to implement a tax strategy. Maybe it’s your first time doing that, and if so, we have some tips and suggestions for how to approach it. It seems fitting that the year is 2020 because that’s exactly the type of vision we want to go into the new year with. It doesn’t take as much time as you might think, and it’s not something you need

to (or should) attempt on your own. By working with us to define this year’s priorities, we can create a path to where you want to be by the end of 2020. Were there tax deductions you wish you’d taken advantage of last year? Did you not get around to setting up a 529 plan? Were your 401(k) contributions lackluster? Organize some of those regrets, and instead of spending time fretting over them, determine if those tasks are still important to you.Then, make a plan to carry them through. If you didn’t make as many charitable contributions as you wanted in 2019, you can begin to implement a month- by-month contribution plan. For other contributions, turn to the appropriate entity to get automatic deductions set up. By taking these tasks step by step,

you’ll prevent yourself from getting burnt out. Carrying out a tax strategy will feel surmountable — possibly even exciting. In addition to New Year’s, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and Houseplant Appreciation Day (yes, apparently that’s a thing), January also commemorates Law Enforcement Appreciation Day on Jan. 9. We may be a little biased with our son and grandson in the St. Louis County PD, but we think they’re the best, and we appreciate all that they do to keep our community safe. As always, when you need to talk tax strategy and how to implement a smart one, we’re here for you. We look forward to helping you make 2020 your best year yet! -Jeff and John Zufall

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Published by The Newsletter Pro •

And Set Alternative Goals for the New Year What’s Coming in 2020? THROW AWAY YOUR RESOLUTIONS TECH OF TOMORROW

Here we are in the future.We may not have flying cars yet, but 2020 promises to be an exciting year for multiple tech industries. Judging by predicted developments for this year, this new decade could see many of our sci-fi fantasies come to life. Here are a few of the most promising trends we have our eyes on. EXPANDED 5G ACCESS While the long-coveted 5G mobile network became a reality in 2019, it was by no means widespread. Now, with many cellphone companies upgrading their equipment at the beginning of this year, it’s likely the average American will soon have access to this latest generation of mobile internet. If it’s anything like the rollout of 4G, we may not see much of a difference in our connectivity right away. However, as access increases, 5G devices will become more common, paving the way for some very high-speed experiences in 2021 and beyond. EXTENDED REALITY Extended reality, or XR, is an umbrella term covering virtual reality headsets, Instagram filters, augmented reality devices, and more, and it is expected to become a household term this year. While price and hardware limitations have made this technology little more than a novelty until now, interest in XR is burgeoning in major industries like architecture and education.The line between digital and physical worlds may While devices like pacemakers and artificial hips have been around for decades, a new generation of implanted care devices has begun to emerge. For example, Stimwave’s micro- stimulators made a splash in the medical world last year when early tests showed they were an effective means of pain relief. As an alternative to drugs, these wireless implants block pain signals using an electrical field.This breakthrough alone may bring an end to the opioid epidemic. No one can say for certain what the future may hold, but with so many promising new technologies being implemented and improved upon today, the sky’s the limit for what we might see tomorrow. truly start to blur this year. MEDICAL IMPLANTS

At the start of each new year, about half of all Americans set at least one New Year’s resolution, a promise to themselves that they will thrive in the coming year. Unfortunately, research from YouGov Omnibus, an international market research firm, found that only 1 in 5 Americans stuck to their resolutions.The fallibility of New Year’s resolutions is why few successful CEOs or leaders bother making them. Around this time of year, plenty of articles pop up with hot takes like, “Don’t set New Year’s resolutions; make goals instead!” Unfortunately, if you haven’t been making goals already, you’ve likely been setting yourself up for failure. Setting goals, achieving them, and making new ones should be a habit all year long, not just something you do on Jan. 1.The start of a new year is still a great time to reflect and strategize, but rather than fall on an old cliche, take a page from two of the most successful people in business. REFLECT ON 2019WITHTIM FERRISS. For decades, entrepreneur and best-selling author Tim Ferriss made New Year’s resolutions every year.Then, he developed a better strategy. “I have found ‘past year reviews’ (PYR) more informed, valuable, and actionable than half-blindly looking forward with broad resolutions,” Ferriss said in a 2018 blog post. At the start of each year, Ferriss spends an hour going through his calendar from the past 12 months and making a note of every person, activity, or commitment that sparked the strongest emotions, both positive and negative.The most positive events get rescheduled immediately for the new year. Meanwhile, the negative ones get put on a “Not-To-Do List” and hung up where Ferriss can see them. PICKAWORDOFTHEYEARWITHMELINDAGATES. “I do believe in starting the new year with new resolve,” says Melinda Gates, co-founder of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, “but instead of adopting a resolution, I choose a word of the year — a word that encapsulates my aspirations for the 12 months ahead.” Gates says that words like “spacious” or “grace” have helped her center herself and serve as a reminder about what she really wants to focus on. In 2019, Gates chose the word “shine,” stating that, “It’s a reminder for all of us to turn on the lights inside of us, lift each other up, and shine together.”


3WAYS TO MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR 2020 TAXES Start 2020 Off Right

As we shared on the cover, a new year is a fresh start in terms of this tax period. With a little planning, you can go into it with a clear vision for what you want to get from your taxes. Here are three strategies to help you make the most of that opportunity.

of the wider eligibility rules for home office tax deductions. Beginning to categorize and keeping receipts filed away with this intent will make it easier when it comes time to file. Do you feel great about accomplishing all of these tasks knowing Capital Advisory Group is taking care of the tax strategy and preparation for your business and personal accounts? Let us know! We love working with you, and your referrals are greatly appreciated. Leave your review here at , and tell your friends and family about us. Thank you for taking the time to share the great experience you’ve had!

TAKE A BREAK 1. REVIEWYOUR FINANCIAL PLANWITH YOUR ADVISOR. If last January was the last time you met with your advisor and reviewed your financial plan, it’s time to give them a call. This will help you see progress toward goals, like retirement, and talk over any goals or strategies you might want to rethink this year. 2. REVISIT CHANGES FROMTHE TAX REFORM. With lowered tax brackets as a result of federal tax reform, there’s a lot of potential

for implementing a strategy that sets you on a faster path toward your goals.This is part of longer term planning, too — think about how the tax changes will affect you 20 or 30 years down the road. 3. CONSIDER YOUR FILING OPTIONS, LIKE ITEMIZING YOUR DEDUCTIONS. It’s possible that a standard deduction is right for you, but you might also end up saving far more if you itemize, especially if you own a home or are self-employed. If you own your own business and have a home office, you can also take advantage




• 2 cups

1. Heat a griddle or skillet to medium-low. 2. In a mixing bowl, combine dry ingredients (including sugar if you like a sweeter pancake). In a separate bowl, beat eggs into milk. Gently stir the liquid ingredients into the dry ones. Mix only until flour is moistened. Clumps are fine. 3. Add some butter or oil to the skillet. If the butter foams or oil shimmers, the temperature is correct. Pour in a pancake of any size, cooking until bubbles form, about 2–4 minutes. 4. Flip and cook other side for 2–4 minutes. Serve warm.

all-purpose flour • 2 tsp baking powder • 1/4 tsp salt • 1 tbsp sugar, optional • 2 eggs • 1 3/4 cups milk • Unsalted butter or canola oil, to grease skillet


(636) 394-5524

Inspired by The New York Times

119 Old State Rd. Ellisville, MO 63021


Your Tax Perspective for 2020

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Are New Year’s Resolutions a Waste of Time?

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The Tech of 2020

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3 Ways to Make the Most of Your 2020 Taxes

page 3

Simple Pancakes From Scratch

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National Compliment Day

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Dole Out the Accolades on National Compliment Day

Doesn’t it feel good when someone recognizes how awesome you are? On Jan. 24, National Compliment Day reminds us of that pleasing feeling and encourages us to spread the good vibes to others by telling them something we appreciate about them. Here are a few tips for fostering a day full of compliments. 1. BE GENUINE. 2. COMPLIMENT SOMEONE YOU DON’T KNOW.

3. COMPLIMENT SKILLS OR PERSONALITY RATHERTHAN PHYSICAL ATTRIBUTES. Compliments that focus on a person’s physical attributes are a bit more obvious, and in some instances, can make the recipient feel uncomfortable (even if that wasn’t your intent). Focus on the achievements or abilities you admire about someone: your thoughtful friend who checks in just to see how your day is, a friend’s awesome laugh, how delicious your book club host’s homemade cookies were, or the ingenious solution a coworker came up with for a new business venture. Kindness is contagious, so by giving a compliment, you’re contributing to a kinder, happier world. Gosh, you’re so great!

You know how you can tell when someone says something they don’t mean? People can sense when a compliment isn’t authentic, so don’t force it. Find something you genuinely appreciate about a person and tell them. Maybe it’s the way they always have a positive or upbeat attitude even when a client is frustrating, or maybe it’s their creative ideas they bring to meetings. Now’s an opportunity to let them know what you appreciate.

Did the barista at the coffee shop make the best cappuccino you’ve ever had? Tell them how skilled they are! That stranger at the grocery store whose kindness in returning your dropped dollar restored your faith in humanity? Let them know! You can even take it to the digital world — tell your favorite blog author what a great writer they are and how much you look forward to each post. You might just make their day.


Published by The Newsletter Pro •