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Conner Marketing APRIL 2018

NOTES with Jay Conner Success

APRIL 2018


H ere’s a story I’ve never told before: Why am I a real estate investor?

“If you are in a transaction, it needs to be a win for all parties involved. Otherwise, you have no business being a part of that deal.”

Now, this is a different story than how I became a real estate investor. The "how" is very simple: I got into real estate investing in 2003 after consumer financing was pulled from the manufactured home industry. I’d spent my whole life around real estate and manufactured homes. My father, Wallace Conner, sold over 100,000 homes to over 100,000 families across the nation before he retired. It was a huge part of my life. I would have never left the manufactured home industry, but when the manufactured home industry left me, I knew I needed to find a new path. Fortunately, I found that new path, thanks to our dear friends Kim and Craig. My wife, Carol Joy, and I are both close to them, and they were able to finance their dream home by flipping a house. They got some help from Kim’s father, who was a real estate investor down in Florida. He came up to North Carolina to help them out, and within 90 days, they had $25,000 in profit. They had enough for the down payment, and I remember thinking, “If I ever have to move on from the manufactured home industry, I want to flip houses.” In 2003, the time had come to make that move, and here we are 15 years later. That’s the how, but the why is another matter. What has kept me in the industry for 15 years? I will tell you right away, it’s not the money. A lot of people get into real estate investing with money as their “why.” They want to have big houses, fancy cars, fancy country club memberships, and luxury vacations. But no matter what industry you’re in, material possessions should never be your “why.”

tells us we should enjoy the fruits of our labor. When you work hard to earn good money, you should enjoy it. But when we make the mistake of working hard just to earn money, we ultimately find ourselves living an unsatisfied life. Years ago, back when I was still in the manufactured housing industry, I had a conversation with a friend who was very successful in business. He was smart, hardworking, and a respected leader of the industry. And he made a lot of money. But one day, we were out getting lunch, and he asked me, “Jay, why am I not satisfied? I am making all this money. I’ve got the boats, the motorcycles, a nice house, and I even have an airplane! So why am I not satisfied?” The reason this successful guy wasn’t satisfied is the same reason I’m telling you not to let money be the only reason you’re a real estate investor: Stuff doesn’t last. Nice stuff can go away, and then what are we left with? We need to dig deep when we ask ourselves “Why?” We need to look at what’s really important to us and how our work will give us not just things, but meaning. How does our hard work leave us fulfilled as well as financially secure?

Don’t get me wrong — I like the nice things in life. And there’s nothing wrong with enjoying your hard-earned wealth. The Bible

Continued on page 3 ...

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‘No Problem’ vs. ‘My Pleasure’ Sendi

When someone says thank you, how do you respond? It’s a core tenet of customer service that has inspired much debate. It may seem trivial, but the way you talk to clients matters. With marketing campaigns and relationship building, chances are that your business invests heavily in attracting new clients and retaining old ones. But often, a client’s decision of whether or not to continue to do business with you comes down to old-fashioned conversation. That’s why Forbes, The New Yorker, The New York Times, and countless internet forums have published articles on the phrase “no problem.” People can and will get irked by the wrong response to gratitude. The Chick-fil-A franchise goes so far as to require its employees to always reply, “My pleasure.” Should you pay this much attention to what your employees say? Absolutely. In his book “Age of the Customer,” Jim Blasingame observes that products and services don’t set you apart from the competition in the minds of your clientele: their experience with you does.

Ensuring that the unique relationship you have with your clients stays positive is well worth developing some standard practice guidelines for your team. What these guidelines should look like depends on your business. Examine your marketing materials and your demographics. What kind of experience do your clients expect from you? How can your customer service meet or reinforce this expectation? Work to create a standard for customer communication that fits your company culture and the people you serve. For some businesses, this means that “no problem” may be just that. If an informal, down-to-earth vibe fits your business, this millennialism may be harmless. But it doesn’t do you much good, either. The problem with colloquialisms is that everyone uses them. In many cases, a “you’re quite welcome,” or even a “my pleasure” can make an otherwise forgettable interaction stick out in the minds of your clients.

3 Secrets of Successful Business Videos

Engaging videos are the darling of modern marketing, and when companies do videos right, they can be hugely successful. But when they miss the mark, they might go viral for all the wrong reasons. Here are three steps I practice to ensure a successful and meaningful video. Use Bullet Points to Stay on Subject

Guerin, executive producer at Adelie Studios, reports 53 percent of people who watch business videos leave after one minute. Your videos should be between five and eight minutes. Tell a Story That Supports Your Topic Incorporate an interesting story, and keep it conversational to support and highlight your subject. This will keep the attention of your audience.

Even if the person in your video is the leading expert on the topic, you still need a plan for what they’re going to say. Lay out the facts. If someone sends you an eight-minute video, how likely are you to watch it? Eric

Stories are always persuasive. Have a Call to Action

It’s important to have a specific call to action that will benefit both you and your audience. The call to action should be very clear, easy, and compelling. Videos are a great way to have your information reach more people. My favorite platforms are Facebook and YouTube. Remember these tips to give your next business video a boost so it stands out above the rest.

2 • • PO Box 1276, Morehead City, NC 28557

... Cover article continued When I ask myself why I’m a real estate investor, this is my answer: I’m in it to SERVE . The greatest way to find fulfillment in life is to live in service. It’s not enough to serve myself. I also want to serve my family, my friends, my church, my students, and my community. Back when I worked with my dad, he taught me his philosophy, which I live by to this day: “If you are in a transaction, it needs to be a win for all parties involved. Otherwise, you have no business being a part of that deal.” This is something I am able to practice. • The seller who sold the house wins. The seller had a problem, and they wanted to sell their house for whatever reason. The property might have been for sale by owners, or maybe they were headed toward foreclosure. In any case, I’m able to come along and solve the seller’s problem by buying the house from them. • When I fund a deal with a private lender, the private lender wins. By investing in my business, they get a high rate of return safely and securely in a way they can’t find anywhere else. • Did you know that 70 percent of Americans cannot go to a bank and get a mortgage to own a home? Since I sell a lot of homes by offering my rent-to-own program, I’m able to help the buyer win and help them enjoy the American dream of homeownership when they may not have been able to otherwise. • And the last win is for Carol Joy and me. Being a real estate investor allows me to bring these people together, creating wins in four different ways. And isn’t it great to be compensated for doing something you love? Being able to help people win is a big reason why I’m a real estate investor, but in this industry, there are so many ways a person can use their skills and talents to feel fulfilled. Some people really love rehabbing homes. Others, like myself, love getting a great team together to get the job done. There’s a creative process when you look at a house in distress and ask, “How can I turn this property into a beautiful home?” And there’s a strategic aspect when you look at how to successfully market yourself to bring in potential lenders. When I am involved in a real estate transaction, there are four people who win:

g the Right Message

Ephesians 6:7-8 With good will render service, as to the Lord, and not to men, knowing that whatever good thing each one does, this he will receive back from the Lord. Luke 22:27 For who is greater, the one who reclines at the table or the one who serves? Is it not the one who reclines at the table? But I am among you as the one who serves. Proverbs 22:9 He who is generous will be blessed, for he gives some of his food to the poor. Have You Heard the Good News ... As It Relates to “Serving”?

I’m a real estate investor because it fulfills my passion. So, here’s the most important question: Why are you a real estate investor?

–Jay Conner

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Call Now! (252) 808-2927

PO Box 1276 Morehead City, NC 28557 INSIDE THIS ISSUE


What’s Your ‘Why?’ page 1 The ‘No Problem’ Problem page 2 Make Your Next Video Go Viral page 2 Real Estate Cashflow Conference page 4

Register now at or call (252) 808-2927 - Meet Jay’s private lenders - Get private money - FREE Rehab Bus Tour (see Jay’s rehabbed homes!) - Meet Jay’s “Dream Team” (his interior designer, contractors, Realtors, real estate attorney, and buying and selling assistants) - VIP reception

- Learn Jay’s automation techniques Event Dates: April 11, 12, 13 Register NOW! REGISTER NOW!

4 • • PO Box 1276, Morehead City, NC 28557

Published by The Newsletter Pro •