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Centra: How Bad Posture Affects The Body

Health & Wellness

“Increase Productivity By Improving Posture!” HOWBAD POSTURE AFFECTS YOU

When was the last time you looked in the mirror or saw a photo of your posture? If you suffer from frequent aches and pains, your posture may be to blame. In today’s society, we spend an increasing amount of time sitting looking at the TV, computer screen, and looking down at our phones. If you fit into this category, then changes in your posture can have numerous negative effects on your body. (continued inside)

INSIDE • 5 Steps To Improve Posture

• Exercise Essentials • Patient Spotlight • Free Analysis • Staff Spotlights

Meet Heather &Melanie! Read more about them and our new specialty program inside!

Health &Wellness

5 Steps To Improve Posture | Exercise Essentials | Patient Spotlight | Free Analysis | Staff Spotlights

HOWBAD POSTURE AFFECTS YOU “ Don’t Let Others Notice Your Bad Posture Before You Do! ”

What happens to your body with bad posture? Forward head posture – This creates strain on the neck, shortening the muscles in the back of the neck. Neck pain, radiating pain to the shoulders or arms, chronic headaches, and even low back pain can result. Mid-back slouching – This can change the shape of your ribs and drive your head forward over time. The result can be pain in the mid-back and problems with your neck. Eventually, compression of your lungs, heart, and digestive system can occur, causing internal problems. Low back - Low back pain is very common with poor posture. The back muscles have to contract excessively to keep you upright, causing you pain. Bad posture also causes abnormal wear and tear on the low back, increasing the risk of arthritis in the spine. Hips and legs – With sitting for prolonged periods, the hip joints lose range of motion and the muscles in the front of the hips stiffen. These tightened muscles then pull on the low back, causing low back pain. Walking – Your center of gravity changes with bad posture, causing your balance to decline. In addition, weakness to the hip muscles with prolonged sitting causes problems with walking. All these changes can have a serious impact on your mobility and ability to walk safely. The good news is that with the right physical therapy treatments, a lot can be done to help you regain proper posture and quickly relieve back and neck pain. Call us today to learn how we can help you live a pain-free life!

“Improving Your Posture Is Easy!” 5 STEPS TO IMPROVE POSTURE

Good posture is an ongoing fight against gravity. Gravity wants to pull you to the floor and your muscles have to counteract that to keep you upright. While your posture may have changed over the years, the good news is that there is a lot that you can do to improve your posture and reduce your pain: 1. PHYSICAL THERAPY – We are experts in evaluating posture and guiding you on the proper techniques to change your posture and reduce your pain. Call us if you are having frequent aches and pains. We can examine your posture and put you on the right road to a pain-free life. 2. GET UP FREQUENTLY – When working at a computer or sitting in front of a TV, get up at least every 30 minutes to walk around for at least one minute. 3. PROPER COMPUTER SETUP – Make sure that your desk chair and computer are at the proper height. Having a proper ergonomic set-up is key to maintaining proper posture at work and at home. 4. SITTING PROPERLY – Sitting upright with your feet on the floor (don’t cross your legs) keep a small gap between the back of your knees and the chair. 5. EXERCISE FREQUENTLY –Walking, running, stretching, and strengthening certain muscles are very important. Strengthen your back and neck muscles to maintain a better posture.

To see how we can improve your posture, eliminate your pain and get you back to the activities you love to do, call us today!

Healthy Recipe


Ingredients • 1 lemon, thinly sliced • 4 sprigs fresh rosemary

• 2 salmon fillets • Salt to taste • 1 tablespoon olive oil

Directions Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). Arrange half the lemon slices in a single layer in a baking dish. Layer with 2 sprigs rosemary, and top with salmon fillets. Sprinkle salmon with salt, layer with remaining rosemary sprigs, and top with remaining lemon slices. Drizzle with olive oil. Bake 20 minutes in the preheated oven, or until fish is easily flaked with a fork.

Thank you for the positive experience! “As each year closes it has been my habit to identify someone meaningful in my life and write them a note expressing my appreciation. In the past, it has been someone who has especially helped me or others or someone I have really enjoyed getting to know better. This year my note goes to Centra Rehabilitation Nationwide Drive for those reasons and many others. I started care there in August 2016 with Dr. Heather Brumfield and graduated on December 28, 2017 with Dr. Melanie Marks. It has been my pleasure to get to know them both and benefit from their expertise, compassion and encouragement. Their knowledge and ability to adapt when my body didn’t respond “by the book,” and willingness to try yet “one more thing” was amazing. They took the time to know me and helped me find balance between the benefits of rest and therapy and the demands of life. They saw me through numerous appointments, a very stubborn first rib, delays from two surgeries, insurance requirements, billing snafus and a few days when conversation was lost in frustration and pain. The last two years have been medically challenging and packed full of doctors’ appointments and as I “made the rounds,” Nationwide rehab staff were always professional, prompt knowledgeable, kind, personable and encouraging. So, thank you to Nationwide rehab for the positive difference you have made in my life; you are appreciated!” -Lynn P. Patient Spotlight

Staff Spotlights Heather Brumfield, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS, ART/C

Melanie Marks, PT, DPT, SCS Melanie has been practicing physical therapy for over 19 years. Melanie has volunteered as a sideline physical therapist with local high schools for the past 17 years and enjoys working with athletes of all levels and abilities to help them return to play. Her special interests include sports medicine, orthopedics, manual therapy, treatment of the throwing athlete and patients with shoulder, elbow, knee and ankle conditions. Melanie practices at our Nationwide Drive location.

Heather has been practicing as a Physical Therapist in the Lynchburg area for over 13 years. She has many advanced certifications and is passionate about helping others with their recovery from injuries and/or illness. She enjoys treating a variety of conditions and has a special love for the spine. Heather practices at our Nationwide Drive location.

Do you want a natural solution to your pain? Gain your freedom from pain medication and avoid costly surgery with physical therapy!


People who go to physical therapy experience: Natural relief for aches and pains Less difficulty in reaching or bending More social activity More energy More strength Better days at work

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February Is Heart Health Month

Do you have pain while reaching or bending? If you are not moving like you once were. Please don’t hesitate to come in for a check up and get back on track to feeling great again. Call the clinic nearest you today! 1. Aim for lucky number seven. Young and middle-age adults who slept 7 hours a night have less calcium in their arteries (an early sign of heart disease) than those who sleep 5 hours or less or those who sleep 9 hours or more. 2. Keep the pressure off. Get your blood pressure checked every 3-5 years if you’re 18-39. If you’re 40 or older, or if you have high blood pressure, check it every year. 3. Move more. To keep it simple, you can aim for 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week of moderate exercise. Even if you exercise for 30 minutes a day, being sedentary for the other 23 1/2 hours is really bad for your heart. 4. Slash saturated fats. To help your heart’s arteries, cut down on saturated fats, which are mainly found in meat and full-fat dairy products. Choose leaner cuts and reduced-fat options. 5. Find out if you have diabetes. Millions of people don’t know that they have this condition. That’s risky because over

time, high blood sugar damages arteries and makes heart disease more likely. 6. Think beyond the scale. Ask your doctor if your weight is OK. If you have some pounds to lose, you’ll probably want to change your eating habits and be more active. 7. Ditch the cigarettes, real and electronic. Smoking and secondhand smoke are bad for your heart. If you smoke, quit, and don’t spend time around others who smoke as well. E-cigarettes are popular, but they’re not completely problem- free. They don’t contain the harmful chemicals in cigarette smoke but, they still do contain nicotine, so your goal should be to quit completely, not just switch to a less toxic version. 8. Clean up. Your heart works best when it runs on clean fuel. That means lots of whole, plant-based foods (like fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds) and fewer refined or processed foods (like white bread, pasta, crackers, and cookies).

Relieve Aches & Pain In Minutes Without Pain Medication! Try these movements if you are experiencing pain.

HAMSTRING STRETCH - WALL Lie on the floor in a doorway. Rest your leg against the wall. Scoot through the doorway until you feel a stretch up the back of your thigh. Hold for 6 seconds then repeat 10 times on both sides.

PRONE ON ELBOWS Lying face down, slowly raise up and prop yourself up on your elbows. Look forward, and hold for ten seconds. Repeat 8 times.

Stretches Lower Back

Relieves Low Back Pain


Always consult your physical therapist or physician before starting exercises you are unsure of doing.

ENJOY THE SEASON WITH FAMILY! Fun Activities To Do In The Winter

1. Enjoy the snow as a family. What better way to celebrate this season than to spend a little time outdoors in it? Rather than huddling in your nice, warm house, take some time to bundle up and enjoy the snow. Build a snowman, go sledding or have a family snowball fight. If you want to see the snow but not be in it, setting up a family nature walk is a great way to appreciate the beauty of winter. Spot different varieties of birds, collect leaves and twigs or take time to notice how things change with each season. The best part about being outdoors is you can always top it off with some nice hot chocolate and winter treats as a family. 2. Go ice skating. One great thing about living in Virginia is the accessibility of awesome resources like the ice arenas. Take advantage of that by going ice skating as a family. Even the elderly can enjoy some time on the ice with a walker or other arena provided resources. 3. Craft it up. Keep the family activities free and fun with some at-home and do-it-yourself style craft projects that can be catered to family members of all ages. From making paper

snowflakes to indoor snowmen and edible snow, these tips and ideas are sure to provide hours of family fun with items you probably already have. Schedule an appointment with our physical therapists for a consultation on any risks or health conditions you may be concerned with. We’ll help you accomplish your active goals before the season ends!

Kenner, Kari. “Top 10 Winter Break Activities for Families: Fun Ways to Keep Kids Busy until School Starts.” Daily Herald, 26 Feb. 2014, families-fun-ways-to-keep/article_b79c4fdc-7246-11e3-8a04-0019bb2963f4.html.

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