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Cellino Law - July 2021

4 cup brown sugar Directions 1. In a bowl, soak wood chips in water overnight. 2. In a large bowl, m

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Cellino Law - December 2021

3 cups raisins • 2 tbsp hot water • 2 cups powdered sugar Directions CANDLES CELEBRATION JINGLE JOLL

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Cellino Law - May 2021

2 tbsp fish sauce • Juice of 1–2 limes, to taste • 4 small shallots, thinly sliced • 4 green onions,

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Cellino Law - September 2021

11 Why Compassion Drives Lisa King Meet one of our Senior Trial Attorneys 3 Johnson & Johnson Sunscr

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Cellino Law - June 2021

2 — and his wife keep him very busy. He is also devoted to CrossFit and watching the New England Pat

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Cellino Law - October 2021

services. I hope you’ve found this information helpful and will share it with the people you love. T

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Cellino Law - November 2021

2 tsp honey • 1 tsp Dijon mustard • Salt and pepper to taste CIDER CORNUCOPIA FEAST GALES GATHERING

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Cellino Law - April 2021

4 cup grated Parmesan cheese, divided Directions 1. Preheat oven to 425 F and grease an 8-inch squar

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Cellino Law - March 2021

Cellino Law - March 2021 March 2021 Advisor A True Family Business 4 Generations of L

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Cellino Law - February 2022

pillow-talk) This package includes wristbands with heart rate sensors, small speakers, and various c

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Cellino Law - August 2021

August 2021 Advisor

You’ve probably heard super hot summer days referred to as the dog days of summer. Did you know that the phrase has an interesting origin that dates back to ancient Greece. Grecians noticed that the bright star Sirius — AKA the dog star — lining up with the sun corresponded to the hottest days of the year. Sirius is part of the constellation Canis Major, which is how it got its name. That phrase got me thinking about my love of dogs and the different canine companions I’ve had throughout my life. My childhood dog, Harvey, was my first experience with a pet. We lived in a heavily wooded area at the time, so Harvey was primarily an outside dog. He really had a great life running around in the forest, following his nose, and coming home for food and some affection from us. Harvey lived to be about 15 years old, so he’s in a lot of my childhood memories. The next dog that made an impression on me was a Kerry blue terrier named Colonel. He belonged to my wife, Anna Marie, before we got married. In fact, I met Colonel when we started dating. Kerry Blues are known for their strong will and loyalty, so it might not come as a surprise that Colonel wasn’t my biggest fan. Every time I came over, Colonel would latch onto my pant leg and growl at me. Despite his seeming disapproval, my relationship with Anna Marie progressed. Anna Marie’s family had a tradition of owning Kerry blue terriers and naming them Colonel, perhaps because of their personality. We continued that naming tradition with our current dog, though we chose a different breed. Our 2-year-old miniature goldendoodle Colonel also latches onto my leg when I come home, but she’s so affectionate it’s more like a hug. There’s no growling to speak of! The Dog Days of Summer Ross Reflects on His Favorite Pets

Though my wife does a lot of the caretaking for Colonel, our dog is head over heels for me. She follows me around when I’m home and waits by the door for hours to greet me. I told my wife my secret: Each time I eat, Colonel eats, and I give her a little bit of what I’m having. She loves smoked salmon and steak as much as I do. To my wife’s credit, she’s diligent about feeding her just the vet-recommended amount. But my little treats don’t seem to be negatively affecting Colonel’s weight. In fact, the vet says she’s perfectly healthy. We both love having Colonel around. Pets are a great way to de-stress at the end of a long day or week, and they have a way of making sure their owners get outside to get fresh air and exercise. It’s always nice to come home knowing that Colonel will be at the door to greet me and give me a hug. If you have pets, make sure to keep them cool in these dog days of summer. Hopefully crisp fall weather is on the way!

Cellino and the lawyers that have worked for him have recovered over $2 Billion in Settlements for their clients ––––-Ross Cellino 800-555-5555 1 $2 Billion

Given the choice between an elderly person living alone in the countryside and a young recent college graduate living in a major metro area, who do you think would have a greater chance of experiencing loneliness? While many seniors do suffer from loneliness, you may be surprised to learn that people in their 20s and 30s experience loneliness today more than any other age group. In fact, the post-college years are when loneliness peaks despite opportunities to interact with others in the workplace or other social environments. A Front Row Seat to Everyone’s Highlight Reel When you view someone’s social media, chances are you’re seeing a “highlight reel” of their life. When you compare your behind-the-scenes footage to that highlight reel, it can leave you feeling unaccomplished and isolated, which further leads to loneliness. Given that millennials are very involved with social media, it’s no wonder their age group is lonelier than any other age group today. WHY SO MANY YOUNG PEOPLE ARE LONELY And How to Stop It

Attorney Spotlight: Allan Silverstein Bronx Native, Experienced Attorney

Allan Silverstein is the Managing Attorney at the Cellino Law in Manhattan. He’s also a proud Bronx native whose family role models helped shape his career path.

“I was born and raised in the city and worked my whole life here,” he says. “I became a lawyer because of role models like my uncle, who was a lawyer, and my desire to help others. I was always taught by my family to stick up for those who cannot stick up for themselves.” Those values, plus his longtime fascination with history, politics, and political figures like Abraham Lincoln, who had a background in law, are what ultimately led him to pursue a career in law. He worked his way through college and took law school classes at night while working in the City of New York’s controller’s office during the day. This job gave him experience on the defendant side of personal injury claims, but it was clear to Allan that wasn’t where his passion lay. Allan now has over 30 years of experience representing plaintiffs on personal injury cases, and he still loves coming to work every day. “My job is my passion, and my work here is my priority,” he says. “I get great satisfaction when I’m able to help somebody who’s been hurt as a result of somebody else's negligence. When they feel they have gotten a measure of justice and they express gratitude and thanks for our help, it’s a rewarding feeling.” Though the last year and a half has been unprecedented, Allan says he’s focused on communicating with clients and keeping them updated on their case and where the court system is at. This exceptional communication does not go unnoticed. Here are what two recent clients had to say: “I would definitely recommend Allan Silverstein to anyone injured in an accident. Allan was very patient, professional, kept me well informed, and answered all questions that I had. He has been a lawyer for a long time, and he clearly shows it.” –Michael C. “Allan Silverstein is the most patient, attentive, and driven lawyer I’ve ever encountered. I recommend this law firm to anyone and everyone seeking compensation for an accident, injury, and all other law services.” –Donta W. Outside the office, you can catch Allan rooting for the Yankees or any other professional New York sports team. He also loves playing racquetball, traveling, and spending time with his wonderful wife of over 35 years and their daughter and her husband, who just welcomed a baby into their family.

The Post-Dorm Friendship Drought Even before the advent of social media, people moved away from the conditions that created friendships when they left their college dorms. According to sociologists in a 1978 study, there are three conditions that lead to making friends: “proximity, repeated and unplanned interactions, and settings that encourage people to let their guard down.” Young people are much less likely to come across these conditions in their lives after college. How to Fix It Loneliness isn’t easy to tackle. It takes time and effort to alleviate, and it starts with actively looking for opportunities to form relationships with other people. It can be scary putting yourself out there, but you might be surprised by how accepting other people can be. Rejection is always a possibility, but so is the remedy to your loneliness. You’ll never know how many future friends you may have until you get out and look for them!

2 Legal disclaimer. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. Attorney advertising.

Weed Killer Linked to Parkinson’s Disease What You Need to Know About Paraquat

groundskeepers, and landscapers use the spray to kill weeds before planting or to dry out plants before harvesting. Because of its toxicity, the Environmental Protection Agency began requiring those who apply the paraquat to be certified and have special training in 2019. Anyone applying the spray is required to wear personal protective equipment because of how toxic the spray is when inhaled or ingested. Nevertheless, many are inadvertently exposed to the chemicals when nearby agricultural operations apply it. New studies are showing that this exposure can more than double your risk of Parkinson’s. This potentially fatal disease affects the nervous system, which controls how our bodies move. Symptoms include tremors, slow reflexes and voluntary movement, impaired balance, loss of speed or coordination, stooped posture, muscle spasms, and stiffness. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease after exposure to paraquat weed killer, the lawyers of Cellino Law would be honored to seek financial justice for your injury. Contact us at 800-555-5555 or visit us online at

You may be familiar with the lawsuit brought against the makers of Roundup, a popular weed killer whose ingredients were found to be dangerous and cancer-causing. Sadly, another popular herbicide, paraquat, is now being similarly scrutinized. Evidence suggests that paraquat is linked to Parkinson’s disease, a progressive and incurable disease that affects the nervous system. While paraquat has been banned by over 30 countries, and it’s prohibited for use in home gardens, schools, playgrounds, parks, and golf courses here in the U.S., it is still used in agricultural operations in this country. Farmers, Sudoku Break

Tomato and Watermelon Salad (Yes, Really!)


Bon Appétit magazine calls tomato and watermelon “soul mates,” and they’re right! This surprising gourmet salad will be a hit at your next barbecue.


• 1 tsp peppercorns, coarsely crushed • 1 tsp coriander seeds, coarsely crushed • 1/2 tsp cumin seeds • 1/2 tsp turmeric • 1/4 cup coconut oil • 4 cups seedless watermelon, rind removed and cut into 1/2-inch cubes

• 2 heirloom tomatoes, cut into 1/2-inch cubes • 8 oz feta cheese, cut into 1/2-inch cubes • Sea salt, to taste


1. In a small saucepan, sauté spices and herbs in the coconut oil for 3 minutes over medium heat to create turmeric oil. Take the pan off of the heat, then let it cool. 2. Combine the watermelon, tomatoes, and feta on a large platter or in a bowl. Drizzle with cooled turmeric oil. Now, simply sprinkle with sea salt and enjoy!

800-555-5555 3


420 Lexington Ave, Suite 830 Manhattan, NY 10170

I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E 1 Ross Reflects on His Favorite Pets 2 Why Are So Many Young People Lonely? Attorney Spotlight 3 Weed Killer Linked to Parkinson’s Disease Tomato and Watermelon Salad (Yes, Really!) 4 Want to Save on Your Next Vacation?

5 Tips for Your Next Affordable Getaway

Are you excited to explore the world again? Or maybe you've just gotten back from your latest vacation! In either case, the economic challenges of the pandemic might require travelers to plan their trips a little smarter. Here are five tricks to do just that.

choice — with the help of this site, you’ll get over 50%–75% savings on highly rated airlines. Not only does this save you money, it saves you the time and stress finding the cheapest flight on your own. 3. Travel in a group. If you travel with friends, your expenses become a lot more manageable. Let’s say you and a partner travel with two other couples — renting a swanky cabin at $200 a night will only cost around $33 per person. Plus, you will create some amazing memories together. 4. Plan your meal budget ahead of time. Looking forward to eating certain dishes? Find local menus and prices to ensure you don’t spend more than you planned. If you want an authentic and homestyle culinary experience, consider signing up for a peer-to- peer dining

experience through Traveling Spoon or Bon Appetour, which is tax-free as well.

1. Consider your budget while choosing your destination.

5. Consider volunteering for vacation.

Any destination heavily impacted by tourists is going to be more expensive to visit. So, for example consider taking a tour through various French countryside towns instead of Paris. Not only could it be more culturally immersing, but it may even be more relaxing and less stressful than visiting a populous city. 2. Sign up for Scott’s Cheap Flights. One of the most important parts of planning an affordable vacation is booking it at the right time. Scott’s Cheap Flights will track all the cheapest flights at an airport of your

Want to go on a self-discovery trip? Why not cut your expenses in half by volunteering? For example, Habitat for Humanity offers a nine- day Mexico trip for $1,200 with lodging, food, and activities included. You’ll get to build structures and create something permanent for the local community while experiencing the rich culture of the country you're visiting.

Traveling on a dime is no sweat with the right tools. Best of luck, traveler!

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