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Center For Pediatric: Tips On Vacationing With Children

Kids Health The Newsletter About Taking Care Of The Ones That Matter Most

“Give Your Child The Best Summer Trip Experience Possible! ” Effective Tips On VacationingWith Your Children


Vacationing with kids isn’t quite the same as vacationing on your own or just with friends. As adults, the idea of jetting off into the sunset and enjoying the sites while having lots of downtime to recharge and relax is thrilling and enticing. Add a few kids to the mix and the idea of scheduled downtime can be one of the most intimidating concepts out there. Kids require planning. There needs to be activities, there needs to be proper accommodations and there needs to be easy access to food, bathrooms and a proper napping location. As difficult as it can be to plan a vacation that is enjoyable and relaxing for parents and kids, doing so with a child who has special needs makes the accomplishment that much more of a challenge.

• Effective Tips On Vacationing With Your Children • Could Your Child Be Uncooperative During A Vacation Due To ADHD?

• Staff Spotlight

• Pool Therapy

(continued inside)

Kids Health The Newsletter About Taking Care Of The Ones That Matter Most

“HowShould I Plan For A Successful VacationWithMy Children? ” Effective Tips On VacationingWith Your Children

The Key to Success: Plan Ahead! Planning your vacation ahead of time is the only way to ensure that you will have the accommodations you need for everyone to have a good time. Think of your schedule at home. So much of what helps a special needs child have a good day is repetition and predictability. When you remove “home” from the equation, you are automatically removing familiarity. Keeping as much of the schedule in-tact as possible will help your child thrive. As great as it may be to fly by the seat of your pants and to go where the wind takes you, this is not ideal for a child with special needs, and if your child is unhappy, you are not likely to enjoy your vacation. The best thing to do for everyone involved is to plan everything ahead of time. Know where you are going, where you are staying, where you can eat, what you are doing, what time you’ll be done and what you’ll need to accommodate everyone in your family to ensure that you all have a great time, wherever you end up. Take Medical Precautions Once youknowwhat toexpect,consultyour child’s physician.Beingprepared means having a long list of contingencies. Before leaving town you need to check with your child’s pediatrician and ensure that you have all of the following: • A list of any prescription drugs your child is taking, with a copy of each prescription in case you need more or you need to show someone proof • A physician’s description of your child’s condition, which will be helpful in the event you need to seek emergency care • Phone numbers, e-mail addresses or any other necessary contact information for your child’s physician, as well as the best numbers to call in the place you are going. Ask your child’s doctor for a recommendation in case you need care on the road. Of course, make sure that you have your health insurance cards and phone numbers. If you are traveling overseas, you may want to investigate travel insurance thatwouldexpediteyouraccess tomedicalcareatyourdestination. Pack, and then Pack More It is a good idea when you are traveling with any children to over-pack, but this is especially important when preparing for a vacation with your special needs child. Think of contingencies, consider emergencies, and always be prepared for the worst. One good idea is to pack a separate emergency bag that has essentials in it, and to keep it with you as you travel. If you rent a car, keep this smaller duffle with you instead of having everything in the hotel. That way, if you need to seek emergency care you won’t find yourself racing around an unknown city trying to gather the belongings you need to care for your child.

Finally, keep in mind that a family vacation is for the entire family. You don’t need to pick a spot that is tailored to your special needs child, you just need to think about what you and your family will need to do in order to keep everyone in the family happy and healthy throughout your stay. Go for happiness and comfort over perfection. Planning a vacation like this can be very stressful, so keep that in mind and try to plan outings for yourself that will help you have a good time while you are away from the office, too. Make arrangements ahead of time for child-care with someone who is capable of caring for your special needs child and make the most of an evening or day seeing the sites and enjoying yourself away from the kids, then jump back into enjoying your family time with gusto. Having the right attitude and being willing to do a little extra work in the best interest of your children will help your vacation go off just right. Sources special-needs-travel

Can Your Child Be Uncooperative During A Vacation Due To ADHD?

Pediatric Therapy for ADHD. Many doctors recommend behavior therapy as a form of treatment for young children diagnosed with ADHD. The therapist can suggest alternate behaviors to use in different situations. For instance, through therapy an ADHD child can discover a healthy way to cope when the urge strikes to act out in a violent or disruptive way. There are several techniques a therapist can employ to alter the child’s negative behavior at home and during a vacation. One method is positive reinforcement. The basis of this technique is to catch the child doing something good and reward the behavior. The reward can be as simple as getting five extra minutes of TV. If this method is unsuccessful, the therapist may suggest the parent withdraws privileges when the child is not behaving. There can also be a combination of the two techniques where the child can earn stars or points toward prizes and lose stars or points when the behavior is not on point. Pediatric therapy is also useful for children who are struggling socially. ADHD children may have difficulty interacting with their peers and have the inability to make lasting friendships. The therapist may meet one on one with the child or set up a peer group with a small number of kids diagnosed with ADHD. Peer groups allow children to interact under the supervision of a therapist who can provide feedback on conflict resolution

and practicing good social skills. Parent involvement is essential for pediatric therapy to work. The therapist can educate the parent on how creating a structured environment will help keep the child on task. Top 3 Tips for Parents. ADHD treatment must continue at home to make a positive impact on a child’s overall behavior. Keep in mind the following three tips when parenting a child with ADHD: • Good Nutrition: Medical studies have proven the effectiveness of a well-balanced diet for ADHD children. Children should eat a diet rich in protein, fruits, and vegetables. Whole foods are best for children with ADHD with a reduction in foods high in sugar. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, ADHD children should not consume foods with yellow or red dye, aspartame, sodium benzoate, MSG, and nitrites. • Better Sleep Habits: Bedtimes need to be consistent with a wind-down period beforehand. A relaxing bath and story before bed may be a good ritual to start. Avoid screen time before bed since this may make it difficult for the child to get sleepy. • DailyRoutines: Setuppredictableritualsathome to help your child know what to expect. Hang up a schedule for your child to view, allowing her to see what time she is waking up each morning, doing homework, bathing, mealtimes, and going to bed. Keep afterschool activities to a minimum to avoid

overwhelming the child. Parents, therapists, and doctors can all band together to supply the child with the tools he needs to manage his symptoms. In the end, he’ll feel more self-control and confidence as he learns to succeed without complete reliance on medication. Source issues/conditions/adhd/Pages/Behavior-Therapy- Parent-Training.aspx html diets#2


Congratulations to Tia Hawker on completing her Clinical Fellowship Year and earning her Certificate of Clinical Competency (CCC) from the American Speech & Hearing Association. A native of Southside Virginia, Tia is committed to serving children with speech and language delays and disorders throughout our community.


Drowning is among the leading cause of death for children with autism. In 2008, Danish researchers found that the mortality risk among the autism population is twice as high as the general population. They are stereotypically terrified of the water or fearless...rarely is there an in between. The Center for Pediatric Therapies offers pool therapy to patients in Danville, Lynchburg and Martinsville. Building Blocks Center for Children with Autism, our private day school, also uses the pool in Danville to offer swimming lessons for our students. Lorrie Laming, a Behavior Technician at Building Blocks, is also a certified lifeguard. Lorrie is a fantastic motivator for students who are apprehensive about getting in the water. Having a lifeguard who also has the behavior (ABA) training like Lorrie is essential to the swim program at Building Blocks. POOL THERAPY A Fun & Active Way To Reduce Pain!

Benefits of pool therapy: • Teaches water safety and breathing skills • Helps improve balance, posture, and coordination • Improves the child’s social skills • Helps with cognitive improvements • Can be used as relaxation therapy • Vital in specific students’ sensory integration programs

Photos of Lorrie Laming and student CJ


Center for Pediatric Therapies values each of our patients and believes that every child is truly special. We invite you to share your child’s experience with CPT by leaving us a review on Facebook. Simply log onto Facebook, visit our page @centerforpediatrictherapies then click Reviews to tell people what you think. We’d love to hear how physical, occupational, and speech therapy have impacted your child’s life.

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“ We’ve been coming to CPT for years now, and they are fantastic. Their therapists do so well with the kids, and they genuinely just want to help. ” - Mandy M.
