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Conner Marketing April 2019

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Conner Marketing APRIL 2018

Conner Marketing APRIL 2018 NOTES with Jay Conner Success APRIL 2018 WHY AM I A REAL ESTATE INVESTOR

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Conner Marketing February 2019

Conner Marketing February 2019 NOTES with Jay Conner Success FEBRUARY 2019 The Best Resources for Pr

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Conner Marketing March 2019

Conner Marketing March 2019 NOTES with Jay Conner Success MARCH 2019 7 Lessons in a $70K Deal I beli

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Conner Marketing - September 2019

Conner Marketing - September 2019 NOTES with Jay Conner Success SEPTEMBER 2019 The Ant Farm Strategy

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Conner Marketing January 2019

ChatBotMagazine . Technology continues to evolve and is constantly affecting the business world in n

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Conner Marketing June 2019

Conner Marketing June 2019 NOTES with Jay Conner Success 3 Ways to Fund Your Real Estate Deals Witho

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Conner Marketing May 2019

Conner Marketing May 2019 NOTES with Jay Conner Success MAY 2019 The Bandit Sign Hack Attack I f you

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Conner Marketing August 2019

Conner Marketing August 2019 NOTES with Jay Conner Success AUGUST 2019 5 Ways to Build a Long-Term,

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Conner Marketing August 2017

7, nor should they be. We all experience sad days and hard times, and pain should not be flippantly

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Conner Marketing June 2018

student asks, “What if a seller or buyer asks me a question that I don’t know how to answer?” or “Wh

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Conner Marketing April 2019

NOTES with Jay Conner Success Better, Faster, Stronger With Business Bionetics APRIL 2019 W hen I started teaching and training other real estate investors how to run their businesses and attract private money, my goal was to be 100 percent authentic. I only teach strategies I have used myself because that’s the only way I can know these strategies will work for my students. said, “I would give my life to play like you play.”

Bach responded bluntly, “Ma’am, that’s exactly what I did.” Bach was one of the greatest piano players ever to live, and he got there by committing his whole life to music. Even if you aren’t considering going into business, if you want to find any sort of success or

My good friend and colleague, Chaffee-Thanh Nguyen, is a fellow real estate investor and an expert in personal development. Chaffee attended my live event in March. He’s been in the business for many years and recently launched his new course, Business Bionetics: How to Get an Extra Leg Up on Your Competition. This course applies to businesses in all areas, including real estate investing. I’ve gone through this course, and I was so impressed by Chaffee that I want to share some of his lessons with my readers this month. First Principle: Commitment How devoted are you? As Chaffee points out in his seminar, the idea of commitment has changed a lot over the years. Back in the day, what you said was what you did. Your word was your bond. Today, we see people breaking commitments all the time — both little and big ones. Keeping our commitments is at the core of who we are. It’s a sign of our integrity. When you promise to do something, even if it’s as small as calling someone back, you need to do it. The way we handle small commitments shows how we handle big ones. It’s like the old saying, “How you do anything is how you do everything.” Recently, I was referred to someone I could potentially do business with. I’d never met this person before, and the first step was to schedule a conference call over email. This call is my litmus test for their commitment. Will they be at the call on time? If they aren’t committed enough to do something as small as make it to a conference call, how can I trust them in deals with tens of thousands of dollars on the line? Business is all about integrity. If you consistently keep your commitment and prove yourself to be a person of integrity, that shows in your business. In return, people will want to do business with you. You’ll also find that your business thrives because you are fully committed to it. There’s a story about a woman who attended a piano concert performed by Johann Sebastian Bach. She was blown away by the beautiful music and Bach’s talent. After the concert, this woman got the chance to talk to him, and she

meet your goals, start by keeping the commitments you make to your friends, your family, your colleagues, and yourself. Success comes when you’re willing to move heaven and earth for your commitments. Second Principle: 3 Feet FromGold In the most influential book on modern business management, “Think and Grow Rich,” Napoleon Hill tells the story of Mr. Darby and his uncle who discovered a gold vein in Colorado. They returned home, raised money to buy equipment, and returned ready to strike it rich. Mr. Darby and his uncle initially found more gold, but it wasn’t long before it all dried up. They pushed a bit further, but after finding nothing, they cut their losses, selling the equipment and the rights to the mine. The individual who bought Mr. Darby’s old land didn’t give up so quickly. He hired an expert to map out the mine. What they discovered is that Mr. Darby and his uncle were only 3 feet away from the biggest vein of gold ever discovered in the United States at that time. The man became incredibly rich because he didn’t give up. I can only image howMr. Darby felt when he heard about this. But instead of getting discouraged, he saw it as a lesson. Mr. Darby made a commitment to never give up like that again, knowing he was just 3 feet from gold. Through persistence, he built the largest insurance company in the country, because he never took no for an answer. Whether you’re a billionaire or you're broke, we all have one thing in common: We will face surprises in life. For example, the bank may suddenly cut off your Continued on Page 3 ...

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According to a survey conducted by Randstad, 60 percent of American employees either quit or strongly considered quitting their jobs last year. That’s a number that should terrify any business owner. However, instead of panicking, consider this record-breaking moment in U.S. employment history an invitation to take a long, hard look at your organization. Are members of your team waiting for the perfect moment to bail? And if so, why? It’s not because the majority of employees are ruthless careerists or disloyal money-grubbers. If we look at Mental Health America’s 2018 Workplace Health Survey, it mostly boils down to the fact that over half of American employees feel unappreciated, unsupported, and disrespected by management. In fact, 21 percent of respondents said that instead of being paid what they deserve, they’re nickel- and-dimed when raise season arrives, and 77 percent believed that instead of being lifted up for their accomplishments, employees were forced to toil away in the corner, feeling invisible. Sadly, scarcely more than 34 percent of respondents believed they could rely on the support of their managers and colleagues.

The numbers paint a disheartening picture of the average workplace. If you’ve been a manager for a long time, it can be difficult to imagine how frustrated an undervalued member of your team can feel and how these feelings can spread throughout your organization, leaving all your employees discontented. It’s imperative to listen and respond to your employees’ concerns. It takes more than instituting an open-door policy and relaxing work requirements — two characteristics of healthy workplaces, as rated by respondents. You need to commit resources to eliminating the problem. Start with the highest-level leaders of your business. Work with them on how to interact with the rest of your team in more human, empathetic, and responsive ways. Training and assessments are a good start, but you may also need to revamp the mentality and core values of your company. In a world where finding a new job is easier than ever, managers cannot afford to ignore the needs of their employees. Evolve and acknowledge the emotions in your workplace or risk losing all that you’ve invested in your top performers.

‘Rhinoceros Success’

Scott Alexander’s Secret to Charging Full Speed Toward Every Opportunity

“A rhinoceros charges with singleness of purpose. All energy is directed toward the attainment of one burning desire. The reason you are so dangerous is that once you set yourself charging at something, nothing can distract you.”

happy because they find balance in all six major areas of life: financial, work, physical, family, social, and spiritual.

Though it was first published in 1980, the lessons in “Rhinoceros Success” are even more relevant 40 years later. With easy access to the distractions of technology and social media, it’s even more tempting to become a cow who leisurely watches life pass them by. But this is not the path to success or happiness. As Alexander puts it, rhinoceroses find success because they “have an audacity attack every day.”

–Scott Alexander, “Rhinoceros Success”

The world is full of cows. This isn’t a knock on any person’s physical appearance or commentary on farm animals. This is a fact brought to light by Scott Alexander in his incredible book “Rhinoceros Success: The Secret to Charging Full Speed Toward Every Opportunity.”

While this book might sound like a dry mantra geared toward the alpha go-getters, Alexander knows the value of humor. His unexpected comedy serves to pepper in laughs and make his message all the more memorable. This masterful balance of self-help motivation, framed in an almost comedic narrative, is why “Rhinoceros Success” is a book for everyone. At its core, “Rhinoceros Success” is about the importance of going all-in in every area of your life. If you want something, whether it’s a happy family, better physical health, a closer spiritual connection with God, or a successful business, you have to be willing to commit entirely to your goals with no hesitation and no fear; you have to be willing to CHARGE!

It’s so easy to become complacent in life. But when we settle into routines and decide to be okay with things being “good enough,” we become cows who forever stay on the safe side of the fence. But being a cow will never get you anywhere in life. It’s only the people who find their inner rhinoceros, who see every challenge as a hurdle to break through and charge forward when they want something, who become truly successful. Though Alexander covers how to be financially sound in business, he also points out that true success isn’t measured by money. Rhinoceroses are

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Cover article continued ... real estate funding, like what happened to me before I found private money. The top common trait all billionaires have is resilience. When life surprises them or the going gets tough, they don’t give up. Ultrasuccessful individuals are willing to make huge commitments and sacrifices to realize their dreams. In Business Bionetics, when Chaffee discusses the importance of resilience, he quotes Professor Albus Dumbledore from the “Harry Potter” books: “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” It doesn’t matter how talented you are; it’s only by making the choice to be resilient and stick to your commitments that you can move forward. Third Principle: Come From a Place of Giving I consider this to be the most important principle of Chaffee’s Business Bionetics. It is something I practice and have discussed many times with my students: the importance of having a servant’s heart. When you do business, it doesn’t matter if it’s real estate investing or anything else, you cannot come from a place of thinking, “What’s in it for me?” The people you do business with can tell when you’re only after your own best interests, and they will constantly wonder how you’re trying to take advantage of them. Instead, come with a mindset that what you are doing will help people. When you focus on helping others, nothing else matters. This means you need to be 100 percent convinced that the world would be worse off if you weren’t offering your product or service. Years ago, I got into some business opportunities solely to make money. This meant my focus was entirely on me and my own interests. Thank goodness I learned and grew out of that mindset. I’ve been able to raise and attract millions in private money because when I got into the business of private money, my focus was on what I could do for the people in my life. Right now, I’mworking with 48 private lenders, and because I came to them from a place of giving, their only complaint is, “Why didn’t you tell me about this sooner?!” Don’t get me wrong; the purpose of business is to make money. But the purpose of my business and my purpose are two different things. The purpose of my real estate investing business is to make money. My purpose is to serve people by going out and offering them the best value. When I fulfill my purpose, my business is able to fulfill its purpose. By approaching my business with a servant’s heart, I’m able to make sure there are four different people who win in every deal I make. The seller wins, the buyer wins, the private lender wins by getting high rates of returns safely and securely, and then my team and I win. It is entirely possible for everyone to win when your focus is on helping others. We’ve covered a lot, but I assure you this is only the tip of the iceberg from Chaffee- Thanh Nguyen and Business Bionetics. If you’re interested in learning more from Chaffee, I encourage you to check out his website . Additionally, if you’re eager to learn more about boosting your real estate investing business and getting more funding for your deals, you’re in luck! My next event is coming up in June. If you attended my last live event in March, you know the value in store. And if you missed the last event, register at now so you don’t miss out!


2 Corinthians 9:6–7 "Now this I say, he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. 7 Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." Hebrews 13:16 "And do not neglect doing good and sharing, for with such sacrifices God is pleased." Have You Heard the Good News … As It Relates to "Giving"

I take great pride in being able to offer valuable information frommy own experiences as well as wisdom from other industry leaders, like Chaffee. I look forward to seeing you at June’s event.

–Jay Conner

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Call Now! (252) 808-2927

PO Box 1276 Morehead City, NC 28557



Powerful Real Estate Investing Secrets pages 1 and 3 Why Employees Are Quitting in Droves page 2 Are You a Cow or a Rhinoceros? page 2 Don't Miss This Exclusive Mega- Money Event! page 4

Register Now at or call (252) 808-2927 - Meet Jay’s private lenders - Get private money - Get a FREE Rehab Bus Tour (see Jay’s rehabbed homes!) - Meet Jay’s “Dream Team” (his interior designer, contractors, Realtors, real estate attorney, and buying and selling assistants) - Attend the VIP reception - Learn Jay’s automation techniques

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