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Chiro1Source - June 2022

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Chiro1Source - June 2021

stepdad club, I’d love to hear your fatherhood advice! Feel free to email me tips at Josh@Chiro1Sour

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Chiro1Source - June 2022

5-Year-Olds Taught My Son to Give Back! THE EASTER EGG LESSON

2022 JUNE

A few weeks ago, Marah, Bennett, and I were sitting in our pew at church listening to the minister say a prayer. He finished his recitation with “Amen!” and the rest of us echoed him. Right on cue, a little voice piped up from Marah’s lap.

I try to be a good example for Bennett, but luckily, he has plenty of other great role models around him as well. I was lucky enough to see that at our church’s Easter egg hunt this spring. At the hunt, Bennett was toddling around picking up eggs and putting them in his basket. I was proud he could do it himself, but it turned out he didn’t have to! Several other kids in the Growing Disciples program pitched in to help the little guy. Instead of filling their own baskets with eggs, they selflessly dropped their finds into Bennett’s Easter basket. I thought it was a really sweet scene. Those kids clearly care a lot about my son! In fact, afterward, their teacher came up to me and said, “You’ll never believe this — one of the kids told me his goal for Easter was to help Bennett get as many eggs as possible!” Bennett is the youngest kid in Growing Disciples and the others are always looking out for him. I think they set a great example on Easter and helped Bennett see that once you have plenty yourself the right thing to do is help others. My team and I have been really living that idea at Chiro1Source as well by giving back to charities like Feeding America with our profits. People and companies should definitely give back just for the sake of doing the right thing. But I’ve also noticed that every time I’m generous, what I give comes back to me and blesses my life. It’s a win-win. The Growing Disciples kids got to experience that on Easter. Marah ended up splitting Bennett’s candy with all of the kids who helped him fill his egg basket. So, their generosity was rewarded! Marah and I didn’t think about it at the time, but it just goes to show that when you help people get what they want, you’ll get what you want as well.

“Amen!” Bennett said.

I couldn’t believe it! Since then, he’s gotten it right almost every Sunday. I look forward to hearing it every time.

When I realized Father’s Day is coming up this month, that first “amen” moment popped into my head. As parents, I think sometimes we all wonder whether our kids are listening to us. Do they understand what we’re trying to teach them? Are they absorbing it, or is every lesson in one ear and out the other? Hearing Bennett say “amen” — something we never actually tried to teach him — reminded me that my words as a parent are powerful and so are my actions. He’s watching me all the time, and his little brain is like a sponge soaking up everything I say and do. Now, it’s up to me to say and do the right things. No pressure!

If I can keep raising Bennett with lessons like that, I’ll pat myself on the back on Father’s Day!

“Marah and I didn’t think about it at the time, but it just goes to show that when you help people get what they want, you’ll get what you want as well.”

Making a meal plan is a pain, but you still want to get all your necessary vitamins, minerals, and protein through everyday foods. Even if you’re not a cooking expert, you can employ a few very simple cooking hacks in the dishes you commonly prepare! You’ll be surprised how these little boosts can reap big, nutritious rewards. NO. 1: ADD QUINOA TO RECIPES. Want to add extra texture or color to your steamed white or brown rice? Mix it up with 1 cup of quinoa (any color) and another 2 cups of water or broth. Or, simply throw quinoa into any grain-friendly soup you’re preparing, like a simple chicken soup! Quinoa is rich in antioxidants and filled with fiber to lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels, reducing your risk of diabetes and heart disease. 3 EASY COOKING HACKS FOR BETTER NUTRITION

Have P Gut Issu THESE SUPP

When Marty Orefice’s son was just 2 years old, he was diagnosed with autism.

“At that time, I didn’t know what to do or where to turn,” Marty says. “My goal

was to help my son reach his potential and take away the sensitivity and pain he was in constantly. I dedicated myself to researching and studying everything I could to help him heal from the inside out.” That research led Marty to partner with chemists and nutrition experts. In 2017, he founded the supplement brand Aspire Nutrition, which creates supplements specifically to combat the symptoms of autism and ADHD, and heal gut problems like stomach aches and constipation. Marty and his son both took the supplements and saw amazing results.

NO. 2: REPLACE CREAM WITH ALMOND, WALNUT, OR OAT MILK. Cream is a popular mainstay in any American kitchen, but it doesn’t have to be dairy cream. Plant-based milk and creamer (such as almond, walnut, or oat milk) are often extra rich in vitamins and minerals and low in fat. They contain no cholesterol and are easy on your digestive system. Because they all have slightly different flavor profiles, you can pick your favorite! Walnut milk works surprisingly well in a creamy pasta sauce.

“After applying the principles I learned, I went from having recurring mono, adrenal fatigue, an ulcer, and deficient testosterone to feeling like Superman in a short period,” Marty says. His son, now 10 years old, is also doing well! He’s more social and free from pain and sensitivities.

NO. 3: ADD FROZEN SPINACH TO ALMOST ANYTHING. Fresh spinach quickly loses its folate, powerful vitamins, and nutritional

benefits over time, but spinach, frozen at its peak freshness, saves the day. That’s why frozen spinach is actually more nutritious than most fresh spinach at the supermarket! Whether it’s for pasta, pizza, scrambled eggs, cheese dip, a smoothie, or curry, frozen spinach is more versatile than you might think. Plus, studies show spinach may have amino acids that help reduce stress and depression! (BONUS) NO. 4: ADD CHIA SEEDS TO COLD DRINKS, YOGURT, BAKED DESSERTS, AND MORE! It’s easy to feel guilty for indulging your cravings for sweet tea, pudding, cookies, and cake. But if you add chia seeds, you might feel a little better about it! These

small seeds are densely packed with antioxidants, minerals, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids, all of which may promote heart health, support strong bones, and improve blood sugar management.

We hope these tips help make your favorite dishes a little more fun and guilt-free! Enjoy!

Patients With ues? Autism? ADHD? PLEMENTS COULD HELP

“Just in the past year, he got a black belt in karate, got a speaking and singing role in a play, and I just took him on his first ‘date,’ which was quite an experience. It’s adorable. He has turned into a little teenager now,” Marty says. WHO CAN BENEFIT FROM ASPIRE NUTRITION’S PRODUCTS? Aspire Nutrition’s products were initially created for people diagnosed with autism and ADHD but benefit everyone, especially patients with severe gut problems, skin issues, or brain fog. Marty’s entire family takes Aspire Nutrition’s “Core 4” products: Bio-Heal Pro+ (a 5-in-1 probiotic formula), Multi+ (an advanced multivitamin), Bio-Clear (a detox formula), and Beyond Omega (a blend of omega-3, 6, and 9 fatty acids that fights inflammation). WHAT MAKES THESE SUPPLEMENTS UNIQUE? Aspire’s Bio-Heal and Bio-Heal PRO+ supplements go above and beyond a typical probiotic to combat gut issues with more than 19 key ingredients. “Bio-Heal helps heal the lining of the gut, it helps you digest food, it has beneficial bacteria, and it has a brain booster as well. Everything is combined into one supplement in a very easy-to-serve format,” Marty says.

The Multi+ multivitamin is unique because it includes ingredients

in bioavailable forms that can be easily absorbed by the body, including things like a polyphenol whole food blend, Pycnogenol®, and gotu kola herb extract, which aren’t included in most multivitamins. Finally, many of Aspire’s products come in flavorless powders as well as capsules and drink mixes, making them more palatable for kids with taste and texture sensitivities. WHERE SHOULD YOUR PATIENTS START? Marty recommends starting patients on BioHeal Pro+, because “gut health is key to overall health!” Multi+ is another solid starting place. From there, patients seeing results can expand to the rest of the Core 4 and Aspire’s other products, Sound Asleep (for sleep and recovery), and Bio-Defense (an immune booster).

We’re big fans of the work Aspire Nutrition is doing to help kids and adults alike. To learn more about how their supplements can help your patients and their families, follow the QR code above!




P.O. Box 28 Farmville, NC 27828

A Lesson From 5-Year-Olds 1

3 Cooking Hacks to Eat Better 2

These Supplements Could Be Life-Changing 3 Read This Book to Boost Your Performance 4

And Gain Long-Term Business Success! Unlock Your ‘High Performance Habits’

Did “Atomic Habits” by James Clear change your life in 2018? Was “Tiny Habits” by BJ Fogg one of your top books of 2019?

As you can see, these aren’t your basic healthy habits like “drink water” and “get eight hours of sleep”! Burchard calls the first three “personal habits” and the last three “social habits,” and in the book he uses real-life examples to explain each habit. He also offers daily exercises that will help you form them. It takes multiple keys to unlock each habit. For example, to demonstrate courage, Burchard says you must “share your truth and your ambitions” by telling someone about your goals every day. But that alone isn’t enough. To truly form the habit, you also need to reframe struggle and zero in on someone worth fighting for — whether that’s your team, your clients, or your children. “High Performance Habits” is a business book, but it’s also a personal development book. It will force you to dive deep into your strengths, weaknesses, and motivations to unlock your real high- performance potential. You can use it to fit more tasks into a day, increase your confidence, or become a better leader — whatever your business needs!

If you’ve read those two bestsellers, you’re a step ahead of most entrepreneurs. But you might still be sleeping on one of the original books on the power of habits, which is packed with gems you can’t find anywhere else: Brendon Burchard’s 2017 read “High Performance Habits: How Extraordinary People Become That Way.” Brendon Burchard is a legend in the world of personal development coaching. called him “one of the most successful online trainers in history,” and more than 2 million people have taken his online courses. But with the help of your local library, you can start learning his secrets to success without paying a cent. In “High Performance Habits,” Burchard recommends six specific habits that will help you reach your personal and business goals. He calls this the HP6 model.

1. Seek clarity. 2. Generate energy. 3. Raise necessity.

4. Increase productivity. 5. Develop influence. 6. Demonstrate courage.

Pick up a copy today to see why Andrew Burns of Medium calls this “the epitome of a book that needs more than one read.”

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