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Cedar Crest Chiropractic - April 2019

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Cedar Crest Chiropractic March 2019

6 ounce butter or olive oil • salt and pepper to taste • 25 ounces salmon • 1 cup mayonnaise or sour

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Cedar Crest Chiropractic June 2019

4 cup toasted hazelnuts, coarsely chopped • Mint leaves, for garnish • Parmesan cheese, preferably P

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Cedar Crest Chiropractic January 2019

2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil • 1 teaspoon Baharat or other spice blend 1. Heat oven to 400 F

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Cedar Crest Chiropractic May 2019

4 cup roasted pumpkin seeds • 1 teaspoon paprika • 4 tablespoons lime juice • Salt and ground black

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Cedar Crest Chiropractic November 2019

2 tsp pepper • 5 cups raw cauliflower, chopped • 3 tbsp butter • 5 cloves garlic, minced • 2 tsp dri

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Cedar Crest Chiropractic - September 2019

lawn items, etc. • Switch warm weather clothing for cold weather clothing. • Decorate the porch for

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Cedar Crest Chiropractic December 2019

2 tsp pepper and place in a large roasting pan. 2. In a bowl, combine the tomatoes, garlic, thyme, o

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Cedar Crest Chiropractic October 2019

2 cup basil, packed • 1 small garlic clove • 1 tbsp pine nuts, toasted • 2 tbsp Parmigiano-Reggiano

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Cedar Crest Chiropractic February 2019

Cedar Crest Chiropractic February 2019 CEDAR CREST CHIROPRACTIC 1028 S. Cedar Crest Blvd. Allentown,

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Cedar Crest Chiropractic July 2019

2 lb. sliced bacon • 1 oz. butter • 1 lb. boneless chicken thighs • Salt and pepper to taste • 10 oz

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Cedar Crest Chiropractic - April 2019


April 2019

Dr. Paul Braadt

1028 S. Cedar Crest Blvd. Allentown, PA 18103 • 610-776-2005 •


I’ve spoken to you in the past about my two main goals for my patients: getting you out of pain and educating you on how to create a healthy lifestyle so you can focus on chasing your dreams as you move through life. Part of creating a healthy lifestyle is taking action to increase your happiness and longevity. I’ve met many elderly people throughout my life, and those who were the happiest and lived the longest communicated with others to minimize loneliness; they actively participated in living. My wife and I watched a program on CBS called “Sunday Morning” that described a new “epidemic.” The former surgeon general of the U.S. under President Obama stated that loneliness affects your health as much as 15 cigarettes a day. Loneliness contributes to a predisposition for all diseases. The British Government has established a “Loneliness Secretary” in response to this problem. Like many of you, I grew up with holiday traditions. On Easter Sunday, we all dressed in our finest, went to church, and then came home to personalized Easter baskets for my five siblings and me. My favorite treats were a huge chocolate egg with my name on it filled with coconut — including a yellow yolk — and a chocolate bunny which I loved biting the ears off. My parents were prepared for the resulting “sugar high” as they watched us running around the house. They kept us focused on our visiting family and friends who arrived for the Easter feast my mother prepared. I grew up in a 16-room, three-story, 100-year-old home in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. I was the oldest of six children with live-in grandparents and uncles and aunts always stopping by to visit. Needless to say, I was rarely alone and never felt lonely. I grew to learn that I was lucky to have

with others. Maybe join a group, like a church or a gym, that does an activity you enjoy. Communities need volunteers. Maybe invite someone lonely over for dinner like a relative, neighbor, friend or coworker. Think about how you can increase your communication with others aside from texting and online platforms. Have you been meaning to call someone or meet in person but just haven’t taken the time to schedule it? So have I. Whatever action you decide to take, hopefully it will help increase your communication, minimize loneliness for yourself or another, and increase your happiness and longevity. Have fun chasing your dreams!

such an involved family, despite the fact that, as a teen, I would lock myself in my room since it was my only available hiding space. My wife, daughter, and I try to keep holiday traditions alive by including family and friends. I realize that not everyone had a positive family experience, but regardless of your family situation, I think you can agree that it’s hard to be lonely when you invest time in an activity you can look forward to enjoying. On this same “Sunday Morning” episode, they profiled a man who, at age 27, retreated into the woods and never spoke to anyone for 17 long years. During this time, he came to the conclusion that he needed to be in communication with others. So he decided to do something about it; he found a wife, and together, they created a family.

In knowledge and health,

–Dr. Paul Braadt

If we want to increase our happiness and longevity, we need to be in communication

Safe, Effective Healthcare Without Drugs & Surgery


Everyone knows that walking is healthy for us, but not very many people have the chance to stretch their legs. With a busy schedule, you might not have the luxury to get up earlier and get a quick brisk walk in. But that doesn’t mean routines can’t be changed. Walk to Work Day is an unofficial holiday that encourages people to walk more in their daily lives. Finding the time to walk for 30 minutes a day can help you lose weight, reduce the chance of heart disease and diabetes, and improve emotional and mental health. A LITTLE HISTORY Walk to Work Day takes place on the first Friday of April every year and has been celebrated since 2004. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services promoted the holiday with enthusiasm as a way to counter the alarming rise in obesity and health issues throughout the country. Since its debut, Walk to Work Day has been picked up by people, businesses, and organizations across the world to inspire people everywhere to exercise more. OBSERVING THE HOLIDAY To celebrate Walk to Work Day, simply slip on your walking shoes, grab a portable breakfast, and head out the door! Be sure to bring an extra outfit and shoes with you as walking in high heels, dress shoes, and/or dress attire can be uncomfortable. For people who don’t have the time, try taking a short walk around the workplace during breaks or lunch. Getting in a 15-minute walk during the day will help you feel more refreshed and ready to get back into the grind. You can also invite other coworkers or friends to walk with you. OTHER MODES OF TRANSPORTATION Although Walk to Work Day encourages people to walk, there are other ways to get to work without having to drive. Biking is an excellent means of transportation and can be helpful for people who might have a longer commute. If you don’t own a bike but are still in need of a quick transport between two locations, you can hop on an electric scooter. These scooters have appeared across America over the past year or so and have proven handy for individuals needing to get from point A to point B quickly. Walk to Work Day offers a perfect chance to change up your routine for a more active lifestyle. Let this holiday be the first step in many that will come! WALK TO WORK DAY A Start to a More Active Life

People are concerned about having a heart attack; your MD is likely concerned as well. He’s modified his advice over the past several years to focus on  lowering your blood cholesterol to a number below 200. He might have advised you to take a statin drug, which 25 percent of the population regularly takes to reduce their risk of heart attack. However, there is an alternative to being drug dependent for life , suffering from side effects like liver failure, muscle wasting, and no statistical advantage over people not taking statins.  The pharmaceutical industry has based this Cholesterol Lowering Strategy on a major study called the Framingham Heart Study. The director of this study, Dr. Castelli, declared that both Total Cholesterol and LDL Level don’t have any significant predictive power for cardiovascular disease. The Physician Heart Study and other studies have confirmed this.  A 2007 study looked closely at the Framingham >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

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