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Champion Firm, P.C. March 2019

Champion Firm, P.C. March 2019 2675 PACES FERRY ROAD SE, SUITE 260 ATLANTA, GA 30339 Personal Injury

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Champion Firm, P.C. - February 2020

4 cup peanut butter for 30 seconds, then drizzle peanut butter on top of balls. Freeze balls for ano

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Champion Firm, P.C. - April 2020

Champion Firm, P.C. - April 2020 2675 PACES FERRY ROAD SE, SUITE 260 ATLANTA, GA 30339 Personal Inju

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Champion Firm, P.C. - May 2020

4 cups sugar, baking soda, salt, and 2 cups flour. Email your answer to [email protected] b

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Champion Firm, P.C. - January 2020

Champion Firm, P.C. - January 2020 2675 PACES FERRY ROAD SE, SUITE 260 ATLANTA, GA 30339 Personal In

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Champion Firm, P.C. May 2019

champions-in-the-classroom to cast your vote. Voting ends on Wednesday, May 22, 2019, and the teache

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Champion Firm, P.C. - October 2019

2-inch pieces parchment paper and bake for 20 minutes. 4. Let cool for at least 30 minutes and mix i

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Champion Firm, P.C. April 2019

Champion Firm, P.C. April 2019 2675 PACES FERRY ROAD SE, SUITE 260 ATLANTA, GA 30339 Personal Injury

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Champion Firm, P.C. September 2019

4 cup pecans, coarsely chopped Directions 1. Heat oven to 350 F. 2. In a mixing bowl, mix all fillin

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Champion Firm, P.C. August 2019

Champion Firm, P.C. August 2019 2675 PACES FERRY ROAD SE, SUITE 260 ATLANTA, GA 30339 Personal Injur

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Champion Firm, P.C. - March 2020


Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Attorneys hampion Firm, P.C.


MARCH 2020


As a parent, there are a few signs that let you know you’re doing a pretty good job. I’d like to think one of those signs is if your kid likes reading because I was pretty happy when my daughter started showing an interest in books. My daughter really likes the read-along books you can download from Apple’s App Store. Our iPad has a full library of them! Lately, she’s really gotten into the National Geographic Kids books. She has “Little Kids First Big Book of Dinosaurs,” “Little Kids First Big Book of Space,” and “Little Kids First Big Book of Why.” That last one has all those questions kids ask, like “Why do seeds grow?” and “Why do I have to eat vegetables?” It’s definitely a book I recommend to parents whose kids are in that inquisitive stage. I’d like to think my daughter has inherited some of her reading habits from me. I’m not a big fan of fiction books, but I really enjoy reading biographies or books on current events. As a business owner, I also read plenty of leadership and marketing books. My Kindle is full of books like Simon Sinek’s “Start With Why” and “The Infinite Game.” These books really examine how we define success and what it takes to be successful. “The Infinite Game” came out last year, and I really enjoyed it. We have a habit of viewing life with a “winner takes all” mentality, like it’s soccer or football, where the goal is to win. But neither business nor life is really like that. Life is an infinite game where the only goal is to keep playing. By embracing this infinite game, we can become more resilient. I really like books that make me rethink my approach to life. Jeff Olson’s “The Slight Edge” is another book like this. Olson suggests that success isn’t the result of dedicating a huge amount of time into a massive undertaking. Instead, real success comes from giving yourself a slight edge with simple habits. If you want to be healthier, you don’t have to eat kale at every single meal. Instead, you could choose to drink water instead of soda at dinner. Every little decision adds up.

This mentality reminds me of another book I highly recommend, “Wooden on Leadership.” This book is by coaching legend John Wooden, and it’s all about how he created championship basketball teams. Wooden never focused on winning; he only focused on the process. For example, he taught his players the right way to put on their socks and tie their shoes to prevent blisters or injuries. Wooden never told his team to win games, but when he coached the UCLA basketball team, they won more national

UCLA Coach John Wooden Bettmann/Getty Images

championships than any other team. The building block of doing the small things right all add up. If you only read one book this year, make it “Wooden on Leadership.” That said, I think everyone should read way more than just one book this year. March 2 is Read Across America Day, so it’s a good time to reevaluate our reading habits. People ask me how I find time to read among being a lawyer, running my own firm, and being a dad. I don’t have a lot of time to read, so I have to make time. When I go to bed, I’ll read a book for 15–20 minutes. It’s not a lot of time, but it’s a great way to unwind. I also like having my Kindle with e-books on me, so if I have a chance to read at my desk during lunch, I can break out a book.

There’s a lot of great books out there that can teach us how to go further in life. If we don’t make time to read them, we can miss out on a lot. –Darl Champion

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When a teenager is involved in sports, it’s easy to show support for their passion. You take them to practice, go to their games, celebrate their victories, and help them learn from their losses. But what if your teen is more into arts than athletics? Without a literal sideline to cheer from, helping your child grow and develop in fields like writing, painting, and photography can feel — well, abstract. But make no mistake, parents can show concrete support in a few ways to help their budding artist grow and excel in the arts. Stars to Strive For Just as many young athletes have star players they look up to and try to emulate on the field, aspiring artists can look to those making waves in their artistic fields today. Often, school courses focus on “the classics,” which can just feel like homework to an aspiring artist. This is where you can help. Introduce the work of contemporary artists to your teen, or better yet, give your teen opportunities to discover them on their own. Trips to museums and libraries can be just as impactful on growing artists as going to a ball game. No. 1 Fan You may not have to drive your high schooler to writing practice, but you can still give them

the tools and support they need to hone their passion. The most obvious way is by asking to see their writing or art, but keep in mind many teens may not be willing to share something that personal. Still, reminding them you’re genuinely interested in their work can help them stick with their passion. Indirect gestures like buying them quality art supplies can also show them you value their craft. The Big Leagues Sure, there’s no varsity watercolor portrait team, but student artists can strive for important milestones. School clubs like student newspapers can provide a semiprofessional outlet for young artists, and there are myriad creative outlets outside the classroom as well. Community galleries, youth anthologies, coffee shop open mics — these are all amazing opportunities for your teen to take their work to the next level. Just as most teen athletes won’t be professional players, you don’t have to expect your artist to be the next Ursula K. Le Guin or Banksy. Whatever their interests are, helping your child explore their passions and enjoy a discipline will leave them with skills and memories they’ll draw upon the rest of their life.

Here’s What You Need to Know About Your Rights Injured in an Uber Accident?

Uber Accidents in Atlanta If you’re injured in an Uber accident in Atlanta, then you're entitled to UM coverage under your own insurance policy or under any associated policies if you are injured while riding in someone else’s vehicle. This means if you’re injured during an Uber ride in Atlanta, then you must alert all involved insurance companies as soon as possible. Failure to do so may prevent you from being able to claim a valuable source of insurance that can help cover for your damages. Accidents involving ride-share vehicles can be complicated because there are multiple parties involved: you, the Uber driver, the Uber company, and the other driver. The important thing to remember is if you are a passenger in a ride-share car and are injured in an accident, then insurance will cover you regardless of who is at fault. If you’re injured in a ride-share accident this St. Patrick’s Day or any day of the year, don’t let anyone tell you there’s nothing you can do. Call 404-596-8044 and talk to an experienced car accident attorney about your case right away.

St. Patrick’s Day is in a few weeks, and many people will be celebrating an evening of adult libations. For this reason, many partygoers will turn to ride-share apps like Uber to get home and keep the roads a little safer. This is a very responsible decision. But what if the Uber driver is in an accident and you’re injured in the crash? Or what if you’re hit by an Uber driver while driving your own vehicle? Who takes responsibility for the accident? Uber and Auto Insurance Uber provides liability insurance for its drivers and uninsured motorist (UM) coverage for Uber drivers and passengers. This means if you’re in an accident caused by an Uber driver, whether you’re the passenger or another driver, the company’s insurance should be responsible for the damage. There may be $1 million in liability insurance provided through Uber available to you. Additionally, if you are a passenger in an Uber and you’re injured in an accident caused by another driver, you may have access to $1 million in UM coverage, if necessary.


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March 16 marks the start of National Poison Prevention Week. The Champion Firm wants to do its part in spreading awareness because not many families realize just how important it is to lock away their household cleaning supplies or how dangerous the colorful packaging can be. More than two million poisonings are reported each year to the nation’s poison control centers. According to the American Association of Poison Control Centers, 93% of poisonings happen at home, and 45% of poisonings involve children under the age of 6. Why do so many children get poisoned? How can you prevent this from happening to your family? Keep track of substances. The last thing you want is to store harmful chemicals and substances inappropriately where children can reach them. Make sure lower cabinets are locked if they contain cleaners and chemicals and don’t use food containers to store them. They should be kept in their original containers. Also, keep all your medicines and other potentially poisonous substances labeled properly and either locked up or out of children’s reach. Be wary of carbon monoxide. Make sure you have a working carbon monoxide detector in your home — the best locations being in bedrooms and close

to furnaces. Carbon monoxide is known for being able to kill people in their sleep, and it causes 20,000 emergency room visits and over 4,000 hospitalizations a year. It can destroy your immune system and require a highly cautious lifestyle if you do survive. Clean up art supplies. Some art products are simply mixtures of chemicals and can be dangerous when not handled carefully. Make sure children use art products safely by reading and following

directions. You should never eat and drink while handling art products, and wash your skin and equipment after each project. It’s also best to keep your art supplies in their original containers. Don’t miss out on these ways to keep your household happy and healthy for years to come — but if you believe your poisoning has been caused at the fault of a company’s defective product, you can trust The Champion Firm to fight for you and your loved ones. Give us a call for a free case consultation at 404-596-8044.




See you at the pub!

Inspired by

• 2 salmon fillets (10 oz total) • 1 tsp salt • 2 tbsp ghee • 1 tbsp garlic, minced

• 1 tbsp fresh rosemary, chopped • Zest from 1 orange • 1/3 cup fresh-squeezed orange juice • 1 tsp tapioca starch

Feeling lucky? Put that luck to the test and you could win a gift certificate to the famous Meehan's Public House .

Just answer this month’s St. Patrick’s Day-themed trivia question: How many leaves are on a traditional Irish shamrock? Email your answer to tamsie@


1. Heat oven to 425 F, and line a sheet pan with parchment paper. 2. Salt each fillet with 1/2 tsp salt. Bake for 6–8 minutes. 3. In a saucepan, combine ghee and garlic and cook over medium heat for 3 minutes. 4. Add rosemary, zest, and juice. Cook for another 3 minutes. 5. Stir in tapioca starch until lumps disappear and mixture thickens. 6. Plate salmon and top with orange sauce. for a chance to win. Submissions must be received by Tuesday, March 31, 2020, to qualify. Congratulations to our January trivia champion, Colleen C. , who won a brand-new Amazon Echo!

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Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Attorneys hampion Firm, P.C.



M: 9AM—5:30PM, T: 9AM—5:30PM, W: 9AM—5:30PM, TH: 9AM—5:30PM, F: 9AM— 5:30PM


What Are You Reading? 1

2 2 3 3 4

Supporting Your Teen’s Art

Are Uber Accidents Too Complicated?

The Real Threat of Poison

Orange Glazed Salmon

3 Eco-Friendly Home Swaps to Make During Spring-Cleaning

YOUR GUIDE TO SPRING- GREENING 3 Eco-Friendly Home Swaps to Make When You Declutter

It takes a special kind of person to enjoy spring-cleaning. For most of us, the satisfaction of a clean house doesn’t quite outweigh the hours of scrubbing, sorting, and slogging through heaps of unnecessary stuff. If you’re struggling to find the motivation to start your spring-cleaning, try flipping the paradigm: Instead of spring-cleaning, think of what you’re doing as spring-greening, and make some eco-friendly swaps along the way. Here are a few ideas to get you started. 1. Swap your plastic spray bottles for bulk or DIY cleaning products. According to a Statista report, in 2019, the household cleaners market was worth more than $31 billion, and it’s continuously growing. You can save money on cleaning supplies by taking the green route. When your current stock runs out, try buying bulk cleaners or making your own. Both options will save plastic because you can reuse your bottles, and they can help you avoid the harmful chemicals found in most cleaners. Visit and read the blog post “Zero Waste Cleaning Supplies + Recipes” to get started. 2. Explore alternative laundry detergents. If you’re used to using a plastic jug of liquid laundry detergent, it’s time to step out of your comfort zone. This

spring, try exploring greener alternatives like plant-based bulk laundry powder (Molly’s

Suds is an excellent source). Or, if you’re feeling really adventurous, you can even try

adding all-natural cleaners like soap nuts or English ivy to your laundry loads. For more on the former, search “soap nuts” on, and read up on ivy detergent at 3. Say goodbye to paper towels. Paper towels are a mainstay in American homes, but do we really need them when a good old-fashioned rag can do the job? According to the Ocean Conservancy, 13 billion pounds of paper towels are tossed in the U.S. each year! This spring, quit paper towels and keep a stash of dish rags under the sink to do your dirty work. When you’re cleaning out your closet, you can even cut up old T-shirts and add them to your rag stash! If you’re brave, try giving up tissues, too — an old- school hanky does the trick. If you’ve made all three of these swaps, don’t stop there! To continue your green journey, visit any of the blogs mentioned above and start browsing.


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