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Choice P: Hip & Knee Arthritis // 3 Year Celebration

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Choice P: Hip & Knee Arthritis // 3 Year Celebration

Move to Live Your Resource to Moving Well and Living Life

CHEERS FOR 3 YEARS!!! “Ouch!” We’re not sure there will ever be a day where we won’t need to be pinched to make sure this is all real life. It doesn’t seem too far away when opening an outpatient practice was something that we wrote on a goal sheet or spoke about over dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. Soon after we realize the pinch is just starting to sting, our thoughts immediately shift towards how grateful we are to be doing exactly what it is we are doing, surrounded by the most incredible community there is.

We know this is not an acceptance speech, but sometimes it feels like the teleprompter is telling us to “Hurry up.. only ten seconds left..” when we could both go on and on about how fortunate we are to not only be in the position we are, but also for the experiences we’ve had in the three short years sincewe opened our doors June 15th, 2015. The idea of renovating an old car wash into an open concept physical therapy practice was just that, an idea. We went on walk through after walk through of other medical clinic settings, vanilla boxes if you will, and nothing quite hit the spot like what we felt walking through “the old car wash on Campbell Ave”. Still to this day we refer to our building as such when people ask where we are located. What we didn’t know then though was how friendly, loyal, and supportive the Eastside and neighboring communities were, and how lucky we were to be joining the other reputable businesses in the area.

We want to sincerely thank everyone for the immediate and ongoing support of Choice PhysicalTherapy. Each day we get the opportunity to meet a new family, a relative, a colleague, or a friend of a patient we’ve already cared for, is a good day. We truly feel our team is second to none. Their personal and clinical growth , responsibility to their careers as physical therapists, compassion for the well being of our community, and contribution to our team, is truly enlightening to observe. We are fulfilled to be able to give back to our community through our #Choose2giveback campaigns and look forward tomany more in the future. Personally, the ability to be able to support the community that is supporting us, provides the utmost satisfaction.

Thanks again, Erin & Joe

Move to Live Your Resource to Moving Well and Living Life


We sit to eat. We sit to drive. We sit at our computers. We sit during meetings. We sit to read. We sit to watch TV, to use our phones, tablets, and laptops. Needless to say, we do our fair share of sitting. Research studies have linked prolonged sitting to a number of health conditions: high blood pressure, obesity, high blood sugar, increased risk of heart disease and cancer. Over the past few years this topic has been circling the news and gained a lot of publicity, some reports even claiming that sitting is the new smoking. I don’t know about you but I enjoy taking a seat and kicking my feet up. So, what are the big takeaways from the sitting research we mentioned earlier? First, we need to limit the amount of time we’re sitting by incorporating breaks to get up and move. Second, I think the way we’re sitting is very important (not in terms of the health risks discussed earlier but in regards to taking stress off our neck, low back, and the rest of our body). How long is too long to be sitting? Make sure you’re sitting less than eight hours per day and be sure to get up and move around from your seat every 30 minutes. Now, like we said, we need to (and like to) sit throughout the day. How many times have you been sitting on the couch watching a TV show (which turns into two, then three shows, before you realize, it’s midnight, you’ve watched the entire season and you’re out of ice cream...I know, me too) and after it’s done you feel like the tin man trying to peel yourself off the couch? You’re hunched over, bones are making weird noises, and it takes a couple minutes to “get things loosened up”. What if a couple quick changes to your sitting posture could make a real difference?

Steps to Correct Sitting:

1. Feet should be flat on the floor (yes both of them).

2. Hips should be positioned higher than your knees (if someone is looking at your from the side).

3. Try to sit directly on your “sits bones” or the bony part of your butt. Once you’re there, tip your pelvis forward so you’re sitting just slightly in front of your “sits bones”. That’s the sweet spot, try to maintain that position.

4. The best posture is the one that is always changing. Even the “perfect” posture held for a long enough period of time can stiffen you up.

Have a great July! Joe


Do you remember the dog days of summer? Anyone who grew up before the fateful invention of the internet knows that a three-month summer break felt likeaneternitybymid-July. Ifyouweren’tplayingsportsordoing chores, chances are you were facing down that tidal wave of boredom, and those “I’m bored” moments were a nightmare for parents. As a grown-up, your relationship with boredom is different. With a busy schedule, you likely relish having no plan, no place to go, and no one to see. For kids, modern entertainment and technology keeps them more stimulated than ever before, but that doesn’t mean they’re happy. In fact, Psychology Today reports too much screen time disrupts sleep and desensitizes the brain’s reward system, causing kids to be more irritable, exhausted, and depressed. In other words, computers aren’t great babysitters. The truth is, there is always something for the kiddos to do. It’s simply a matter of peeling their fingers away from their iPads and teaching them what summer is all about. Sit the family down and create a summer bucket list. Grab a big piece of paper or a whiteboard and start jotting down activities. Let the kids help create the list.They’ll probably come up with some less-attainable ideas (financially or logistically), but it’s good for them to dream! If you can’t cross it off the list this summer, maybe it’s a big goal to work on for next summer. That said, encourage free or inexpensive activities. With better weather, outdoor activities in the park or backyard are easier. Add gardening, water balloon fights, stargazing, and chalk art to the list.These activities are so classically enjoyable, even the gloomiest adult can have fun.

Keep adding to the list until you run out of ideas. Once the summer bucket list has been made, tack it to the wall and refer to it when you need an idea to cure the boredom. This exercise alone teaches kids to use their imagination and helps them better understand the value of time. As an added bonus, if your kids aren’t easily motivated to do chores or yard work, the bigger ticket items on the list might serve as rewards for good behavior and hard work. After all, summer wouldn’t be summer without a little sweat — just like the good old days.

Exercise Essentials Try this movement if you are experiencing leg pain.

Healthy Recipe: Salmon Burgers

• 1 cup finely chopped red onion • 1/4 cup thinly sliced fresh basil • 1/4 tsp salt • 1/4 tsp ground black pepper • 1 pound salmon fillet • 1 tbsp hot pepper sauce • 1 large egg white • Cooking spray • 8 slices focaccia, toasted

Stretches Calfs

STANDING CALF STRETCH Start by standing with one foot in front of you. Lean forward slowly and you should feel a stretch in your back calf. Keep your back knee locked if you can.

Combine first 5 ingredients in a large bowl. Combine hot pepper sauce and egg white in a small bowl; add egg white mixture to salmon mixture, stirring well to combine. Divide the mixture into 4 equal portions, shaping each into a 1/2-inch-thick patty. Heat a large nonstick skillet over medium- high heat. Coat pan with cooking spray. Add salmon patties, and cook 3 minutes on each side or until desired degree of doneness. Serve patties on toasted focaccia.

CALL TODAY! 518.203.6761

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Your Team @ Choice PT Your Team @ Choice PT E W V V F Y G Y Z L S C D M D A N N E S F M K R T S C S Y R T A U O C H H Q A I E B C M M E E M M D M V A Z K J F R S A O H P C L E O P A A C X T T B Z I E Z P R I J W L O E V G A Y A Q V M I F M L S N W H E R E Q D N E F E B K H Q A Y S P H N O A N I C O L E K N E E Q Z M F H E W V V F Y G Y Z L S F J L O M T W C D M D A N N E S F M N H F S O C N K R T S C S Y R T A U P D E A V O L O C H H Q A I E B C M N C K A E D L M E E M M D M V A Z K A J H B L Y L J F R S A O H P C L E K N B O H T I O P A A C X T T B Z I R T T A I I H E Z P R I J W L O E V V I L H C C P G A Y A Q V M I F M L O E N Z A K E S N W H E R E Q D N E L W P I Q H G F E B K H Q A Y S P H Y S I C A L Y N O A N I C O L E K N E E Q Z M E W V V F Y G Y Z L S F J L O M C D M D A N N E S F M N H F S O K R T S C S Y R T A U P D E A V O C H H Q A I E B C M N C K A E M E E M M D M V A Z K A J H B L J F R S A O H P C L E K N B O H O P A A C X T T B Z I R T T A I E Z P R I J W L O E V V I L H C G A Y A Q V M I F M L O E N Z A S N W H E R E Q D N E L W P I Q F E B K H Q A Y S P H Y S I C A Your Team @ Choice PT

Patient Success Spotlight

Find the following words in the puzzle. Words are hidden and . Find the following words in the puzzle. Words are hidden and . Find the following words in the puzzle. Words are hidden and .

“I came to Choice Physical Therapy after having surgery on my thumb joint. I wasn’t able to write, open a container or brush my teeth with that hand. Sarah helped me be able to do all of that in a very short time. Everyone is so friendly and caring here. I can’t say enough of what a great place this is to come to.” – S.S. I can’t say enough of what a great place this is to come to!












#ChooseToGiveBack with CPT SUMMER SWAG

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Created using Word Search Generator on Super Teacher Worksheets (

What’s better than warm summer weather, and newCPTswag tokeepyoucoolduringyourday?? When proceeds from your purchase are going directly to a local charity! We are selling men’s and women’s tank tops and light athletic shirts to benefit YWCA of the Greater Capitol Region, which is located righthere inTroy,onFirstStreet. Working to improve the lives of women, girls and communities of color through advocacy, local programming and services, this charity is one that we at Choice PT are proud to be able to support. YWCA is on a mission to eliminate racism and empower women, and we want to help! Stop in or call if you do too.

Created using Word Search Gen Super Teacher Worksheets (www.superteac

YWCA.. get it?!

Gratefully, Erin : )